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黄国坤 《经济师》2023,(8):163-164+166
“百年大计,教育为本。”“师德师风”是教师执教之本。“党建+”视域下,“师德师风”建设工作具有显著成效,在不断发展的进程中取得了优异的成绩。基于此,文章首先介绍“师德师风”建设工作,并针对“师德师风”建设面临的现实挑战及党建工作对于“师德师风”建设的积极促进作用进行分析,最后对“党建+”视域下的“师德师风”建设进行探讨,并对提升教师职业素养、改进教师职业作风,最终实现教育事业的创新发展提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

加强师德师风建设创建高校和谐环境   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
师德师风是教师的职业道德修养及其表现出来的思想和工作作风,师德师风建设是教师队伍建设的核心内容,是加强和改进学校德育工作、促进高校和谐发展、提高教育质量的关键环节.和谐校园的创建是构建和谐社会的重要组成部分,和谐校园的创建必须有一支高水平、高质量、高素质的和谐教师队伍,而良好的师德师风又是建设高水平教师队伍的前提.  相似文献   

高校教师肩负着双重使命:传授就业之技,示范就业之德,所以高校教师必须具有良好的师风师德。本文阐述了加强高校教师师风师德建设的必要性和重要性,以及如何加强师风师德建设,做到教书育人,为人师表。  相似文献   

哈尔滨市第138中学行风评议工作以“三个代表”重要思想为指导,认真贯彻教育局行风评议工作会议精神,以依法治校为核心,以校务公开为载体,以师德师风建设为重点,以治理教育乱收费为主要内容,以服务群众为目标,以人民满意为标准.以民主评议为契机,坚持教育、制度、监督并重,以评促纠,以评促健,扎实推进我校政风行风建设工作。  相似文献   

师德师风是教师的思想觉悟、价值观念、人生追求、品德修养和工作态度的真正体现。良好的师德师风是教书育人的重要前提。教师是人类灵魂的工程师,不仅担负着授业、解惑的重大责任,教师的一言一行甚至直接影响学生的一生。师德师风建设是一项需要长期坚持的系统性工程。只有长久自觉地保持良好的精神状态,才能在法律上、制度上、校规校纪上保持教师职业道德的真正实施。  相似文献   

教师的职业道德是指教师在从事教育劳动过程中形成的比较稳定的道德观念、行为规范和道德品质的总和;师德师风建设是一个具有层面感和阶段性的课题。抓主线,重实践,稳步推进师德师风建设,首先要攻薄弱,重规范,夯实师德师风建设的基础。规范执教,严谨执教,培养造就一代新人,是教师职业道德的核心要求。  相似文献   

“以人为本”的师德师风建设要求高校财经类教师以学生为本,不断提高职业道德和业务水平。“以人为本”的师德师风建设,对高校财经类教师提出了更高的要求,也对新时期的高校财经类教学实践具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

彭海红 《新经济》2016,(6):25-26
随着我国社会经济改革的深化发展,江西高校师德师风建设不断受到社会思想文化、价值观念和道德观念等的冲击,继而出现了一些不可忽视的问题。师德师风是教师的一种内在修养,属于道德范畴,仅仅依靠外在的规范、制度硬性约制和教师评价体系软性引导,仍然是有欠缺的。本文基于人文视角,从江西高校师德师风建设的必要性到存在的主要问题,进而提出各种施措对师德师风建设予以探究具有非常重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

高校师德师风建设内涵分析和对策研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
廉雨 《经济师》2010,(4):107-108
师德是教师从事教育劳动时必须遵循的各种道德规范的总和,是一所高校办学精神和办学理念等大学文化的集中体现,是学校生存与发展的希望与动力所在。文章从高校师德师风建设内涵和要求进行分析,进一步阐述了加强师德师风建设的重要性,并从加强领导、建章立制、严格考核等8个方面提出了师德师风建设的具体措施。  相似文献   

汪蓓  高秀玲  陈莹  朱亚飞  李彦明 《经济师》2013,(12):149-151
师德师风建设是高校人力资源管理的重要内容,加强医学院校师德师风建设对培养合格医疗卫生专业技术人才具有十分重大的意义。文章以西北某医学院校为例,从分析目前该校青年教师的师德师风现状入手,探索青年教师师德师风建设的有效途径,从而为提升学校人力资源管理水平提供重要依据。  相似文献   

Our central aim is to explore the ideas involved in the claim that certain institutional structures economize on virtue and, in particular, to explore the widely held idea that reliance on institutions that economize on virtue may undermine virtue itself. We explore these ideas both by discussing alternative conceptions of ‘virtue’ and ‘economizing’, and by constructing a simple model of the relationship between a specific institutional structure that may be said to economize on virtue and the emergence of virtue.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the interaction between socioeconomic factors and the value and prevalence of female virginity. Using a simple model of the marriage market, in which premarital chastity is an important factor influencing spouse selection, we show that the prevalence of virginity increases with male inequality, social fluidity, overall economic development, the gender gap and, under certain conditions, social status. We also build a dynamic version of the model, showing that it can reproduce both the emergence and the subsequent decline of chastity in favor of a more widespread practice of premarital sex. The implications of our theory are consistent with some historical and cross-cultural evidence.  相似文献   

Virtue ethics interprets human action as pursuing good ends through practices that develop qualities internal to those final goals. The philosophical approach has been identified as critical of economics, leading in turn to the innovative response that by viewing the market as mutually beneficial exchange, economic practice is in fact defendable on virtue ethics grounds. This defends economics using arguments drawn from virtue ethics, but there is a need also to explore space for virtue ethics within economic theory. Examining key contributions of Kenneth J. Arrow, Amartya Sen and Elinor Ostrom, the article notes that virtue ethics’ appreciation of persons’ communicability of ends is increasingly being relied upon within economics, though sometimes under different names. Its strength to interdisciplinary work between economics and philosophy lies in presenting a methodology able to capture how human beings are capable of, though not fixated on, cooperation.  相似文献   

This paper aims at putting forward the analytical stake of the few passages that Thomas Aquinas devotes to prices and exchange, mainly in the Summa Theologiae. His objective – to enlighten a confessor vis-à-vis his penitent, or the judge in an ecclesiastical tribunal – leads the author to a complex construction, which involves establishing a referential norm – the just price – to which the transaction price should be compared.

