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范士陈 《经济师》2015,(4):100-102
基于国内外城镇体系研究进展的阶段性梳理与概略性比较,明确了我国城镇体系研究的不足之处,并提出了深化理论与实证研究、强化学科间交叉与融合、提升理论与方法和强化区域间性要素研究等我国城镇体系研究的若干针对性建议。  相似文献   

新中国交通运输地理学的发展与贡献   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
交通运输地理学是人文地理学的重要分支学科,20世纪尤其是建国以来经历了学科初创、学科体系形成、稳定发展三个时期的建设,我国交通运输地理学已经形成了一门相对完善的学科,在学科理论探索、交通设施规划与布局、交通网络与交通流分析、交通方式评价与规划、交通运输的特殊地理问题等领域开展了一系列研究,取得了显著的进展,为丰富我国人文地理学的学科体系、认知我国交通运输的地理概貌和发展机理、理解交通运输发展的人文与环境效应,提供了应有的科学知识.我国交通地理学家总结的运输生成的"四个基本规律"、运输组织的"轴-辐"模式、交通在促进区域经济发展中的"从属功能与引导功能"以及城市交通的"双交通模型"与"交通导向型(TOD)空间开发模式"、区域交通优势度的评价方法、港口空间发展模式等,已经在交通运输地理学研究和相关学科的研究中得到了广泛应用.  相似文献   

目前,我国对老年人社会参与的研究主要集中在理论和实证研究两个方面,前者更多的是从西方社会老年学的理论探讨老年个体如何更好地适应社会;后者则从实证分析出发,研究老年人群如何通过社会参与更好地融入社会。对涉及我国老年人社会参与的理论、实证与相关政策进行了回顾与综述。目前在我国老年人社会参与的问题上,存在着理论的适用、政策的滞后和研究的不足这三个主要问题,需要在理论方面突出考虑中国的国情和中国老年人的特点;在政策方面进一步制定更加具体和针对性更强的、能促进老年人全面参与社会的政策措施;在研究方面需要更加深入、具体地分析影响中国老年人社会参与的深层机制原因,并提出应对措施。  相似文献   

张和生  梁斌 《经济师》2014,(1):157-159
构建与完善贫困大学生资助体系,帮助其顺利完成学业,是每所高校特别是农业高校学生管理工作的重要任务。文章采用理论研究与实证调查相结合的方法,从共建和谐社会、关注"穷人"教育等理论角度,对我国农业高校贫困生资助问题进行了分析研究,由国家、学校及社会三个方面,从经济解困到精神资助构建了较为完善的农业高校贫困生资助体系。  相似文献   

城乡一体化是当代中国社会政策体系建设的基本方向和创新突破口。"十一五"时期,浙江省不断加大社会建设投入、积极创新社会政策、大力提高公共服务能力,初步建立起一个项目比较完备、城乡一体化程度较高的社会政策体系,但仍存在福利性、公平性和体系性的不足。浙江经验表明,推进我国社会政策体系建设向更高水平发展,必须以"城乡一体化"的社会政策创新、民生导向的公共财政体制改革以及优化调整政府间职责分工与财政分配关系为突破口,加快构建基于公民权利的社会政策体系,最终实现社会政策的制度统一并不断提高社会福利水平。  相似文献   

姜树广  谯倩 《经济评论》2012,(5):134-143
最近十几年来实地实验方法在经济学研究中日益流行,国际顶级期刊发表了大量使用这种方法的文献。实地实验在真实的经济社会环境下进行受控实验,以识别因果关系和潜在的作用机制为最终目的,填补了实验室实验和使用自然生成数据方法在实证研究中的中间地段。目前使用实地实验方法研究的话题涉及教育、农业、金融信贷、就业歧视、腐败、慈善等领域,并应用于对传统和最新的经济理论的检验。实地实验方法对发展中国家一些重要现实问题的研究尤其引人注目,也使其兼具极强的政策适用性。了解实地实验的特征和主要方法,特别是对发展中国家问题的研究思路,对我国经济学科的发展和经济社会改革的实践都具有重要意义。  相似文献   

