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我国上市公司债务治理效应整体偏弱,公司业绩与债务水平显著负相关,但由于直接财务效应影响的差异性,以及债务期限结构、公司控制人性质、股权集中度和流通股比重等因素的作用,使债务水平具有较好的托宾Q效应,从而出现效率悖论现象。改善债务期限结构,增强金融机构对外信贷的预算约束和监控力度,加强国有投资主体对控股公司的约束力,强化股权制衡关系,加强证券市场建设,是解决这一问题的主要途径。  相似文献   

Industrial Ownership and Environmental Performance: Evidence from China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study explores the differences in pollution control performance of industries with different types of ownership – State owned (SOE), collectively or community owned (COE), and privately owned (POE). A theoretic analysis is conducted and followed by an empirical assessment with Chinese data. The empirical results show that the COEs in China have better environmental performances in water pollution discharges than the SOEs and the POEs, suggesting that COEs may internalize environmental externalities.   相似文献   

Demographic structure and economic growth: Evidence from China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The impact of leverage on financial market stability and the relationship with the real economy is a key concern among researchers. This paper makes an initial attempt to investigate the relationship between a firm’s leverage, return and share price volatility from an Islamic finance perspective and capital structure theory. A multi-country dynamic panel framework and the mean-variance efficient frontier are applied to 320 sample firms from eight European countries, divided into portfolios of low and high debt using the shari’ah screening threshold of 33%. We find that the firm’s return and volatility change with changes in the capital structure. Islamic-compliant stocks show, in most cases, less volatility than non-compliant stocks but are no different in terms of return. Finally, our results tend to imply a case for limiting debt beyond certain levels.  相似文献   

《China Economic Journal》2013,6(3):299-319
In this paper, we analyze whether leverage had impacts on investment in the period 1999–2009, and whether these impacts, if they exist, differed among companies with different investment opportunities and with different major shareholders. In order to identify governance with different major shareholders, we grouped China’s listed firms into central government owned firms (CSOEs), local government owned firms (LSOEs) and non-state-owned firms (NONSOEs). Our results are as follows. First, our analysis reveals that leverage does have significantly negative impacts on CSOE, LSOE and NONSOE investments. Secondly, in LSOEs and NONSOEs, negative leverage impacts on low-growth firms are stronger than average firms, implying that a disciplinary effect of leverage over investment can be found in LSOEs and NONSOEs. Finally, however, no such effect can be observed in CSOEs. We have provided a first finding that the effect of leverage varies according to a firm’s major shareholders.  相似文献   

文章采用随机前沿分析方法,检验FDI对中国装备制造业的技术效率溢出和不同区间下技术无效率参数的边际效益。研究发现:FDI技术效率溢出提高了装备制造业整体的技术效率,对装备制造企业存在正向的溢出效应;产业集聚对装备制造业技术效率溢出有显著的促进作用,即使改变所有权性质,产业集聚仍然对技术溢出有促进作用,但显著性降低;行业规模扩大和R&D投入增加均有助于该行业技术效率的提高。  相似文献   

Private enterprises may encounter high industrial barriers in China because of government administrative restrictions. We analyse the effect of partial state ownership on a privately controlled company’s participation in industries with state-imposed barriers. The results indicate that state ownership in privately controlled enterprises has a significantly positive effect on participation in high barrier industries. After controlling for partial state ownership, we find that personal political identity of entrepreneurs, a previously investigated dimension of political connections, becomes less important in explaining private enterprises’ participation in barrier industries. We also find the effect of state ownership on access to barrier industries will become weaker when local economy is more developed.  相似文献   

I test whether legal institutions crowd-in social cooperation in the long-run, using the introduction of the Code Napoleon in parts of 19th century Germany as a historical experiment. I find that the application of the Code Napoleon is associated with higher levels of trust and cooperation today. This finding is robust to an identification strategy that uses only individuals located around a discontinuity in the number of years the Code Civil was used. Results from a falsification test that moves this discontinuity artificially, as well as the comparison of pre-treatment characteristics support the interpretation of a causal effect. In addition, regions around the discontinuity are similar in post-treatment economic development and inequality. On the contrary, the positive social consequences of the Code Civil manifest themselves in less political fraud in elections from 1871 to 1900, and in more “bridging” social capital in the 1920s.  相似文献   

