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“三农”问题的现状与解决方法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
改革开放后的二十多年来,我国的农业生产、农村经济和农民生活发生了巨大变化,亿万农民依靠辛勤的汗水换来了农副产品短缺时代的结束,农民的生活也逐步从温饱走入小康,但是影响我国“三农”问题(农业、农村、农民)健康发展的障碍依旧存在,诸如收入增长缓慢,农业结构调整困难重重,粮食管理与流通体制改革滞缓等。笔者认为,“三农”问题是关系到我国现代化建设能否成功的核心问题。  相似文献   

一、“入世”后农民所面临的问题与困难(一)观念问题1.“小农” 意识根深蒂固。上下五千年的中国农业文明,一向是以氏族村社制度之下的小农经济为基础的。我国的农民长期处于封闭落后的环境,并长期受计划经济体制的影响,致使其“小农”意识根深蒂固。农民的这种“小农”意识,与我国“入世” 以后的客观要求相比,确实存在着很大的差距。2.小生产观念由来已久。目前,我国的农业经营规模越来越小,经营单位由改革之初  相似文献   

中国13亿人口中农民占70%以上。农业、农村、农民问题一直是我们党和政府关注的焦点,工作的重点。关乎我国“三农”问题的粮食流通体制市场化取向改革已进入全面冲刺阶段。据有关部门和媒体披露,继去年浙江等8个主销区的省市放  相似文献   

对于一个13亿人口的大国来说,农业特别是粮食始终是安定天下的产业。多年来正反两方面的经验告诫我们,“三农”工作特别是粮食生产在不出问题的时候,其重要性不容易显现出来,一旦出了问题,不仅会危及国家的粮食安全,而且会危及整个经济发展的全局和整个社会稳定。高度重视并认真解决“三农”问题,是我们党三代中央领导集体一以贯之的战略思想。随着我国经济的不断发展,特别是二、三产业  相似文献   

加入WTO后中国农业发展前景分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
自我国加入WTO以来,尤其是在中美双方结束了关于中国“入世”的双边谈判并签署协议之后,有关各方面开始对中国“入世”可能给其宏观经济带来的冲击表示忧虑,其中对农业的疑虑尤甚。就在中美签字的第二,天中国国家通讯社“新华社”刊发了一组数据,对入世后各行业就业机会的增减进行预测。排在第一位的就是农业,预测说,入世后,农业就业机会将减少996.2万个。这句话后来被一些媒体诠释为:近1000万农民将在入世后失业。一些知名学者也在报刊上“报警”:入世后中国农业将损失60到70个亿,农民人均收入会有所下降。连一向温厚老实的大陆农民也表现出超常反应,从中美达成入世协议的第三天起,虽本已到了政府秋季收购粮食的扫尾时段,但一些地方竞再起“售粮高潮”。我们认为,诸如上述对于悲观的研究和预测以及不正常的现象之所以会发生,有各方面的原因,必须加以认真的分析研究和对策。  相似文献   

苏北 《中国改革》2003,(2):22-22
江泽民同志在党的十六大报告中提出了本世纪头二十年我国经济建设和改革八个方面的主要任务,其中第二项任务就是“全面繁荣农村经济,加快城镇化进程”。他强调:“要加强农业基础地位,增强农业和农村经济结构调整,保护和提高粮食综合生产能力,增强农业的市场竞争力。”尽管党中央、国务院一再强调,反复要求,继续抓好农业,但基层问题重重,归纳起来,农民们有十问:  相似文献   

解决“三农”问题在于实现“三化”   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从“三农”问题存在的原因入手,分析了改革开放后,国人最为关心的热点和难点问题。认为“三农”问题的症结是“三弱”使然,即农业的“弱质”,农民的“弱势”,农村的“弱位”;解决“三农”问题要靠“三化”即农业问题要靠农业的“产业化”解决,农民问题要靠农民的“非农化”解决,农村问题要靠农村的“城镇化”解决。  相似文献   

我国有9亿农业人口,解决好“三农”问题,是事关国家长治久安、经济全面发展的大事。改革开放以来,党中央、国务院对“三农”问题一直十分重视,在实行农业经济体制改革,发展农业生产,促进农民治贫、解困等方面,取得了十分明显的成效。但由于农村人口众多,情况十分复杂,就整体而言,农业滞后、农村穷、农民苦的问题仍没有得到根治,解决“三农”问题仍然任重而道远。温家宝总理在全国人大十届二次会议上指出:解决农业、农村、农民问题,是我们全部工作的重中之重,今年要按照统筹城乡发展的要求,采取更直接、更有力的政策措施,加强农业、支持农业…  相似文献   

自从我国加入WTO以来 ,我国的农业、农村和农民问题就一直倍受关注。由于中国农业的经营规模小 ,劳动生产率低下 ,入世后受到较大的冲击是必然的结果。如何利用WTO的规则 ,借鉴国外的成功经验来避免和减轻这种冲击 ,是摆在我们这样一个农业大国面前的一个极为迫切的课题 ,我们必须认真研究WTO的有关农业的各项规则 ,深入考察其他国家入世后对农业采取的措施 ,合理制定我国的入世后的农业战略和政策 ,将入世对我国农业、农村和农民冲击减至最少。  一、加入WTO必须细算经济农业账  农业作为第一产业 ,在国民经济中的地位举足…  相似文献   

