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陶然 《经济研究导刊》2009,(10):100-101
中国《反不正当竞争法》的规定,过分地突出了行政强制的作用,相对人被动接受处罚,对受害者的保护间接有限。纵观市场经济较发达国家法律责任的规定,不难看出竞争法的时代性,就在于从保护合法经营者的利益扩展到保护消费者和社会公共利益更为广泛的范畴。通过对各国竞争法法律责任制度的比较,借鉴外国的经验来完善中国《反不正当竞争法》的法律责任制度。  相似文献   

国外社会救助的经验和中国社会救助的未来发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建立和完善社会救助制度,是解决贫困人口生活问题的重要举措,是实现社会团结和公平正义的重要切入点.世界各国在各自的历史发展中形成了各具特色的运行模式和制度安排.本文在研究欧洲部分国家社会救助理论和实践的基础上,结合探究中国社会救助制度建设的历史经验,对中国社会救助的原则、理念和发展模式进行了思考,提出中国社会救助制度模式应当具有公平性、效率性、流动性和发展性等功能特质.  相似文献   

冷战结束后欧洲进入了一个全新的发展时期.在经济一体化日趋完善的同时,政治合作的进程也在努力向前迈进.未来欧洲政治秩序的形成在很大程度上受到历史过程的影响.本文从历史回顾与分析的角度出发,对民族国家产生以来的欧洲历次政治秩序形成的特点进行分析和总结,希望通过提取其中共有的影响要素,找出历史上欧洲政治秩序形成的原因,为未来欧洲政治秩序建设提供参考.  相似文献   

关于竞争法地位问题的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吕明瑜 《经济师》2003,(2):53-54
在构建社会主义市场经济法律体系过程中 ,竞争法一直是人们关注的热点之一 ,有关竞争法的地位问题 ,诸如竞争法法域的界定、竞争法在特定法域中重要性的确认、竞争法价值功能及作用的体现等等 ,都是人们探讨、争论较多的问题。文章在对目前有关竞争法地位问题的不同观点进行分析总结的基础上 ,提出了自己对竞争法地位问题的认识与看法。  相似文献   

可以说,时装的变迁是一部历史,时装之都的形成也是一部历史,在记录历史变革的同时也反映着每个国家的个性与风格。每个国家的服装都会被本国的历史文化所影响,每个国家的服装品牌都有自成一格的时尚魅力,因此每个时装之都都有自己的独特风格。欧洲的时装品牌大多拥有悠久的历史。全球最负盛名的四大时装周有三个在欧洲,可见欧洲时装在时尚界的地位无与伦比。  相似文献   

吴文化是中华文化的重要组成部分,在中华文化发展史上占有重要的地位.有着3000多年历史的吴文化,在长期的发展过程中,形成了鲜明的个性特质.  相似文献   

美国竞争法主要表现为反托拉斯法。多数国家在二十世纪中叶前还没有制定竞争法,而美国的反托拉斯立法却可追溯至19世纪,所以美国的反托拉斯法比其它国家的反垄断法的历史要长得多。  相似文献   

兰斯顿·休斯在小说《并非没有笑声》中运用了大量的文化和自然意象来建构文学审美的黑人世界,以表现黑人丰富多彩的生活和迥异于白人主流社会的种族特质,从而形成了自己独特的文学风格。这种多元意象的叙事不仅是小说的叙事内容也是叙事手段,体现了休斯多元文化的创作主导思想。  相似文献   

组织中的机械思维及程序化生活侵蚀人的精神安宁,如何避免这种现象是诸多经典组织理论探讨的核心命题之一。在中国传统社会,儒家建构的礼治秩序将道家无为而治的管理理想落实在社会组织与控制的生活实践之中,从而形成了一种特殊的组织控制机制。它的形成和控制过程是一种自组织机制,伦理、情感及价值观等组织文化因素及其规范下的非正式规则起到基础性的作用,从而凸显出人的价值及其自主作用,礼治秩序这种人文特质具有科学管理模式所不能代替的独特价值。  相似文献   

大自然是不平等的,因为同在温带地区,五六百年前,欧洲和中国是地球上两个最发达的经济文化中心.在历史发展的过程中,由于专制主义的盛行,中国逐渐退出了发达国家的行列.在走上了独特的发展道路的欧洲,文化和宗教的差异导致了经济中心的北移,使工业革命最终得以在英国爆发.这一过程揭示了自主创新、知识产权型竞争、可持续发展的道路是当代中国发展的必要途径.  相似文献   

This paper puts forward some challenges facing European Competition Policy. It starts out with the premises that European Competition Policy has been one of the great achievements of European Integration. However, there are several areas of competition policy that remain to be challenging, especially in terms of their economic impact on consumers, markets, and firms. Specifically, the paper addresses four areas: (1) efficiencies in merger control properly, (2) market definition, (3) the role of distortions of competition in state aid control, and (4) the balance between competition policy and regulation.  相似文献   

European countries and Japan are contemplating more competition in passenger rail service. In the Netherlands, the Ministry of Transport was assigned responsibility for making a recommendation to Parliament for choosing between competition for the rails and competition on the rails. The Ministry commissioned the experiments reported here to acquire better understanding of the properties of the alternative policies. Competition on the rails involves allocation of rights to use station and time‐slot routes by price bids in a combinatorial auction. Competition for the rails involves allocation of rights to regional monopolies by fare‐structure bids for supplying a prespecified minimum schedule.  相似文献   

