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平衡记分卡被称作“战略地图”、“一种革命性的评价和管理制度”,赞誉之声甚多。但平衡记分卡本质上不过是一个动态导向系统而已,它通过设置一系列财务和非财务指标,对企业生产经营过程进行考核、评价、控制,从而成功地将企业导向预定的目标。随着企业财务目标从企业利润或企业价值最大化向相关者利益最大化转变.未来的平衡记分卡设计也应从立足企业利润最大化或企业价值最大化目标,向立足相关者利益最大化目标转变。  相似文献   

从利益相关者的角度讨论传统平衡积分卡所存在的缺陷是不能满足各利益相关者不同需求。以利益相关者理论为基础。从五个维度构建新的平衡积分卡体系,并给出相应的评价指标。  相似文献   

近几年,平衡计分卡广泛为企业所用,企业意识单一的财务指标已经不能全面地反映企业的经营和发展状况。基于利益相关者视角,由于国内外国情的差异平衡计分卡在我国企业的实际应用中存在许多不足,针对平衡计分卡的不足进行分析,并为其提供相应的解决方法。  相似文献   

随着社会经济的发展,利益相关者对高校的发展正产生越来越重要的影响,中国传统的大学制度因此面临着严峻的挑战。高校治理应该是各利益相关者的共同治理,要实现共同和谐治理,首先要了解他们的需求,这样才能针对性地建立起稳固高效的治理结构。基于利益相关者理论,分析了各利益相关者的价值需求及高校治理中出现的问题,并提出治理建议。  相似文献   

医院平衡记分卡设计初探   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
崔总合 《经济师》2004,(9):199-200
处于市场经济大潮中的医院要提高竞争实力 ,就必须不断提高经营管理水平 ,吸收利用管理实践中的有效工具。平衡记分卡在国内外不同领域不同机构中实施取得良好效果 ,为医院引入平衡记分卡、实施医院战略、提高医院竞争力提供了实践经验。依据平衡记分卡理论框架 ,从医院客户、医院财务、医院内部经营过程和医院员工的学习与成长四个方面初步设计医院平衡记分卡 ,是把平衡记分卡引入到医院管理中的第一步。  相似文献   

我国企业利益相关者与资本结构实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该文研究了企业的利益相关者与资本结构的关系。通过构造利益相关者关注度指数,研究了计算机应用服务业关键利益相关者对资本结构决策的影响。研究表明,利益相关者关注度指数与资本结构负相关,企业员工报酬对资本结构有显著影响。  相似文献   

社会责任、战略业绩与平衡计分卡框架的修正   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
严复海 《生产力研究》2008,(10):146-149
平衡计分卡业绩评价方法已从业绩衡量体系发展到战略执行管理体系,能够有效地将战略转变为企业的运营目标,进而驱动企业业绩和行为。文章通过分析我国企业的经营环境,将社会责任作为影响企业战略的重要因素,对传统四维度的平衡计分卡评价框架进行了修正,以期为我国企业战略业绩评价体系的构建提供科学的理论基础。  相似文献   

回顾了利益相关者理论的发展过程,对资本结构理论进行了反思。利益相关者在企业中投入了实物资本、人力资本、金融资本或其他价值物,并因此承担了一定风险。然而传统的资本结构理论均主要是围绕着物质资本(股东和债权人提供的资本)而建立起来的。利益相关者理论认为利益相关者都向企业投入了专用性资产,都为企业的剩余作出了贡献,因而有权分享企业的剩余。因此,有必要对既存资本结构进行重构,知识资本是企业在进行资本结构时应当考虑的重要因素。  相似文献   

企业核心利益相关者利益要求实证分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
尽管利益要求存在显著差异,但不同企业核心利益相关者群体关注企业长期生存和发展的利益取向是一致的;共同的利益目标能减少治理成本,提高治理主体的收益,使核心利益相关者共同治理模式在企业实践中具有可操作性。  相似文献   

This paper tries to review, from a practitioner's point of view, the recent strand of literature on cointegration tests allowing for structural changes or parameter instability. Thus, we apply several tests using as an example the expectations model of the term structure of interest rates. The results are consistent with the existence of cointegration between the long and the short run Spanish interest rates, with a vector (1,−1), as predicted by the theory. However, there is also evidence of structural instability, mainly at the beginning of 1994, that can be attributed to the financial changes that occurred in Spain as a result of its external commitments in the process of the European Monetary Union.  相似文献   

