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网络购物体验是消费者重购的重要影响因素,但是购物体验作为外在刺激因素,不能直接决定顾客对老产品的再次选购,本文引入消费者怀旧心理这一内在驱动因素,构建起"虚拟体验-怀旧心理-购买意愿"理论模型,并通过量表测量检验了可用性体验、交互性体验等七个体验因子和怀旧心理想象、怀旧情感反应等两个怀旧变量与购买意愿之间的相关关系。  相似文献   

张义 《经济论坛》2012,(5):155-157
怀旧情感是人之常情,在社会转型期表现尤甚,对消费者购买行为会产生一定影响.本文研究消费者怀旧情感的内涵、影响因素、内化机制、唤起机制以及怀旧情感通过对品牌依恋而影响购买意愿的作用机制.  相似文献   

消费者怀旧的理论基础、研究现状与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20世纪90年代以来全社会显现的怀旧心理推动了学术界对消费者怀旧现象的理论研究,使之成为消费者行为领域的新兴研究主题,有其心理学和社会学的理论基础。消费者怀旧是一种对事物的喜爱,而且这些事物更常见于人们比较年轻的时候。消费者怀旧文献研究内容主要包括消费者怀旧的内涵、诱因、怀旧相关的消费偏好和行为三大方面。未来研究可以从跨文化角度和群体层面及其他几方面深入分析怀旧的作用机理及其营销效应。  相似文献   

怀旧营销已经成为现代商业的重要手段,进行了怀旧市场的细分,怀旧营销的优劣分析。重点提出在怀旧营销方式的实际操作中怎样将一个公司品牌管理的长期战略与之结合起来,处理好怀旧与创新,中国老字号企业如何发展怀旧产品。从而摒弃劣势,使之成为一种更加完善、有效的营销模式。  相似文献   

基于虚拟情感体验的怀旧消费行为的理论探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人类具有情感需求,而情感需求大多来源于以往的生活体验以及心理氛围在社会大众中的扩散和蔓延。情感需求所支撑的消费者行为被归结为怀旧消费的范围,并以获得快乐满足和精神享受为目的。怀旧消费作为新的研究领域在基础理论、测量方法及实证研究等方面具有积极的进展。  相似文献   

随着社会经济的发展和老龄化社会的到来,老龄消费者品牌偏好问题日益成为社会各界关注的重要问题.中华老字号品牌历史悠久,承载了中华民族传统文化特色,具有良好的社会评价,深受老龄消费者的喜爱.本文从怀旧倾向的视角分析老龄消费者对中华老字号品牌偏好的影响原因,并从企业营销策略的制定和中华老字号品牌的发展得到了启示.  相似文献   

如何激发消费者的绿色消费意识已成为企业实现绿色经济的重大挑战。基于自我概念和印象管理理论,以绿色产品诉求方式为切入点,探究绿色产品的诉求方式对消费者购买意愿的影响。通过两个实验研究发现,绿色产品采用不同的诉求策略以及消费者所处的购买情景对其购买意愿的影响存在显著性差异。实验1发现,相比利他诉求,绿色产品采用利己诉求的广告方式能更加有效地提升消费者的购买意愿。实验2发现,当消费者处在群体情景下购买绿色产品时,与利己诉求相比,利他诉求的广告方式对其购买意愿的影响更大。当消费者处在独立的个人情景下购买绿色产品时,与利他诉求相比,利己诉求的广告方式对消费者购买意愿的影响更为积极。  相似文献   

企业产品伤害危机发生后对消费者会产生怎样的影响,以及企业该如何选择恰当的应对策略进行修复值得研究。针对不同辩解程度的产品伤害危机,基于两个实验探讨产品伤害危机的可辩解程度对消费者购买意愿的影响,以及采取何种广告修复策略(公益广告vs.商业广告)对消费者购买意愿的修复效果是最优的。实验1发现,产品伤害危机的可辩解程度越低,消费者购买意愿则越低。但是,这种影响关系受到产品类型的调节作用:对于非食品产品,上述影响关系是成立的;而对于食品产品,消费者购买意愿不再受产品伤害危机可辩解性的影响。实验2进一步发现,对于不可辩解的产品伤害危机,公益广告(vs.商业广告)带来更好的消费者购买意愿修复效果。但是,这两类广告修复策略对可辩解产品伤害危机中消费者购买意愿的修复差异并不明显。  相似文献   

