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改革开放以来中国林业政策的演变特征与变迁启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
系统回顾了改革开放以来中国林业政策的演进过程,分析演变特征,解释变迁原因。依据中国林业政策的演变特征,改革开放以来的40年中国林业建设和发展大致可以分为资源保护与林业发展、生态建设和体制机制改革3个阶段;资源保护与林业发展阶段又可分为恢复发展、加强保护、可持续发展和林业投入政策初步建立4个时期;生态建设阶段又可分为进入以生态建设为主时期和进入生态建设新时期。从中得到变迁启示:未来,中国在林业政策制定方面,不能简单模仿其他产业政策,在兼顾各方利益的前提下,要尊重林业发展的特殊规律,突出强化国家所有权,充分发挥市场在林业资源配置方面的决定性作用,全面提升林业的生态效益、经济效益和社会效益。  相似文献   

我国林业目前仍作为初级资源产业而处于负保护阶段。借鉴世界各国政府对林业提供保护的普遍作法,国家有必要实施如下对林业的保护政策和措施:将生态林建设资金列入中央财政预算,建立保护和发展森林资源的多元化投资机制,对林业实行轻税制,征收森林生态效益补偿费,建立森林资源与环境综合核算体系。  相似文献   

从1998年起,我国将在全国范围建立林业生态环境监测网络,对全国林业生态建设工程及森林生态效益进行科学监测和评价,以提高林业生态建设效益和管理水平。林业生态环境监测网络组建的具体方法是:在现有的森林资源监测、荒漠化资源监测、野生动植物监测、湿地资源监测、森林生态定位监测的基础上,在黄河、长江生态环境林业重点治理工程建设区内,建立20个林业生态环境监测站;在天然林保护工程建设区内建立20个森林生态环境监测站,共同组成林业生态环境监测网络,为林业建设管理和宏观决策提供准确的监测数据。我国建立林业生态环境监测…  相似文献   

<正> 目前,世界林业面临着保护、利用和发展三大课题,特别是保护和利用更令人关注。因而,世界各国林业政策的制定都面向这三大课题。各国在承认保护和利用的不相容性,研究和利用两者之间的互补性的同时,积极寻求发展。特别是当人们认识了以往林业政策的不足之处和未来的危险性以及世界人口爆炸、资源  相似文献   

林业资源,是我国重要的自然资源之一,需要加以保护,谋求环境保护和经济发展的和谐共存已经成为大众的共识.在保护林业资源的前提下,如何进行可持续的开发和利用,是搭建现代化林业生产时所要思考的.林业资源在合理开发利用的基础上,能够实现资源保护和提升经济效益双重效益,实现林业资源的可持续发展.本文主要从林业生产存在的问题以及推动现代化林业生产的策略,这两方面进行了详细阐述.  相似文献   

对天保工程的再认识   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
从社会经济发展、林业发展战略和重大项目等三个层面入手,深入剖析天然林保护工程的背景、发展和未来趋势。在社会经济发展的层面上,应该把天然林资源保护纳入到整个地区和国家的可持续发展的战略中系统考虑,给予天然林资源保护在社会经济发展中以重要和关键的地位;在林业总体发展层面上,应该确定天然林资源保护在整个林业发展战略中的基础地位;在国家重点项目层面上,天然林资源保护的最终归宿应该尽快向国家基本方针政策的方向过渡。同时,提出了一些具体的调整策略和在继续实施工程过程中应该注意的问题。  相似文献   

从保护与加快林业发展的目标出发,福建林业在建立社会主义市场经济体制进程中,应从市场主体、市场体系和市场政策等三个方面入手——市场主体方面应突出培育商业化程度高的林产品生产者和创建公司型、合作型的营销组织;市场体系方面应着重发展林业产品批发市场、期货市场和林业用地使用权、林业资金等生产要素市场;市场政策方面应重点建立有条件支持的和有利于林业规模经济增长的林业产品竞争政策、价格政策与购销政策等.  相似文献   

当今社会经济发展越来越迅速,对林木资源的需求量越来越大,为了使林业更好地适应现代化的发展速度,必须对林业资源进行保护,并加强森林防火。现阶段,国家对林业资源的保护力度仍很薄弱,管理和保护林业资源的相关制度不够完善,因此,必须高度重视林业资源保护和森林防火方面的问题。政府可以在措施方面建立健全相应的机制,在林业产品进出口方面要进行控制,要建立完备的管理制度。  相似文献   

现代林业的意识、内容与制度   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
现代林业就是林业现代化,应具有公众与政府认知的、人与自然和谐共存的、林业生态环境意识的知识体系,资源经营和管理目标明确并有法规、政策、标准等制度保障,由现代实用科技构建的林业资源优化配置运营的共同体。现代林业的主调是保障生态安全与社会公益;核心是掌握林业资源的优化配置与合理产出;建立科学实用的各项制度是现代林业运行的保障与主体内容。  相似文献   