不同所有制下管理者过度自信与公司债务融资的关系   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
黄莲琴  陈文静 《技术经济》2010,29(11):98-102
本文以2002—2008年我国沪深两市A股上市公司为样本,利用OLS回归模型考察了在不同所有制公司中管理者过度自信与债务融资之间的关系。研究结果显示:在不同所有制的上市公司中,管理者过度自信对公司债务融资的影响存在差异。与非国有上市公司相比,国有上市公司的管理者更加过度自信,更倾向于选择债务融资;在债务期限方面,不同所有制公司的过度自信管理者都倾向于使用长期债务,但在国有上市公司中这种倾向表现得更为显著。  相似文献   

股权结构与财务重述:来自上市公司的证据   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
本文以财务重述为研究视角,在考察控股程度与控股股东性质交叉作用的基础上,研究股权结构的治理效率。研究结果显示,在没有绝对控股股东的情况下,无论公司第一大股东的最终控制人是国有还是非国有性质,其发生财务重述的可能性都比国有控股上市公司发生财务重述的可能性显著要高;在绝对控股条件下,最终控制人为非国有性质的上市公司发生财务重述的可能性比国有性质的公司发生财务重述的可能性显著要低。研究结论表明,分散化的股权和国有股权对公司管理层的制约效果相对较差,从而使公司进行盈余操纵的可能性更高。本文借助公司财务重述行为,深化了已有公司治理方面的研究,并为监管部门和投资者的决策提供重要依据。  相似文献   

This study analyses the impact of ownership structure and market liquidity on company value. We investigate different aspects of ownership: the risk of political interference, private investors vs. the state acting as influential blockholders, and preferential political treatment of companies. Using a unique dataset of Polish partial privatizations initiated by shares transfers to entities under limited government influence, we find that government divestments can enhance company value, due to reduction in risk of political interference. A potential increase in the liquidity of trades in transferred companies’ shares also boosts their market value. On the other hand, an increased likelihood of the emergence of private blockholders able to expropriate minority shareholders reduces the firm’s market value. Our results support the political view of privatization: governments have objectives different to profit maximization, which leads to suboptimal investment from this point of view and lower market value of companies. We also develop a model to empirically distinguish between different aspects of ownership on company value.  相似文献   

按照自由现金流量假说,当公司存在大量自由现金流量时,管理人员的机会主义行为容易引发过 度投资.本文以2005-2007年上市公司数据考察我国企业是否存在过度投资以及股权结构能否抑制过度投资.分析表明我国企业普遍存在过度投资行为,国有企业相比非国有企业过度投资更严重,现金流与投资行为显著正相关,第一大股东持股比例与股权集中度在某种程度上能够制约过度投资,但是举债在我国并不能对过度投资发挥有效的抑制作用.  相似文献   

从生产力和生产关系的基本原理出发,比较不同所有制效率的生产力标准,具体化为静态的资源配置标准、动态的技术进步标准和维护特定所有制的交易费用标准,演绎出公有制效率假说。利用中国国有和非国有工业数据分析对比,验证了公有制是有效率的,并且运用发展中国家、西方发达国家经验验证了这个结果的稳健性。  相似文献   

李涛 《经济研究》2005,40(7):77-89
以中国上市公司为例,本文首次采用分量回归模型实证分析了国有股权对公司业绩的复杂影响。我们发现:在经营表现较差的上市公司,国有股东监督内部人的积极作用超过了行政或政治干预公司经营的消极作用;而在经营表现较好的上市公司,以上作用没有显著差异。源自国有股权并受经营风险影响的上市公司的预算软约束预期损害了所有公司的业绩。与经营表现较好的公司相比,在经营表现最差的公司,国有股东监督内部人的积极作用以及国有股权导致的预算软约束预期的消极作用都更为显著。虽然国有股权对公司业绩影响的净效果在所有上市公司中都为负,但在业绩最差的上市公司里负面作用最为突出。政策含义在于国有股权的调整应当从业绩最差的上市公司开始。  相似文献   

