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广州工会会员卡发行量突破60万张!签约商户达1800多家!10月31日,庆祝广州市总工会成立60周年、广州工会会员卡发行突破60万活动暨广州工会会员卡大中型签约商户授牌仪式在广百尚宜广场举行。22家大中型签约合作商户代表在现场被授予"广州工会会员卡签约商户"铜  相似文献   

陈楠  邹育周 《新经济》2012,(5):10-11
2012年4月28日,广州工会会员卡首发仪式暨广州工会会员超市三宫门店开业仪式在广州市第三工人文化宫广场隆重举行。广州工会会员卡集合了会员管理、优惠权益及预付卡等功能。此举是市总工会为了加强和创新会员管理的新举措,目的是让296万会员一卡在手,享受工会以及社会提供的各项贴心服务。目前,首批4万多张会员卡已经发放。接下来,市总工会将有计划地推进发行工作。  相似文献   

连锁美容院在会员制的管理上通常局限在卖卡消费的营销模式的范畴内,如全卡、银卡、白金卡、钻石卡、VIP宾卡、丽人卡、普通会员卡等等.在经营上缺乏新意。而且,会员买了所谓的金卡、银卡之后,除了享受正常的服务优惠外,大多数美容院在其他方面井没有什么附加值可提供给会员。尤其是会员在将卡内的金额消费完之后,会员流失的比率往往占正常经营的60%以上。这就是传统美容院为什么顾客忠诚度较低的主要原因。这个原因最直接的体现就是会员制设计的失误!那么,有什么办法能够永久留住顾客呢?  相似文献   

邹育周 《新经济》2012,(5):12-14
广州工会会员卡的背后是一个强大的管理和服务信息系统,我们可以对会员实施数字化精细管理,并对会员信息进行动态分析,同时能更好地分析会员的年龄结构、消费偏好,给会员更贴心的服务。今后,随着技术的成熟和推广,利用该卡还可简单便捷地实现会员会籍转移等工作。  相似文献   

“出国消费是刷卡,还是用现钞?”这是许多打算出境旅游人士关心的话题。端午节小长假即将临近,又有不少持卡人计划出境旅游。境外消费应该注意什么?此时,却又恰逢VISA要求其会员银行不能受理客户在境外选择银行通道清算。  相似文献   

客户对银行的忠诚度如何?有调查显示近50%的人都表示无所谓忠诚不忠诚。言下之意是某些情况下他们会毫不犹豫地更换银行,所以获取客户的忠诚相比我们内部机制改革、技术进步等改进方法是要更困难些的。当然,对客户来说,与熟悉的、称职的服务供应者打交道更容易一些,认知成本更低一些,取得预期收益的成本也要低一些。所以专业的服务供应者(如银行)是可以通过合适的客户策略来将客户的这种无所谓态度转化为忠诚的。  相似文献   

从玫瑰花里提炼的玫瑰精油,是高级香水的名贵原料,我国大多从欧洲进口。“知道这玩意的价值吗?每克600元人民币!”客户无意中的一句话,让赵鸣找到了创业的方向。  相似文献   

刘晓庆号称亿万富婆,那么演艺界中千万富翁1百万富翁、几十万富翁恐怕不会少,他们一年能挣多少?他们纳税吗?他们怎么纳税?大家都比较关心。可当记者就此采访一些大腕儿明星的时候,他们不少还是公认的纳税模范、上上下下口碑很好的演员,却大部分谈税色变,十分为难...  相似文献   

从目前来看,购买艾美表的客户更多的还是注重了产品的设计和品质。 商周刊:有人说中国消费者会因为产品展示其地位,从而冲动消费。但是这与艾美这个品牌想表达的理念是不吻合的,你对于此有何感受?会因为这部分中国消费者而做出改变吗?  相似文献   

陆祥 《经济月刊》2003,(5):66-67
受制于网络的缺乏,外资银行声势浩大地开展网络业务,他们会成功吗?  相似文献   

We study the effect of small windfalls on consumer spending decisions by comparing the purchases online grocery customers make when redeeming $10-off coupons with the purchases they make without coupons. Controlling for customer fixed effects and other variables, we find that grocery spending increases by $1.59 when a $10-off coupon is redeemed. The extra spending associated with coupon redemption is focused on groceries that a customer does not typically buy. These results are consistent with the theory of mental accounting but are not consistent with the standard permanent income or lifecycle theory of consumption. While the hypotheses we test are motivated by mental accounting, we also discuss some alternative psychological explanations for our findings.  相似文献   