建立一个林业有害生物天敌繁育基地,可有效地控制林业有害生物的危害,保护林业资源和生态环境.  相似文献   

The use and exploitation of natural resources is generally structured by institutions, especially by property institutions. The main objective of this paper is to present a diachronic analysis of the institutionalization of common land property in Portugal. The several types of ownership may be largely explained by common land history. We intend to draw an outline of the emergence, evolution and transition of common land from the late nineteenth century to the present day, using the matrix proposed by Heller. The economic problem of the optimal level of appropriation is recurrent in studies that analyze the economic implications of property rights. Thus, it is imperative to analyze whether or not the dimension of common land ownership is relevant to its efficient exploitation.In essence, we infer that common land ownership in the 1st period (1850–1926) may be classified as limited-access commons (limited access to commoners) with a relatively small average size of 50 ha. This common land was primarily used for grazing, firewood collecting and shrub extraction. In the second period (1926–1974), the State dictatorship invoked the public interest (forest easements) and took possession of more than 80% of common land, promoting the transition from limited-access commons to state ownership. The units of commons were aggregated in forest perimeters for Silviculture activity, the average size being greater than 3400 ha. Finally, we analyzed the institutionalization of common land ownership in the period after the democratic revolution on April 25th 1974. We concluded that the incipient legal and institutional frameworks revealed an inability to integrate an effective title to these territories to give way to a better classification of limited-exclusion anticommons. The Heller matrix approach revealed to be a useful tool, however insufficient to study holistically Portuguese common land institutionalization. In our preliminary conclusions the Heller matrix appears to be an ill-posed problem (no continuum). It allows for the reversibility between different property regimes that involve great simplifications in the epistemology of property rights.  相似文献   

《建立国家公园体制总体方案》中提出“国家公园内全民所有自然资源资产应该占主体地位”。由于土地权属复杂,自然资源统一管理成为我国国家公园体制试点建设的难点问题之一。钱江源国家公园在试点期间,通过探索和分析租赁、置换、合作等方式,对比国内外国家公园地役权制度优劣,构建了适合本地特点的集体林地地役权改革制度,即在不改变森林、林木、林地权属的基础上,通过一定的经济补偿,限制权属所有者的行为,将其使用权和管理权通过各项决议和合同形式授权给国家公园管理机构。通过集体林地地役权改革实现了对自然资源的统一管控,不仅解决了国家公园建设中集体林占比较高的难题,同时还带来了显著的生态效益、经济效益和社会效益,为集体土地占比较高的东部经济发达地区构建互促共赢的可持续发展模式提供了示范经验。  相似文献   

To improve the economies of scale in forest management and reduce the fragmentation of forestland, the Chinese central government has implemented a collective forest tenure supplementary reform since 2008. This has included a series of policies for motivating transfer of forestlands use rights among households in the country’s Southern Collective Forest Area (SCFA). However, to date there is little evidence that large-scale forest owners can earn more profits from timber harvests than small-scale forest owners in the SCFA. Using data collected from household surveys in the three of the SCFA’s provinces in 2016, this paper examines the return to scale of forestland ownership for timber harvests in this region, and how the scale of forestland ownership affects households’ profits from timber harvests. The results show a constant return to scale in timber harvests in the case provinces in China’s SCFA, that forestland area makes the most important contribution to the output of timber harvests, and that fragmentation of forestland results in lower profits from timber harvests. It appears that a moderate scale of forestland ownership should be identified for increasing the profits from timber harvests. With the rapid urbanization throughout China, an increase in off-farm employment among rural household members has a negative impact on timber harvests in the region. We argue that policymakers should realize the importance of encouraging the forestland transfers and improve the concentration of forestlands in the next stage of forest tenure rights reform in China’s SCFA.  相似文献   

中国和国际林产品贸易对森林保护和人民生计的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分析了中国林产品进出口的总量、结构、变化、增长趋势及对相关国家和地区人民生计的影响,提出了作为进口国消费国、生产国和加工国应采取的措施。1997年到2005年间,中国林产品进口总量折合原木材积增长了两倍多,从0.40亿m3增长到1.34亿m3,进口额也翻了一番。2005年,俄罗斯、马来西亚、印尼、泰国、巴布新几内亚列中国总木质林产品进口前5名,进口额占71.6%;加拿大、印尼、俄罗斯、智利、美国列纸浆进口前5位,进口额占77.6%;美国、日本、香港、欧盟是中国林产品出口的主要目的地。中国迅速增长的林产品贸易对国际社会也有消极影响,导致不可持续采伐、非法采伐等问题,但中国只是全球产业链上的一环,来自美国、欧盟和日本的购买者和零售商也负有不可推卸的责任。中国应认清其在国际林产品贸易中的关键地位,加快其林业部门的改革步伐,推动本国的林产品生产和供给,实现可持续的林业发展。  相似文献   

