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论高校图书馆的服务质量与图书管理人员的素质   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
高校图书管理工作是整个高校教学与科研体系的重要组成部分,图书馆服务质量对教学质量有着十分重要作用,图书管理人员素质是决定图书服务质量的重要因素。图书管理人员素质包括五方面内涵。增强形象意识,提高心理素质,贯彻终身教育理念,建立激励机制,强化图书情报意识是提高图书馆管理人员素质的途径。  相似文献   

蒙志飞  刘辉 《经济改革》2009,(12):73-73
西安医学院附属医院前身为中国人民解放军总后勤部西安军工医院,始建于1951年,是一所集医疗、教学、科研,预防、康复、急救为一体的三级综合性教学医院。  相似文献   

随着人才测评理论体系的发展和评测手段的广泛应用,高校迫切需要能够满足自身业务需求的高校科研管理人员素质测评理论体系及人才选拔能力素质测评理论与方法。针对目前高校科研管理人员素质评测中片面重视科研素质或者管理素质的问题,提出了一种用于高校科研管理人员素质评测的层次分析模型。研究结果表明,该模型从多个角度对科研管理人员素质进行了全面科学的评测,符合现阶段我国科研管理工作的特点,对于提高高校科研管理水平具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

科研实力1.人力资源1999年法国科技人员总数达33.2万多人。21万人从事公共实验室的研究工作,其中高等教育系统教学-研究人员、技术和管理人员为11.68万人,国家科研中心科技和管理人员为2.785万人,其他科技型公共研究机构(国家科研中心除外)科技和管理人员为2.03万人,公贸型、管理型公共研究机构及基金型机构、公共利益集团的科技和管理人员为3.395万人,各部委及所属机构科技和管理人员为0.76万人,国防部科技和管理人员为0.39万人。另外10多万科技和管理人员分属占企业总数5%的3700…  相似文献   

企业创新离不开中层管理人员。本文从客观属性论述了中层管理人员的创新意识,从基本素质和蝴蝶效应论述了中层管理人员创新的巨大作用,最后从培养创新思维、确立更高目标和建立创新机制三方面着重论述了如何提高中层管理人员的创新力。  相似文献   

关于高校科研管理人员素质的初探   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
高校科研工作的好坏与科研管理人员的水平有很大的关系。从思想政治水平、专业知识结构和工作能力等方面探讨了科研管理人员应具有的素质。  相似文献   

自我要求、自我修养、自我完善是人生的重要课题,每个人要想提高自己就必须有自我控制力,现代组织中的管理人员更是如此。作为有较高知识的管理人员,对自身的要求不能很低,应该时时刻刻要求自己,不断地超越自己,这样才能在不断变化的市场经济中,始终站在潮流的前头。中国企业中的管理人员对自我要求的意识就很低,工作中缺乏主动意识,拖沓的作风较浓。对企业的兴衰漠不关心,  相似文献   

期刊是地方社科院图书馆的重要馆藏,随着期刊的馆藏及利用率的提高,期刊在科研工作中发挥的作用也越来越大。通过阅览记录统计可以发现现刊是借阅率最高的馆藏资料,如何提高服务意识,更新服务手段让科研人员更好的利用现刊资源,是摆在图书馆管理人员面前的问题。而现刊的二次文献加工是解决这一问题很好的方式,和途径。做好现刊的二次文献加工,更好的为科研服务,是图书馆工作人员义不容辞的责任、义务。  相似文献   

本文从企业管理人员的角度分析、说明企业要进行纳税筹划,企业管理人员必须了解纳税和筹划意识的重要性及如何更好的实施。  相似文献   

李子白 《经济研究导刊》2013,(22):70-70,297
科研管理人员的工作能力直接影响高校科研成果的产出。探讨在理工高校环境下,文科科研管理人员所必备的多种素质,以及培养综合工作能力的一些新思路,以期达到提升理工高校社会科学研究管理水平的长远目标。  相似文献   

医护人员职业素养对于其自身职业长远发展、切实改善医患关系、形成优良医院企业文化具有重要意义。作为医护人员,要努力提高自己的医术,用精湛的技术帮助病患解除病痛,注重自身外部形象的塑造,以高度的责任心、耐心,细心对待病人及其家属,从而养成良好的职业素养。  相似文献   

