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中国制造业劳动生产率:1980—1999   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
柏满迎  任若恩等 《经济学》2002,1(4):863-884
本研究是测算中国制造业1980-1999年的劳动生产率的变动趋势,研究的重点是对工业和制造业就业人数、产出构成的时间序列的概念、覆盖范围和一致性问题进行深入分析,在数据分析的基础上,我们将构建调查后的1980-1999年共15个制造业部门的劳动生产率时间序列,无论是在投入方面、产出方面,还是在时间堆中,这些时间序列在概念和覆盖范围方面都是一致的。研究显示中国制造业的劳动生产率的增长在90年代展示了令人瞩目的加速。中美劳动生产率的追赶进程已经开始。  相似文献   

本研究是测算中国制造业1980—1999年的劳动生产率的变动趋势,研究的重点是对工业和制造业就业人数、产出构成的时间序列的概念、覆盖范围和一致性问题进行深入分析,在数据分析的基础上,我们将构建调整后的1980—1999年共15个制造业部门的劳动生产率时间序列,无论是在投入方面、产出方面,还是在时间维中,这些时间序列在概念和覆盖范围方面都是一致的.研究显示中国制造业的劳动生产率的增长在90年代展示了令人嘱目的加速,中美劳动生产率的追赶进程已经开始。  相似文献   

本文采用了基于充分灵活的生产函数形式的半参数平滑系数模型(SPSCM),对1999-2008年中国制造业的要素产出弹性、全要素生产率以及生产率主要影响因子的作用进行了估计和测算。主要研究结论包括:研究期内制造业全要素生产率年均增长141%, 显示中国制造业进入集约增长模式。在2002-2003年期间,中国制造业结构发生较大变化。伴随劳动密集型产业和产业环节快速扩张,资本产出弹性大幅下降,劳动力产出弹性攀升。企业规模和技术进步对生产率都有显著的积极影响,自主研发对生产率的影响在时间和行业之间具有广泛的异质性,但2004年以后出现了趋同的积极影响。  相似文献   

多边比较下的中国制造业国际竞争力研究:1980—2004   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
本文首次以1997年购买力平价为基础,利用多边比较方法从相对价格水平、劳动生产率、单位劳动成本和国际价格等方面对中国制造业1980—2004年的国际竞争力进行研究。经测算得出:1997年中国制造业各类PPP(购买力平价)接近于3·7元/国际美元。20世纪80年代中期以后,相对价格水平是参与比较的五国中最小的,且逐年下降;单位劳动成本一直在波动过程中下降。80年代,劳动生产率呈现了“没有追赶趋势的快速增长”。但在1992年后,表现出明显的追赶趋势。  相似文献   

出口、外国直接投资流入与中国经济增长关系的实证研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文采用时间序列分析方法,研究了中国1980-2004年总产出、出口总额和外国直接投资流入之间的关系.过去的研究主要是基于上述三个变量之中的某两个变量,把三者联系起来的研究较少.笔者发现,这三个变量之间存在长期均衡关系;而短期因果关系是:出口扩张和FDI流入都显著促进了经济增长,经济增长吸引了FDI流入,FDI流入又促进了出口扩张.  相似文献   

结构变动是生产率增长的重要源泉。本文将结构变动对劳动生产率增长的影响分为直接作用和间接作用。前者通过生产率快速增长的行业扩大比重实现;后者通过"与用户相关的外溢"等机制实现。对我国1980-2010年制造业内部结构变动对劳动生产率增长的研究发现:单纯从直接作用看,我国制造业内部结构变动对生产率提高的作用并不明显;而进一步利用动态面板衡量直接作用和间接作用的总和,发现制造业结构变动明显影响生产率的变动。这也说明我国制造业结构变动主要是通过间接方式影响劳动生产率提高。  相似文献   

中国东南沿海制造业集聚过度及其生产要素拥挤实证研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用产业区位基尼系数、空间分散度指数、MHHI系数、产业规模指数衡量中国制造业空间集聚程度,计算结果表明1980—2007年中国制造业空间集聚程度呈总体上升态势,并存在明显的"东倾"特征。通过生产要素投入—产出趋势分析研究,发现并非所有制造行业生产效率与产业聚集度成正相关,东南沿海一些制造业空间聚集过度,生产要素拥挤现象明显,生产要素配置存在输入剩余和输出亏空。数据包络分析结果显示:减少生产要素配置输入(剩余)、改进生产要素配置比例,不仅可降低生产成本,同时可通过提高劳动生产率从而改善生产效率,从而达到生产要素的合理配置的目的。研究结果对当今中国区域产业结构调整、东南沿海产业转移等具有实践启示和理论指导作用。  相似文献   

