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专业化产业区的起源与演化——一个历史与理论视角的考察   总被引:96,自引:1,他引:96  
在最近十年中 ,中小企业在特定地理空间大规模集聚形成的专业化产业区是浙江经济发展和产业组织发展的一种最为重要的形式。本文探讨了专业化产业区的生成机制 ,基本假设为任何两个产业的发展都存在产业特定性要素和重叠性要素的竞争 ,而产业特定性要素在特定地理空间的大规模集聚解释了专业化产业区的起源与演化。  相似文献   

产业集群概念的产生并日益深入人心,是理论和现实发展演进的必然结果。探索产业集群的本质特征与效率基础,是推进这项研究的首要任务。产业集群的本质特征可以概括为四个方面,即地区专业化、经济活动的空间集聚、网络组织及其社会植根性、后福特制生产方式;而接近经济、规模经济和集体效率则被认为是产业集群实现其竞争优势的三个重要基础。  相似文献   

特色产业集聚是促进欠发达地区经济发展的新选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
产业集聚是经济发展过程中所表现出的一种空间集聚和地方专业化的集聚经济现象。本文在分析产业集聚与区域经济发展关系的基础上,通过特色产业集聚对区域经济发展影响的集聚效应分析,提出特色产业集聚是提升区域经济发展的新选择。  相似文献   

创新是国家发展第一动力,产业集聚是提升区域创新效率的关键途径之一,研究二者关系有利于优化产业空间布局和完善区域创新政策。本文基于2009 ~ 2018年长江经济带108个地级市全产业数据,运用数据包络分析(DEA)等方法揭示长江经济带区域创新效率时空演变特征,其次建立空间计量模型,利用多种空间矩阵分析产业专业化、多样化集聚对区域创新效率影响的空间溢出效应。结果表明:①总体来看,长江经济带区域创新效率先上升后下降,具有阶段性特征;②产业专业化、多样化集聚对区域创新效率均具有显著的正向影响;③从溢出效应来看,多样化集聚对经济水平相近地区的区域创新效率具有更强的促进作用。因此,长江经济带城市群应加快发展产业专业化、多样化集聚,提高欠发达区域经济发展水平,促进多样化集聚对相邻区域创新效率的扩散作用。  相似文献   

一、引言中小企业集群主要有两类要素主体集聚:一类是专门化企业集聚,另一类是中介机构集聚,前者通过专业化协作分工形成了企业集群的核心产业和辅助性产业,后者通过为前者服务形成了企业集群的服务产业。企业集群的发展需要专业化的服务体系作为支撑,通过服务体  相似文献   

论“柔性”的内涵及其对经济地理学研究的启迪   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
郑京淑  刘力  韩凤 《经济地理》2003,23(5):582-586
“柔性”已成为象征后福特主义时代新生产方式的代名词。对柔性及其空间影响、空间结构的研究,构成了20世纪80年代以来国际经济地理学界主流。文章试图以柔性为主线来理解现代生产方式和产业组织发展变化的新趋势,进而探索现代经济地域空间特别是产业区、产业集聚的形成机制。为此,首先回顾了柔性研究兴起的理论背景,并对柔性的内涵进行诠释。在此基础上,整理了经济地理学在对柔性的空间实现形式的研究中所取得的关于“新产业区”和“产业集聚”的理论发现。最后提出了该领域今后的课题。  相似文献   

产业集群具有空间集聚、灵活、专业化生产、社会文化等特征,是一个国家或地区竞争力所在。一个地区产业成长乃至经济的持续增长与该地区产业集群的蓬勃发展息息相关。新疆已将旅游业作为其主导产业之一来发展。引用区位商概念探讨新疆旅游产业在全国范围内的现状进行详细论述。  相似文献   

产业集聚、公共服务供给与城市规模扩张   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
韩峰  李玉双 《经济研究》2019,54(11):149-164
本文基于中国工业企业数据和城市面板数据,从产业集聚和公共服务供给的综合视角探讨了城市人口规模扩张的影响机制。结果显示,专业化集聚和多样化集聚均有助于提高本市人口规模,但对周边城市却产生了负向空间外溢效应,且专业化集聚的作用效果明显大于多样化集聚;公共服务供给不仅提高了本市和周边城市人口规模,而且能够在城市人口增长中与产业集聚形成协同效应。进一步研究发现,民生类公共服务对城市人口规模增长的作用效果明显大于基础设施类公共服务,且产业集聚模式越符合当地优势条件,其集聚效应和空间外溢效应发挥得就越充分。其中,专业化集聚主要基于第一自然集聚优势、劳动力蓄水池效应和制造业中间投入的空间共享机制而发挥作用,而多样化集聚则主要基于中间服务的空间共享机制和空间技术外溢效应而产生影响。在适宜性产业集聚和公共服务供给的双重作用下,多数Ⅰ型及以上大城市拥挤效应得到明显缓解,依然具有很强的人口吸纳能力;Ⅱ型大城市和中小城市的产业集聚模式与城市规模特征更为匹配,有助于扭转结构错配、持续推进人口城市化。  相似文献   