Nursing leadership: championing quality and patient safety in the boardroom   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
OBJECTIVE: Identify the extent to which hospital boards of trustees, CEOs, and CNOs are engaged in quality and safety at the leadership and governance level and how CNOs can support board engagement in quality and safety. BACKGROUND: Although research is emerging, still relatively little is known about the impact and interface of hospital boards of trustees, CEOs, and nursing executives related to improving quality and patient safety. METHODS: 73 telephone interviews were conducted with hospital board chairs, CEOs, and CNOs from a convenience sample of 63 U.S. hospitals. The interviews (22 of which were with CNOs) lasted 30 to 45 minutes and were supplemented by a focus group of five nursing executives. RESULTS: There are significant differences in the perceptions of CNOs versus those of board chairs and CEOs. CNOs reported a greater familiarity of landmark reports on quality and patient safety than board chairs. CEOs and board chairs gave substantially higher ratings to integration of quality planning. Boards have limited comprehension of salient nursing quality issues. CONCLUSION: CNOs have a critical role as boardroom champions of patient safety and quality improvement.  相似文献   

An important theme in modern research on productivity has been that technological progress may be embodied in capital in the sense that traditional measures of TFP growth reflect unmeasured improvements in the quality of capital inputs as well as pure disembodied technological progress. It is commonly believed that an implication of this embodiment hypothesis is that there should be a negative relationship between measured TFP and the age of the measured capital stock. This paper presents empirical evidence which suggests that an increase in the age of the capital stock is actually associated with higher TFP growth. This surprising result may be due to the presence of a mis-measurement normally overlooked in this literature: With mis-measured improvements in capital quality, the usual depreciation rates used to construct empirical capital stocks are incorrect for growth accounting. This effect dominates the usual average age effect.  相似文献   

The Soviet system of higher education is more specialized than that of the United Kingdom, both in the sense that teaching is separated from research and in the sense that institutions specialize in certain fields. The paper compares, in the light of this difference, the costs of higher education and the qualities of students in the two countries. Also, the social rate of return to higher education in the USSR is examined. The main tentative findings are that the Soviet system is not cheaper; that the “quality” of students is, on the average, lower; and that the social rate of return is close to that of tangible capital. J. Comp. Econ., March 1978, 2(1), pp. 13–23. Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel.  相似文献   

We need to consider how the health care system should revolve around the patient, rather than the patient rotating around the hospital. Considering a patient-centric point of view when implementing and optimizing the use of health information technology (HIT) provides new perspectives on the meaning of "integrated" health care. ot only do we need to give patients the opportunities to participate as true partners in their health care, we must convince them why this partnership makes sense. We should not be naive and believe all patients want this involvement in their care today and are ready to do all their health care transactions electronically. But considering and using these practices are important steps in the health care reform journey to improve quality and decrease cost. Many patients will benefit by our working with them to demystify the health care experience through patient-centric practices and the use of HIT.  相似文献   

通过对贵州省10县(市)的实地问卷调查,结合2002年贵州省出生缺陷专题调查数据和医院监测数据,分析了贵州省出生人口素质偏低的原因,提出了解决对策。  相似文献   

生活满意度也即生活质量意义上的幸福感.通过农户调查的方式获取农民生活满意度指标,从自然和社会两个方面,运用SPSS软件分析了农民生活满意度的影响因素;同时,应用皮尔逊相关分析方法对农民生活满意度的地域差异进行了系统研究.结果表明,盐池县农民生活满意度受到经济收人和自然环境的双重影响,但生活满意度的地域性差异与经济收入差异的相关性较高,而与自然环境差异呈现较低的相关性.  相似文献   

This project documents a strategic planning process utilized during an academic clinical experience to establish evidence-based design features in new construction of an intensive care unit at a community hospital, while optimizing safe and cost-effective quality care, based upon evidence-based research.  相似文献   

We study how the quality of hospital management and medical care both affect efficiency in Japanese local public hospitals. The efficiency is estimated by a stochastic frontier analysis (SFA) and is regressed against the quality scores in hospital accreditation by the Japan Council for Quality Health Care (JCQHC). We find that rule-based hospital management relates to high efficiency, while the suitable management of beds and supplies relates to low efficiency.  相似文献   

借助嵌入性理论将社区意识作为关系嵌入性与结构嵌入性形成的前因变量引入创新网络进行分析,提出社区意识、嵌入性与创新绩效三者间关系的假设模型。采用中国情境下的成熟量表对相应变量进行测量,并借助SPSS25.0和AMOS24.0构造结构方程模型,对电子数码、医药、食品及机械零部件等行业企业的110份有效调研问卷进行分析。结果表明:社区意识对创新绩效存在显著正向影响;社区意识对关系嵌入性与结构嵌入性存在显著正向影响;关系嵌入性对创新绩效有显著正向作用,而结构嵌入性与创新绩效之间的因果关系不显著;关系嵌入性部分中介了社区意识对创新绩效的正向影响。最后,提出相应的创新网络治理措施。  相似文献   

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