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The aim of the study was to explore the current forest industry's change features, necessary resources and management for the biorefining business in Scandinavia and North America. A total of 23 representatives from the forest, bioenergy and bioproducts sectors participated in themed interviews in the last round of a three-phase Delphi study. In both Scandinavian and North American forest industries, a conservative organizational culture and lack of financial resources create barriers to change. The role of the forest industry in the forest biorefinery consortium is largely seen to be that of a biomass provider. The scope of change depends on context-specific features, such as biorefinery location and raw material availability. Operating a commercial-scale biorefinery facility requires both new managerial and operational-level skills. Readiness for change needs to be embedded in the organizational culture — and the key to attaining this is open-minded organizational management. It is believed that there are innovative personnel in forest industry companies, yet the current culture does not encourage such people to submit their ideas. Success in the biorefinery business cannot be achieved without collaboration. However, sharing of profits among partners in the consortium will be challenging.  相似文献   

Biomass-based energy has become a major focus of attention from a variety of directions due to the global challenges of meeting our energy needs. Bioenergy and bio-products are also currently being explored intensively in the forest cluster, as many elements that have in the past guaranteed success have largely disappeared. As the bioenergy and biorefining economies are evolving, there is a need for realistic estimates regarding the factors which affect the diffusion of forest biorefineries. This paper outlines global and national drivers for forest biorefineries in Scandinavia and North America. It explores the financial, political, technological, and ecological and raw-material related factors, as well as business competencies, challenges and changes in the business environment. This study is based on data from an expert opinion survey and comments from the experts about the survey results yielded by a Delphi method. According to our results, key factors for the development of forest biorefineries are very similar in both studied areas. There needs to be support from the macro-scale environment particularly from governments, but also the involved industries themselves need to be active. Diffusion factors in the macro-scale business environment are better understood when compared to more industry-specific strategic factors. Both studied areas seem to have potential for success in the biorefinery business. However, a more realistic identification of national strengths as well as continuous development of competencies – while avoiding an overly optimistic attitude – is crucial.  相似文献   

In this paper, the potential of bioenergy production in agriculture (preferred and probable futures) is scrutinised using the Delphi method. We present a case of northern possibilities to utilise renewable energy sources within agriculture in a form of alternative bioenergy scenarios. Altogether 20 experts participated in the Delphi process which outlines the future of bioenergy production in Finland. The first round of the Delphi study was carried out by semi-structured interviews and the second feedback round by means of a mail questionnaire. Background information of key variables was presented to the panellists who responded with their views on developments between 2004 and 2025. Alternative scenarios were then constructed from these dimensions with cluster analysis in line with the Disaggregative Policy Delphi (DPD) approach. Quantitative statements were complemented with the experts' argumentation. Five scenarios were constructed: 1) Renewable prosperity, 2) Incremental change, 3) Vision of sun, wind and wood, 4) Let's burn it all, and 5) Flood of waterpower. After the Delphi rounds, a dialogue seminar for the agri-technology experts and policy-makers was organised. These results bring to the table an agri-food technology expert community view of the future directions for Finnish agro-bioenergy use.  相似文献   

确定碳交易体系的覆盖范围是国家或地区碳交易体系的基础工作。在对欧盟、德国和日本的相关研究进行文献分析后发现,有一些共同的判定标准。根据我国国情,对这些选择标准进行了适用性分析,并综合地区的碳排放结构、经济规划、区域发展平衡等因素,设计了由系统层、模块层、要素层和基础层四层共26个指标构成的"区域碳交易体系行业入选度"指标体系,采用德尔菲和模糊隶属度函数的方法计算得到每个指标的权重,建立了选择碳交易体系覆盖范围的评价模型。以广东省为例,使用能源消费数据对评价模型进行模拟操作,结果显示:石化、电力和水泥行业是广东省建立碳交易体系时应该首先被选入的行业。  相似文献   

Based on the analysis of the bioenergy crop production function of land use,combined with the status quo of Chinese land use,the cultivation of energy plants and the bioenergy crop production function of land use had been analyzes and discusses in this paper.Results show that there were a lot of unused lands and marginal lands which can be planted bioenergy crops to perform the bioenergy crop production function of land use with great potentials; and currently there were no food production problems.Therefore,it was very important for China to emphasize bioenergy crops planting in order to fully use land resources in our country,moderate the energy crisis and increase peasants' income.  相似文献   

Blockchain is receiving considerable attention among practitioners and academics. However, a detailed analysis investigating how the impact of blockchain is going to unfold is still missing. Our article sets out to assess the radicalness of blockchain at an early stage of its development and substantiates the analysis with evidence from the payments industry. We start by distilling five key aspects of radical innovation from extant literature. Our analysis of blockchain then focuses on the payments industry, which represents a major business field of banking and the cradle of this technology. The results of a Delphi study provide 17 statements about the current development of blockchain. The statements deliver insights into the impact of blockchain on the payments industry and reveal the radicalness of the technology. Based on these insights, we investigate how blockchain affects the five key aspects of radical innovation and develop contributions from an innovation management’s perspective.  相似文献   

