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宋巍博士的《中国古典武侠小说史论》是国内第一部系统论述先秦以来中国古代武侠小说的专著。该书突破以往文体、时代的局限,辑佚搜珍,完整地梳理了中国武侠小说的演变历程。在整理有关文学作品和历史文献基础上,此书对武侠小说的接受心理、美学风格、叙事主题、人物塑造等问题做了深入细致的研究,富于创见。当然,该书也存在着一些不足,如武侠小说与其他文体作品的关系、古典武侠小说与新武侠小说的继承等问题上还需进一步探讨。  相似文献   

本文通过对《自我之歌》、《薄伽梵歌》、《到印度去》以及其他相关作品的解读与分析,理出一条关于领会惠特曼思想跟东方尤其是印度哲学思想相契合的线索,为研究惠特曼提供了一个新的视角。  相似文献   

沈从文的作品充满了对人生的隐忧和对生命的哲学思考,这种哲学思考在他的湘西题材小说里尤其显得突出。他面对理想与现实的冲突,在湘西澄彻的自然境地中、在没有被现代生活所玷污的心灵中,找到了他的精神家园。他以美、善为主体的审美选择来创作他的湘西题材小说,并以之来构建理想人生。他的湘西题材小说往往能够再现生命所带来的美的境界,在这种境界中他又不断地对哲学与审美进行超越。不断地探索生命的意义和价值。  相似文献   

杨松 《时代经贸》2009,(4):33-34
本文通过简要地介绍美国诗人惠特曼的生平和人生经历,以及其作品《草叶集》的分析。了解惠特曼思想所受到影响来源,以及其诗歌中的过度乐观主义,对待民主的态度和对现代诗歌的影响。  相似文献   

优秀的企业文化已成为企业发展的助力因素,企业英雄是企业文化的重要组成部分,塑造企业英雄对更好地发挥企业文化在企业发展过程中的作用有积极意义。而如何从思想政治角度选择企业英雄和塑造企业英雄,是值得重点探究的问题。通过对上述内容的探究与思考,从思想政治角度提出塑造企业英雄行之有效的方法,为企业文化发展提供一个新视角。  相似文献   

周恩来在革命年代、建设年代取得了诸多人生和事业上的成绩,为中国的革命和建设作出了卓越贡献。这些成绩在很大程度上取决于周恩来一生信奉的哲学理念———主张中和中庸的和谐哲学思想。周恩来的和谐哲学思想有其形成的各种条件,一方面和周恩来的留学经历、革命经历、建设经历相关,另一方面和中国传统文化思想的感染密切相关,也和周恩来本人的家庭经历、性格爱好有关。正是在这些条件和背景下,周恩来才形成了自己成熟的和谐哲学思想体系。从内容看,周恩来的和谐哲学思想内容丰富多彩,体现在人际交往、政治斗争与军事斗争、革命方略与建设战略、外交建设与统战工作等等方面的理论和实践上。这些和谐哲学思想和实践体验具有十分重要的个体价值、国家价值和社会价值。  相似文献   

侯敏 《江南论坛》2003,(12):47-48
许思园会通中西学术,熔铸古今艺文,其致思趣向,显示了文学与哲学的交融。虽然他的德行、人生境界超出了传统儒学的范围,但在人生的底蕴上,他是与古圣先贤相通的,与同辈师友相应的,可说是他们的思想在现代的一种延续。他对中国文化精神的深湛体验,是以生命为底蕴的,他的文化诗学思想具有一种难以掩抑的活力和魅力。  相似文献   

从《萍踪侠影录》到《云海玉弓缘》,从张丹枫到金世遗,他用30年的时间,给世人留下35部脍炙人口的武侠巨作和一个又一个无敌天下的武侠形象。一代宗师,开新派武侠小说先河;万众景仰,为江湖沧海英雄折腰。  相似文献   