本文详细评述"QS世界大学学科排名"指标体系和评估方法,考察分析了中国大学的学科在QS排名中的分布和特点,进而借鉴QS学科评估以及教育部学位与研究生教育发展中心的学科评估体系,尝试提出了我国"世界一流学科"评价指标体系框架,其涵盖学术声誉、就业声誉、科研评价、社会影响。  相似文献   

在城市化进程中,除了征地权滥用外,由于集体土地产权的模糊性使得征地补偿费如何在农民集体和个人及其他相关利益主体之间的分配难以形成公正、合理的格局。在我国社会保障实行城乡分割的二元化政策下,失地农民缺乏应有的保障。这些现象对我国社会经济正常运行以及社会稳定发展造成了不可忽视的影响。文章以杭州市拱墅区为例,对征地费使用方式与农村社会养老保险进行了实证研究,探讨了征地费的使用方式及其对农村社会养老保险的影响并提出了规范征地费的使用和管理,促进农村社会养老保险的建议。  相似文献   

名牌战略能够推动区域经济的发展,本文基于对世界品牌实验室"中国500最具品牌价值"排行榜上榜品牌区域分布与所在区域经济发展水平的相关分析,通过实证研究,证实了品牌数量、品牌价值与所在区域的经济发展水平有显著的相关性,拥有较多名牌数和较高品牌价值总量的区域会占据经济发展的优势地位。根据实证分析的结论,本文对我国区域经济实施名牌战略提供了对策建议,认为名牌战略是需要动员全社会资源的系统工程,需要来自国家政策体系的支持和社会中介机构的帮助,才能集中社会资源,营造出最利于品牌企业快速成长的外部环境。  相似文献   

社会政策、传统文化、经济等因素使得失独老人面临着社会保障、经济困顿、养老、医疗、社会心理恢复等问题,表现为与他人、社区之间社会关系的"断裂"现象。对安徽省合肥市失独老人生活现状及社会支持网络作了实证研究。失独老人对现状不满意,社会关系"家庭化",存在社会支持方面的缺失。影响失独老人社会关系重建的主要因素为性别、教育程度、收入、失去独生子女的时间和社会政策。从多元的视角,提出建立失独老人社会支持体系,重建失独老人社会关系、融入社区的操作性对策。  相似文献   

The article presents a review of current theoretical and empirical approaches to sex work, followed by the presentation of an original theoretical framework (Della Giusta et al., 2006), which is tested with an econometric model of the characteristics of demand for sex services by a sample of clients of street sex workers in the US. We present findings in relation to stigma and the relationship between paid and unpaid sex that corroborate our model's hypotheses and are in line with findings from other empirical studies. Furthermore, we identify in our sample two diametrically opposite profiles: one for clients whom we label ‘experimenters’, and one for more experienced ones that we name ‘regulars’, we also estimate attitudes toward risk, and draw implications in terms of both policy and future theoretical and empirical research.  相似文献   

本文在对债务融资的国民负担进行描述的基础上,给出了含有非排挤性投资的政府跨时预算约束,从而证明了政府非排挤性投资的积极作用。同时,根据多马的研究范式,进一步给出了含有税收增长率的最大可承受国债规模的决定条件,并对我国目前的财政状况进行了实证分析。分析表明,积极的财政政策并没有使我国的国债规模与赤字规模超出国民经济可承受范围,我国的财政政策仍然有相当宽余的实际运作空间。  相似文献   

Empirical results from experimental economics and neuroscience have uncovered regularities in human behavior that may provide a base for new approaches to welfare theory and economic policy. These empirical findings do not challenge basic economic concepts but they do imply that our assumptions about “rational behavior”, “opportunity cost”, and “social welfare” should be revised using sound scientific evidence and methods. This research has the potential to make benefit-cost analysis more reflective of how people value gains and losses, and more responsive to considerations of environmental and social responsibility.  相似文献   

I provide a summary, reflection and assessment of the current state of economic development in both the policy and academic worlds. In terms of development policy, currently, the primary focus is on policy interventions, namely, foreign aid, aimed at fixing the “deficiencies” of developing countries. Academic research also has a similar focus, except with an emphasis in rigorous evaluation of interventions to estimate causal effects. A standard set of versatile quantitative tools is used, e.g., experimental and quasi‐experimental methods, which can be easily applied in a range of settings to estimate the causal effects of policies, which are typically presumed to be similar across contexts. In this article, I take a step back and ask whether the current practices are the best that we can do. Are foreign aid and policy interventions the best options we have for poverty alleviation? What else can be done? Is our current research strategy, characterized by rigorous but a lack of context‐specific analysis, the best method of analysis? Is there a role for other research methods, for a deeper understanding of the local context and for more collaboration with local scholars?  相似文献   