1978年以来,中国经济结构发生巨大变化的基本原因是工业生产力革命,工业产品的数量增加超过了任何国家。制造业的市场规模每隔7年翻一番,其中劳动生产率的成倍增长是制造业产出成倍增长的最根本原因。对工业制成品的实际需求是随着人均收入的提高而增长的,那么以人均产出数和消费数来衡量工业产品增长的前景时,工业生产力将进一步扩大,中国也将成为全球最大的工业化国家。  相似文献   

为考察中国制造业技术进步情况,本文将中国26个制造业划分为高、中、低技术含量产业,并分析了各类产业的技术投入与产出绩效统计指标。分析结果表明,在技术投入方面中国制造业总体技术开发投入显著增加,高技术含量制造业的技术投入较其他产业明显占优,一些中低技术含量产业技术投入增长很快,表明有关产业已由单纯依靠劳动力成本竞争逐渐转向依靠技术进步进行市场竞争,但各产业普遍存在着人力投入增长速度落后于物力投入的情况。在技术产出方面,各制造产业的劳动生产率显著提高,高技术含量的产业相对其他产业更加突出,在产品创新方面高技术含量产业总体情况优于中等技术含量产业,后者又优于低技术含量产业,表明产品创新在高、中、低技术含量产业间的分布呈结构优化的趋势。不同产业对提高劳动生产率和产品创新两种市场竞争方式的侧重点有所不同。  相似文献   

要素生产率提升是技术进步的效用结果和完整体现。本文引入效率体现式技术进步概念,以资本生产率与劳动生产率的综合指数来体现总体技术进步水平,构建经济增长中资本规模、劳动力规模和总体技术进步三因素贡献的分解模型,并利用中国1980-2010年的时间序列数据,对期间的技术进步贡献及其结构进行了实证分析。本文研究结果表明,经济增长的动力主要源于资本规模增长,劳动力投入规模贡献不大,技术进步贡献不小。技术进步贡献主要源于生产技术质量和生产技术效率,产业间劳动力构成和其他管理技术进步贡献微小。  相似文献   

The principal objective of this paper is to compare the real output and labour productivity of Chinese and Indian manufacturing from 1980 to 2002. Using an industry-of-origin approach, purchasing power parities (PPPs) for the benchmark year 1985 are derived from the Chinese and Indian industrial censuses. In turn, the PPPs are used to convert Indian manufacturing GDP into Chinese yuan for direct comparisons. Secondary objectives are twofold: first, to set this direct comparison within the general context of the economic policy reform process followed in each country, and second, to compare and contrast the organisation and structure of both countries' manufacturing sectors. The analysis shows that since 1980, real value added and labour productivity growth for Chinese manufacturing has been well above Indian levels.  相似文献   

This article investigates the long-run relationship between labour productivity and employment, and between labour productivity and real wages in the case of the Indian manufacturing sector. The panel data set consists of 17 two-digit manufacturing industries for the period 1973–1974 to 1999–2001. We find that productivity-wages and productivity-employment are panel cointegrated for all industries. We find that both employment and real wages exert a positive effect on labour productivity. We argue that flexible labour market has a significant influence on manufacturing productivity, employment and real wages in the case of Indian manufacturing.  相似文献   

Labour productivity plays a significant role in economic growth, labour demand and employment situation of a particular economy. In this light, the presence of a structural break in productivity, and its unit root property, has important consequences for the overall economy and in major sectors such as manufacturing. In this article, using some recently developed unit root tests, we examine: (i) the null hypothesis of a unit root in the log-level of labour productivity for 38 manufacturing subdivisions against the alternative of trend stationarity over a three-decade period; and (ii) the presence of a structural break in the series, and whether the break has had a permanent or a transitory effect on manufacturing labour productivity. Our main finding is that shocks to labour productivity have had a transitory effect, implying that policies are likely to have only short-term effects.  相似文献   

In this paper we investigate the distributional consequences of the post-1980 accumulation patterns and technological change in the Turkish manufacturing industries. We utilise two quantitative techniques. First, we make use of the Hodrick-Prescott filter to disintegrate the cyclical variations in productivity growth and wage rates from their respective historical trends, and study the evolution of the wage cycle against the long term productivity patterns in the sector. Next, we decompose the fundamental characteristics of the contributions of productivity growth of the manufacturing sub-sectors to the overall total. Our results suggest very little structural change in the sectoral composition and nature of productivity advances under the post-1980 structural adjustment reforms and outward-orientation, and underscore that the gains in productivity in this period did not materialise as gains in remunerations of wage labour. Contrary to the prognostications of the orthodox theory, the post-1980 export orientation of Turkish manufacturing was not found to lend itself to productivity contributions, and could not be sustained as a viable strategy of 'export-led industrialisation'.  相似文献   

