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工作特征对性别工资差距的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
补偿性工资是解释性别工资差距的理论之一。本文利用2006年中国综合社会调查(CGSS2006)数据同时考察了人力资本和工作特征的工资效应,并采用Jann(2008)提出的无歧视工资机制的估计方法,对性别工资差距进行了分解分析。研究发现,我国城镇劳动力市场两性的工作特征存在显著的差异,但部分工作特征对工资的作用方向并不符合补偿性工资理论的预期。管理职务上的差异对性别工资差距具有一定的解释作用,但加入大量的工作特征变量后,性别工资差距中总的可解释部分没有明显提高。由此推论,性别歧视可能是形成工资差距的重要因素。促进性别平等和妇女发展必须采取更加积极的公共政策和反歧视措施。  相似文献   

为了研究职业隔离与性别工资差异的变化趋势及影响,本文利用"中国综合社会调查"(CGSS)2003和2013年数据,研究发现性别工资差异逐渐扩大,职业隔离程度逐渐缩小,男女职业分布更加集中。进一步,通过工资分解发现,职业内部和职业间直接因性别歧视和职业隔离导致的性别工资差异逐渐降低,因男女禀赋导致的性别工资差异逐渐上升。十年间,职业内部因歧视导致的男女工资差异下降约14%,职业间性别隔离影响下降约40%。  相似文献   

本文基于2010年、2013年、2015年中国综合社会调查(CGSS)的数据,考察了数字经济背景下互联网使用对性别工资的影响及工资差异分解,探讨了不同年龄段群体互联网使用对性别工资差异变动的异质性及内在影响机理。本文研究发现,互联网使用对总体工资水平有显著正向影响,随年份推进其影响程度呈逐渐减小趋势,互联网使用显著缩小了性别工资差异。随分位点数提升,性别工资总差异呈先下降后上升的U型变化趋势;随年份推进,在相同分位点上性别工资总差异呈逐年缩小趋势,且禀赋特征差异逐渐缩小了中等收入者性别工资总差异。互联网使用对80后群体工资正向影响显著更高,70后群体次之,60后及以上群体相对较低,呈现较明显的年龄异质性。  相似文献   

本文基于2010年、2013年、2015年中国综合社会调查(CGSS)的数据,考察了数字经济背景下互联网使用对性别工资的影响及工资差异分解,探讨了不同年龄段群体互联网使用对性别工资差异变动的异质性及内在影响机理。本文研究发现,互联网使用对总体工资水平有显著正向影响,随年份推进其影响程度呈逐渐减小趋势,互联网使用显著缩小了性别工资差异。随分位点数提升,性别工资总差异呈先下降后上升的U型变化趋势;随年份推进,在相同分位点上性别工资总差异呈逐年缩小趋势,且禀赋特征差异逐渐缩小了中等收入者性别工资总差异。互联网使用对80后群体工资正向影响显著更高,70后群体次之,60后及以上群体相对较低,呈现较明显的年龄异质性。  相似文献   

大城市的企业是否支付更高的工资,历来是极具争议的问题,产生分歧的一个重要原因可能在于城市规模对劳动者工资产生的外部性发生着动态变化.本文通过匹配《中国城市统计年鉴》和中国工业企业数据,同时借助中国人口普查分区县数据,系统估计了2000-2009年间城市规模带来的制造业企业劳动力工资溢价情况.研究发现:(1)中国的大城市存在显著的工资溢价效应,但工资溢价从2000年到2009年呈下降趋势,这一结论在控制了企业劳动者的个体特征、企业的选择效应以及城市规模与劳动力工资之间反向因果关系后仍然成立;(2)城市规模的工资溢价效应呈现从西到东逐渐递减的特征,再次说明中国城市化进程存在发展滞后和户籍制度掣肘等问题;(3)城市规模的工资溢价效应不断下降的两个渠道可能是:城市规模对本市、周边企业的溢出效应不断下降和大城市企业的工资增长速度逐渐变慢.本文的研究结果对理解中国城市化进程以及推动中国城市化发展有着重要的学术价值.  相似文献   

