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中外企业并购特点的比较分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
与国外企业并购的特点比较 ,在并购的推动力、并购动机、并购方式、并购程序、代价支付形式、并购的行业选择等方面 ,我国国内企业的并购有着不同的特点。要规范我国国内企业间的并购行为 ,促进外资参与我国国内企业并购 ,就必须在认识这些不同特点的基础上 ,从并购政策和并购管理方面加强对我国企业参与并购行为的合理引导。  相似文献   

目前,国内外学术界关于并购问题的研究主要集中在并购源泉理论、并购动机、并购方式、并购整合、并购监管、并购功能以及并购的发展趋势等几个方面,而对并购绩效的研究相对较少,这在一定程度上制约了并购理论研究体系的健全和完善,不利于对并购事件进行全面研究评价,因此,开展并购绩效的研究非常必要和迫切.  相似文献   

以2003—2008年我国1617例上市公司并购事件为研究对象,运用反事实分析法,研究了并购公司的并购支付方式———现金支付和股票支付对其在并购当年和次年的绩效的影响。结果表明:现金支付和股票支付对并购方绩效的影响基本相同;在两种并购支付方式下,并购当年和次年都出现增长的能力是营运能力,但其在并购次年的增幅小于并购当年,现金能力在当年有所恶化,但在次年得到改善;与现金支付方式相比,在股票支付方式下,并购方的盈利能力和营运能力更优,但偿债能力则相对较差,并购当年的现金能力相对较差,但在并购次年其改善幅度更大。最后推测我国国内上市公司的并购动机主要是业务拓展和战略扩张。  相似文献   

外资并购在我国普遍受到优待,然而随着我国跨国并购市场的日益开放,正确审视外资并购与民营并购已成为我国资本市场迫在眉睫的热点问题。笔者以外资和民营并购我国上市公司为研究样本,对两种并购方式下目标公司长期和短期市场绩效进行了比较检验。研究结果显示:外资并购短期绩效显著高于民营并购,外资并购长期绩效显著低于民营并购。这不仅有助于正确评价外资并购和民营并购的绩效,也有助于揭示我国未来的相关并购政策的走向。  相似文献   

并购是企业进行资本运作和经营的一种主要形式,它包括企业兼并和企业收购。财务顾问在企业并购整体工作中处于重要地位。一个企业并购创意一旦产生,财务顾问就要帮助分析目标企业的财务状况、比较企业并购成本、策划并购活动、安排并购融资、进行并购效果评价、实行并购企业财务整合及并购财务风险防范等等,这些无不体现出财务顾问在企业并购中的关键性理财功能。  相似文献   

我国企业并购融资市场的缺陷及其对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
市场化企业并购是项耗资巨大的工程,并购融资市场是否完善在相当大程度上决定着并购的效率乃至是否成功。我国目前企业并购融资市场在一些方面存在着严重的缺陷,从而对市场化并购形成制约。文章提出一些政策建议,以拓宽企业并购融资渠道,健全并购融资市场,从而推动市场化并购的健康发展。  相似文献   

国际金融危机下中国企业并购行为研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2008—2009年,在全球企业并购陷入低潮的情况下,中国企业并购热度却不降反升。尤其是在海外并购中,中国企业表现积极,并取得了显著成绩。然而,在看到成绩的同时,还必须意识到,我国企业并购中还存在一些问题需要引起重视。一是以规模为导向的企业并购有可能会导致合并后企业的资产效率降低;二是企业并购被政府赋予了过多的产业政策使命;三是企业并购面临的外部环境有待进一步改善;四是部分企业在并购中缺乏足够的风险意识。对此,应做好四个方面工作。一是继续鼓励和支持企业并购;二是合理定位政府在企业并购中的角色;三是引导企业通过并购实现商业模式创新;四是提高企业在并购中的风险意识。  相似文献   

陈素芹 《时代经贸》2011,(18):169-170
近年来企业并购逐渐频繁,且并购规模逐渐加大。几经变化的中国市场开始了更多的以产业整合为核心、价值创造为动机的战略性并购。国内外学者对战略并购效率的研究采取的样本多数在股制改革之前,本文从2006年发生的并购事件中抽取一定量的样本,从横向并购、纵向并购和混合并购三大类出发,以财务指标为基础,采用主成分分析法构建综合评价函数对上市公司的并购效率进行实证分析。结果表明:就短期绩效而言,三者的并购绩效均不理想,短期内绩效都有所下降,但纵向并购和混合并购的绩效优于横向并购;就长期绩效而言,并购后第二年横向并购绩效果最佳;纵向并购绩效次之;混合并购绩效不但没有提升,甚至还有恶化趋势;并购后第三年纵向并购的绩效继续上升,横向并购绩效下滑。  相似文献   

