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There is a well‐established theoretical and empirical literature that shows that exporters are more innovative than otherwise equivalent non‐exporters. In this article, we ask whether this is also true when it comes to the effects of adopting greener production techniques. Using an instrumental variables strategy based on UK firm level data, we find robust evidence that exporters are more likely to report their innovation as having a ‘high/very high’ environmental effect.  相似文献   

首先,将技术创新划分为技术研发和技术转化两阶段,应用CES生产函数分阶段推导环境规制与技术创新的数理关系。其次,根据污染排放强度将中国制造业28个细分行业划分为重度污染型、中度污染型及轻度污染型3种类型,以2003-2012年行业面板数据为样本,构建分阶段分行业的计量回归模型进行环境规制对技术创新的实证检验。数理推导证明:环境规制与企业技术研发和技术转化在数理上均存在正相关关系。实证检验发现:①环境规制对中国制造业技术研发专利成果和技术转化新产品生产具有显著促进作用,波特假说在制造业整体上得到验证;②环境规制对中度污染行业、轻度污染行业的技术创新具有显著促进作用,但对重度污染行业的影响并不显著,波特假说存在明显的行业异质性。最后,针对环境规制对技术创新影响的阶段性和行业异质性提出了相关政策建议。  相似文献   

Opposing theoretical arguments exist regarding the effect of environmental regulation on financial performance. Some studies argue that environmental regulation constrains firms' abilities to exploit revenue‐enhancing or cost‐reducing opportunities. Other studies, representing the Porter hypothesis, argue that environmental regulation motivates firms to innovate, which ultimately improves financial performance. Although much of the debate focuses on long‐run effects, there are also important short‐run effects. This study provides empirical evidence regarding the short‐run and long‐run effects of Clean Water Act regulation on financial performance. To generate this evidence, we examine the effect of permitted wastewater discharge limits, on the return on sales, using panel data on publicly owned firms in the chemical manufacturing industries. We find that Clean Water Act regulation improves financial performance in both the short run and the long run with a stronger effect in the long run. These results suggest that some net benefits may be realized during a short‐run transition to comply with a tighter permitted discharge limit, with additional benefits accruing to the firm in the long run because the firm has more time to innovate. (JEL K23, L25, L51, L65, Q52)  相似文献   

企业如何通过创新活动实现可持续发展是学术界和企业界共同关注的重大理论与实践问题。基于创新管理理论、可持续发展理论和情景因素理论,以环境动态性和竞争性为调节变量,深入探讨双元创新及其协同性对企业可持续发展的影响。通过对252家高新技术企业多源问卷调查的实证研究表明:利用式创新、探索式创新与双元创新协同性对企业可持续发展均具有显著正向影响,但对企业可持续发展各维度的作用机制不同;动态与竞争环境下,探索式创新对企业可持续发展的影响更为显著;环境动态性和竞争性均正向调节探索式创新与企业可持续发展的关系;环境动态性负向调节双元创新协同性与企业可持续发展的关系。  相似文献   

基于资源基础理论、二元组织理论和情绪社会建构理论,构建环境动态性、环境竞争性、资源拼凑、组织情绪能力与双元创新协同性之间关系的理论模型,并利用299家样本企业对模型进行实证检验。结果表明,环境动态性与双元创新平衡性、互补性、协同性正相关;环境竞争性与双元创新平衡性、互补性、协同性正相关;资源拼凑在环境动态性与双元创新平衡性、互补性、协同性之间起完全或部分中介作用,在环境竞争性与双元创新平衡性、互补性、协同性之间起部分中介作用;组织情绪能力负向调节资源拼凑与双元创新平衡性、协同性之间的关系。  相似文献   

