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乡村振兴战略是推进我国经济社会健康可持续发展的重大举措。鉴于农业农村的基础性地位,政府在当前乡村振兴战略实施过程中借助公共政策及制度设计发挥了强大的资源动员能力,有效激发了乡村发展的活力。但是单靠政府效能推动乡村振兴缺乏可持续性,难以解决根本性问题。乡村产业的兴旺、要素资源的激活、生态环境的宜居、农民的增收等除了靠政府的大力扶持外还必须遵循市场逻辑,发挥市场创造财富的力量,只有在有限政府和有效市场的良性互动中才能真正建立乡村振兴的长效机制。  相似文献   

不同地区具备的乡村振兴现实基础和客观条件不同,在实施乡村振兴战略过程中需要选择不同的逻辑与路径。西部地区相对东中部地区,乡村各方面的条件总体落后、基础薄弱,在推进乡村振兴过程中需要重点处理好新型城镇化与乡村振兴、政府与市场、科技创新与产业发展、长期与短期、脱贫攻坚与乡村振兴的关系;通过构建有效市场环境、政策环境和社会环境,激活乡村振兴各要素,促进乡村振兴战略在西部地区高质量落地实施。  相似文献   

随着脱贫攻坚向乡村振兴转变的历史阶段,作为城市与乡村之间双向流动的重要人力资源—新生代农民工的发展方向问题越来越受到关注。聚焦新生代农民工发展及其研究困境,通过借助乡村振兴战略的有力政策导引,可以进一步扫除新生代农民工发展的制度性障碍,进一步唤醒新生代农民工群体的主人翁意识。本文基于乡村振兴的视域,提出不断夯实城乡融合发展政策体系建设、不断完善流入地城市政府保障性政策支撑和不断拓展流出地乡村政府福利性政策输出的新生代农民工城乡双路径发展设计,以强化该群体在融城和归乡之间进行有效互动和自由选择。  相似文献   

产业兴则乡村兴,产业振兴需融合发展,产业融合与乡村振兴内在统一。目前乡村振兴过程中还存在着盲目向“城镇化”看齐、盲目追求产业“规模化”、乡村基础设施相对薄弱及乡村振兴相关政策亟待加强等难题,需要通过强化乡村振兴产业政策的融合性服务功能、完善城乡要素市场化配置机制、培育乡村产学研融合发展体系及健全城乡融合发展体制机制等路径促进乡村产业融合,以产业融合全面推进乡村振兴。  相似文献   

乡村基层服务型政府建设是中国服务型政府建设的基石,事关农民生活的幸福指数和乡村社会的和谐稳定。随着国家财政能力的增强,基层服务型政府建设从理念走向现实。然而,实践中诸多提升农民生活福祉的服务举措不仅未取得预期效果,反而使基层政府陷入责任泛化困境。从以政府推进农村厕所改造服务为代表的基层服务型政府建设举措中,可以发现,在乡村基层公共服务供给主要由政府投入资源的背景下,基于资源使用的安全性与公共服务落地的时限性目标,地方政府越来越普遍地采用中心工作化的服务供给模式,对服务权实行集中支配。基层公共服务的供给被简化为公共行政管理技术的应用过程,缺乏对乡村社会性质的基本观照。服务权集中支配与乡村社会不规则性之间存在错位。这种错位给农民针对政府的权利诉求提供了滋生土壤,并造成政府责任的过度卷入,使政府责任泛化。要破解这一困境,需要将服务权下移至村庄,重置基层公共服务供给过程中政府和农民的角色,确立农民在基层公共服务供给过程中的主体地位。  相似文献   