生态哲学:马克思人与自然和谐发展的智慧之光   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"生态"这一概念在马克思的著作中并没有明确使用过,但这并不表明马克思没有生态思想.马克思的生态哲学思想主要体现在他对自然、社会及人的相互关系的分析中,其主题是人与自然的关系.马克思的生态哲学思想中包含了自然是人类价值的源泉、异化是人与自然冲突的根源、循环的生态化理念以及制度是解决生态问题的途径等深刻思想,这些思想对于当代人类解决生态危机有着重要的启示.  相似文献   

张彤清 《经济论坛》2004,(6):154-156
老子是中国古代一位伟大的思想家,他的《道德经》以其精炼的九九八十一章,简洁优美的五千文字,洋洋洒洒、深邃博大地构造出了一个朴素、自然、豁达、飘逸的宇宙观、人生观、方法论的宏大框架,开创了我国古代哲学思想的先河。老子思想的简约和含蓄,体现了老子语言的浓缩性和思想的宏大性,给了我们足够的思想空间和观念空间。将老子思想的精神实质与现代企业的具体实践相结合,可以丰富老子思想的现代表述和现代运用范围。  相似文献   

休谟的人性科学的第一原则是:我们的一切简单观念或是间接地或是直接地从它们相应的印象得来。即,我们的印象是我们的观念的原因。他认为,他的这个原则可以清除关于先天观念的争论。休谟为他自己的哲学设定了边界,他讨论问题是基于自己的前提的。一切不在此范围的问题都是伪问题。因此,我们说休谟的哲学是活动在他所限定的界限之内的。  相似文献   

In his recent book, Yuichi Shionoya departs from previous Schumpeterianstudies. He sets out to reconstruct Schumpeter's metatheoreticalframework, which he argues is the key to a correct interpretationof his substantive writings. The centrepiece of this projectis the thesis that Schumpeter has a coherent methodologicalposition—instrumentalism—which consistently underpinshis theoretical work. The present paper examines this thesis,and in so doing paves the way for an alternative hypothesison Schumpeter. This hypothesis is based on Tony Lawson's workon the philosophy of economics.  相似文献   

Academic departmentalization has limited the dimensionality and thus the richness of analysis in the social sciences. The author examines the case of a modern economics as an example. He reviews the ideas of Williamson (2000), who cites the limits of scope in the New Institutional Economics; Buchanan, who lays bare the ethical foundations of political economy in his constitutional economics; and Adam Smith, whose moral philosophy reflects a fully dimensional analysis. The author cites examples of how modern economic analysis can be enhanced by a reintegration with the other social sciences.  相似文献   

Clarence Ayres wished to avoid moral relativism or agnosticism in the social sciences, yet he also rejected what he called the “transcendental” epistemology of classical philosophy, an epistemology grounded in the desire to know absolute or ultimate truths. He wanted to find a middle ground between absolutism and relativism by separating “technology” from “ceremony,” and by replacing the ends/means dichotomy with an ends/means continuum. This paper examines his articulation of the issues, and in this context also examines the work of two more recent theorists, Gary Becker and Richard Posner. We conclude that Ayres' epistemological middle ground remains elusive.  相似文献   


This article discusses a group of essays on ethical issues written by Pigou between 1900 and 1908. It is argued that they contain the foundations of his economic philosophy. Pigou's research on the meaning and content of the good merged into his definition of welfare, and his interest in religion as a subjective experience resurfaced in the subjective framework of his economics. A methodological pragmatism informed his economics as well as his ethics; moreover, the endorsement of interpersonal comparisons of the good in the ethical texts was consistent with Pigou's adoption of utility comparisons in welfare economics. Pigou's philosophical pessimism was reflected in his analysis of the economic evils of society, eventually leading to his advocacy of governmental intervention to foster economic welfare. The article contends that Pigou's philosophy derived not only from Sidgwick, as commonly believed, but also from G.E. Moore's Principia Ethica.  相似文献   

