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本文通过理论建模和经验数据研究了环境立法管制与中国企业出口国内附加值率之间的关系。结果发现,环境立法管制有助于提升中国企业出口国内附加值率。机制分析证明:一方面,加强环境立法管制的“成本效应”促使直接受约束的企业寻找其他可替代要素。这种替代效应的大小取决于企业对污染型资源的依赖程度。“创新效应”通过改变企业生产效率影响企业成本加成。这两种效应均影响了出口国内附加值率。另一方面,环境立法管制提高了本国企业出口到国外市场的生产率下界,使间接受约束的企业改变定价策略,进而影响出口国内附加值率。本文研究表明,地区严格的执法力度有助于扩大环境立法管制对污染型资源依赖程度较低企业出口国内附加值率的积极影响。  相似文献   

基于中国工业企业数据库和海关贸易数据库对制造业企业出口国内附加值率进行了测算,并实证分析了长江经济带经济集聚对地区制造业出口升级的影响及其作用机制.结果表明:经济集聚显著促进了制造业企业出口国内附加值率的提升,且在经济集聚程度高的地区提升效果更好.在长江中上游地区经济集聚带来的促进效应并不理想,而在长江下游地区和上游沿江中心城市则提升效果显著.同时,经济集聚有助于提高一般贸易和混合贸易企业出口国内附加值率,且存在推动加工贸易企业向高附加值一般贸易企业转变的可能.机制检验表明经济集聚是通过促进地区信息化发展和国内中间品投入比例的提高实现出口国内附加值率的增加.此外,地区经济集聚有助于推动国内中间品市场的扩大和深化企业国际化参与度.就外部性影响来看,要素市场的成熟和市场服务的完善也有助于强化经济集聚对制造业出口升级的促进效应.  相似文献   

金洪飞  陈秋羽 《财经研究》2021,47(11):94-108
文章将表征科技创新转化体系的产学研合作与衡量企业在全球价值链中分工地位的出口国内附加值率置于统一的分析框架,利用中国制造业企业数据探讨了两者之间的关系.研究表明,企业产学研合作水平的提高有助于增加中国企业出口的国内附加值率,加工贸易占比下降与国内中间品的附加值效率上升是其中重要的作用机制.因此,可以通过加强产学研合作来破解中国企业在全球价值链的低端困境.地区异质性分析表明,东部地区企业的出口国内附加值率受到产学研合作的显著影响,而在中部与西部地区企业中,这一影响并不显著.所有制异质性分析表明,产学研合作能够促进民营企业出口国内附加值率的提升,但对国有企业和外资企业的影响不显著.要素密集度异质性表明,产学研合作显著提高了技术密集型和劳动密集型企业的出口国内附加值率,而对资本密集型企业的影响不显著.专利类型异质性分析表明,实用新型专利和发明专利的产学研合作对企业出口国内附加值率的正向影响显著,而外观设计专利的影响不显著.  相似文献   

环境规制对中国对外贸易影响的实证分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨涛 《当代财经》2003,(10):103-105
中国与其他国家之间环境规制的差异对贸易会产生一定的影响。当环境规制相对变得更严时,“环境规制的成本贸易效应”发生作用,中国会进口更多的污染密集型产品;当环境规制变得相对较松时,中国会向发达国家出口更多的污染密集型产品。然而,由于世界各国都有加强环境管制的趋势,再加上“波特假设”的存在以及“环境规制的创新贸易效应”发挥作用,适当的加强环境管制虽然可能会增加污染密集型产品的进口,但是也能够有效地促进本国商品的出口,从而带来收益。  相似文献   

本文采用2001—2015年地级市最低工资标准数据、IFR工业机器人数据和中国工业企业微观数据,考察了最低工资标准、产业智能化与企业出口国内附加值之间的关系。结果表明,最低工资标准提升增加了企业成本负担,降低了企业出口国内附加值,其中,加工贸易企业和劳动密集型行业的出口国内附加值受最低工资标准影响最大;研究同时显示,产业智能化可以一定程度抵消最低工资标准调整的负面影响,且在加工贸易企业和劳动密集型行业中最为明显。进一步的研究发现,产业智能化通过人力资本效应和创新效应缓解了最低工资标准上调对企业出口国内附加值的不利影响。文章的结果表明,在人口红利消失的背景下,加快推进产业智能化、培育与之匹配的人力资本结构,是当前中国实现高质量发展,助力企业迈向价值链高端环节的重要举措。  相似文献   