Theoretical studies have recently drawn attention to the significance of non-durable commodity holdings by households. The present paper is an effort to find empirical evidence that household inventory behavior has definable properties. A large set of grocery purchase data, the Chicago Tribune Consumer Panel, is investigated. On the basis of the analysis it is suggested that grocery shopping behavior broadly conforms to that anticipated by inventory theory and that the rate of discount applied on these holdings varies negatively with income across households.  相似文献   

Nonprofit organizations are traditionally assumed to dislike commercial activities. In the USA, they are however allowed to engage in commercial activities, but the income they derive from these activities is then subject to the so-called ‘unrelated business income tax’. If NPOs do indeed dislike commercial income, then why do they engage in these activities? Using a data set of 2103 US NPOs, this study suggests that the presence of agency problems inside the organization can at least provide an explanation for the occurrence of ‘unrelated business income’.  相似文献   

The papers in this issue are concerned with the behaviour of exchange rates — their fundamental determinants, adjustment processes and policy implications. The authors combine theory with empirical evidence, test hypotheses as well as show the relevance of their analysis for policy. This Introduction addresses several questions. What are the contributions of the articles to the economics of exchange rates? Are they significant in increasing our understanding of the current issues and in addressing questions of policy? How can one explain the movements in the European and the Asian currencies? What can we expect to happen to the euro with the enlargement of the euro area? Do the papers provide frameworks to guide empirical research? In this Introduction, we highlight aspects of each paper that addresses these issues.  相似文献   

As this historic presidential election draws near, what do RNs think of our nation's priorities? Which candidates do they think will be most effective in shaping our health care system and addressing the most pressing issues of our time? The results of this survey show that RNs do not identify overwhelmingly with one political ideology or party and, in fact, they closely resemble the public on these political dimensions. The data also show that RNs identify health care issues as the most important problem facing the nation. RNs who believe that it is the responsibility of the government to provide health insurance to those without it, have more confidence in the government to achieve this outcome, and are more likely to be Democrats than Republicans. The presidential election is expected to be highly contested and could be determined by a relatively small margin of votes and, thus, nurses should recognize their chances of influencing the outcome of the election. The data from this survey provide baseline information potentially useful to increasing the political influence of the nursing profession, informing other organizations about where they might align with nurses, and helping candidates and the political parties compete more effectively in seeking the support of roughly 3 million RN voters.  相似文献   

The repeal of the Prohibition Act in 1933 introduced many state‐specific regulations in wine markets. For example, 15 states currently have laws that restrict wine sales in grocery stores. Several of these states have proposed changes that would expand the distribution of wine; however, the proposals have met significant resistance from key stakeholders and none have resulted in legislation. It is widely expected that additional proposals will be initiated, but with more attention given to mechanisms that would address some of the transitional issues. A simulation model is developed here to assess the likely economic effects of introducing wine into grocery stores in New York State. Results indicate that tax revenue would increase by $22 million annually, revenue for in‐state wineries would increase by approximately 13%, and revenue for liquor store owners is calculated to fall by 28%. Simulation results are subsequently used to develop a framework for evaluating the transitional costs of policy reform in this highly regulated industry. (JEL K23, Q18)  相似文献   

Environmental and Resource Economics - We investigate the unintended consequences of carryout grocery bag (CGB) regulations by looking at the impact on sales of alternative plastic bag products. We...  相似文献   

In this paper I analyze the state of Portuguese research in economics based on publications in international journals for the period of 1986 to 2000. I find that scientific production is increasing but productivity remains low. I also provide a revealing characterization of the production habits of Portuguese researchers by answering the following questions: where do Portuguese researchers publish? who are the most active publishers? how often do they publish? how much do they collaborate? what is their background? Finally, I analyze the impact of that research based on citation counts.Received: July 2001, Accepted: November 2001, Mathematics Subject Classification: A10, A14I would like to acknowledge the helpful comments of the Editor, Paulo Brito, as well as Ana Rute Cardoso, Clara Dismuke, João Santos Silva, Octávio Figueiredo, Pedro Pita Barros and Pedro Portugal.  相似文献   

《Economics Letters》2006,93(2):285-290
Results obtained from a value elicitation experiment are used to predict the sales of a new grocery product. While the experimental results correspond well with actual retail sales, there is a tendency for subjects to exhibit more pro-social behavior in the framed field experiment than in the naturally occurring market.  相似文献   

Uncertainty and Climate Change   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
Uncertainty is pervasive in analysis of climatechange. How should economists allow for this? And how have they allowed for it? This paperreviews both of these questions.  相似文献   

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