It is recalled here that resorting to the just price avoids any consideration of individual behaviour. However, this last comes to the forefront when the issue dealt with is to explain the reasons why such a transaction price is equal to, or on the contrary departs from the just price. Thomas Aquinas' treatment of this issue allows one to acknowledge (a) that individual behaviour is characterized by virtue or by vice in various informational contexts, and (b) that the making of a transaction price is the result of a negotiation process between buyer and seller. In a context of correct information, where the partners are both virtuous, Thomas Aquinas explains why the transaction price is equal to the just price – in the exchange in se – or could differ from it – in the exchange per accidens. But focusing on the exchange in se, both an asymmetry of information and the vice of at least one of the partners give rise to deception strategies leading to transaction prices, presented as just by the party who knows it is not, and agreed upon as just by the deceived party. Lastly, the possibility of retaining information during the negotiation process paves the way for the opportunity for the virtuous seller to protect himself against the higher power of negotiation of a possible vicious partner.

Although aiming at a different goal, Thomas Aquinas thus provides a complete theory, not only of the just price, but more generally of exchange, in which ethical considerations become decisive in determining transaction prices.  相似文献   


Amid the growing literature in English on the work of the Neapolitan political economist Antonio Genovesi (1713–1769), this paper focuses on his conception of civil economy (economia civile) as a theory of government. By contrast with existing interpretations, the argument is that for Genovesi virtue is a significant ordering device of the polity: virtue mediates between passions and reason, and the human capacity for virtue helps individuals better to realise their different talents. This, in turn, means that virtue is central to the division of labour and the right proportions between different activities, including the balance between consumption and trade.  相似文献   

We investigate whether the presence of new competitors has influenced the behaviour of U.S. incumbent local exchange carriers (ILECs) with respect to pricing, advertising and the extent of diversification that they engage in. This issue is explored empirically, using data for the major local exchange carriers for the years 1994 to 1998. The period straddles periods of both absence and presence of competition in the industry, since the Telecommunications Act of 1996 has opened hitherto closed markets to competitive local exchange carriers (CLECs). While a recent Federal Communications Commission (FCC) report on local competition documents vigorous entry during the past years, the market share of the entrants is insubstantial. Our results indicate that the threat provided by market entrants has notably influenced the strategic behaviour of ILECs. The findings show that the incumbent U.S. local operators, particularly the larger ILECs, aggressively protect their profit streams from traditional business. The evidence demonstrates that the ILECs have responded to the Telecommunications Act 1996, and to the threat of market entry it has created, through entry deterrence. This strategic behaviour has been successful in providing ILECs with protection of their monopolistic markets so far.  相似文献   

The decline of U.S. productivity and competitiveness has been represented as a death by a thousand cuts. Remedies, however, must center on something more than a thousand band-aids. They are best directed to the critical determinants of decline. Next to the need to undertake a radical restructuring of education, we must secure a much more effective exploitation of scientific advance already in hand. This essay does not propose a redistribution of funds away from science to make technology transfer affordable. It urges much expanded attention within the academy to competitiveness issues centering on process and product innovation. There is little attention here to the well-deserved accolades enjoyed by science; this essay focuses instead on the sources of vertigo we collectively suffer in effecting the science-to-technology passage, represented metaphorically as a rope bridge. The catalog of causes for the fragile nature of that construct is followed with suggestions for giving it tensile strength.  相似文献   

产业集群的蓬勃发展使得集群政策开始成为各地区地方政府推动本地区经济发展和产业成长的重要政策工具。来自国内外发达地区产业集群发展实践中的大量证据表明,政府政策正在成为各地产业集群培育或发展的重要措施。本文将总结美国、意大利等国家推动产业集群发展的成功政策经验,提炼国外先进地区政府运用产业集群的政策启示,为我国地方政府推动本地区产业集群发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

政府与市场的划分,取决于人类生活所同时面临的两种不同性质的风险。损失风险属于公共风险,归政府治理;机会风险属于私人风险,归市场治理。市场经济就是风险经济。市场机制就是在一定的制度环境下,市场主体自主地将自己的产权与他人进行交换的风险机制。我国深化经济体制改革的任务,就是向市场注入风险机制,解决制度环境、市场主体、产权制度、行政垄断等问题。  相似文献   

公共政策的经济学分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
吴鸣 《经济问题》2004,(5):12-14
任何一项公共政策的制定和实施都需要付出一定的代价,关键在于这种代价能不能承受,值不值得承受。经济学与公共政策有着密切的联系,即使是一些看起来与经济问题无关的公共政策,如果细心分析总是可以发现其中的经济学逻辑。这一逻辑告诉我们,公共政策是通过比较其成本和收益而产生的,公共政策存在的理由在于它的社会成本小于以市场和企业自行解决的方式来解决问题。  相似文献   

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