谢众  李明广 《技术经济》2021,40(9):146-158
出口增加值的国内份额能够良好地反映企业参与国内国际双循环的状况.基于2000—2013年中国微观企业数据,本文研究了交通基础设施对企业出口国内增加值率的影响与机制.研究发现,国内交通基础设施改善会对企业出口国内增加值率产生双向效应:一方面会提高企业成本加成率与国内中间品投入,进而提高企业出口国内增加值率,促进企业参与国内大循环;另一方面则会增加企业从事加工贸易的比重与进口中间品投入,进而降低企业出口国内增加值率,推动企业嵌入国际大循环.交通基础设施对企业出口国内增加值率的总体影响则取决于以上两个效应的相对大小.实证结果显示,负向效应大于正向效应,交通基础设施对企业出口国内增加值率的总体影响显著为负,且企业异质性特征显著.本文从微观层面上解释了我国"内外循环"联动发展的经济事实,为构建"双循环"新发展格局提供了有益的启示.  相似文献   

资源约束不断加深下的可持续增长   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该文借用一个资源约束不断加深的经济增长模型,重点分析资源开采成本、环境质量要求、污染税对经济增长的影响,发现在资源开采成本不断上升时,如果效用函数中环境质量要求足够大、折现率足够低、那么污染税能够促进增长;当资源开发效率较低时,污染税对经济增长率有正效应。中国的进口资源—粗加工—再出口模式同时承担了巨大的资源价格上涨压力和粗加工过程中的环境污染压力,在新的资源来源难以保证的情况下,尤其需要在立法和执法过程中提高环境质量要求,降低环境效用的折现率,以通过严格执行污染税实现经济的可持续增长。  相似文献   

目前我国对外贸易发展的国内外环境和条件均已改变,基于传统比较优势理论的贸易发展战略遇到了巨大挑战。本文力图从本土市场效应的角度,探讨市场分割状态下国内市场规模对我国制造业出口竞争力的影响,以便寻求中国制造业出口战略的调整方向。利用中国工业企业数据的实证分析发现,越依赖本地市场的企业或行业,在本地市场规模越大时,出口竞争力越大,这验证了"本土市场效应"的存在。这也表明了国内市场对我国贸易发展战略调整的战略价值。  相似文献   

张晴  于津平 《当代财经》2023,(10):121-132
绿色信贷政策重新配置信贷资源,促使高污染、高能耗企业绿色转型,为推动企业全球价值链高端攀升提供了新思路。利用绿色发展企业数据库、中国工业企业数据库与海关贸易数据库合并数据,以2007年绿色信贷政策实施为准自然实验,考察绿色信贷政策对企业全球价值链分工地位的影响。研究表明,我国绿色信贷政策的实施显著提升企业全球价值链分工地位。机制检验可知,生产率效应与中间品替代效应是绿色信贷政策的实施影响企业全球价值链分工地位的重要机制。进一步研究发现,企业对污染型中间品依赖程度越强,绿色信贷政策对企业全球价值链分工地位的提升效应越小;地区环保政策执行力度有助于强化绿色信贷政策对企业全球价值链分工地位的提升效应。因此,细化环境风险评定标准与绿色信贷政策指导目录,完善企业创新激励配套措施,破解资金与技术障碍,提升环保政策执行力度,缓解绿色信贷政策的信息不对称难题,发挥绿色信贷政策对企业全球价值链分工地位升级的重要作用。  相似文献   

全球生产网络中,出口行业的贸易附加值水平是影响汇率出口传递效应的重要变量,附加值越大,汇率出口传递效应越明显;附加值越小,汇率出口传递效应越不完全。在我国大部分出口行业附加值水平偏低的情况下,汇率波动将通过进口中间产品的成本变化显著削弱我国出口产品的价格波动,最终造成汇率的不完全传递。由于各行业贸易附加值的不同,这种不完全汇率传递效应在贸易附加值较低的技术密集型产业表现最为明显,其次是劳动密集型产品,最后是资源密集型产品。  相似文献   

In the period from 1995 to 2008, many countries experienced what we call the “value-added erosion.” It describes the decline in the sectoral shares of domestic value-added in a country’s exports as the country becomes more integrated into the global value chains (GVCs). We argue that the decline of the domestic value-added share in a country’s exports is likely to be caused by the expansion of high value-adding activities performed by foreign lead firms in the upper stream of the GVCs. The variables of interest — the domestic value-added share in exports and foreign high-skill labor embodied in a country’s exports (a proxy for foreign lead firms’ high value-adding activities) — are estimated using a multi-regional global input-output model. Using these results and other control variables, we apply a panel cointegration model to explain and assess the likelihood of value-added erosion and its possible determinants.  相似文献   

The main purpose of this work is to analyse whether ISO 14001 certification is interpreted by the capital market as a sign of environmental responsibility, modifying long-term efficiency expectations and the profitability of firms. Under competing assumptions that ISO 14001 certification is adopted by firms either proactively or reactively, we test competing hypotheses about how this certification affects the market value of firms. The analysis is based on a sample of 80 environmental certifications of the plant systems or processes of large Spanish firms which traded on the continuous market of the Madrid Stock Exchange from 1996 to 2002. Using event study methodology, we found that ISO 14001 certification has a negative effect on the market value of certain firms. Specifically, the results obtained seem to show that the market negatively views the allocation of resources to ISO 14001 certification in the case of less polluting and less internationalised firms. On the other hand, the results obtained do not suggest clear evidence that the economic impact of ISO 14001 certification is negative for more polluting and more internationalised firms.  相似文献   

