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This study provides evidence on the impact of a heavy-rail-based transit station on house prices by employing quantile regression method on a dataset that inventories sales transactions of single-family houses during the January 2000–April 2018 period, and within eight kilometers (five miles) of the Warm Springs station of the San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit system. The station is located in Fremont, CA. The results show that a) the station increased house prices across the entire price spectrum, and b) the price increase began more than ten years before the rail service commenced. On a larger note, this study should strengthen efforts to a) provide or extend heavy-rail-based rapid transit systems in areas of high need and b) explore the use of value capture tools to fund transit.  相似文献   

Due to a combination of government planning policies and market pressures in England in the period 2000–2008, there was an increase in the construction of flats and high-density developments and a decline in the construction of houses. In this paper, an analysis of the effects of these policy constraints is undertaken. Using hedonic pricing models, we test for a non-linear relationship between house prices and residential density in England. Consumers prefer houses over flats and detached properties over semi-detached and terraced (i.e. lower density suburban areas). However, both low-density, detached-dominant areas and high-density, flat-dominant areas attracted a premium over medium density areas and the relative size of these price differences vary between different housing market areas. In cities outside London, we consistently see a convex relationship between price and density, whereas a concave relationship between price and density is consistently observed in London. This suggests a different form of relationship between density and house prices in large urban conurbation areas, compared to more typical provincial cities. The conclusions we draw are that in the correct context, high density may be viewed positively but a single planning policy is not appropriate and it should be tailored to suit local market needs.  相似文献   

住房问题关乎国计民生,房价成为影响城乡发展差距变动的重要因素。文章聚焦房价上涨对城乡家庭财产性收入差距变动的影响,并基于2005—2018年我国31个省级行政区域面板数据,采用固定效应模型与动态面板系统GMM估计方法,对房价如何影响城乡财产性收入差距变动进行实证研究。研究发现,房价上涨会显著拉大城乡财产性收入差距,并且这种影响存在区域差异性。文章认为应调整预防房价上涨的相关政策,落实中央"房住不炒"定位,以缓解房价上涨导致的城乡家庭财产性收入差距过大现象,助力推进社会高质量发展。  相似文献   

研究目的:对武汉南湖景观的存在对其周边住宅价值的影响作用进行定量化的分析。研究方法:特征价格法。研究结果:在南湖周边700 m的范围内,住宅到南湖的距离每减少100 m可为其带来5.65%的增值,即315.41元/m2(以亿房网上公布的南湖板块住宅房地产均价5582.53元/m2计算)。研究结论:(1) 景观的存在确实会对周边住宅的价值带来正的影响;(2)采用特征价格法能很好地将景观对住宅价值的影响作用进行量化。  相似文献   

Hedonic property models are commonly applied in the environmental economics literature to estimate values of environmental amenities or hazards. Most hedonic property models are estimated using linear regression techniques where the coefficient on the environmental variable of interest is the “marginal implicit price.” Linear regression estimates one coefficient for the entire distribution of the dependent variable, and thus in hedonic property models a single marginal implicit price. In contrast, quantile regression estimates a range of marginal impacts for different quantiles of the distribution for the dependent variable, consequently providing a significantly more “complete picture” of the true impact of the explanatory variable (Koeneker and Hallock, 2001). We contribute to the existing hedonic property literature by estimating the impact of repeated wildfires on house prices in Southern California using quantile regression. We find that the impact of a wildfire differs significantly across the distribution of house prices, with estimated coefficients varying as much as 73% from the 25th quantile relative to the 75th quantile. We also find that OLS results under-estimate impacts relative to the median quantile, yet over-estimate impacts for lower quantiles. Our results indicate that a quantile regression approach can provide policymakers and researchers more information about the marginal implicit price in hedonic models as it relates to the distribution of the dependent variable.  相似文献   

The impact of 39 swine confined or concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) in Black Hawk County, Iowa on 5,822 house sales is explored by introducing a new variable that more accurately captures the effects of prevailing winds, exploring potential adverse effects within concentric circles around each CAFO, managing selection bias, and incorporating spatial correlation into the error term of the empirical model. Large adverse impacts suffered by houses that are within 3 miles and directly downwind from a CAFO are found. Beyond 3 miles, CAFOs have a generally decreasing adverse impact on house prices as distance to the CAFO increases.  相似文献   