新中国70年集体林权制度的变迁历程与内在逻辑   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于新中国70年来林权制度改革的政策文本及历史实践,运用产权和市场交易制度的演进理论作为理论工具对集体林权制度的源起、变迁历程及其内在逻辑进行分析。结果表明:中国林权制度的形成和变迁大致经历了林权初始设置、集体林权的形成与发展、集体林权"分与统"的两难抉择、集体林权制度的基本确定与深化改革4个阶段,过程虽然曲折但总体是成功的。由于森林功能多样性及经营长周期性的特点,林权制度变迁选择与农地制度变迁不同的路径。改革的经验启示主要有:信念和认知的力量能够决定制度变迁的方向;政府主导、各界人士广泛参与是改革成功的基因;面临不确定性采取"摸着石头过河"的改革方式。在生态文明全面深化时期,解决林业问题,制度是重要的,改革是不可间断的事业。  相似文献   

To avoid conflicts often associated with mandatory regulations, it is crucial to motivate and incentivize forest owners to participate in voluntary conservation programs. To investigate forest owner preferences and willingness to accept compensation (WTA) to participate, we conduct a contingent valuation survey of non-industrial private forest owners in Norway. We find that WTA is negatively related to the size of the forest holding and absentee ownership, and positively related to the share of the forest classified as productive. The overall mean WTA per year per hectare is estimated at NOK 1800. Costs of reaching conservation goals can be saved by targeting small and relatively less productive forests and absentee owners first, before considering increasingly expensive forest areas. However, this recommendation only holds if desirable biological characteristics are not substantially less likely to be found in such areas. Results are potentially important both for our understanding of forest owner preferences and the costs of voluntary forest conservation schemes currently in use in many countries.  相似文献   

In this paper Q Methodology and environmentality are utilized to dissect multi-subjectivities on local environmental knowledge underlying peatland conservation through the implementation of the EU Habitats Directive in Ireland. The results offer insights into the cultivation of moral responsibility for nature regulation and its legitimacy at ground level. Alignments and gaps between local cultural and ecological knowledge and the science and governance of peatlands are revealed across three discourses. Legitimacy of regulation of domestic turf cutting is found to be undermined by deeply-held postcolonial subjectivities on property rights and governance in addition to perceived government failure to regulate ongoing harvesting on non-SAC (Special Areas of Conservation) peatlands. The science-first and exclusionary approach adopted by conservation authorities in its approach to designation has served to undermine trust in the science underlying peatland regulation and in the national agency for nature conservation. Recent moves integrating bottom-up practices and local knowledge into relocation policy through adaptive governance reveal a more positive attitude to conservation management but also foster ambivalence towards the conservation potential of non-SAC peatlands. Overall, the research exposes how local environmental subjectivities respond to perceived inequities and inconsistencies in peatlands regulation.  相似文献   

试论林权概念的修正   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林权作为一个法律概念,在林业实践中具有十分重要的地位。但长期以来,法学理论一直对林权内涵没有给予准确的界定。文章以此为立论基础,运用实证和比较分析的方法,通过对现行林业法和不同类型林权进行分析,将林权界定为自然人、法人或者其他组织对森林、林木、林地依法享有的占用、使用、收益或者处分的权利,在类型上包括森林、林木、林地所有权和森林、林木、林地使用权。  相似文献   

西藏森林生态系统服务价值与生态补偿   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
森林作为陆地生态系统的主体,是维持人类生存的物质基础,在我国生态建设和环境保护中起着重要的作用。采用西藏最近的森林资源清查数据,定量计算了西藏森林生态系统的服务价值,并结合西藏森林资源状况和现行的生态政策,实证分析西藏的生态补偿制度,提出分阶段、分步骤地实施补偿的具体建议,为西藏生态补偿政策的制定和补偿标准的出台提供科学依据。  相似文献   

本文收集了近10年中国水产品对日本出口的贸易数据,利用分散度指数、结构变化指数以及区域显示性比较优势指数,对中国水产品出口到日本的商品结构进行实证分析,结果发现:1998~2007年,中国水产品对日出口的分散程度呈现出“先增高,后降低”的趋势;商品结构变化幅度呈现出“低-高-低-高”的变化趋势;中国深加工水产品(0371、0372)在日本市场具有很强的竞争优势;中国对日本出口额较大、竞争优势较强的水产品大多集中在日本进口额相对较小的水产品类别上。  相似文献   

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