Environmental Policy and Technological Change   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
The relationship between technological changeand environmental policy has receivedincreasing attention from scholars and policymakers alike over the past ten years. This ispartly because the environmental impacts ofsocial activity are significantly affected bytechnological change, and partly becauseenvironmental policy interventions themselvescreate new constraints and incentives thataffect the process of technologicaldevelopments. Our central purpose in thisarticle is to provide environmental economistswith a useful guide to research ontechnological change and the analytical toolsthat can be used to explore further theinteraction between technology and theenvironment. In Part 1 of the article, weprovide an overview of analytical frameworksfor investigating the economics oftechnological change, highlighting key issuesfor the researcher. In Part 2, we turn ourattention to theoretical analysis of theeffects of environmental policy ontechnological change, and in Part 3, we focuson issues related to the empirical analysis oftechnology innovation and diffusion. Finally,we conclude in Part 4 with some additionalsuggestions for research.  相似文献   

货币政策是各国进行宏观经济调控的重要手段之一。深入研究货币政策多目标之间的相互作用,对于正确理解货币政策的作用机制,从而使货币政策更好地发挥经济调控作用具有重大意义。运用复杂网络的系统科学方法,选用我国1993-2012年经济金融数据,对我国货币政策多目标之间的作用机制进行实证研究。结果表明:我国货币政策多目标体系具有明显的小世界特征;当前经济形势下,利率传导机制将扮演越来越重要的角色,同时,应继续坚持以控制通货膨胀作为我国货币政策调控的首要目标。  相似文献   

企业社会责任业绩评价是当前会计领域研究的一个焦点问题。很多学者纷纷涉入这个领域进行研究,并提出了许多有代表性的方法。通过分析这些方法的优缺点,并结合我国的实际,指出这些方法在我国应用存在诸多的问题,同时从效率视角提出了评价企业社会责任业绩的新框架。  相似文献   

国内粮食直接补贴政策研究综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
首先阐述我国粮食直接补贴政策的出台背景,然后针对国内现有研究文献,根据研究方法、研究内容等的不同,从粮食直接补贴政策的经济学分析、实证研究、国内外直接补贴政策比较与借鉴以及我国粮食直接补贴的政策建议等四个方面进行了较全面的评述,并对进一步的研究做了简要展望.  相似文献   

This article analyzes the efficiency of local governments in the Comunitat Valenciana (Spain) and their main explanatory variables. The analysis is performed in two stages. Firstly, efficiency is measured via (nonparametric) activity analysis techniques. Specifically, we consider both Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and Free Disposable Hull (FDH) techniques. The second stage identifies some critical determinants of efficiency, focusing on both political and fiscal policy variables. In contrast to previous two-stage research studies, our approach performs the latter attempt via nonparametric smoothing techniques, rather than econometric methods such as OLS or Tobit related techniques. Results show that efficiency scores, especially under the nonconvexity assumption (FDH), are higher for large municipalities. Thus, there is empirical evidence to suggest that resources may be better allocated by large municipalities. However, the inefficiency found is not entirely attributable to poor management, as second-stage analysis reveals both fiscal and political variables to be explicably related to municipality performance. Moreover, the explanatory variables’ impact on efficiency is robust to the chosen technique—either convex DEA or nonconvex FDH.  相似文献   

The aims of this article are to propose an overall index of social exclusion and to analyze its relationship with economic growth in European countries. We approach social exclusion as a multidimensional phenomenon by a three‐mode principal components analysis (Tucker3 model). This method is applied to estimate an indicator of social exclusion for 28 European countries between 1995 and 2010. The empirical evidence shows that in the short run: (1) Granger causality runs one way from social exclusion to economic growth and not the other way; (2) countries with a higher level of social exclusion have higher growth rates of real GDP per capita; and (3) social exclusion has a larger effect than income inequality on economic growth. The policy implication of our analysis is that social inclusion is not a source of economic growth in the short term.  相似文献   

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