Pacific Asia is deep rooted in its cultural heritage and historical background, which have set the tone for regions success. These same factors also have created rather different trading practices, compared with those of the West — practices that are less transparent and full of hidden private trade barriers.
Interdependence within the region suggests integration, but Pacific Asia has taken a course of non-exclusive cooperation rather than following the exclusive course of the European Community (EC) and of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). The latter two trade blocs threaten the continued success and development of Pacific Asia. Although the Uruguay Round of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) sends relief, fostering a cooperative rather than a retaliative Asian Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) organization offers the most promise.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Estrin, Saul; Cave, Martin, eds., Competition and competition policy: a comparative analysis of Central and Eastern Europe
Saunders, Christopher T., ed., The role of competition in economic transition
Richard Portes, ed., Economic transformation in Central Europe , London: Centre for Economic Policy Research and Brussels: the Office for Official Publications of the European Communities
Campbell, Robert, The failure of Soviet economic planning: system, performance, reform  相似文献   

Tariffs, licensing and market structure   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper challenges the conventional wisdom that exclusive owners of an advanced technology are always better off when producing as a monopolist than when competing against another firm. Competition against a less-efficient firm weakens the power that a host country can exert on the incumbent in the form of its tariff policy. We show that this gives a motive for a monopolist to license its technology to another foreign firm. A host country gains more from increased competition if it can induce the foreign incumbent to transfer technology to the host country firm. We show that the host country can do so by tariff commitment. We also discuss the implications of bargaining under licensing and Bertrand competition in the product market. Hence, this paper qualifies and extends the recent work of Kabiraj and Marjit [Protecting consumers through protection: The role of tariff-induced technology transfer. European Economic Review 47, 113-124].  相似文献   

Can historical exposures of non-European countries to European migrants explain part of their current health outcomes? We find that higher European share of the colonial population robustly raised life expectancy and reduced both fertility and infant mortality rates of present-day population in these former colonies. Specifically, after controlling for other plausible determinants, our baseline results imply that, on average, countries at the 95th percentile of the European share of the colonial population, compared to those at the 5th percentile, live 17 years longer, have 1 less child, and experience 54 fewer infant deaths per 1000 live births. A causal interpretation is given to these results by considering various identification strategies. Overall, our results indicate that health fortunes around the world, on average, improved because of European colonial settlers and that differences in the current levels of health performance can be traced back to differential levels of European colonial settlements, where countries that experienced higher influx of colonial Europeans have better health prosperity nowadays than countries with lower inflow of colonial Europeans. A puzzlement arises, however, as countries with no colonial European settlements have outperformed countries with low colonial European settlements. Thus, explaining this phenomenon and exploring how historical migration holds such an enduring influence on the health of nations today opens up an important avenue for future research.  相似文献   

经济学界关于休克疗法和渐进主义的争论又有了新的发展,这一次是有关发展中和新兴国家的。法国大革命及其对其他欧洲国家的影响,已经作为一个历史案例,在讨论大爆炸改革策略的优缺点时被屡屡提及。文章为1806年后普鲁士和西南德国改革之间的比较提供了一个特别有趣的历史案例研究,这到目前为止并未得到应有的重视。这个案例研究将揭示社会转型过程中经济和政治之间的深层次互动,因而对不同的经济改革策略的评价不能也不应该脱离对政治初始条件的考量。从最近的改革经验来看,一个特别有趣的发现是,普鲁士可能提供了第一个政府被东易北容克(East-Elbian Junkers)俘获的历史案例。  相似文献   

There are various institutional differences between developed countries. This paper examines two of them---corporate governance and welfare systems---in the context of historical development. It has been usual in comparing developed countries to categorise their institutions as being either Anglo-American or European Continental.
However, this paper shows that this typology may not be applicable to welfare systems, particularly in the American case. In regard to banking institutions, regulation has sometimes played a major role in determining historical development.  相似文献   

There is a new debate on shock therapy versus gradualism in economics, this time referring to developing and emerging countries. The French Revolution and its impact on the other European nations has repeatedly been highlighted as a historical example for both the merits and pitfalls of the Big Bang strategy. The present paper argues that a comparison between the post-1806 reforms in Prussia and in the southwestern states of Germany offers a particularly interesting historical case study that in the economics literature has not yet received the attention it deserves. In particular, the case study shows how deeply intertwined the economic and political dimension of social transformations are, and that different economic reforms strategies cannot and should not be evaluated without taking political starting conditions into account. In view of recent reform experiences it is particularly interesting to see that Prussia offers maybe the first historical case of state capture by the East-Elbian Junkers.  相似文献   

This article provides comparative international evidence on the effect of market timing on corporate capital structures using panel data for US, UK and continental European firms. We document that the empirical regularity found for US firms, that historical market-to-book ratios and corporate leverage correlate negatively does not extend to UK and continental European firms. The latter tend to raise debt rather than equity when stock prices are high, thus sticking more closely to a pecking order in which debt is preferred over external equity.  相似文献   

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