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资源环境效率分析是物质流分析评价的重要内容。在传统的物质流分析评价指标——强度和效率评价指标的基础上,综合考虑资源环境对物质流的约束、调控和反馈作用,采用输入输出强度指标、资源利用效率指标、资源环境基尼系数、环境经济系统的IPAT分析等,研究资源环境效率分析方法,并以广州市南沙区为例进行了实证研究。结果表明:由于区域生产力的进步,物质输入强度有所下降,而区域社会经济的发展带动了人们的物质消费的增长导致输出的增加;区域废弃物排放量仍有一定的增加,但单位GDP物质利用量得到明显降低,单位GDP废弃物输出量也逐步降低,区域经济增长与环境压力正在得到缓解;区域经济负担出现较大幅度下降,人均消耗强度亦出现轻微下降。  相似文献   

基于DEA的苏北与鲁南地区经济效率评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用数据包络分析(DEA)方法。以年末从业人员、全社会固定资产投资和R&D经费作为输入量,分别以GDP,三次产业增加值,地方一般预算收入、城镇居民人均可支配收入及农民人均纯收入为输出量。构建三个同输入不同输出的指标体系,对苏北与鲁南地区十个地市的经济效率进行评价,通过比较分析发现:鲁南地区整体经济效率高于苏北地区;GDP的产出效率与居民收入的产出效率存在不一致性;第一产业产值占GDP比例的降低提高了经济效率。  相似文献   

1990-2005年中国经济系统物质投入及其减量化分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
本文以欧盟经济系统物质流分析方法中的物质输入核心指标——直接物质投入为基础,追踪和考察了1990—2005年中国经济系统直接物质投入的历史发展轨迹与结构变化,并利用物质减量分解模型对直接物质投入进行了经济增长的反弹效应和物质使用强度的减量效应分解,最后指出了该研究指标的不足之处。  相似文献   

本文利用物质流分析方法和物质减量分解模型,研究了1990—2012年我国农业生产经济系统的物质流状况及其结构,并将之与农业经济发展指标相联系,利用分离指数等指标考察了经济增长与物质投入的脱钩关系,对物质输入进行了减量效应和反弹效应分解。结果表明:二十多年来,我国农业生产的物质输入输出不断增加,物质投入以化肥和能源为主,农业经济增长和物质投入处于相对脱钩状态,物质利用效率提高速度低于农业经济增长速度,农业经济系统呈现弱可持续性发展。  相似文献   

推行低碳经济的本质是降低碳排放,而物质流分析法则抓住了低碳经济减少废弃物质排放量的核心.本文以重庆市为例,利用物质流分析法对其近年的物质输入、输出量进行整合和分析,对重庆低碳经济的发展给出了评价和建议.  相似文献   

中国资源生产率和全要素生产率研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文引入物质流分析方法构建资源生产率的指标体系和经济分析框架,考察1978~2008年间中国资源生产率、全要素生产率及其阶段性特征。实证分析的结果显示,1998年以来,中国经济增长对要素投入的依赖性仍在增强,而全要素生产率及其对经济增长的贡献率却呈下降趋势。本文在此基础上引入资源因素进一步探讨中国全要素生产率的阶段性特征,有助于从资源效率、资源投入与技术进步间的替代关系等多个方面增进对中国经济增长的理解。  相似文献   

京津冀能源消费、碳排放与经济增长   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用《2006年IPCC国家温室气体清单指南》中的碳排放核算方法[1],测算2000—2011年京津冀二氧化碳排放量、排放强度、人均排放量和单位面积排放量,从变动趋势、消费结构、相关性和空间分布四个角度分析京津冀的能源消费、碳排放与经济增长。结果表明:京津冀能源消费量和碳排放量在12年间均呈增长趋势;碳排放强度均呈下降趋势;津冀的高排放主要是由以煤炭消费为主的能源结构和以高耗能工业为主的产业结构引起的。碳排放量与能源消费量和经济增长密切相关。在京津冀协同发展背景下,应大力调整产业结构,优化能源结构,建立碳汇合作机制。  相似文献   