我国企业并购方式的比较与选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
秦楠 《现代财经》2008,28(4):46-50
我国企业的并购方式主要分为无偿划拨、协议并购和要约并购三种.通过对这三种并购方式的比较研究,进一步发现协议并购是我国目前并购的主导方式,要约并购是最完全的市场主导并购方式.而随着市场经济的不断完善以及股权分置改革的结束,股份在全流通基础上的要约并购将取代协议并购,成为我国主要的并购方式.  相似文献   

针对跨国并购在全球直接投资中的主导地位,以及跨国并购在我国引进外资和我国企业对外投资中的重要性,本文分别介绍了我国在全球跨国并购中的地位以及跨国并购对我国的影响,最后探讨了我国应对来华跨国并购及推动我国企业对外并购的政策空间。  相似文献   

Economic models describe individuals by underlying characteristics, such as the degree to which they like music, have sympathy, want success, need recognition, etc. In reality, such characteristics change through experiences: taste for Mozart changes through attending concerts, sympathy through meeting people, etc. Models typically ignore change, partly because it is unclear how to incorporate it. I develop a general axiomatic framework for defining, analysing and comparing rival models of change. Seemingly basic postulates on modelling change have strong implications, like irrelevance of the order in which someone has his experiences and ‘linearity’ of change. This paper is a step towards placing the modelling of change on axiomatic grounds and enabling non-arbitrary incorporation of change into economic models.  相似文献   

新闻传媒通过其信息处理和传播功能 ,对资本市场的信息整合产生了重要影响.不同于以往的研究 ,文章深入新闻传媒行业内部 ,探讨了不同类别的媒体(中央媒体与各地方媒体)对中国资本市场信息效率的差异化影响.研究发现:中央媒体既可以直接提升资本市场信息效率 ,又可以通过削弱政治关联对资本市场信息整合的不利影响,间接改善资本市场信息效率;地方媒体虽然能够直接提升资本市场信息效率 ,但是无力削弱政治关联对资本市场信息整合的不利影响 ,其间接渠道并不起作用.这一结果考虑了媒体跟踪上市公司时可能产生的内生性问题 ,在一系列稳健性测试中始终存在.文章认为 ,相对于地方媒体 ,中央媒体在信息透明度较低情况下的信息获取和处理的能力优势 ,以及面对政治关联时保持客观报道的独立性优势,可以解释这一发现.  相似文献   

A decade has now passed since Daly made a plea for an environmental macroeconomics. Despite an expanding literature on "green" national accounting and the efforts of ecological economists to measure the sustainable net benefits of a growing macroeconomy, it is only recently that Daly's plea has been adequately answered. This has been achieved with the incorporation by Heyes of an "environmental equilibrium" or EE curve into the familiar IS–LM model. However, the IS–LM–EE model proposed by Heyes is incomplete. By extending Heyes' model to include the role of technological progress and the need to institute policy instruments to ensure operation on the EE curve, this paper sends out a clear message that environmental concerns should be incorporated into macroeconomic models. They should not be solely confined to microeconomics.  相似文献   

This paper examines the theory of the Phillips curve, focusing on the distinction between “formation” of inflation expectations and “incorporation” of inflation expectations. Phillips curve theory has largely focused on the former. Explaining the Phillips curve by reference to expectation formation keeps Phillips curve theory in the policy orbit of natural rate thinking where there is no welfare justification for higher inflation even if there is a permanent inflation–unemployment trade-off. Explaining the Phillips curve by reference to incorporation of inflation expectations breaks that orbit and provides a welfare economics rationale for Keynesian activist policies that reduce unemployment at the cost of higher inflation.  相似文献   

《Ecological Economics》2005,52(3):305-313
Trade has become the main mode of transport for many invasive species, including diseases and agricultural pests. Most species are brought to their new homes unintentionally, which constitutes a market failure rooted in international trade. Unless it is practical to drive invasion risk to zero, the external costs may justify a tariff. In this paper, we analyze the political process likely to govern the formation of tariffs so justified using a straightforward incorporation of an invasive species externality into Grossman and Helpman's (GH) well-known political economy model. We show that our measure of disguised protectionism—the gap between the optimal tariff and that set in the equilibrium of the political economy game—is equal to the tariff that would be set if there were no invasive species and no international disciplines on trade policy. The informational needs required to distinguish disguised protectionism from legitimate public-goods protection are formidable.  相似文献   