Many African economies have experienced rather dismal industrial development since the 1980s. The consensus is that African firms lack competitiveness in a world with increasing trade openness. What determines competitiveness? A well‐known explanation is that resource endowments in Africa favour land not labour, which results in high wages, especially in comparison with ‘labour abundant’ Asian economies. This paper examines the validity of this view on the basis of the case of Sudan. We demonstrate that the lack of competitiveness of manufacturing industries is not caused by high wages. Assuming a direct relationship between labour productivity and international competitiveness, we argue that acute capacity underutilisation, caused by supply‐side constraints, lowers manufacturing productivity, which in turn negatively influences competitiveness.  相似文献   

To comprehend the impact of public infrastructure on economic performance this paper provides a measure of productivity growth as derived from duality theory. This productivity growth is decomposed into the components of technical change, returns to scale and the effects of public infrastructure, the variable of our interest. In an application, we opt for Greek manufacturing so as to investigate whether the decline in its growth rate is partly explained by public infrastructure. Despite some variation in the estimation results of shadow shares across industries, public infrastructure asserts a cost saving effect in most industries, though it also appears that traditional labour‐intensive industries with lower level of technological advancement do not benefit from the provision of public infrastructure. The estimation results further demonstrate that while public infrastructure enhanced productivity growth over the sample period for most industries, low infrastructure investment in the 1970s and the 1980s undermined productivity growth.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to solve the question how the three main stages of education contribute to the labour productivity growth in selected 125 countries in the period 1999–2014. The model is based on the neoclassical production function enhanced with human capital. The authors draw on the Penn World Tables 9.0 and UNESCO databases. The key benefit of this article is that human capital is characterized according to the returns to education from average number of years of formal schooling at the primary, secondary and tertiary level. Based on the panel data analysis, the contributions of capital and of the three levels of education to the growth of labour productivity are estimated. At the same time, the model allows to estimate the contribution of total factor productivity. The results of the analysis show that tertiary education has the strongest impact on labour productivity across the considered economies. At the same time, the breakdown of aggregate human capital by level of education leads to better clarification of the effects of human capital and physical capital on labour productivity. The conclusions also indicate a tendency towards rising returns to scale induced by the secondary and tertiary education.  相似文献   

This paper inspects the influence of human capital, labour force, and absorptive capacity, physical capital as a control variable, foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows and gross domestic product (GDP) on Malaysia's productivity growth. A time series quarterly data from the period of 1999 to 2008 was used. The effects of FDI inflows on human capital, labour force, absorptive capacity and physical capital were investigated. The Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) regression was applied to estimate the data in the first step and in the second step productivity indicators were calculated. The results show that the FDI inflows and inputs used are negatively contributed to total factor productivity (TFP). Meanwhile, FDI plays a significant role in achieving economic growth through input driven as indicated by the contribution of the TFP. In this regard, a significant positive relationship between human capital, labour force and absorptive capacity which determines the spillover effect on Malaysian economic growth (GDP) was found and the physical capital has shown negative relationship.  相似文献   

In the modern era, the extent and character of technical change features prominently in discussions of productivity growth and movements in the competitiveness of manufacturing. While technical change is pervasive in modern manufacturing, it occurs unevenly. In this study, technical change is estimated by fitting dual cost functions for each of 38 sectors of Australian manufacturing over the 32 year period, 1968–69 to 1999–2000. The estimates show that technical change is heavily labour-saving in all industries, but that the overall rate of change, as measured by a rate of cost diminution, and the degree of bias towards saving labour, rather than capital or material, varies substantially across industries.  相似文献   

Australia had one of the highest per capita incomes in the world in the late nineteenth century, although this exceptional position subsequently eroded over time. This paper compares national income and sectoral labour productivity in Australia and the UK between 1861 and 1948 to uncover the underlying sources of Australia's high income and the reasons for its subsequent relative decline. We find that the country's higher per capita income was due primarily to higher labour productivity, because labour force participation, although higher in Australia than in the USA, was lower than in the UK. Australia had a substantial labour productivity lead in agriculture throughout the period, due to the importance of high value-added, non-arable farming, and a smaller lead in industry before World War I. The early productivity lead in industry was largely based on the importance of mining, and disappeared as manufacturing became more important. There was little productivity difference in services. These results reaffirm the importance of Australia's successful exploitation of its natural resource endowments in explaining the country's high initial income.  相似文献   

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