日本的能源战略与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
能源政策的基本方针日本能源政策的基本方针是实现三个“E”,即能源供给的稳定、环境保护和经济成长。进人90年代以来,与能源相关的国内外经济社会环境发生了很大变化:(1)根据京都会议协议,日本应在2008-2010年间将温室效应气体排放量削减至比1990年低6%的水平上,为此必须将能源消耗产生的CO。排放量维持在1990年水平;(2)日本国内民生、运输部门对能源需求仍在递增,而亚洲地区能源自给率呈降低趋势;(3)从经济结构调整、提高竞争力等方面考虑,社会各界要求降低能源成本的呼声日益高涨。为适应上述形势变化的要求,必须从…  相似文献   

中国主要省区物质资本与人力资本利用效率及投资取向   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
孟晓晨  刘洋  戴学珍 《经济地理》2005,25(4):458-462
要实现区域的可持续发展,提高资源利用效率是一个根本性的问题。而作为主要生产资源的物质资本与人力资本的利用效率就具有更重要的意义。文章以经济增长理论为依据,利用生产函数分析了中国主要省区物质资本与人力资本对经济增长的贡献率,发现1990年代之后大多数省区的人力资本贡献率已超过了物质资本的贡献率,说明经济增长方式已发生了由外延式向内涵式的很好转变。进一步根据生产者均衡理论,计算了主要省区物质资本与人力资本的利用效率,发现大部分省区的利用效率没有达到最优状态,但1990年代以来利用效率在不断提高。在此基础上,计算了通过提高两项资本利用效率可带来的GDP增长潜力,发现当利用效率达到最高时GDP可增长近24%。由此给出了各省区物质资本与人力资本投资比例的调整方向。  相似文献   

人口规模、经济增长与碳排放:经验证据及国际比较   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
姚从容 《经济地理》2012,32(3):138-145
根据国际能源署(IEA)公布的1971—2008年碳排放数据,探讨中国与典型发达国家、发展中国家(G8+5)人口规模、经济增长与碳排放变化的差异性。结果表明:随着GDP增长,中国碳排放快速增长,人均碳排放已超过世界平均水平;单位GDP碳排放持续降低,但依然高于世界平均水平。利用秩相关系数检验人均GDP与单位GDP碳排放,发现7个发达国家均呈显著下降趋势,发展中国家南非、中国呈显著下降趋势,巴西、印度、墨西哥呈上升趋势但并不显著;人均GDP与人均碳排放秩相关系数表明,7个发达国家中,美国、法国、德国、英国呈显著下降趋势,加拿大呈不显著上升趋势,日本、意大利呈显著上升趋势;5个发展中国家处于工业化快速发展阶段,能源消费急剧增加,随着人均GDP增长,人均碳排放均呈显著上升趋势。基于此,归纳出世界主要发达国家和发展中国家人口增长、经济增长与碳排放变动的三种模式。  相似文献   

Base on the framework of material flow analsis (MFA) proposed by Eurostat, this paper collected related data and conducted a regional MFA for the Chengyang Districgt in Qingdao. The indicators such as Direct Material Input(DMI), Direct Material Consumption (DMC) and Exports are calculated or estimated for the period of year 1995 through 2004. Several derivable iudicators defining direct material productivity and material intenstiy are also evaluated and some valuable conclusions were drawn. DMI in absolute number increased from about 1645.9 kilotons in 1995to about 8052.5 kilotons in 2004. Imports contribute to about 47 to 69% of DMI, and the biggest component of imports is fossil fuel that approximatley accounts far 50% of imnports. DMI per capita of Chengyang District increased rapidly and reached 17. 4 tons in 2004. Compared with other five economies studied by WRI, material consumption intensity of Chengyang District is significantly lower than developed countries, which indicates that Chengyang District is still in a development stage The direct material productivity (actual GDP per DMI) increased 59.1% from 1995 to 2004 and has been higher than either of stadies in China, which indicates efficiency of resources utilization has improved obviously in Chengyang District. But there was significant increase in material input in the last decade, which shows that rapid increase of economy is highly dependent on requirement and consumption of natural resources. Therefore, in order to promote the sustainahility, it is essential to develop circular economy and improve utilization efficiency of resources.  相似文献   