[目的]通过分析城乡融合与乡村振兴的互动关系,在深入了解我国城乡发展规律与变化趋势的基础上,探析符合时代要求的乡村振兴路径对于突出乡村地域功能特色,推动实施乡村振兴战略具有积极意义。[方法]文章从乡村地域功能的角度探析城乡融合和乡村振兴的科学内涵,通过对研究区域的乡村地域功能进行评价,通过分析其生产、生活、生态空间格局特征,在此基础上结合乡村振兴目标对振兴路径进行分析。[结果]城乡融合视角下的河南省乡村地域功能表现出一定的空间分异特征,生产发展功能指数其生产发展功能指数主要介于0.035~0.265,高值区主要集中在豫南的南阳、驻马店、信阳,中值区集中在豫东北,低值区集中在豫中城市群。生活功能指数主要介于0.015~0.205,低于生产功能指数,呈现出地带性分布特征,生态功能指数介于0.025~0.019,高值区主要集中在森林资源较丰富的伏牛山区。总体功能指数介于0.105~0.645,豫西大于豫东,表现出一定的区域差异。[结论]城乡融合背景下,实施乡村振兴战略的根本路径就是补齐乡村的不足与短板,发挥城乡融合优势,通过优化城乡空间布局,促进城乡要素双向流动;从城乡融合与乡村振兴的相互作用机理来看,要素在城乡之间双向流动和平等交换是城乡融合发展的必然要求,也是乡村振兴的重要途径。结合当前河南省乡村振兴战略规划的阶段性要求,乡村振兴路径探索应基于对乡村地域功能格局与演变规律的科学认知,立足于乡村地域功能类型及地方发展基础,遵循因地制宜、统筹规划、分类指导、分区推进的指导原则。围绕乡村振兴的五大目标体系,总结和梳理不同功能类型的乡村地域空间存在的功能缺陷,分析资源整合方式,促进乡村重构。  相似文献   

本文以回流乡村的青年创业群体为研究对象,并将其概念化为再农化者,系统梳理再农化行为背后的“农业代际价值理念变迁”“农民准世袭身份制破除”“外部社会基础与内在驱动”等深层次机制。在此基础上,采用典型案例讨论和验证再农化赋能乡村振兴的机理与路径。研究发现,再农化不只是单一的劳动力要素流动方式,更是资金、技术、市场信息和经营管理才能等资源的综合性流动。通过优化合作联合、重塑乡村产业,积极参与乡村治理,担当价值示范与文化引领者、村庄生态建设者与信息链接者,再农化者成为实现乡村振兴的中坚农民。提出“外部实现条件的推力”与“内部驱动因素的拉力”下再农化赋能乡村振兴的“滚雪球”模式,促进乡村向产业—社区方向发展。  相似文献   

为进一步巩固农业农村发展成果,让广大人民群众共享脱贫攻坚的果实,在完成了脱贫攻坚重大任务后,乡村振兴战略被再次提出。在乡村振兴的过程中,仅靠公共财政解决资金问题是不科学的,也是不可持续的,因此如何让公共财政背书以引导社会资本参与到该项任务中,是亟待解决的问题。本文通过分析公共财政和社会资本在乡村振兴中存在的现实困难,找出对策,提出政府融资平台在助力乡村振兴过程中应扮演的角色,解决资金下乡难问题,全面推动农村地区的经济发展迈入新台阶。  相似文献   

本文以剖析基层政府治理现代化在推进乡村振兴过程中发挥的重要作用为研究的逻辑起点,基于"数据思维—主体扩展—内容丰富—渠道拓宽"的平行视角,刻画出数字化转型背景下基层政府信息公开的模式嬗变过程,并提出把握数字化转型先机,服务乡村振兴目的,基层政府信息公开实现整体性、开放性、融合性和精准性的路径建构。  相似文献   

乡村振兴战略是我国实现全面小康社会的重要举措,大学生作为人才资源,对乡村建设工作的开展有重要意义。目前,各地在积极推动乡村基础设施、各类产业的建设与发展。与此同时,各高校结合实际情况,结合乡村振兴战略相关政策,对大学生基层就业创业路径进行研究,并提出相关方案。在具体操作过程中,发现大学生基层就业创业引导教育工作仍有提升空间,学校可以通过组织各类活动的方式进一步激发农村学生返乡、城市学生下乡的热情。文章结合目前乡村振兴发展趋势,对大学生基层就业创业路径进行了研究,为学生就业创业引导方案的优化提供参考。  相似文献   

中央政府与地方政府的农业投资博弈分析   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
本文运用不完全信息条件下动态博弈理论,即动态贝叶斯—纳什均衡(BayesianNashequilibrium)博弈,分析了我国中央政府和地方政府农业投资的行为动机和价值取向,描述了中央和地方两级政府之间农业投资的动态博弈过程,诠释了两级政府难以增加农业投资的深层次原因。  相似文献   

生态公益林在维护国土安全方面发挥着巨大作用。目前许多生态公益林属集体或个人所有,这部分森林在日常的经营管理中存在着诸多问题,因此将其纳入政府采购范畴无疑具有积极的意义。从生态安全意识、经济、财政、村级组织及农村现状几个层面对政府采购的可行性进行分析。同时提出政府采购的原则:先易后难,分步实施,宣传教育优先,加强资金使用监督以及引导农民致富。并对政府采购资金来源提出建议。  相似文献   