研究目的:对历史遗留的城市老城区私房用地使用权定性和转让等管理制度创新进行探讨,为完善国有土地地籍管理制度,保障私房用地权利人合法权益,健全城市土地收益分配机制提出建议。研究方法:基层调查法,归纳总结法。研究结果:明确了城市私房用地使用权确定的复杂性和必要性,提出了城市私房用地使用权性质确定和地籍管理制度完善的初步性建议。研究结论:应加紧出台城市老城区私房用地使用权专项法规制度,推进登记发证工作。  相似文献   

南京市农村房屋拆迁补偿政策演变及改革研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究目的:分析南京市农村集体房屋拆迁补偿政策的演变历程,提出完善中国城郊结合部农村集体房屋拆迁补偿政策的建议.研究方法:文献资料法和比较分析法.研究结果:南京市农村集体房屋拆迁补偿政策在不同的时期,由于所处的背景不同,补偿形式、适用范围都有差别.研究结论:政府在农村集体房屋拆迁补偿政策方面进行了有益尝试,但农村集体房屋拆迁补偿是一个长期的系统工程,改革完善很难在短期内一蹴而就.  相似文献   

South Africa’s mining towns were established by mining companies mostly after World War II. The workforce lived in company-owned or privately-owned houses, or high-density compounds. Since the demise of apartheid, South African government policy for these towns has promoted integrated mining communities and homeownership. The government’s urban policy aims to densify the country’s urban areas, which have some of the lowest urban densities. This paper compares the changes in urban density and the unintended land-use implications of mining in settlements around five types of mines: iron ore, manganese, coal, gold and platinum, and in a combination of towns during periods of mining boom and bust. We ask how the South African legal framework addresses land issues that are associated with mining settlements, how urban density has evolved in the five case studies; and how this evolution should be explained. We argue that the sprawl is associated with historical path dependencies and interdependencies. Contributing factors are the need to house miners, the unintended consequences of policies designed to minimise compound living, changing labour regimes, the continuation of migrant labour and the presence of traditional-authority land. This sprawl is evident in market-driven housing, government-subsidised housing and informal settlement development.  相似文献   

Much publicity has been given to the problem of high levels of environmental contaminants, most notably high blood lead concentration levels among children in the city of Mount Isa because of mining and smelting activities. The health impacts from mining‐related pollutants are now well documented. This includes published research being discussed in an editorial of the Medical Journal of Australia (see Munksgaard et al. 2010 ). On the other hand, negative impacts on property prices, although mentioned, have not been examined to date. This study rectifies this research gap. This study uses a hedonic property price approach to examine the impact of mining‐ and smelting‐related pollution on nearby property prices. The hypothesis is that those properties closer to the lead and copper smelters have lower property (house) prices than those farther away. The results of the study show that the marginal willingness to pay to be farther from the pollution source is AUS $13 947 per kilometre within the 4 km radius selected. The study has several policy implications, which are discussed briefly. We used ordinary least squares, geographically weighted regression, spatial error and spatial autoregressive or spatial lag models for this analysis.  相似文献   

Possessing ecological service functions, as well as social and economic values, urban lakes are an important part of urban open spaces. The improvement in the openness of urban lakes is crucial to enhancing the efficiency and fairness of urban land use. Accompanied by China's rapid urbanization, China's urban land prices continue to rise and the government relies on land finance. Meanwhile, the number of urban lakes is decreasing, the lake water surface area is shrinking, and water pollution is becoming more serious. By using exploratory indicators, this study quantifies the degree of openness of urban lakes, and focuses on the relationship between lake spatial openness and neighboring land prices. Taking Wuhan (China) as a study case, we proposed a conceptual framework to guide the analysis within the context of land use policy. Then, we created exploratory indicators to quantify the spatial openness of urban lakes and mapped the results. Afterward, we conducted an exploratory geovisual analytics of urban land prices and lake spatial openness. Finally, we used a regression model to examine the relationship between prices and openness. Our results show that our new indicators were able to reflect the openness of the lakes in the central urban area of Wuhan simply and effectively. The overall spatial openness is relatively high, the mean values of two main indicators reflecting the openness percentage of the lakes are 69.91 % and 67.57 % respectively. However, there are still obvious regional differences between the openness indicators. The relationship between openness and neighboring land prices is spatially heterogeneous. Based on our analysis, we finally propose policy suggestions for protecting urban lakes and rational land use in the rapid urban expansion occurring in developing countries.  相似文献   