当前新一轮以云计算为中心的IT产业革命已在美国兴起,以云计算为主题的新创公司也像雨后春笋般竞相涌现。本文首先介绍了云计算的概念,云计算实际上是许多技术的大汇总.包括:网格计算、效用计算、虚拟化计算、面向服务体系结构等,然后针对云计算对产业链的影响及其发展成熟度进行分析,最后介绍了云计算产业联盟的各国政府及中国台湾地区对云计算所做的规划,希望为国内云计算研发及产业发展提供参考。  相似文献   

林农行为视角下政策性森林保险的经济分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林业是国民经济的重要产业,但同时又是一个充满风险的产业。因此,进一步完善森林保险制度、深入开展森林保险业务是促进我国林业发展的重要措施。实践证明,森林保险纯商业性路子走不通,应走政策支持型森林保险的发展道路。  相似文献   

周忠科  高杰  栾茗乔  刘琪 《技术经济》2023,42(9):161-170
党的二十大报告提出要“完善中国特色现代企业制度,弘扬企业家精神,加快建设世界一流企业。”企业家精神在促进经济高质量增长,推动产业转型升级,引领创新创业、实现共同富裕等方面发挥着重要作用。能源行业作为国家经济命脉的主导型产业,在保障国家能源供应、维护国家产业经济安全中具有举足轻重的作用。本文聚焦能源行业国有企业,运用扎根理论的方法,深入探索了新时代下能源国企企业家精神的影响因素和作用结果,并针对能源国企企业家精神的培育提出了实施路径。研究结果表明:能源国企企业家精神的形成和发挥受到文化、制度、地理环境、社会、企业和领导者个人6个方面因素的影响,并在多个层面上发挥作用。  相似文献   

能源要素作为考察资源配置效率不可或缺的因素,其配置是否有效与经济和环境的发展息息相关。为了判断我国制造业是否存在能源错配现象,厘清行业异质背景下能源错配影响碳排放效率的理论机制,基于2012—2017年制造业细分行业的面板数据,在测度行业能源错配指数基础上,构建计量模型实证检验能源错配对碳排放效率的影响。研究结果表明:(1)制造业各行业间存在不同程度的能源配置扭曲。(2)改善能源错配显著影响行业碳排放效率,但行业异质性使得影响的程度和方向有所不同。研究结论对宏观角度及时调整行业能源配置、加强环境保护约束,完善环境补偿机制、引导低碳创新技术研发具有重要政策启示。  相似文献   

旅游产业经济贡献综合评析--以湖北省为例   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
魏卫  陈雪钧 《经济地理》2006,26(2):331-334,352
随着旅游业对地区经济发展贡献日渐提高,许多地方将旅游业定位为支柱产业来发展。但是支柱产业地位的确定需要多项经济指标支撑,一些地方仅凭主观认识或以不科学的评价指标来衡量旅游产业经济贡献,容易导致旅游产业定位决策失误。为了全面科学地评价旅游产业的经济贡献,文章以支柱产业的经济贡献标准为出发点,以产业增加值占GDP比重、需求收人弹性、就业容量、行业关联度四个因子构建了旅游产业经济贡献评价指标体系,并对湖北省旅游产业经济贡献进行了实证分析;根据对相关数据的分析提出:目前湖北省旅游产业尚未达到支柱产业的标准,可以将其作为“准支柱产业”来培育。  相似文献   

In this paper, we focus on firms' cyclical behavior in the global semiconductor industry. We demonstrate that these cyclical dynamics at the industry level differ from both the business cycles at the macro-economic level and the lengthy industrial technology life cycle. We discuss a range of possible causes of those cyclical industrial dynamics, including the general business cycles as well as industry-specific factors. Our study reports three stylized facts in relation to the cyclical industrial dynamics in the global semiconductor industry: first, the industry is more concentrated during the industry cycle downturns; second, the capital investment of the industry as a whole follows a ‘pro-cyclical’ pattern; and third, firms that pursued a ‘counter-cyclical’ capital investment strategy during the industry cycle downturn have reaped rewards during the subsequent cycle period. These facts suggest that cyclical industrial dynamics, especially the industry cycle downturns, play an important role in firm rivalry, strategic positioning and industrial growth.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the impacts on timber and forest products markets of increasing forest conservation in Norway. A partial equilibrium forest sector model is applied to analyse effects on roundwood and forest products prices, quantities and trade of four alternative conservation extents. These alternatives are based on a recent biological analysis of the conservation needs in order to protect biodiversity in Norway. Roundwood prices are projected to increase moderately when conservation increases domestically only, since the Norwegian forest industry substitutes imported fibre for domestic. The impacts on roundwood prices are more substantial if also Norways forest products trading partners increase the forest conservation. If forest owners voluntarily conserve forests subject to an economic compensation (which currently is the most likely policy in Norway), the model results imply that forest owners on average are better off with increased conservation. Domestic sawnwood production is projected to reduce when assuming increasing forest conservation, while the production level in the pulp and paper industry is almost unaffected in the short-run. Finally, increasing demand for forest products as a result of environmental good-will may increase roundwood prices and harvest levels in unaffected forest areas significantly.  相似文献   