王鹏  李军花 《产经评论》2020,11(2):17-33
城市群经济在我国经济版图中扮演越来越重要的角色,正成为创新扩散的主要载体和经济增长的新引擎。生产性服务业作为高技术含量的知识密集型产业,其分布与结构的合理性对城市及城市群形成创新竞争力有重要意义。从产业互动外部性与产业集聚外部性角度切入,将城市群作为产业集聚的空间载体,利用2003-2016年我国七大城市群127个城市的面板数据构建动态空间面板模型,考察生产性服务业相对专业化集聚及相对多样化集聚对城市创新力的影响,进而探讨这种影响在城市群之间的差异性。实证结果显示:(1)生产性服务业相对集聚具有空间溢出效应,即某一城市创新力受当地和相邻地区生产性服务业相对集聚水平的影响。(2)就全国整体而言,对城市创新力有持续性影响的主要是相对多样化集聚而非相对专业化集聚,通过生产性服务业嵌入制造业价值链形成动态比较优势来实现城市创新能力的提升。(3)考虑区域异质性的回归结果表明,生产性服务业相对集聚程度对不同发展阶段不同发展模式的城市群内城市创新产生显著的差异性影响。  相似文献   

朱英明 《经济地理》2006,26(3):387-390
产业空间集聚所获取的集聚经济利益,是决定地区产业定位的重要因素。地区间产业的竞争与合作所获取的专业化经济利益,是决定地区产业协调发展的重要因素。产业的空间集聚所形成的空间结构即集聚经济结构,地区间产业的竞争与合作所形成的空间结构即偏离经济结构,产业的集聚经济结构和偏离经济结构影响到地区产业的增长。依据长江三角洲城市群规模以上制造业行业部门的具体数据,构建增长模型,分析制造业集聚经济结构和偏离经济结构对城市群产业增长的影响,在此基础上提出促进长江三角洲城市群制造业发展的对策建议。  相似文献   

I study the differential impacts of product innovation and process innovation on the labour market. Using European data from 2000 to 2018, I find that industries with proportionally more firms reporting product innovation than process innovation also tend to exhibit a lower income share of low-skilled workers. To better understand the mechanism, I develop a dynamic growth model in which firms conduct both types of innovation endogenously. In the model, product innovation introduces new intermediate goods, which tend to require high-skilled workers to implement. Process innovation simplifies existing production technologies and thereby allows firms to replace high-skilled workers with low-skilled ones. I calibrate an extended version of the model to the largest two industries in UK in 2014 and 2018, respectively. I find that product innovation has become less costly but increasingly demanding for skills, and the cost of process innovation has increased on average and become more diverse across firms.  相似文献   

This paper examines firms' production strategies for supplying products tailored to the target country's local taste: developing a new localized variety and modifying an existing variety to fit the local taste. Adopting the concept of the flexible technology in industrial organization theory, the paper develops a simple theoretical model to examine when and why exporters or multinationals adopt flexible technologies to serve multiple markets. The results suggest that firms with basic varieties that are considerably different from the variety demanded by the local country are likely to develop localized varieties to serve the country, whereas those with basic varieties that are considerably similar to the demanded variety are likely to modify their existing varieties. In some circumstances, even when foreign production has an intrinsic cost advantage over exporting before the application of a flexible technology, firms may choose to be exporters by adopting the technology. In addition, the results indicate a possible industry equilibrium: Firms with basic varieties that are considerably similar to the variety demanded by the local country are likely to modify them and become multinationals, whereas those with basic varieties that are considerably different from the demanded variety are likely to develop new localized products and become multinationals. Otherwise, firms are likely to modify their existing platforms and become exporters.  相似文献   

Much of the debate about changing paradigms of production in industry has tended to oppose mass production to emerging forms of flexible, or network production. The debate over these competing visions is clouded by all manner of definitional ambiguities. In a given branch of production, the two strategies of mass and flexible production, and many intermediate forms of production organization, may coexist, because the branch ties together many different types of firms and different types of production units. This article develops a theoretical typology of different kinds of products and the production processes with which they are associated, and then deploys it in a case study of the French automobile industry in the 1980s. The branch is thus a complex structure of relationships between different firms and units and the different models of production organization they employ. Co-ordination of relationships between different approaches to production is a key to successful branch governance, and to emerging branch structures today.  相似文献   