The key feature when modelling joint production of intended outputs and unintended residuals is that the latter stem from the use of material inputs. A multi-equation model building on the factorially determined multi-output model of classical production theory satisfies the materials balance that tells us that the mass contained in inputs cannot disappear, but must turn up in the desirable outputs or end up as residuals. In this model, potentially complex technical relationships are simplified to express each of the intended outputs and the residuals as functions of the same set of inputs. Serious problems with the single-equation models most often found in the literature are demonstrated. Abatement activity in the form of end of pipe is added, and an optimal planning solution is derived using the concept of an environmental damage function for the impact of discharge of residuals into the natural environment. It is shown that the traditional environmental policy instruments, like direct regulation restricting the amount of undesirable residuals discharged to the environment, a Pigou tax on pollutants, and cap and trade, all function well. Extending the multi-equation model to allow for inefficiency, three efficiency measures are introduced: desirable output efficiency, residuals efficiency, and abatement efficiency. It is conjectured that these measures can be estimated independently using the DEA model.  相似文献   

The process of economic activities is on the basis of tremendous material inputs. China has been discharging an enormous amount of waste, giving rise to a wide range of environmental impacts. The method of economy-wide material flow analysis (EW-MFA) is one of the effective tools to examine the flow of materials entering physical economies, and recognize early environmental problems. Relevant researches are still at the early stage in China and most focus on material throughput but are rarely concerned about the utilization of recycling resource and environmental impact. Based on more than 3,000 items of data related, materials entering Chinese economy are classified into three types, and then the characteristics of material input and environmental impact are presented for the years 1990-2005 by using the indicators derived from EW-MFA. The Ratio of Recycled Material (RRM) is added as the new indicator in order to be in accordance with the need of circular economy being promoted in China. Results show that the great changes in the structure of material input cause the continuous increase of industrial solid waste emissions and the bogging down of material productivity. The RRM reveals that the utilization of recycling resources remains at a fairly low level in China. Finally, some weakness of EW-MFA is discussed according to the calculated results.  相似文献   

基于DEA方法的北京市循环经济效率评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
循环经济系统是一个具有多投入、多产出的复杂系统,有效评价系统的投入产出效率,是反映循环经济状况的关键。文章以北京市18个区(县)2008年度的统计数据为基础,采用数据包络分析方法(DEA)中的BCC模型对循环经济效率进行评估。效率得分结果显示,北京市各区(县)在循环经济效率上存在明显的差异,首都功能核心区、生态涵养发展区循环经济效率较高,城市发展新区、城市功能拓展区则呈现相反情形,并且北京市各区(县)发展水平与循环经济效率之间不存在相关性。松弛变量分析显示,在既定的效率得分下,不同区(县)对于各项投入的利用存在很大差异。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A number of studies have examined costs and potential for scale and scope economies in electricity distribution; however, few if any, have examined this area in terms of the unique constraints associated with municipal ownership or historical and regulatory constraints associated with former municipal ownership. This paper focuses on 19 distribution‐only municipally owned utilities for a ten‐year period (1988–97). Distortions from variable outputs but largely fixed inputs are minimized. The data used were collected specifically to assess productivity, cost, and efficiency performance and include value‐based capital inputs and service prices. Outputs include energy conveyed and number of connections; inputs include capital, system losses, labour, and materials. We examine the effect of using third‐party financing (e.g., connection charges), with its inherent principal‐agent problems, on utility costs, as well as the effect of shared services and multi‐utility output (e.g., electricity and water). A translog total cost function is estimated. Our findings suggest significant returns to scope but also significant increases in costs associated with the use of third‐party financing. The results also suggest scale diseconomies. Shared outputs, which have been greatly restricted or eliminated under restructuring, may have provided larger, and now lost, economies than the scale returns blindly pursued by some through restructuring or incented/forced mergers or divestitures. Finally, it is clear that third‐party financing can raise costs; such financing is widely used among utilities providing electricity, gas, water, and telecommunications, and should be closely scrutinized.  相似文献   