康晨  张宗利  徐志刚 《财经研究》2021,47(4):124-138
我国"男主外、女主内"的性别分工观念年深日久,但相比世界很多国家,女性劳动参与率反而很高、性别工资差异也较低,中国文化中长期承袭着父辈对子女代际支持的传统可能是缓解女性劳动供给约束的重要动因.文章构建考虑父辈代际支持的家庭劳动供给模型,利用中国家庭追踪调查数据(CFPS),分析了父辈时间支持和经济支持对子女,特别是女性劳动力的劳动供给和工资收入的影响与机制.研究发现,父辈的时间支持明显缓解女性劳动参与的时间约束,提高其劳动供给和工资收入,但没有发现对男性有显著影响,故有利于性别工资差异收敛;而父辈的经济支持均未发现对子女的劳动参与和工资收入有显著影响.此外,对城乡进行区分后发现,父辈时间支持对城镇女性的作用比农村女性更强.文章的研究有助于加深对我国劳动力市场中女性劳动供给行为和性别工资收敛性的理解,对进一步完善劳动就业制度也有一定启示.  相似文献   

基于1988—2001年的UHS数据库,本文首先研究的是男女部门选择分散程度(以Ducan分散指数来表示)和工资差距的趋势。结果发现,前者的趋势是先平稳、后下降、再上升,后者的趋势是先平稳、后上升、再下降。本文还利用Appleton分解方法研究了部门选择影响工资性别差距的具体程度,结果表明,除了中间的某些年份(1992—1996年),部门选择对工资性别差距的影响并不大,即使在那些特殊的年份,影响程度也不会超过20%。因此,缩小性别之间工资差距的关键是降低两者在部门内的工资差异。  相似文献   

职位隔离是形成性别收入差距的重要机制.本文构建一个引入了职位晋升机制的收入差距分解方法,利用2006年中国综合社会调查数据,考察了职位隔离对性别收入差距的作用,且在统一的模型框架内识别和估计了职位内工资歧视(同工不同酬)和晋升歧视的程度.研究结果发现,女性过多地集中于职位"金字塔"结构的底层.尽管职位晋升的工资效应不存在显著的性别差异,但约41%的性别收入差距是由于职位隔离导致的.工资歧视是职位层级内部性别收入差距的主要来源.与之类似,职位晋升歧视能够解释1/4的性别收入差距.因此,除了同工同酬政策,促进职位晋升的机会平等是缩小性别收入差距的重要措施,意即"同酬"还需"同工".  相似文献   

部门选择对工资性别差距的影响:1988-2001年   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
葛玉好 《经济学》2007,6(2):607-628
基于1988-2001年的UHS数据库,本文首先研究的是男女部门选择分散程度(以Ducan分散指数来表示)和工资差距的趋势。结果发现,前者的趋势是先平稳、后下降、再上升,后者的趋势是先平稳、后上升、再下降。本文还利用Appleton分解方法研究了部门选择影响工资性别差距的具体程度,结果表明,除了中间的某些年份(1992-1996年),部门选择对工资性别差距的影响并不大,即使在那些特殊的年份,影响程度也不会超过20%。因此,缩小性别之间工资差距的关键是降低两者在部门内的工资差异。  相似文献   

中国劳资关系的城乡户籍差异   总被引:81,自引:0,他引:81  
本文利用最近的企业和农民工调查数据探讨了劳资关系城乡户籍差异问题。城乡工人在劳资关系各方面的巨大差异源于两个方面 :一是人力资本水平差异和就业企业的差异 ;二是农民工受到的户籍歧视。研究结果发现 ,前者解释了两类工人劳资关系差异的 70 %— 80 % ,说明人力资本和企业状况是决定工人待遇的主要因素 ;后者解释了两类工人劳资关系差异的 2 0 %— 3 0 % ,户籍歧视所造成的差距同样是不容忽视的。除劳动合同方面外 ,农民工在工资、养老保险、医疗保险、失业保险以及工会参与等方面均遭到户籍歧视。研究结果暗示仅仅关注工资收入的城乡歧视是不够的 ,同时也为更全面的劳动力市场校正政策提供了经验支持  相似文献   

This paper investigates gender pay inequality in the labor market of a developing country. Our empirical investigation uses data derived from a sample of employees in the Lebanese banking sector for the years 2008 and 2014. Using Blinder-Oaxaca decomposition, the results reveal that the unexplained component of the gender wage gap, attributed to discrimination, represents a substantial share of the total gap. A surprising result is that the contribution of human capital to the gender wage gap is negative, suggesting that wage discrimination is the main explanation for the gap. Utilizing the Machado-Mata methodology to decompose the wage gap across the entire wage distribution, our findings indicate that the unexplained component of the raw gender wage gap is more pronounced at the low and middle ranges of the distribution. However, the explained component dominates at the top of the distribution, suggesting that earnings gaps are fully explained by observed characteristics.  相似文献   