生活方式、消费者创新性与新产品购买行为的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文在文献研究的基础上归纳出描述和测量生活方式的四个主要维度:时尚意识、领导意识、价格意识和怀旧意识。基于1006位重庆消费者的问卷调查所得数据,检验生活方式、消费者创新性和新产品购买行为三者的关系,发现生活方式能显著地影响消费者创新性,而消费者创新性对新产品购买行为有显著的促进作用,消费者创新性在生活方式与新产品购买行为的关系中起完全中介作用。  相似文献   

以新疆乌鲁木齐沙依巴克区为例,通过问卷调查,分析早教产品的市场基本情况、影响消费者购买早教产品的影响因素,进而对早教产品的市场营销策略进行研究分析。结果表明:早教产品的价格、质量、功能、安全性和品牌是影响消费者购买的主要影响因素。基于结论,提出早教产品营销的定价策略、渠道策略等,以促进早教产品市场的规范、稳定、可持续发展。  相似文献   

根据压力交互理论和调节焦点理论,构建工作不安全感对个体创新行为的“双刃剑”影响理论模型,探讨挑战性压力和阻碍性压力的中介作用、促进型焦点和防御型焦点的调节作用。选取12家高新技术企业60个团队414份领导和员工的两时间点配对调查问卷进行实证检验。研究发现:一方面,工作不安全感会通过挑战性压力认知和促进型焦点的调节导向对个体创新行为产生积极影响,成为个体创新行为的“动力”和“助推力”;另一方面,工作不安全感会通过阻碍性压力认知和防御型焦点的调节导向对个体创新行为产生消极影响,成为个体创新行为的“负担”和“绊脚石”。  相似文献   

Logan McLeod 《Applied economics》2013,45(18):2131-2146
The paper explores whether the responses to household food insecurity questions in cycles two and three of the Canadian National Population Health Survey help explain the links between socioeconomic status and health at the individual level. Short-term transitions in food insecurity status are correlated with changes in health status. There is some evidence for females but not for males that conditional on current health, current household food insecurity can lead to lower future health status, even in the short run. There is stronger evidence for both males and females that conditional on current household food insecurity status, lower current health status can lead to an increased probability of future household food insecurity.  相似文献   

This study investigates the impacts of energy insecurity on household welfare in Cambodia. The notion of energy insecurity is not well understood in the literature as well as in local contexts. This study defines household energy insecurity as the status quo derived from the interplay of inadequate and insufficient energy consumption that prevents households from meeting basic energy needs. The notion of energy insecurity can only be well understood by investigation in the local context as it varies from place to place. Households facing insufficient energy consumption may forgo many other opportunities. Once energy security has been defined in the Cambodian context, the study employs multiple regression models using the Cambodia Socio-Economic Survey Data (2015) to investigate the impacts of household energy insecurity. The study confirmed that energy insecurity has enormous negative impact on welfare of the households, with a further negative impact on the human capital formation of the children. The findings will lead to policy implications to improve household energy security, and thus impact economic, social, and environmental development.  相似文献   

This study investigates the correlation between food insecurity, educational achievement, and health among kindergarten children in the United States. Data from the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study—Kindergarten Cohort are used to analyze educational achievement and physical growth of kindergartners faced with food insecurity. The results demonstrate that children begin to experience the effects of food insecurity even at the most marginal level of household food deprivation. Children in households with any signs of food insecurity score lower and learn less during the school year.  相似文献   