This paper finds evidence that more democratic political institutions increase trust. Second generation immigrants with ancestries from 115 countries are studied within 30 European countries. Comparing individuals born and residing in the same country, those whose father was born in a more democratic country express higher trust than those whose father was born in a less democratic country. The results are robust to individual, parental, and ancestral country controls.  相似文献   

外汇风险对冲和公司价值:基于中国跨国公司的实证研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
郭飞 《经济研究》2012,(9):18-31
2005年7月人民币汇改以来,人民币升值,特别是相对于美元大幅升值,其不利影响开始显现,我国不少跨国公司使用外汇衍生品来对冲人民币汇率升值带来的风险。然而,尽管不少国外学者对金融衍生品使用和公司价值的关系进行了深入研究,但以中国公司为样本的研究仍很少见。中信泰富等衍生品投机事件和2008年金融危机的发生使得我国学者对金融衍生工具的作用和性质争议不断,使用外汇衍生品对冲外汇风险是否增加公司价值仍是一个有待深入研究的问题。本文基于2007年至2009年968家中国跨国公司的数据,实证检验了外汇衍生品使用和公司价值的关系,发现外汇衍生品使用带来了约10%的价值溢价,这一重要发现和基于发达国家的不少研究相一致。该研究成果支持了外汇衍生品在汇率风险管理中的积极作用和加快发展我国外汇衍生品市场特别是交易所市场以掌握人民币汇率定价权的重要性和紧迫性。  相似文献   

This paper investigates whether in China, a country large in size, geographically diverse and imbalanced in regional economic development, variation in firm capital structure1 is systematically related to regional economic environment. In addition, we examine whether during macroeconomic recovery there is significant difference in the speed of adjustment in capital structure of firms located in different regions. The empirical analyses are based on 783 firms listed on Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchanges during a sample period of year 2000 through 2014. Using GMM and Logit QMLE, we found strong evidence that the regional variation in the capital structure of listed firms is linked to growth indicator (the Market-to-Book value, MB), EBIT ratio, size of the firm and tangible assets (the value of Net Property, Plant and Equipment, PPE). In the process of economic recovery, there was apparent regional variation in the speed of adjustment in capital structure, i.e. the fastest adjustment in capital structure was found in East China while that of West China followed and that of Mid China the slowest, that is to say within a given period the leverage ratio of listed firms in East China rises or falls faster than in the other two regions.  相似文献   

Many commentators and researchers have attributed the manufacturing success in China to its ownership reforms. Using a micro database from the Chinese National Bureau of Statistics, this paper documents and quantifies this development. With systematic and robust analyses, it shows that the development of private ownership indeed played an essential role in improving firm performance and the allocation and utilization of production resources in the Chinese manufacturing sector. In addition, the paper estimates the contributions of firms under different ownership to manufacturing growth, showing that the development of private ownership was the driving force of manufacturing growth in China. The strong credible evidence has important policy implications for further maintaining sustainable development in China.  相似文献   

本文以2003-2004年我国A股上市公司的资金占用数据为基础,实证检验了股权结构、治理环境与控股股东的利益输送行为之间的关系.结果表明,控股股东占用的资金与非控股大股东的持股比重及个数间表现出显著的负相关关系;上市公司所处地区的法治水平越高、政府干预越少,控股股东占用的资金越少.在完善公司治理结构及保护中小股东利益过程中应充分考虑这些因素的影响.  相似文献   

本文利用中国分省面板数据证明:银行虽然将大部分资金贷给了国有企业,但是通过所有制结构调整,主要包括合法的国有企业改制,和不合法的国有资产流失等形式的资金漏损,使得银行信贷资产从国有企业手中转移到民营企业手中,提高了信贷资金的使用效率和资本边际生产率,促进了经济增长."拨改贷"使得银行贷款成为国有企业的主要外部资金来源,银行贷款的偿还压力推动了国有企业的改制,而政府出于保护银行信贷资产安全的需要也会催促国有企业加快改制.本文的结论为财政、外汇资金补充银行资本金和国有银行体制改革提供了理论和经验支持,为转轨国家的经济改革次序提供了启示.  相似文献   

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