试论政府环境行为   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在剖析中国中央政府和地方政府的环境行为特点的基础上,通过构建效用函数从理论上分析了中央政府和地方政府环境行为的相互影响关系。建议通过加大环保宣传,构建考评、监督等合理机制,加强环保技术研发和加大环保投资的措施以实现从源头防治污染和保护环境。  相似文献   

If we do not systematically attempt to collect data and assess distributional impacts, we shall always be surprised by the many unintended consequences of our public decisions. (Bonnen 1969, p. 447) Direct government payments to farmers have tripled in the last half of the 1980s. Market price support programs (for example, the Western Grain Transportation Act, among others) and supply management regulation continue to be topics of debate among policy analysts. Certainly the debate has become intensified by the discussions surrounding the Canada-U.S. Trade Agreement and the Uruguay Round of talks under the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. When all census farms are distributed across gross sales classes, the “selected” programs included in this study tend to be more concentrated among the mid-sized farms than are aggregate gross sales. However, if one considers Prairie grain farms distributed across farm size classes measured in terms of grain acres, gross sales, net farm income (specifically, NCFIWF) and the net “benefits” of “selected” government programs are similarly concentrated. For example, Prairie farms with 320 to 599 acres of grain report 24% to 26% of each of these four items.26 The “selected” programs included in this study tend to pay about the same size of payout per farm household, regardless of the size of household income. We obtain this result because farm size in terms of gross farm sales tends to be the same, regardless of the size of household total net income. Across the spectrum of farm financial stability classes, the net “benefit” of the “selected” programs in this study tend to be distributed similarly to gross farm sales. The results depend on exactly how one implements the classification but more than two thirds of gross sales and more than two thirds of net “benefits” of “selected” programs accrue to farms with a higher level of financial stability. Across the spectrum of rates of return on equity as an indicator of farm efficiency, about one third of gross sales and one third of net “benefits” of “ selected” programs accrue to farms with a rate of return on equity of 10% or more. The potential impact of deregulation of supply management depends on one‘ s assumption. Three scenarios are presented here and, in each case, both “winners” and “losers” are identified. Between 4% and 37% of households on farms with quota would move from above to below the Statistics Canada low-income cutoff (LICO), depending on the scenario under consideration. However, in each seen-ario, there are cases of households moving from below to above LICO as a result of our calculated impact of deregulating supply management. This paper takes its lead from Bonnen's observation about “unintended consequences.” We do not offer an “evaluation” of any government program. Our sole objective is to illustrate “distributional impacts” so that all individuals in the policy debate may speak from an informed perspective. This paper represents an initial step in developing an “informed perspective.” As the first note to this paper indicates, an important ancillary objective is to illustrate the potential of Statistics Canada databases to provide tabulations to answer specific Questions posed by researchers and policy analysts.  相似文献   

Government Payments and Farm Business Survival   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Using farm-level panel data from recent U.S. Agricultural Censuses, this study examines how direct government payments influence the survival of farm businesses, paying particular attention to the differential effect of payments across farm-size categories. A Cox proportional hazards model is used to estimate the effect of government payments on the instantaneous probability of a farm business failure, controlling for farm and operator characteristics. Results indicate that an increase in government payments has a small but statistically significant negative effect on the rate of business failure, and the magnitude of this effect increases with farm size.  相似文献   

论政府在农业结构调整中的责任   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
农业结构调整既是一条有利于增加农民收入、促进农村经济发展的有效途径 ,也是一项有利于国民经济持续、快速、健康发展的战略措施。在农业结构调整中 ,各级政府虽然不能以行政手段硬性要求农民种什么、养什么 ,但作为经济活动的调控者和管理者 ,仍然肩负着重要的责任。一、履行宏观调控职能 ,协调结构调整与粮食安全的矛盾目前的农业结构调整是在农产品尤其是粮食供给充足甚至已经过剩的条件下进行的 ,结构调整的主要层次是调整和优化粮食作物和经济作物的比例。由于经济作物的需求弹性、比较利益以及对农民收入增长的贡献都要大于粮食作物…  相似文献   