Junko Koeda  Ryo Kato 《Applied economics》2015,47(34-35):3710-3722
This article examines the roles of uncertainties regarding various macro-variables in determining risk premiums of bond yields. We develop a multivariate GARCH-VAR to quantify uncertainties regarding inflation, real activities and monetary policy as time-varying conditional variances. We jointly estimate the multivariate GARCH and no-arbitrage bond pricing equations using a maximum likelihood method. The results indicate that the inflation uncertainty is the largest contributor to the dynamics of long-term yields since the 1980s, while the monetary policy uncertainty also plays noticeable roles.  相似文献   

This article tests the Expectations Hypothesis (EH) using Brazilian monthly data for bond yields spanning the 2000–2017 sample period and ranging in maturity from 3 months to 5 years. Three tests are examined: the first is based on interest rates spread and the other two are based on the forward rates. On balance our results suggest rejection of the EH throughout the maturity spectrum examined, and are broadly consistent with previous findings that a linear combination of forward rates provides a statistically significant prediction of bond excess returns.  相似文献   

Identifying the impact of the interest rates upon Islamic banks is a key to understand the contribution of such institutions to the financial stability, designing monetary policies and devising a proper risk management applicable to these institutions. This article analyses and investigates the impact of interest rate shock upon the deposits and loans held by the conventional and Islamic banks with particular reference to the period between December 2005 and July 2009 based on Vector Error Correction (VEC) methodology. It is theoretically expected that the Islamic banks, relying on interest-free banking, shall not be affected by the interest rates; however, in concurrence with the previous studies, the article finds that the Islamic banks in Turkey are visibly influenced by interest rates.  相似文献   

徐仲昆 《时代经贸》2007,5(9X):107-108,110
外商直接投资对一个国家产业结构优化有着重要的影响,它直接关系着产业结构优化的程度。就我国目前的情况来看,外商直接投资对中国的产业结构的调整和优化还需要有不小的改进。基于此.本文对外商直接投资对我国产业的利弊作分析,进而提出解决的对策。  相似文献   

案例任务驱动教学实际上是案例教学与任务驱动教学相结合的一种教学方法,其中任务驱动作为一条主线贯穿课堂教学的始终,起到组织教学的作用,具体教学过程以案例为基础而展开。通过对该方法在《Photo-shop8.0基础与案例教程》教学中具体应用的分析,加深对案例任务驱动教学法的理解,有利于其在教学活动中更加便利的实施。  相似文献   

This paper assesses the effect of federal funds rate innovations on longer-term US nominal interest rates across different periods. The evidence suggests that these responses change with changes in the monetary policy regime. Time periods considered are pre- and post-1979 and different Federal Reserve Chairman’s tenure. The response of longer-term interest rates to federal funds rate innovations are shown to be smaller and less persistent in the post-1979 period when the Federal Reserve placed more emphasis on inflation.  相似文献   

This paper examines the dynamics of deviations from covered interest parity using daily data on the UK/US spot, forward exchange rates and interest rates over the period January 1974 to September 1993. Like other studies we find a substantial number of instances during the sample in which the covered interest parity condition exceeds the transaction costs band, implying arbitrage profit opportunities. While most of these implied profit opportunities are relatively small, there is also evidence of some very large deviations from covered interest parity in the sample. In order to examine the persistence of these deviations, we estimated a threshold autoregression in which the dynamics behavior of deviations from covered interest parity is different outside the transaction costs band than inside them. We find that while the impulse response functions when inside the transaction costs band are nearly symmetric, those for the outside the bands are asymmetric-suggesting less persistence outside of the transaction costs band than inside the band.The authors would like to thank Jeanette Diamond, Michael O'Hara, Baldev Raj, and two anonymous referees for helpful suggestions on an earlier draft. The views expressed herein are solely those of the authors and should not be construed to be those of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas or the Federal Reserve System.  相似文献   

王妍 《经济研究导刊》2013,(14):268-270
随着社会工业经济的不断发展,环境污染不断加剧,这对民事环境公益诉讼是一个巨大的挑战。为此,但2012年新民诉法修改增加了环境公益诉讼的内容,但其中对诉讼主体只做出了泛泛的规定。逐步阐明"环境民事公益诉讼"之含义,并通过现行立法和司法实践阐释实践中民事环境公益诉讼主体的范围,分别从检察机关、公民、行政机关、其他组织4类主体进行深入理论探究,并对未来关于民事环境公益诉讼的立法做出合理性建议。  相似文献   

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