本文利用中国工业企业数据库和地级市层面的企业治污投资数据构建了一个2003—2007年的面板,实证检验了环境规制对企业全要素生产率的影响以及政企合谋在背后的作用。实证结果表明,用企业治污投资占工业增加值比重衡量的环境规制强度每上升1%,企业当期的生产率下降约1%。当政企合谋可能性上升时,环境规制对企业生产率的边际影响在减弱,说明政企合谋带来的监管放松和处罚不力弱化了环境规制对合谋企业生产率的影响。本文的政策启示在于中央政府应加强环保领域统一执法,破解囚徒困境式的环境规制。同时,本文的发现为环保机构监测监察执法垂直管理制度改革提供了合理性依据。  相似文献   

Globalization allows multinational firms to locate strategically the polluting activities in lax countries. This paper revisits the empirical evidence by exploiting heterogeneity in firms’ environmental image. While locating in countries with weak environmental standards is likely to be detrimental for a firm’s image and reputation, investing in corporate environmental responsibility can help firms to convince consumers that they have good environmental practices, even when investing in the “dirty” countries. Exploiting an original database that records an index of environmental responsibility for large European firms, we find that the firms viewed as environment-friendly are more often than others located in countries with weak environmental regulations. We show that our findings are not likely to be driven by omitted variables bias, specific sectors nor particular countries. Interestingly, this relationship is observed only among the firms with a well-established reputation for environmental responsibility.  相似文献   

This paper studies the influence of free trade agreements on national environmental policies and location strategies of polluting firms. It is shown that banning export subsidies makes relocation of production more attractive for firms. When export subsidies are banned relocation is profitable because: (1) the rival firm reduces output due to more stringent emission regulation in the host country of the investment and (2) relocation leads to lower emission tax rate in the original home country of the investing firm. When export subsidies are used, the first effect is absent because the host government is able to use the export subsidy to compensate the negative effect of more stringent emission taxation on domestic shareholders.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the determination of the optimal environmental regulatory policy under imperfect competition when the firms differ in their polluting technologies and degree of honesty. We show that more honesty does not necessarily imply lower social losses. The effect of honesty in social welfare depends not only on the degree of honesty measured by the proportion of honest firms and their particular cost features but also on the industry structure.  相似文献   

International product market integration makes market penetration easier and therefore creates both export opportunities and import threats. This changes the competitive position of firms and is associated with changes in trade, production, and specialization structures. The gains and losses in this process are unlikely to be equally shared due to heterogeneity across firms/sectors. In a Ricardian trade model with heterogeneity across firms, we find “pricing to market”—effects not only for exports, but also for pricing in the domestic market even for nontradables. Rents to be shared in wage bargaining differ across tradables and nontradables. It is shown that lower trade frictions affect the scope for “pricing to market” and cause wages to become more closely driven by (relative) productivity. Labor market prospects tend not to improve for low wage jobs, and not to deteriorate for high wage jobs.  相似文献   

本文构建了一个产品从低端到高端分布的Hotelling模型,以探讨我国低端下游企业进行跨国垂直并购的时机选择和决定因素。研究表明,垂直并购国外高端上游企业能实现扩大市场份额、提升产品定位的双重效能。海外市场需求环境对低端下游企业拓展战略起关键性作用。在正常需求条件下,与直接出口及先并购国内上游企业再出口两种模式相比,跨国垂直并购并非最优选择。在遭受负向需求冲击时,国外上游企业生产成本的大幅上升以及国外下游竞争对手品牌价值的下降给跨国垂直并购带来了契机,此时在技术密集度较高的上游产业进行跨国垂直并购成为国内低端下游企业的最优选择。如果并购能实现足够大的品牌价值效应,还会改善被并购企业所在国的社会福利水平。  相似文献   

Scholars in economics and political science argue that one major function of government is to overcome coordination failure in economic development, especially during times of rapid environmental changes. But, how and through what means does the state coordinate firms to follow the changing directions of its economic objectives? This paper focuses on the case of a government-controlled business association, namely the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce (ACFIC), and shows that the ACFIC may be serving, at least partially, as a means of avoiding the kind of coordination failures that are often associated with policy reform programs in authoritarian regimes like China when the government deems it necessary to radically and suddenly change its policy objectives. It does so by comparing the activities of firms that are members of ACFIC with non-members before and after the world financial crisis of 2008–09 which induced a significant change in government objectives. Before that crisis when priority in government objectives was “outward” (to stave off balance of payments crises that had befallen many other developing countries), ACFIC member firms were able to engage in exports and foreign investment to a greater extent than non-member firms, and even than those whose owners are members of the Congresses or Chinese Communist Party. After viewing the crises in international markets, and government objectives had turned more “inward”, ACFIC members were more likely to focus on domestic sales and investments.  相似文献   

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