The research questions and topics most likely to emerge in the near term future are assessed. A common theme is that policy issues will be an important driving force, as has generally been true in the past. More specifically, future theoretical advances are expected to occur in the treatment of uncertainty, the incorporation of stock service flows into natural resource analysis, and the incorporation of institutional considerations into models of resource exploitation. Research on valuation is expected to remain vigorous, primarily in the testing of basic assumptions and reconciliation of existing inconsistencies. Opportunities in renewable resource economics center on the incorporation of richer behavioral and technological detail in the general frameworks that already exist. A better understanding of what drives technology, and how environmental agreements can be negotiated and enforced among sovereign nations, are two topics likely to shape future research on global externalities. Finally, questions related to spatial aspects of natural resource use, and matters of land use more generally, seem likely to emerge as important topics on the profession's future research agenda.  相似文献   

The Capital Asset Pricing Model has been used frequently to derive a fair price of insurance. But the use of this model overestimates insurance premiums because it does not account for the insolvency risk of insurers. This paper examines how the insurance price should be fairly adjusted when insurers' default risk is considered. It develops a model which shows that fair insurance premiums are lower when insurance firms have a positive probability of being insolvent. Using data of property liability insurers during the period from 1943–99, the paper further estimates the effects of the insolvency risk on insurers' underwriting profit rate. It shows that the incorporation of the default risk of insurers in the model, by significantly reducing the required price for insurance, would lead to lower profit potentials. Some writers argue that including the insolvency risk when calculating insurance premiums is not so necessary because of the existence of states' guaranty insurance funds which protect consumers. However, as shown in the paper, these funds have provided inadequate protection to consumers. Therefore, because of the increase in the number of insolvencies in recent years, and because of the limited coverage provided by states' guaranty funds, it seems that considering the insolvency risk in insurance pricing has become very necessary.  相似文献   

One argument for the incorporation of a ‘premium on saving’ into calculations of the shadow price of labor has been the claim that aggregate inter-generational savings are a public good and the individual savings decisions lead to sub-optimal provision of savings. This paper shows that even if this claim was true, the incorporation of a ‘premium on savings’ into benefit-cost analysis calculations would be inappropriate. The shadow price of labor relative to project output shoud still be set at the relative effects on aggregate income of hiring a worker on the one hand and producing output on the other.  相似文献   

Conclusions This survey has considered the effects of taxation on risk-taking from both a partial and a general equilibrium viewpoint. The most relevant results to emerge at a very general level are that in the former taxation will typically increase risk-taking, while in the latter it is typically better to tax risky industries more heavily than safe; both results are contrary to conventional views.While the work surveyed shows that substantial progress has been made on this question it also shows that there remains much to be done. This seems to fall into three categories. Firstly, the investigation by variational methods of the properties of an optimal (not necessary linear) tax function in a simple model; secondly, the combination of these ideas on the optimal taxation of risky property income with those in the taxation of labor income, and also of expenditures; and finally, the incorporation of risk into all forms of optimal taxation model, not only those explicitly concerned with risky assets. These however are far from simple problems.This paper was presented at the International Economic Association Workshop in Economic Theory, Bergen 1971; I should like to thank the IEA for a stimulating month, and participants for comments, particularly J. A. Mirrlees for suggesting the analysis on page 207f. I am also grateful to A.B.Atkinson for comments.  相似文献   

Despite the achievements obtained by environmental economics over recent decades, it shares the same failings as economic theory in general. In this sense, regarding preferences, very little attention has been paid to three elements; the long-term change in social preferences, the incorporation of non-economic factors in the structure of preferences, and the need to consider some kind of heterogeneity in social preferences. In this paper we deal with these three issues by developing a new framework which encloses non-economic factors as one of the driving forces to explain consumer behavior and which allows us to endogeneize preference and consider heterogeneity. After setting up our approach, we pose the question as to how far such a framework modifies the levels of use and consumption of a renewable resource. Our findings have enabled us to draw interesting conclusions regarding environmental policies in place since the 1970s.  相似文献   

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