Geographic concentration of innovative activities in Germany   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The geographic concentration of industries has attracted much attention in recent economic and geographic literature. One mechanism employed to explain the emergence and comparative advantage of industrial agglomerations is based on the relationship between industrial agglomeration and local knowledge production and diffusion, and the resulting innovation activities. This paper analyses this relationship by identifying geographic concentrations of innovation activities and examining different causes for the emergence of these concentrations. The paper applies different concentration measures to patent data for German regions. We analyse 43 technological fields separately to identify which of these technologies tend to cluster in geographic space. The results are discussed in light of theoretical predictions of why specific technological fields concentrate while others do not. These explanations include the concentration of industrial activities, the role of dominant firms, dependence on scientific knowledge, and local interactions.  相似文献   

Innovative profits (of the kind conceptualized by Schumpeter) are today being increasingly created through international corporate networks for technological development. Such profits through innovation are encouraged by newer more flexible organizational forms, and further encouraged (unlike in the conventional perspective on profits and on the incentive to innovate) by knowledge flows between firms. Our empirical evidence, based on US patent data, shows that multinational companies are currently more likely to develop abroad technologies which are less science-based, and less dependent upon tacit knowledge. However, within the science-based industries firms may generate abroad some technologies which are heavily dependent on tacit knowledge, but normally in fields that lie outside their own core technological competencies. We find some evidence of a convergence in corporate technological diversification across large firms, facilitated by the now common spread in the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) as an integrator of formerly separate technological systems. This has led smaller firms to diversify, but giant firms to consolidate activity around those technologies that have become most interrelated.  相似文献   

Social networks and industrial geography   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In many industries, production resides in a small number of highly concentrated regions; for example, several high tech industries cluster in Silicon Valley. Explanations for this phenomenon have focused on how the co-location of firms in an industry might increase the efficiency of production. In contrast, this article argues that industries cluster because entrepreneurs find it difficult to access the information and resources they require when they reside far from the sources of these valuable inputs. Since existing firms often represent the largest pools of these important factors, the current geographic distribution of production places important constraints on entrepreneurial activity. As a result, new foundings tend to arise in the same areas as existing ones, and hence reproduce the industrial geography. In support of this thesis, the article reviews empirical evidence from the shoe manufacturing and biotechnology industries.JEL Classification: L11, M13, R30Adapted from a plenary talk delivered at the 8 th annual meetings of the International Schumpeter Society in Gainesville, FL. Constança Esteves and Lee Fleming provided comments useful to developing this written version.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes new forms of flexibility in the US apparel industry and the consequences of this flexibility for labor market segmentation. Post-Fordist flexible work organization takes place only in those enterprises that occupy privileged positions in newly established hierarchical networks of firms. Subcontracting work to smaller firms results in labor segmentation between rather than within firms. Dominant firms in hierarchical networks gain production efficiencies similar to that attained by a fixed hierarchy within Fordist type enterprises. For most apparel workers, the new production system could best be described as neo-Fordist, since it appears to be predicated on routinization and work intensification.  相似文献   

我国中小企业经营模式及政策扶持   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
我国产业分工的不断深化使中小企业不再受制于规模经济,除了极少数具有先天垄断特质的行业,绝大多数的产业,都能透过“地区规模经济”和“零部件规模经济”取代企业内部的规模经济,使企业内部的分工外部化,变为社会分工。这种趋势非常有利于中小企业形成集群合作关系。  相似文献   

Models of trading economies have become very large in dimensions and complex in structure. Conditions which are sufficient for aggregation in production and/or consumption are derived. They require the existence of linearly homogeneous indices of production and/or consumption in the industries or sufficient similarity among agents. These methods are applied to the Armington model and to a group of models in which the commodities in an industry are denned on a continuum. the results are applied to the method of constructing general-equilibrium models with many commodities, tests of comparative advantage, and the measurement of effective protection in multicommodity industries.  相似文献   

We develop a two‐country Cournot oligopoly model with product differentiation across countries and production‐generated pollution. The abatement of pollution by the firms in response to emission taxes is endogenous, and the number of firms can be fixed or there may be free entry and exit of firms in both countries. We propose particular unilateral and multilateral piecemeal policy reforms of emission taxes and production subsidies such that domestic industries will not suffer any loss of international competitiveness (defined in terms of either market share or profits), emission levels will be lower, and welfare could be higher in both countries.  相似文献   

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