Based on legitimacy theory and resource dependence theory, using 111 listed companies among China’s typically high pollution-emitting listed corporations, research into the effects of environmental disclosure on environmental innovation is undertaken. From the perspective of stakeholders, we analyse the moderating effects of different proportions of institutional investor holdings and types of enterprises on the relationship between environmental disclosure and environmental innovation. The results indicate that corporate environmental disclosure has a positive role in promoting environmental innovation; the proportion of institutional investor holdings has a positive moderating effect between environmental disclosure and environmental innovation. However, there is no significant difference between state-owned enterprises and private enterprises in terms of the effect of the environmental disclosure on environmental innovation, which possibly arises because both types of enterprises make full use of their own advantages to instigate environmental innovation through environmental disclosure. The conclusions may help enterprise decision-makers implementing environmental innovation and government policy makers formulating scientific policies to promote the clean production in enterprises.  相似文献   

节能环保企业是节能环保技术创新的重要主体,通过构建理论模型,以上海89家企业数据为基础,就开放式创新对节能环保企业创新绩效的影响进行实证分析。研究发现,节能环保企业对开放式创新具有较强的依赖性,但开放式创新对节能环保企业创新同时具有促进效应和替代效应,外部知识互动提升了节能环保企业创新绩效,也可能导致外部技术依赖;开放式创新在技术开发和创新成果转化上的影响存在差异,节能环保企业应结合不同创新阶段和企业自身特征有效开展外部创新合作;开放式创新需建立在企业内部创新投入的基础之上,节能环保企业应重视内部创新投入与外部技术消化吸收,实现内外部创新要素叠加。  相似文献   

The relationship between the emission of pollutant and economic growth has attracted a lot of attention in the environmental debate of the recent decades. Based on some theoretical and empirical research on environmental Kuznets curve (EKC), this paper introduces the environmental technical innovation and environmental investment into Salow growth model to discuss the relationship between GDP per capital and the emission of pollutant By the dynamic simulation and parameters analysis, the results of the model indicate: (1) when "green" technical progress and environmental investment are fixed, the relationship between GDP per capital and the emission shows the linear relationship; (2) "green" technical progress can lead to the positive growth rates with a decreasing level of emission, which is compatible with an EKC; (3) the proportion of the environmental investment can lead the different growth rates and level of emission. These results can explain that developing countries are "too poor to be green".  相似文献   

In this paper we test an adapted EKC hypothesis to verify the relationship between ‘environmental efficiency’ (namely emissions per unit of value added) and labour productivity (value added per employee). We exploit NAMEA data on Italy for 29 sector branches and 6 categories of air emissions for the period 1991-2001. We employ data on capital stock and trade openness to test the robustness of our results.On the basis of the theoretical and empirical analyses focusing on innovation, firm performances and environmental externalities, we would expect a positive correlation between environmental efficiency and labour productivity — a negative correlation between the emissions intensity of value added and labour productivity — which departs from the conventional mainstream view. The hypothesis tested is a critical one within the longstanding debate on the potential trade-off or complementarity between environmental preservation and economic performance, which is strictly associated with the role of technological innovation. We find that for most air emission categories there is a positive relationship between labour productivity and environmental efficiency. Labour productivity dynamics, then, seem to be complementary to a decreasing emissions intensity in the production process. Taking a disaggregate sector perspective, we show that the macro-aggregate evidence is driven by sector dynamics in a non-homogenous way across pollutants. Services tend always to show a ‘complementary’ relationship, while industry seems to be associated with inverted U-shape dynamics for greenhouse gases and nitrogen oxides. This is in line with our expectations. In any case, EKC shapes appear to drive such productivity links towards complementarity. The extent to which this evidence derives from endogenous market forces, industrial and structural change, and policy effects is discussed by taking an evolutionary perspective to innovation and by referring to impure public goods arguments.  相似文献   

本文从环境税的理论基础入手,回顾了环境税经济效应分析的几个有代表性的基本观点,认真分析了环境税经济效应传统分析中存在的局限性,并在继承本文作者原有成果的基础上,将"技术革新效应"引入到环境税经济效应分析当中,对环境税经济效应分析作了再扩展,进一步夯实了环境税的理论基石。  相似文献   

