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自古以来,性别差异就扎根于社会之中。男性与女性在生计策略、生活方式的选择存在不同。随着我国城市化进程的快速发展,越来越多的农民工涌入城市,其是我国大城市中的弱势群体之一,生计问题一直成为困扰我国城市由快速城市化向健康城市化转型的关键问题。文章从性别角度出发,以大同市农民工为调查主体,研究当今不同性别进城农民工可持续生计现状问题和解决对策,发现男性与女性农民工在人力资本和社会资本差异较大,物质资本和金融资本基本没有差异,生计资本整体情况差异也不大,因此我们应该消除性别歧视,避免女性农民工成为"双弱势"群体。最后,我们应该认识到农民工问题是关系我国由快速城镇化向健康城镇化转型的关键问题。  相似文献   

经济转型期中国女性创业者社会资本与融资战略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
缺乏金融资本是经济转型期创业者共同面临的问题,但女性创业者比男性创业者更难获得银行及投资公司等金融机构的外部融资,大部分女性创业者依赖自我积累的融资战略缓慢地发展.从社会资本的视角分析了经济转型期中国女性创业者外部融资难的问题,指出女性创业者必须突破社会资本的结构性约束和选择性约束,积极拓展和积累异质性社会资本,工具性动用泛亲属网络中的社会资源,从而成功地实现外部融资.  相似文献   

使用中国人民大学中国调查与数据中心"中国教育长期追踪调查"数据,分析大学生求职就业中所呈现出的性别差异,社会资本对大学生求职的影响及作用机制的性别差异。女大学生社会资本存量、尤其是自致性社会资本存量并不低于男大学生,她们对于社会资本的利用程度也并不弱于男大学生,但社会资本对男女两性就业的影响体现出明显差异。相较于女性,社会资本对男性就业发挥更大作用。刻板化的性别意识会阻碍社会资本对女大学生就业的促进作用,从而难以缩小大学生就业的性别差异。  相似文献   

本文基于江苏创业活动的问卷调研数据,从区域社会资本差异、区域创业能力差异、区域创业战略差异、区域创业主体差异4个方面进行定量比较。比较发现:苏南苏北地区创业者的社会资本结构存在显著差异,不同社会资本类别对创业与创业发展的重要度也不一样,而且苏南地区创业者社会资本的冗余高于苏北地区,但在社会资本的利用方式上差异不明显。苏南地区的区域创业能力稍好于苏北,但均只处于中等水平。苏南苏北地区在创业方式、创业行业、创业规模与市场定位层面均存在有明显差异,苏南地区创业者更多的选择了独立创业,在行业上更多的进入了服务性行业,新创企业的规模整体上小于苏北,而且更多的定位于国内市场。从创业主体属性差异比较看,苏南创业者中女性比例高于苏北,创业者平均年龄低于苏北,平均受教育水平明显高于苏北,异地创业者所占比例明显高于苏北。  相似文献   

地区经济差距中的社会资本、交易费用分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
社会资本是和物质资本、人力资本相并存的一种资本形式,它是指在现实中可以为个体或组织带来更多增值收益的除了物质资本和人力资本之外的所有客观存在,它的核心在于信任、合作。社会资本的使用通过影响交易费用大小并进而影响经济发展。本文将运用社会资本理论借以分析中国的地区差距问题,文章认为地区差距问题的主要原因在于不同地区社会资本内容的差异。  相似文献   

人力资本是个人重要的一种资本。它对个人的社会经济地位和价值观等有着十分重要的影响。不同的性别间其人力资本是否存在差异呢?我们利用广西的调查数据,发现中国的人力资本存在性别差异,男性的人力资本比女性丰富,主要体现在女性的文化程度与男性相比存在一定的差距,而在职业培训方面女性和男性不存在差异。因此,要缩小人力资本之间的性别差异,主要应该从提高女性的文化程度着手。  相似文献   

社会资本在不同群体中分布不平等,但较少有研究分析精英群体中的社会资本不平等情况。基于陕西省上市公司2010-2017年数据,采用社会网络分析方法,分析不同性别(先赋性因素)和拥有不同教育背景(后致性因素)的董事在多项网络中心度上的差异。研究发现,网络中男性董事占据绝对数量优势,男女比例随时间变化呈稳定状态,但男性董事和女性董事在网络中心度上没有显著差异;受教育程度越高,董事越趋于网络中心地位。研究证实在董事群体中存在基于后致性因素的社会资本不平等,但不存在基于先赋性因素的社会资本不平等。  相似文献   

越来越多的研究用社会资本理论解释跨国或地区经济差异问题。文章试图分析社会资本在中国区域协调发展中的重要作用。在对区域社会资本的基本框架进行界定的基础上,文章分析了社会资本各因素对贸易的影响机制,并进一步构建了一个包含社会资本、贸易与中国区域协调发展的综合理论分析框架,最后对未来中国区域协调发展进行了战略思考。  相似文献   

不同创业动机下的女性创业模式研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在世界范围内有越来越多的女性创业者崛起,从不同创业动机去考察女性创业过程,我们发现,机会驱动型的创业有较高的社会资本和人力资本要求,创业者的动机激励是创业的关键因素,创业者的人力资本和社会资本帮助她们获得了企业存在和发展的关键资源;生存驱动型的创业是我国女性创业的主导模式,在我国的特定社会经济环境下,该类型的创业者拥有的社会资本和人力资本很少,创业的关键因素是创业者的自身素质,因此,对创业者的个人禀赋要求很高,她们身上体现的某些特质已经远离了传统认同的女性标准.  相似文献   