Energy insecurity has been a critical challenge facing Asia’s economic growth. This study constructs a comprehensive index for energy insecurity as well as examines its trend using a sample of 24 selected Asian countries during the 1990–2014 period. For this purpose, principal component analysis is applied to a series of 12 selected variables. The variables are standardized using different techniques including z-score, min-max and softmax normalization. Three different measures of energy insecurity are created accordingly. The empirical results depict the trend of increasing energy insecurity in Bangladesh, China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Nepal, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Vietnam. On the other hand, the trend of fluctuating but recently improving energy security was observed in Hong Kong, Japan, Mongolia, Singapore, South Korea, and United Arab Emirates. Meanwhile, the trend of fluctuating but recently increasing energy insecurity was found in Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Lebanon, and Tajikistan. These findings are robust to all three measures of energy insecurity.  相似文献   

This article models the dynamic effects of economic insecurity on body weight. Using Australian panel data, we infer an individual’s level of economic insecurity as a function of exposure to various financial risks and employ regression equations to explore its effect upon current period body mass index (BMI) scores. Estimates reveal that a sustained standard deviation increase in economic insecurity raises an individual’s BMI at a rate of approximately 0.35 units per year. Quantile regressions are then used to estimate the sensitivity of body weight to insecurity at different percentiles of the distribution and we find that persons who are overweight and obese are much more seriously affected. This implies that shocks that make individuals more financially vulnerable can generate harmful self-sustaining cycles of risk and weight gain. We also model the dynamics of insecurity and show that it is a persistent phenomenon for persons with high levels of exposure and lower incomes. This finding indicates that persons of lower socio-economic status are more likely to encounter vicious cycles of increasing insecurity and obesity, which partially explains why weight-related health problems are unusually highly concentrated amongst these individuals.  相似文献   

This paper studies the roles of economic insecurity (EI) and attitudes to racial inequality as predictors of voting patterns in the 2016 US election. Using data from the 2016 Voter Survey, we show that both perceptions of EI and concerns over anti-White discrimination are significant correlates of Republican support. Effect sizes on racial attitudes are much larger than those found on EI, although the effects of insecurity become larger when accounting for both short-term and long-term economic stress. We also show there is very little heterogeneity in the effects of insecurity across racial groups—both Whites and minorities are more likely to vote Republican when experiencing short-term insecurity. Our results suggest that policies that mitigate micro-level economic risk may lessen support for populist political candidates.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose the use of a multidimensional approach to the measurement of economic insecurity in three European countries. We combine six different unidimensional indicators proxying the subjective and objective determinants of economic insecurity into a single index based on a counting approach method, which allows us to measure the incidence and the intensity of the phenomenon. Using longitudinal data from the European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC) from 2008 to 2016, we find that the incidence of insecurity falls as income grows, being significantly present in middle-income households both in Spain and France but not in Sweden. Interestingly, in all three countries, the contribution of different dimensions to insecurity changes as household income grows, while for all income levels a higher education and being employed in a non-fixed term contract are strongly related to a lower probability of being economically insecure.  相似文献   

Using six cycles of Canada’s longitudinal National Population Health Survey data (2000–2001 to 2010–2011), this article examines the relationship between job insecurity and mental health. Job insecurity is evaluated in both subjective (perception of job insecurity) and objective (probability of joblessness) terms while mental health is measured using a standardized psychological distress index. Applying a person-specific fixed-effects estimator, results indicate that for males and females age 25–64, job insecurity, regardless of how it is measured, is associated with an increase in psychological distress. Results regarding unemployment are not as conclusive, suggesting that it is not so much the actual occurrence of job loss but the threat of unemployment that is associated with higher psychological distress. Estimates of the relationship between job insecurity and psychological distress using pooled ordinary least squares are much larger, implying that much of the psychological distress/job insecurity correlation may be due to unobservable fixed characteristics. All results are robust to the inclusion and exclusion of a host of other potential determinants including income-related variables, education, and various health measures.  相似文献   

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