Can environmental economists influence policy? If so, how? This paper addresses these two questions using the late David Pearce’s career as a case study. Influence can be exercised, but Pearce’s career shows that certain conditions must be met. The first is desire: he wanted to influence policy, and directed a high proportion of his efforts to doing so. He focused particular attention on the power centres of his time — the OECD, World Bank, European Commission, UN, UK government; his influence was aided by his status and location as a professor in a prestige university (UCL) in a major global city (London). His messages were consistent and clear: theory is important, and can be used to frame most environmental challenges as regards both explanation and solution; externalities can be valued; assessing benefits and costs of options is important; market signals (taxes etc) and incentives generally are powerful shapers of behaviour; stock of capital (human, built, natural) is a key measure of sustainability. He communicated simply and clearly, in words and phrases that Ministers for Finance and journalists could understand. All of the broadsheet newspapers in England (Financial Times, Guardian, Independent, Telegraph, Times) were grist to Pearce’s mill of advocacy for environmental economics. He provided the Blueprint books that could be read on a commute and summaries to the media that they could fit into a 1,000 word piece. He didn’t seek out, but neither did he shirk controversy. He worked with various interest groups and politicians, but never to the point were he was co-opted. He initiated and directed the MSc in Environmental and Resource Economics that created an ever-widening and influential pool of advocates for his ideas. Finally, he achieved a prodigious academic output that ensures a sort of immortality, and provided the intellectual ballast the enabled his policy influence.  相似文献   

In this note Geoff Harcourt offers his views, via a face to face interview, on a wide range of issues relating to the discipline of economics. He recalls his time as a student at University of Melbourne, his choice of doctoral study and experiences at University of Cambridge, his original intellectual influences and affiliation, and his contributions to economics. He also discusses how economics have evolved over the years, comments on the current status of economic teaching, research and policy advice in Australia, and makes some recommendations to early career researchers. The note also includes a brief bio sketch of Professor Harcourt.  相似文献   


I had known Manohar Rao for a long time. For many years I tried to lure him to join the Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research. He always gave me his disarming smile but his loyalty to Bombay University and to his students was unshakable. He was deeply interested in improving tools for better policy analysis. Hence in this paper I raise some related issues.


The Mandenka of West Africa see the universe as having evolved according to a principle of heterogeneity. Heterogeneity is seen as mutually beneficial and generative of symbiosis. On the other hand, homogeneity is considered as source of competition and conflict.Individuals differ, and heterogeneity is amplified by interaction between elements. Life develops as a process of incessant change. Each age group is assigned to certain tasks in the community. As the individual goes through several phases of his life, he acquires the ability to see things from different points of view. He also learns to see himself from the point of view of others through formalized channels of “joking relations” that serve as social feedback loops.Westernization is seen as having two basic disadvantages: Its homogenistic philosophy of “unity by similarity” is fallacious because homogeneity creates conflicts, and the principle of specialization brought about by westernization will lock each person into one task and makes him incapable of seeing situations from another person's point of view, accompanied by the homogenistic misconceptions that all persons have the same thought structure.  相似文献   

The end of busing of primary and secondary school students has been a major setback for integration of public schools in the USA. The purpose of this paper is not to offer an alternative to busing; regrettably, no obvious alternative stands out. Rather, it is to offer some social, legal and economic background to help the reader consider, and perhaps propose, realistic alternatives that would reduce both racial and economic segregation in our schools and society. The paper is divided into three sections. The first offers background information useful for better understanding and evaluating the end of busing and school resegregation. The second section focuses on an important parallel between racial and economic discrimination. The closing section introduces considerations important for anticipating reactions to, and the costs and benefits of, alternatives to busing for reintegrating schools, as well as several recommendations to which those considerations can be applied.
Patrick J. WelchEmail:

Patrick J. Welch   is a Professor of Economics at Saint Louis University with secondary appointments at the Department of Public Policy Studies and School of Public Health. He has articles published in economics, business, law, philosophy and other journals, as well as in several books of collected writings. He is the coauthor, together with, his wife, Gerry Welch of the book, Economics: Theory and Practice, currently in its 8th edition and published by John Wiley and sons. He has received several awards for his teaching and has been actively involved in community service.  相似文献   

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