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现阶段绿色农产品开发与管理重点探讨   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
我国加入世贸组织后,农产品在国际市场上面临的新形势对农产品质量安全提出了更高的要求,发展绿色农产品适应这一要求,也符合人们生活质量和健康水平不断提高的消费趋势。本文在界定绿色农产品概念的基础上,分析了目前我国绿色农产品的发展现状,认为无公害农产品是现阶段绿色农产品开发与管理的重点,并就如何促进无公害农产品开发与规范化管理提出了相应的对策措施。  相似文献   

无公害农产品标准化已成为农业生产的发展方向,文章针对黑龙江省无公害农业发展现状及无公害农产品标准化发展中存在的问题,提出无公害农产品标准化发展的对策和建议  相似文献   

王娅 《环境经济》2006,(4):27-28
不断提高我国农产品的国际竞争力,满足人们对无公害、绿色、有机食品的需求,是摆在我们面前的重要课题。而积极治理土地面源污染,大力开发绿色农产品是解决这一课题的切入点。  相似文献   

昆明王国食品集团有限公司是国家认定的高新技术企业、全国农产品深加工食品工业发展重点龙头企业、全国优秀食品龙头企业、云南省级重点龙头企业、云南省省级创新型试点企业、云南省级技术中心、云南省级上市培育重点企业。公司拥有自营进出口经营权,主要经营范围:生产、科研、种植、加工、出口优势无公害绿色罐头食品等。公司占地面积500亩,生产加工环境洁净优雅,是最为理想的绿色果蔬食品深加工基地。  相似文献   

推进无公害蔬菜进一步发展的对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
葛文光  张泉 《经济问题》2004,(11):59-61
蔬菜是人们普遍消费的农产品,蔬菜产业也是农民增收的一个重要渠道。随着经济的发展、社会的进步以及人民生活水平的提高,人们的消费观念逐步改变,越来越注重农产品的质量安全,于是无公害蔬菜应运而生。由于我国无公害蔬菜发展起步较晚,在生产及销售方面还存在一系列问题。就无公害蔬菜的发展现状展开分析,找出无公害蔬菜发展存在的问题,提出推进无公害蔬菜发展的对策。  相似文献   

生态农业产业化的内涵   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
生态农业产业化是遵循发展农村经济与农业生态环境保护相协调,自然资源开发与保护增殖相协调的原则,基于生态系统承载能力的前提下,充分发挥当地生态、区位优势及产品的比较优势,在农业生产与生态良性循环基础上,开发优质、安全、无公害农产品,发展经济、环境效益  相似文献   

发展云南绿色茶产业的思路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
云南省在制定跨世纪的经济发展战略中,顺应中央提出的西部大开发战略决策,提出了建设“绿色经济强省”的战略构想。这是发挥云南优势资源,走可持续发展道路的必然选择。加入WTO后,对我国农业的影响最直接的表现是对农产品出口提出了新的挑战。茶叶是云南传统优势产业,目前种植面积为252万亩,居全国第一位;2000年产量为7.94万吨,居全国第三位;产值14.6亿元,税金3亿多元;茶叶生产涉及的农业人口占全省总人口的1/4。随着人们生活水平的不断提高,人们对茶叶的消费观念、消费习惯发生了深刻的变化。茶叶的无公害生产将引起世界茶叶生产国和进口…  相似文献   

应重视发展无公害植物源农药   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
利用植物资源发展无公害杀虫、杀菌农药是云南推进特色产业和建设绿色经济强省的重要途径。本文从市场、资源作了介绍,并对发展提出了对策,认为云南资源丰富,应大力发展无公害植物源农药。  相似文献   

云南农产品电子商务是云南经济发展战略的重要补充,其发展有利于加速国民经济和社会信息化进程,如何打通这条新兴的农产品营销渠道、快速实现农村经济发展、使农民持续稳定增收?本文通过分析云南农产品电子商务交易难的原因,提出相应方案,并引出观点农产品电子商务势必将成为未来解决云南“三农”问题的新抓手.  相似文献   