我国石化工业能源效率与节能潜力   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
石化工业是高能耗行业之一,其能源效率变化与节能状况对工业能耗和节能有重要影响。本文分析了我国石化工业能源消费特点,从行业、重点企业和重点产品角度度量了石化工业节能效果,估算了石化工业最小节能潜力,提出了进一步提升我国石化工业能源效率水平的政策措施。  相似文献   

我国动漫产业承接了国际产业转移,但多数动漫企业还处于动画加工低端环节。值得高度关注的问题是,那些具有创新精神和高度创造力、具有真正优秀的原创动漫产品的企业却无法正常盈利。因此,建园区、盖大楼只提供了发展动漫产业的基础设施,关键是当地提供良好的创业环境,促使各类相关企业繁衍和互动,形成动漫产业集群的发展环境。文章借用企业理论中的互补性资产概念,总结了美国好莱坞和日本秋叶原两种动漫盈利模式特点;并结合2001年产于深圳的动画电影《魔比斯环》失败案例和2006年建立于深圳的国家级怡景动漫产业基地的发展,分析了深圳动漫产业存在的问题以及发展动漫产业集群的经验。提出发展动漫产业须培育本地企业的互补性资产,尤其是外部的互补性资产,培育动漫产业集群,实现在全球价值链上升级。  相似文献   

瑞典在过去三十年中持续地增加生物质能(bioenergy)应用,使生物质能达到国家能源总消费的约1/3。在这一过程中,生物质能的生产技术趋向成熟,生物燃料(biofuels)市场得到发展,大型装备和运输体系逐步改进,产业链初步形成。瑞典发展和应用生物质能的实践,对中国调整能源结构、实行节能减排、利用地区生物质资源,以及用工业化方式生产生物质能有一定借鉴意义。  相似文献   

低碳经济提出的大背景,是全球气候变化对人类生存和发展的严峻挑战。低碳经济模式要求与之相对应的产业模式支撑其发展,即低碳产业。低碳产业已被多个国家列为重点发展领域,其理论也成为目前学术界关注的焦点,但关于低碳产业的理论研究尚处于起步和探索阶段。低碳产业的内涵、分类、特征以及发展等问题是众多学者关注较多的部分,但仍有很多地方如分类依据、判定标准、测算指标等问题亟待深入和完善。  相似文献   

太阳能光伏系统所具有的规模上的灵活性、地域上的适应性、用电上的便利性等特征,决定了光伏产业的市场潜力巨大、发展前景广阔。但受欧美经济持续下滑、贸易保护主义抬头和企业生产盲目扩张等因素影响,光伏产业发展面临着很多困难和问题。光伏产业在应对气候变化和保证能源安全方面意义重大,需要通过产业、科技、财税、金融、外贸等多方面的政策扶持,促进技术升级改造,优化产品结构,降低产品成本,从而实现光伏产业的持续健康发展,为我国的产业结构调整和实体经济发展发挥积极作用。  相似文献   

长期的过量采伐,导致东北许多林区森林可采林木资源濒临枯竭,经济社会发展面临严峻挑战,实施彻底的产业转型,恢复林区的生态功能,促进资源枯竭型林区经济全面协调发展已经迫在眉睫。但是,林区在实施产业转型过程中遇到许多现实问题,需要国家及当地政府及时出台相应扶持政策,推动区域经济发展模式的转变。文章以伊春市国有林区为例,对东北林区产业转型的困境进行深入分析,剖析了影响林区产业转型制度障碍,提出了资源枯竭型林区产业转型的对策。  相似文献   

企业资本结构作为上市公司所面临的决策问题,越来越受到重视。通过实证分析,用多元回归等统计学方法研究35家北京市制造业上市公司企业资本结构的影响因素。影响因素包括总资产、股东权益、流动比率、主营业务利润率、每股净资产、存货周转率、总资产增长率等7个指标。结果显示,企业的资本结构与企业规模呈正相关性,与偿债变现能力、企业盈利能力、企业投资价值呈负相关性。  相似文献   

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