为了明确不同类型环境规制工具是否以及如何影响环境友好型技术创新,从而为环境规制政策制定提供有力依据,以氢燃料电池技术为例,基于中国2004—2017年省际面板数据,采用Sys GMM法进行实证检验,在此基础上,利用SPSS软件进一步将全国样本分为环境友好型技术创新高水平地区、中等水平地区以及低水平地区,检验环境规制工具影响环境友好型技术创新的区域性差异。结果显示,3种环境规制工具对环境友好型技术创新呈现出显著正向影响,且在环境友好型技术创新高水平地区,市场激励型和公众参与型环境规制工具的正向促进效应显著,但命令控制型环境规制工具并未对环境友好型技术创新形成有效激励;在环境友好型技术创新中等水平地区,市场激励型环境规制工具对环境友好型技术创新的负向影响显著,其余两种规制工具的激励效应不显著;在环境友好型技术创新低水平地区,仅有命令控制型环境规制工具显著影响环境友好型技术创新且表现为负向作用。  相似文献   

企业绿色创新既需要环境规制政策引导,又需要有较强战略柔性与之相协调。引入战略柔性、区域差异性的调节作用,并采用分组回归检验环境规制对企业绿色创新的区域差异性影响,探索环境规制对企业绿色创新的双元影响机制。结果显示:环境规制对企业绿色技术创新和企业绿色管理创新均具有显著正向影响,且对前者的积极影响更显著;战略柔性正向调节环境规制与企业绿色技术创新、企业绿色管理创新间的关系,且对后者的调节作用更大;环境规制对企业绿色创新的影响呈现“东、中部各领风骚,西部较弱”的区域差异性特征:环境规制对企业绿色技术创新、企业绿色管理创新的促进作用在中部、东部地区较强,在西部地区较弱。  相似文献   

环境保护日益受到大众的普遍关注,进行环境创新效率评价对于环境保护具有重要意义。采用基于共同前沿(Meta-Frontier)生产函数的效率评价模型,将我国分为东、中、西及东北4个区域进行环境创新效率分析。结果表明,将各地区视为技术同质性单元时得到的环境创新效率与技术异质性环境创新效率差异较大;考虑技术异质性时我国环境创新效率普遍偏低;环境创新效率由高到低分别为东部、西部、中部和东北,各区域间效率差距较显著。在此基础上,对我国不同区域环境技术创新效率改善提出了具体的政策建议。  相似文献   

以协同创新为中介变量、环境规制为调节变量,构建生产性服务业集聚与技术转移二者关系的理论模型。以我国2002-2015年省域数据为样本,采用多元回归分析法对生产性服务业集聚影响区域技术转移的作用机制进行研究。结果显示:生产性服务业集聚对区域技术转移有正向影响;协同创新对生产性服务业集聚与区域技术转移的关系发挥中介作用;环境规制对协同创新与区域技术转移间的关系具有正向调节作用;环境规制对生产性服务业集聚与区域技术转移间关系的调节作用通过多主体协同创新的中介效应实现。结论可为揭示生产性服务业集聚对区域技术转移的作用机制提供理论依据,为推动生产性服务业集聚、多主体协同创新和区域技术转移提供实践参考。  相似文献   

The existing literature models innovation in pollution control as a reduction in marginal abatement costs. We show that this assumption is inappropriate for production process innovations such as fuel switching. Algebraically, we examine the effects of different innovation types on marginal abatement cost curves, showing that some desirable innovations increase marginal abatement costs. Empirically, we estimate marginal abatement costs for sulfur dioxide by measuring the output distance function for electric power in Korea. Regression results confirm that production process innovations did raise marginal abatement costs in this case. One policy implication: economic instruments do not always provide stronger innovation incentives than command-and-control policies.   相似文献   