研究目的:构建征地冲突中中央政府、地方政府、农户三者之间的动态博弈模型,根据均衡概率找出引起征地冲突的关键因素,以期为政府制定和完善征地相关政策提供理论依据。研究方法:综合分析法、博弈分析法。研究结果:(1)地方政府采取违法征地的概率与中央政府的监督检查成本、农户的维权成本呈正向关系,与对地方政府的经济处罚和农户维权后征地补偿标准的提高呈反向关系;(2)中央政府采取监督检查的概率与地方政府违法征地的收益呈正向关系,与对地方政府的经济处罚和政绩的损害呈反向关系;(3)农户维权的概率与地方政府违法征地时的收益呈正向关系,并与农户维权成本、地方政府征地补偿标准的提高和对其政绩的损害呈反向关系。研究结论:降低中央稽查和农户维权成本以及地方政府的违规收益,同时提高征地补偿标准,加大对违法征地的惩罚力度,使利益主体博弈行为趋于合理,可以避免或减少征地冲突的发生。  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Information Systems for Agriculture. Edited by M. J. BLACKIE and J. B. Dem. Government and Agriculture: A Spatial Perspective. By IAN BOWLER. Strategy for the UK Forest Industry. Centre for Agricultural Strategy Critical Food Issues of the Eighties. Edited by MARILYN CHOU and DAVID P. HARMON Jr. Pergamon Agricultural Modernisation, Poverty and Inequality. By D. S. GIBBONS, R. DE KONINCK and I. HASAN. Water Production Functions for Irrigated Agriculture. By ROGER W. HEXEM and EARL 0. HEADY. Unpriced Values: Decisions wirhour Market Prices. By J. A. SINDEN and A. C. WORRELL. Food Policies. By JOHN R. TARRANT. Problems of the Agricultural Development of Less Favoured Areas in Europe. Disadvantaged Rural Europe: Development Issues and Approaches. An Aggregative Programming Approach to Agricultural Sector Analysis. Edited by NEAL WALKER and KEVIN PARTON.  相似文献   

International trade patterns are often explained by comparative advantage which is frequently thought to depend on variations in national factor endowments. Government intervention in agricultural markets may also have an impact on trade patterns. This study explores the relation between factor endowments and agricultural trade patterns and examines the impact of agricultural and environmental policies on trade flows. Measures of national endowments of capital, labour, land and energy reserves are computed for a sample of 40 countries and used to estimate Heckscher‐Ohlin‐Vanek equations with net trade in several agricultural commodities as the dependant variable. Variables measuring agricultural policy and environmental regulations are added to the equations and tested for significance. The variables representing government intervention do not contribute to the explanation of trade patterns while national factor endowments do account for much of the variation in trade patterns of grains, oilseeds, cotton, and, to a lesser extent, meat products and an aggregate of all agricultural goods. Commodities such as sugar, tropical products and fruits and vegetables do not appear to be well explained by factor endowments.  相似文献   

This study assesses the impact of government support programs on acreage response in white beans, corn, soybeans and winter wheat in Ontario. The empirical model, developed from a theoretical supply response model under uncertainty from utility maximization principles, incorporates the truncation effects of government support programs on the expectation and variance of crop revenues. The findings indicate that the National Tripartite Stabilization Program dramatically boosted the level of white bean production while the Agricultural Stabilization Act increased corn plantings at the expense of a portfolio of alternatives. The Gross Revenue Insurance Program, which provides a consistent measure of support to all crops, provided the least potential for misallocation of land among crops. The production-neutrality objectives of all programs appear to have been violated, since the measure of protection given to riskier crops is higher than that given to less risky crops, even though both groups receive the same level of support L'article examine les incidences des programmes d'aide de l'Etat sur les surfaces mises en culture du haricot rond blanc, du soja, du maïs et du blé d'hiver en Ontario. Le modèle empirique utilisé est construit à partir d'un modéle théorique de réponse d'offre en régime d'incertitude basé sur les principes de maximisation de la fonction d'utilité. II intègre les effets de troncature des programmes d'aide de l'Etat sur les attentes et sur la variance des recettes tirées de la vente des récoltes. Le programme national tripartite de stabilisation stimulait defaçon spectaculaire le niveau de production des haricots, tandis que la LPSA accroissait les emblavures de maïs aux dépens de diverses autres cultures. Le RARB, qui procure une mesure d'aide pour toutes les cultures, est le régime qui comporte le moins de risque de distorsion de l'affectation des terres aux diverses cultures. L'objectifde neutralité à l'égard de la production, qui est inscrit dans tous les régimes d'aide, était violé etant donné que le degré de protection accordé pour les cultures plus à risque est supérieur à celui prévu pour les cultures moins risquées, même si les deux groupes reçoivent le mêrne niveau d'aide  相似文献   

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