深圳市无公害农产品质量监督检验站(以下简称农检站)是隶属于深圳市农林渔业局的正处级公益性事业单位,是负责深圳市农产品质量安全监督管理的政府重要技术执法机构。1990年和2002年分别通过广东省质量技术监督局计量认证和中国实验室国家认可委员会的认可评审:2005年成为深圳市唯一的农业部农产品质量安全监督检验测试中心,是承担农业部无公害农产品认证检验的定点检测机构,目前能够承担化肥、  相似文献   

为了明确不同类型环境规制工具是否以及如何影响环境友好型技术创新,从而为环境规制政策制定提供有力依据,以氢燃料电池技术为例,基于中国2004—2017年省际面板数据,采用Sys GMM法进行实证检验,在此基础上,利用SPSS软件进一步将全国样本分为环境友好型技术创新高水平地区、中等水平地区以及低水平地区,检验环境规制工具影响环境友好型技术创新的区域性差异。结果显示,3种环境规制工具对环境友好型技术创新呈现出显著正向影响,且在环境友好型技术创新高水平地区,市场激励型和公众参与型环境规制工具的正向促进效应显著,但命令控制型环境规制工具并未对环境友好型技术创新形成有效激励;在环境友好型技术创新中等水平地区,市场激励型环境规制工具对环境友好型技术创新的负向影响显著,其余两种规制工具的激励效应不显著;在环境友好型技术创新低水平地区,仅有命令控制型环境规制工具显著影响环境友好型技术创新且表现为负向作用。  相似文献   

Many private firms voluntarily care about the environment and declare that their products and production processes are environmentally friendly. This paper shows that corporate environmentalism may reduce the effectiveness of government policies. A simple third‐market trade model with strategic environmental and trade policy is employed, in which an environmentally conscious domestic firm competes with a profit‐maximizing foreign firm. It is shown that even if emission taxes and export subsidies are both available, corporate environmentalism may reduce domestic welfare when pollution is transboundary. In the realistic situation where export subsidies are prohibited, welfare may fall even if pollution is local.  相似文献   

We apply an environmentally differentiated duopoly model to the analysis of environmental policy involving consumer subsidies based on the emission levels of the products consumers purchase. More specifically, we consider the environmental and welfare effects of subsidizing consumers who purchase environmentally friendly goods in the case of a partially covered market with a Cournot duopoly. We show that, paradoxically, the subsidy policy degrades the environment, and that the optimal policy depends on the degree of marginal social valuation of environmental damage. That is, if the marginal social valuation of environmental damage is larger than a certain value, a consumer-based environmental subsidy policy is not socially optimal.  相似文献   

环境规制对技术创新的影响是当前学术界研究热点,已有大量基于“波特假说”的实证研究。然而,对于环境规制工具是否以及如何影响环境友好型技术创新,学术界尚未达成共识。而且,从理论上讲,“波特弱假说”涉及双重外部性问题,即技术创新的正外部性和环境污染的负外部性,需要环境规制和知识产权保护合力解决,而知识产权保护未引起普遍重视。采用中国内地30个省、市(区)2004-2019年面板数据,构建基于知识产权保护强度的动态门槛模型,实证检验知识产权保护在环境规制工具影响环境友好型技术创新中的作用机理。研究发现:3类环境规制工具对环境友好型技术创新的影响存在以知识产权保护强度为门槛的双重门槛效应。具体而言,市场激励型环境规制工具随着知识产权保护强度跨过第一门槛值呈现由负向抑制到正向促进的阶段性突变趋势;命令控制型环境规制工具随着知识产权保护强度跨过第二门槛值呈现由正向促进到负向抑制的阶段性突变趋势;公众参与型环境规制工具在知识产权保护强度介于两个门槛值之间时,对环境友好型技术创新的促进效应显著。  相似文献   