This paper considers the impact of personality traits on the change of the gender wage gap. Using data from the German Socioeconomic Panel (SOEP), we first explore how personality traits affect wage growth rates. Then, a decomposition analysis is performed to analyse the dynamic effects of personality traits on the change of the gender wage gap over time. Our empirical results indicate that gender differences in conscientiousness and emotional stability lead to a widening of the wage gap over time. By contrast, gender differences in extraversion lead to a narrowing of the wage gap over time.  相似文献   

We examine how much children and the responsibilities related to them contribute to the divergence of men's and women's wages, and consequently, to the formation of the gender wage gap. To derive the relative contribution of gender‐specific parent gaps to the overall gender wage gap, we provide a modification of the Oaxaca–Blinder decomposition and include simultaneous corrections for selection into employment and parenthood. The results show that the fatherhood wage premium contributes most significantly to the gender wage gap, especially in Poland. The motherhood penalty is also significant, while the role of the gender gap among childless individuals is small.  相似文献   

By constructing a gender wage gap evolution model, this paper examines the source and evolutionary process of gender wage inequality from a theoretical perspective. The purpose of this study is thoroughly investigating the factors affecting the gender wage inequality from the perspective of gender discrimination and variations in non-gender endowments. Based on the Chinese Household Income Project Survey Data, this study indicates that: (1) since companies continue to re-evaluate the gender endowment value of gender, the gender wage inequality exhibits an endogenous sustainability and self-reinforcing effect. (2) The gender wage gap of urban residents is derived mainly from the top tier of wages, while the gender wage gap of the migrant people is mainly determined from the bottom rung of wages. (3) Female age has a ‘U-curve’ impact on gender wage inequality from the standpoint of non-gender endowment differences, and the female age has an ‘inverted U-curve’ impact on gender wage inequality as a result of discrimination. (4) Female appearance and actual work hours are insufficient to affect the changing trend of gender wage inequality; however, h-register location and marital status are still considered to be very important.  相似文献   

In the present study the way in which the gender wage gap in urban China differs according to marital status, education and occupation, is examined. Married Chinese women experience much larger absolute gender wage gaps than their unmarried counterparts. The proportion of the gender wage gap unexplained by differences in the levels of productive characteristics is also higher for married women than single women. Gender wage gaps are smaller for more educated women. These findings suggest that occupational segregation is not as important a factor as industrial segregation in accounting for the gender wage gap in China's urban labour markets.  相似文献   


The gender wage gap in the United States narrowed considerably throughout the 1980s and then more slowly in the 1990s. Using a decomposition methodology and US Current Population Survey data, this study investigates the impact of deindustrialization's continuing shift in employment away from manufacturing to services on the US gender wage gap between 1990 and 2001. The study finds that the widening of the gender wage gap in the service sector caused a slowdown in the narrowing of the US gender wage gap. Within the service sector, two occupational elements affected the growing gender wage gap: women's entry into traditionally male occupations characterized by high wages and high gender wage differentials that resulted in the relative increase in men's wages compared to women's wages in these occupations.  相似文献   

Previous studies on the gender wage gap have relied on OLS when estimating the wage equations. However, a number of recent studies, devoted to estimating the return to education, have shown that OLS may produce biased estimates for a number of reasons. As a consequence, previous results regarding the gender wage gap may also be biased. In this paper, we first estimate wage equations using a GMM procedure applied to panel data and then investigate the distribution of the gender wage gap. The results indicate that OLS may seriously overestimate the unexplained gender wage gap.First version received: October 2001/Final version accepted: July 2003  相似文献   

We analyse gender wage gaps in Italy in the mid-1990s and in the mid-2000s. In this period, important labour market developments took place and they could have had a gender asymmetric impact on wages. We identify the time trends of different components of the gender wage gap across all the wage distribution. Although the unconditional gender wage gap remained roughly constant over time, we find that the component of the gap due to different rewards of similar characteristics deteriorated women’s relative wage. We show that especially women at the centre-top of the wage distribution swam against the tide: while the trend in female qualifications slightly reduced the gender wage gap, the gender-relative trends in the wage structure significantly increased it.  相似文献   

本文在不完全竞争市场环境下,建立贸易开放和性别工资差距的数理模型。在理论分析的基础之上,本文运用2002年中国家庭住户收入项目调查数据(CHIP)进行实证分析。在控制了年龄、婚姻状况和受教育年限等个体层面和人均GDP等城市层面的工资影响因素情形下,得出结论:贸易开放在总体上拉大了性别工资差距;贸易开放缩小了高技能劳动力的性别工资差距,拉大了低技能劳动力的性别工资差距。从某种意义上说,女性弱势群体更容易被排除在贸易开放的利益之外。因此,提高女性的受教育程度,并为之提供相应的制度保障具有尤为重要的政策含义。  相似文献   

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