为厘清环境规制对企业绿色技术创新的影响及其机理,本文从企业绿色技术创新发生的环节和类型的视角切入,将企业绿色技术创新分为用能技术创新和管理技术创新两大类及其下设的七小类,并将之在生产链环节(源头、过程和末端)上加以归类,通过匹配沪深A股上市公司、《中国环境统计年鉴》和《中国工业经济统计年鉴》获取了关于环境规制和企业绿色技术创新的指标,研究了环境规制约束下企业技术绿色创新的抉择,结果发现:第一,环境规制整体上未对企业绿色技术创新有明显促进作用,“创新补偿”效应难以成立;第二,其内驱因素是,环境规制显著降低了企业生产率和收益率;第三,其外部原因是,与低污染行业企业相比,环境规制对高污染行业企业的绿色技术创新有一定促进作用,体现在用能技术创新、管理技术创新两方面,并分布在生产链的源头、过程及末端三个环节;第四,其外部原因还包括环境规制作用的阶段性,环境规制对个别绿色技术创新指标造成了先促进后抑制的影响,也影响了“创新补偿”效应的成立。据此,本文对环境规制约束下企业绿色技术创新的激励和选择提供一定启示。  相似文献   

Labour Tax Reform, the Good Jobs and the Bad Jobs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We analyse recent proposals to shift the tax burden away from low‐paid labour, assuming a dual labour market where the “good” high‐paying jobs are rationed. A shift in the tax burden from low‐paid to high‐paid workers has an ambiguous effect on the level of aggregate employment while the allocation of aggregate employment is further distorted. Even if the tax reform raises total employment, economic efficiency may be reduced because labour is reallocated from high‐productive to low‐productive jobs. We also find that opportunities for on‐the‐job search have important implications for the policy effects.  相似文献   

在复杂的超竞争环境下,企业快速响应环境变化、开发新产品和新技术是其生存发展的关键。企业如何在创新实践中运用探索式创新和开发式创新变得尤为重要(将探索式创新和开发式创新归纳为"二元式"创新)。运用案例研究方法,基于技术惯域演进视角,探索了技术惯域的变动态、渐稳态、稳变态(刚形态)对"二元式"创新战略选择的影响,在研究中以江苏恒立高压油缸股份有限公司1990-2014年探索式创新和开发式创新战略选择为案例,探讨了企业在技术惯域演进各个阶段进行"二元式"创新战略的路径选择,从内生角度为企业创新战略选择提供理论支撑。  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of a major modelling exercise to gain insights into the possible economic and environmental effects of a large-scale environmental tax reform (ETR) in the UK. ETR involves a shift in the target of taxation away from labour or firms towards pollution or the use of natural resources, in such a way that overall tax revenues are unchanged. It is hoped that such a tax shift will deliver environmental improvements while having a neutral or positive effect on the economy. The modelling was set up to explore the extent to which this would be the case. The paper starts with a brief literature review identifying the theoretical hypotheses relating to ETR and summarising the results of some of the evaluations of ETRs that have been implemented. It then briefly describes the model used for the analysis in this paper. The main body of the paper then describes the scenarios set up to explore the main impacts and the results of modelling these scenarios. These results suggest that substantial reductions in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions can be achieved with minimal impacts on output and an overall increase in employment, such that ETR emerges as a very attractive policy for GHG emission reduction.  相似文献   

基于两部门创新生产模型,构建了两化融合影响工业创新效率的理论模型.运用面板回归和门槛回归的方法证明了两化融合对工业创新效率的促进作用并非简单线性的,而是随着两化融合水平的提高发生了两次递增性突变.进一步研究表明,这种突变性是由于不同外部环境水平的约束造成的.在样本区间内,两化融合对工业创新效率的促进作用随着信息化基础设施水平的提高发生两次递增性的突变;随着经济发展水平和经济开放度的提高发生一次递增性的突变.  相似文献   

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