John McDonald 《Applied economics》2013,45(25):3231-3240
It may surprise some readers that frontier methods such as Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) can be used to assess the productive efficiency of the estates of eleventh century England. This is possible because in 1086, William the Conqueror carried out a comprehensive survey (the Domesday Survey) of lands he invaded 20 years earlier. The survey provides high-quality data on the inputs and outputs of most manors in England. A previous analysis of the data for Essex estates indicated that the average efficiency of the Domesday agricultural economy was comparable to, if not higher than that for more modern economies, that some tenants-in-chief displayed significantly more entrepreneurial flair than others, and that the geographical location, the size of the estate and the arable/livestock mix all significantly affected estate efficiency. In this article, analysis of a second Domesday county, Wiltshire, confirms the general results for Essex, but indicates some differences in the factors affecting estate efficiency.  相似文献   

利用文献资料法、因果分析法与定量比较法,采用能值理论,创新定量评价土地利用的各类物能投入与产品、服务产出的相互关系,科学、准确地说明耕地利用可持续利用水平.结果发现,新野县耕地利用总能值投入不断上升,但环境资源能值投入下降,工业辅助能投入增加且超过60%;新野县耕地生态经济系统的环境负载率不断上升;各乡镇的可持续发展指标不断下降.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider a competitive economy with flows of materials from extraction via recycling to landfilling which exhibits distortions due to pollution, external landfilling costs and inefficient product design. The allocative impact of tax-subsidy policies aiming at internalizing the distortions are analyzed when the pertinent tax-subsidy rates were successively raised from zero toward their efficiency restoring levels. Promoting recyclability by greening the product design stimulates recycling as expected. But it also increases primary material extraction and – possibly – the total waste flow, and it reduces the recycling ratio.  相似文献   

This article demonstrates a methodology using panel data analysis to estimate confidence intervals for the data envelopment analysis efficiency of individual decision making units (DMUs), and the statistical significance of trends in individual DMU efficiency. The procedure accounts for stochastic variations of the inputs and outputs of the target DMU as well as stochastic variations of the inputs and outputs of its efficient benchmark peers. The procedure is demonstrated using 9 years of data from 34 Canadian paratransit agencies.  相似文献   

Over the last three decades, the economic integration of the Chilean economy into global markets has been taking place at a rapid pace. For example, in 1986, exports represented 29% of GDP while in 1996 they had increased to 38% of GDP. This period of time was characterized by strong economic growth with an average annual growth rate of about 10%. From a physical perspective, material requirements more than doubled from 220 to 500 million tons of direct material inputs (DMI) during the same decade (the rate of material growth requirements was around 13% per year).The main objective of this study is to explain the changes in DMI by using a structural decomposition analysis (SDA). The changes in material flow accounting (MFA) were broken down into the effects caused by changes in resource use per unit of output (material intensity effect), changes between and within sectors (structural change effect), changes in the composition of final demand (mix effect), changes due to shifting shares of domestic final demand and export categories (category effect) and finally changes in the overall level of economic activities (level effects). The results, as a percentage of the total level of DMI used in 1986, indicate that economic growth was the major source of material changes (109%). The material intensity and category effects explained 31% and 14% of the increase, respectively. The increase in the material intensity is mainly due to a declining quality of ores in copper production. However, these components were partly compensated by the structure (− 14%) and mix (− 13%) effects. Therefore, for a Southern American country such as Chile, the main causes of these changes in material consumption have been a combination of the nature of economic growth along with an increase in export production and material intensity of production.  相似文献   

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