This paper examines, within a dynamic framework, the role of information provision as a policy instrument to supplement environmental taxation. Several products are responsible for health as well as environmental damages. Many consumers do not possess the required information to optimally substitute away from these products. However, as the stock of information regarding the negative effects of these products builds up, an increasing fraction of consumers behaves optimally. The government uses two policy instruments, environmental taxation and information provision. We show that as the accumulated stock of information increases, the optimal tax rate declines over time. Information provision can shift market demand towards environmentally friendly goods over time, and thus reduce the required level of the tax rate. Our results provide strong evidence in support of information campaigns as a policy instrument to supplement traditional environmental policies.  相似文献   

Abstract. The objective of our approach is to develop a model that captures horizontal product differentiation under environmental awareness with price competition whereby environmentally friendly products are costlier to produce. As an example, we refer to automobile producers offering cars with a gasoline-powered engine and one with a natural gas-powered engine. The network of petrol stations provides the complementary good. We use a two-stage game in prices and characteristics to analyse the market structure. In order to find out whether a private decision on the type of engine coincides with a socially optimal product differentiation, we determine the position of the two types of engine by a welfare-maximizing authority.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to test the hypothesis that environmental stringency adversely affects the international competitiveness (net exports) in manufacturing sectors. The model follows the standard factor endowment approach to explain the effects of environmental regulatory policy on net exports in different product-based industries. An econometric model is constructed, which includes factor endowments and environmental regulations to examine how strict environmental policies impact export competitiveness. A panel dataset of 10 Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries, over 17 years, 1987–2003, was constructed for the modelling effort. The study finds that environmental regulations can be a way to combat the flight of manufacturing out of developed countries if the output from these industries can be identified as environmentally friendly. A positive relationship between net exports and environmental regulations was found for paper products, wood products and textile products. However, most manufacturing industries are harmed by increased environmental regulations.  相似文献   

This paper examines whether labelling characteristics affect short‐run demand for manufactured foods in Australia. We estimate the effect of common labelling characteristics on demand using data from 92 brands in 12 product categories from major supermarket stores across Australia over the period 2002 to 2005. We find that certain characteristics – such as whether the product is made from recycled materials, certified as being Australian‐made, is a private label product, is health‐conscious or supports a charity – have a positive effect on demand. However, being an environmentally‐friendly good had a negative impact on demand as did products which offer the chance to win a prize and uncertified Australian‐made goods.  相似文献   

An integrated scenario analysis for the metal coating sector in Europe   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Although new paint products and technologies have been developed, the sector of paint application still contributes substantially to total volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions. Recent environmental legislation, especially the EU Solvent Emission Directive 1999/13/EC and its transposition into national law, coming into force in 2007, will have an important influence on the sector structure and the associated supply chain, especially for small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). This paper summarises a comprehensive scenario analysis to explore possible future trajectories for the sector. The main focus is on paint application activities, considering in particular the consequences of new environmentally friendly products and technologies which can be used by SMEs. Four different scenarios representing possible future states of the sector are evaluated, taking into account environmental, technical and socio-economic aspects along the associated supply chain and life cycle. The scenarios allow the formulation of recommendations and guidelines for policy makers and industries. This example confirms that interdisciplinary scenario analysis is a suitable approach to investigate possible future development of an industrial sector.  相似文献   

基于低碳经济视角的绿色旅游发展模式研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
绿色旅游奉行的是可持续发展之路,可以促使旅游资源得到有效保护,实现旅游者与旅游地居民之间的良好沟通。基于低碳经济视角的绿色旅游发展模式是可持续发展思想在旅游产业发展中的实践,是将现有的整体上比较粗放的旅游发展方式,逐渐转移到低碳、环保的发展道路上来。在低碳经济的背景下,本文建立一个多主体博弈模型,通过模型描述政府、市场、社会三方主体的行为激励以及求解最佳行为均衡策略,从而揭示出基于低碳经济视角的绿色旅游发展模式过程中存在的问题,以及各经济主体采取有效措施和行为激励之间相互作用的规律。  相似文献   

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