一、入世后我区农业面临的挑战铜仁是典型的农业地区从经济比重看,一产占国内生产总值60%以上;从人口居住状况看,90%人口在农村。党的十一届三中全会以来,农业生产发展速度加快,正常年景下全区粮食生产能力达到145万吨,创产值60亿元,全区人均占有粮食可达400公斤,农民人均纯收入1300元左右。但目前我区农业生产仍处于自给水平阶段,与参入WTO以后参与市场竞争的要求还存在明显的差距:一是农业生产的市场化组织化程度低,农产品生产规模小;二是缺乏科技、资金投入,生产粗放,土地产出率低商品率低,生产成本…  相似文献   

一、中国农产品对外贸易现状改革开放二十年来,我国农产品对外贸易取得了很大的发展。1980~1998年,农产品进出口贸易总值增长了1.5倍,年增长率为5%,其中,出口增长2.3倍,年增长率为6.4%。但是,农产品出口在全国商品出口总额的比重却从1980年的24.1%下降为1998年的7.8%,进口比重也由1980年的31.07%下降为1998年的8.5%。可见,作为世界上最大的农产品生产国和消费国,我国农产品对外贸易规模虽然在不断增长,但占贸易总额的比重呈逐步下降趋势。当前,我国农产品贸易表现为以…  相似文献   

We extend previous modelling approaches to identify domestic price effects of export controls. We allow for smooth transition between free‐trade price transmission regimes and those under export restricting regimes, using a smooth transition cointegration (STC) approach, rather than the more common assumption that regime changes are abrupt. Our approach has the advantage that the switch in the price transmission regime may be induced not only by an actual but also by an expected policy change. Results confirm the gradual nature of the transition between the regimes, which reflect trader heterogeneity and wheat storage decisions. We find that the STC approach outperforms alternative model approaches in terms of both regime classification and goodness of fit, when explaining Ukrainian domestic wheat prices under export controls. In particular, application of the Markov‐switching error correction model (MSECM) to the same data generates results which do not reflect any identifiable economic reality (in contrast to Götz et al., 2013 ).  相似文献   

The export base hypothesis is that a region's growth is led by export demand, given perfectly elastic factor supplies. It is a rationale for "sector-based" rural development policies, and it is formalized by input-output models. But it is contested by modern trade, migration, and growth theories, and there is little research about its empirical relevance. We investigate the hypothesis for contemporary U.S. rural development by estimating the influence of export sector employment on subsequent rural development outcomes. The results reject the hypothesis that emphasizing traditional export employment results in rural growth, reject the assumption of perfectly elastic factor supply, and support alternative explanations.  相似文献   

我国苹果出口贸易的实证分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
苹果总产量一直居世界首位的中国,苹果出口数量却相对较少。本文以联合国粮农组织的苹果贸易统计数据为依据,运用显示比较优势法、贸易竞争力指数法,以及通过构建我国苹果出口的经济计量模型,分析了我国苹果出口贸易的特性,以及影响我国苹果出口的主要因素,并提出一些提高苹果出口比较优势的建议。  相似文献   

We have examined perceived barriers to the export of Icelandic marine products and how they have changed over a period of nearly 20 years. We used qualitative and quantitative information from two different surveys conducted in 1993 and 2011. We identified nine main barriers to export that existed in both 1993 and 2011, plus an additional seven factors that prevailed only in 1993 or only in 2011. Further, we distinguished whether these factors were internal or external to the decision area of the Icelandic export firms. This report details the outcome of each survey, compares them quantitatively, and explains the patterns observed using the survey interviews of exporters.  相似文献   


Recent developments at the consumer and at the farm level have resulted in a renewed interest in short market channels for fresh food. This paper focuses on consumer valuation of purchasing fresh food from short channels in general and on differences between two distinct types of short channel initiatives, i.e., farmers' markets and food teams as examples of supply- and demand-side driven initiatives respectively. The research methodology builds on the Means-End-Chain theory. Data are collected through laddering interviews with 100 respondents. The general hierarchical value map largely supports classical theories of value structures. “Security” is the predominant value type with “Health” as the major value. Further, a distinct “Hedonism” and “Universalism” cluster are discovered, with the first being built on the attribute “Freshness,” the consequence “Taste” and the value “Pleasure,” and the latter including environmental, animal welfare and regional development concerns. Specific motivation structures dealing with farmers' markets versus food teams are reported. Recommendations pertain to organizational and marketing issues, more specifically product positioning, innovation and communication based on the revealed Means-End-Chains or motivational structures.  相似文献   

促进中国茶叶出口贸易发展的思路与对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文对中国茶叶出口贸易现状与发展思路进行的研究表明,影响中国茶叶出口贸易的主要因素为:茶叶出口经营管理体制滞后,出口经营主体素质不高;出口茶叶产品结构不合理,出口茶叶均价低;茶叶生产、出口规模小,缺少世界知名品牌;出口产品的质量与安全问题等,并提出了相关对策。  相似文献   


The objective of this study was to identify the key variables affecting export performance at the firm level and draw the policy implications necessary to enhance Oman fish exports. The methodology adopted is inspired from the international marketing literature, which postulates that export performance is determined by both internal factors, under the control of the firm, and external factors. Empirically, the study used an econometric model and a firm survey data to investigate the link between export intensity, defined as the proportion of export sale to total sale and 4 sets of firm-level specific factors: (1) firm size and competencies, (2) management characteristics, (3) management perceptions and attitude, and (4) marketing strategy. Results show that both the age and firm size, measured by the number of years in business and the number of employees, had no significant effect on export performance. Managers' education level, previous work experience, commitment to exporting activities, diversification, and availability of information on foreign markets are all significant variables, positively affecting export performance. These results underscore a role of the private sector in upgrading their human and physical capital and the role of a government as a public good provider in securing information and providing financial incentives to reduce risk associated with diversifying export  相似文献   

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