本文从动态演化的视角将贫困视为一种持续加深的非正常状态,这种状态在经济上一个显著的特征是收入低于正常人群,以缪尔达尔的循环积累因果原理为理论基础,试图通过劳动力市场上的性别收入不平等来解释女性普遍的、持续的相对贫困状态.性别差异下的劳动力收入不平等形成了女性群体与男性群体之间长期的收入差距,使得女性更易陷入相对贫困状态,造成不断加剧、难以摆脱的贫困循环.人力资本和社会资本理论是解读性别收入不平等及女性贫困的有力视角.人力资本理论视角下,家庭照料及生育责任影响女性人力资本竞争力,女性人力资本积累进程与企业需求偏差较大,生育保险责任内化为企业人力资本投资风险,女性人力资本回报率低造成人力资本投资的恶性循环.而社会资本理论通过女性资本欠缺和回报欠缺、职业机会差异和职业内收入差距两个路径解释了性别收入不平等的发生机理.  相似文献   

This study uses the Italian data from the Multiscopo surveys of 1997 and 2011 to assess differences in life-cycle accumulation of social capital by sex and age. First, the study identifies some crucial aspects regarding the definition and measurement of social capital: individual versus collective dimension, different typologies of social capital, and the fact that the literature often deals with women in social capital but seldom with gender. Second, using a regression analysis with cross-sectional data, it shows that social capital accumulation along the life cycle is different for men and women, with men accumulating more social capital at all ages, with a different peak and overall profile. The study also shows that, over fifteen years, the gap in social capital by sex narrowed. Finally, it introduces a model of social capital structure compatible with the empirical evidence and with notions of gender as defined in feminist literature.  相似文献   

社会性别视野中的人力资本投资   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张莹 《经济问题》2007,332(4):30-32
基于人力资本投资性别差异的现实,论述了人力资本投资中社会经济发展水平和社会文化对性别歧视的影响.通过社会关系分析法,揭示了人力资本理论中所存在的社会性别歧视,提出了经济发展水平的提高可以减少人力资本投资的性别歧视,社会文化的进步是消除人力资本投资性别歧视的根本.  相似文献   

Studies of the impact of intermarriage on labour market outcomes of immigrants focus on labour-force participants. However, intermarriage itself can change participation options and heterogeneously so for men and women. Using data from the 2010 American Community Survey, we find that the raw impact of intermarriage is to reduce labour-force participation for men and increase it for women. However, upon controlling for observable and unobservable selection into intermarriage, the gains from intermarriage for women are reversed. The importance of human capital controls of education and experience in determining the labour-force participation of married immigrants is underscored. Birthplace fixed effects play an important role in explaining the gender differences in labour-force participation among intermarried immigrants.  相似文献   


Using data from Chile, this study analyzes the relationship between different forms of social capital and women’s labor force participation, accounting for both endogeneity problems and differences among women of different economic strata. First, the results suggest that only some types of social capital are relevant for labor force participation: namely, networks with weaker yet far-reaching connections, including higher-status individuals. There are neither empirical nor theoretical reasons to believe that women have better access to such networks than men. Second, this type of social capital is only relevant for the economic integration of the richest women, failing to increase labor force participation among women of the other 80 percent of households. Thus, this study concludes that policies targeted at women’s economic integration based on the presumption that women have more social capital than men are deeply flawed.  相似文献   

This study explores the effects of globalization on gender inequality. Specifically, we describe how, in terms of capital market integration, globalization alters the gender gap in wage rates through changes in labor demand for capital‐intensive sectors. Consequently, via changes in the bargaining positions of men and women, globalization leads to opposite effects on the couple's labor supply and fertility decisions in capital‐importing and capital‐exporting countries. Moreover, by considering the properties of the industrial structures of capital‐importing and capital‐exporting countries, we show that globalization induces empirically observed declines in fertility rates throughout the world.  相似文献   

This study uses time-use survey data for Mexico, Peru, and Ecuador (from 2009, 2010, and 2012, respectively) to analyze differences between countries in terms of the gendered distribution of total work, which includes both paid and unpaid work. It explores whether the variations in the total time worked by women and men, and, particularly, the gender gap unfavorable to women, can be explained by substantive national differences in gendered social norms. Using data from the World Values Survey (WVS; 2010–14), this study computes a gender norms index to measure cross-country differences in gender norms. It finds that more egalitarian countries exhibit higher levels of equality in the gendered distribution of total work.  相似文献   


Much of the literature regarding the employability of African-American women focuses on how demographic factors like single parenthood, limited social capital, and low levels of education diminish their employment options. This study engages this literature by exploring the role that institutional factors, including state action and cost-cutting strategies in the workplace, play in shaping the structure of job opportunities available to high school-educated African-American women. Focusing on department store workers in the San Francisco Bay area, this case study highlights how shifts, including the increasing contingency of employment between 1970 and 2000, have constrained African-American women's experience and progress in this low-skilled workplace.  相似文献   

《Feminist Economics》2013,19(2):21-46
Evidence across regions in the world reveals patterns in school enrollment ratios and literacy that are divided along gender lines. In the developing world, apart from most countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, enrollment ratios of girls lag behind those for boys at all levels of education. Worldwide literacy rates for adult men far exceed those for women. While educational progress has been enjoyed by both sexes, these advances have failed to eradicate the gender gap. Education enhances labor market productivity and income growth for all, yet educating women has beneficial effects on social well-being not always measured by the market. Rising levels of education improve women's productivity in the home which in turn can increase family health, child survival, and the investment in children's human capital. The social benefits from women's education range from fostering economic growth to extending the average life expectancy in the population, to improving the functioning of political processes. This paper reviews recent empirical research that analyzes the benefits of women's education, describes the importance of women's education for country-level measures of economic development, and examines the implications of a gender gap in education for aggregate social well-being.  相似文献   

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