研究目的:基于住房消费品和投资品的双重属性视角分析住宅用地供应规模对房地产市场的差异化影响。研究 方法:理论分析、固定效应面板回归模型、门槛回归模型。研究结果:(1)上一年住宅用地供应面积增加 1% 可使当年 住房竣工面积显著增加 0.17%,弱于房地产投资资金对住房竣工面积所产生的 0.25% 的提升作用,该结果一定程度上 验证了住宅用地供应与住房供给之间存在生产函数渠道的影响路径;(2)基于实际房价与租金还原房价的偏离程度测 算,发现不同房地产市场投资热度下,住宅用地供应对房价影响存在双重门槛效应,门槛值分别为 2.05 和 2.92;(3)低 投资热度下,上一年住宅用地供应规模的增加可显著降低当年的房价,而高投资热度下则会起到推高房价的作用。研 究结论:住房作为消费品和投资品,存在不同的价格机制和供求规律。当住房市场以投资品属性为主导时,需求曲线 向上的刚性走势违反了一般的商品需求规律,供给曲线的右移将导致均衡价格越来越高。  相似文献   

To curb excessive rises in housing prices, the government has instituted a series of macro-control measures in the real estate market. The housing purchase restriction (HPR) policy, one of the most severe policies, aims to curb a rapid rise in housing prices by excluding investment demand for housing. The real estate market of Langfang City was a particularly pertinent case because it is adjacent to Beijing, the capital of China. This study collected 11,597 sets of second-hand housing transaction data from five counties around Beijing in Langfang. A regression discontinuity design was then used to indicate that the HPR policy of Langfang did not significantly reduce the price of second-hand houses in the study area. In addition, the effect of the HPR policy on housing prices had an obvious spatial heterogeneity. Within 500 m of the buffer zone around Beijing, the implementation of the HPR policy significantly increased the price by 8.07 %. Within 1000 m of the buffer zone, the implementation of the policy increased the price by an average of 6.70 %. Although the HPR policy played a role in reducing the price further than 1000 m, it was not robust. Finally, the paper highlighted that the policy makers should pay attention to the heterogeneity and connection of different cities, balance the relationship between multiple stakeholders, and improve and implement relevant systems, including a real estate tax regime and land spatial planning regime.  相似文献   

Under heavy development pressure, farmland is rapidly being converted to non-agricultural uses such as houses, roads, and industrial uses. A great deal of research has investigated these farmland losses and their associated drivers. However, the existing empirical studies have neglected two important issues related to farmland conversion: spillover effects from neighboring areas and the impacts of farmland fragmentation. This study incorporates fragmentation and neighboring impacts into the farmland conversion analysis and provides new insights for the land-use/cover change literature. Empirical results indicate that increases in fragmentation further encourage farmland conversion to urban uses, but the effects are not linear with decreasing marginal influences. Land-use activities and decisions have strong spillover effects on neighboring areas. Ignoring this externality could result in biased estimates and marginal effects and thus misleading policy decisions and recommendations.  相似文献   

研究目的:研究珠三角一小时城市圈房价与其影响因素的相关关系,揭示各影响因素对该地区房价及其波动的影响程度。研究方法:计量经济分析方法和建模。研究结果:研究区房价与其影响因素之间存在长期稳定的协整关系;GDP与房价之间存在双向因果关系,GDP变化对房价波动的贡献最大。研究结论:研究珠三角一小时城市圈的房价波动应把握该地区的经济发展形势这条主线;各影响因素对房价波动的影响程度存在差异,应当综合考虑多种影响因素对房价进行调控。  相似文献   

An empirical model of joint decisions of where to live and where to work demonstrates that individuals make residential and job location choices by trading off wages, housing prices, and commuting costs. Wages are higher in metropolitan markets, but housing prices are also higher in urban areas. Consumers can live in lower priced nonmetropolitan houses and still earn urban wages, but they incur commuting costs that increase with distance from the city. Improvements in transportation that lower commuting time will increase nonmetropolitan populations and will increase the number of nonmetropolitan commuters to metropolitan markets. Equal wage growth across labor markets causes a shift in relative population from rural to urban markets, while an equiproportional increase in housing prices causes a population shift toward rural areas.  相似文献   

Analysing Vietnam's rice export policy and recent export ban in the context of rising food prices, this study combines insights from a regionally‐disaggregated or ‘bottom‐up’ CGE model and a micro‐simulation using household data. Three main conclusions are drawn. First, although there is little impact on GDP, there are substantial distributional impacts across regions and households from different export policies and market conditions. Second, both rural and urban households, including poor households, benefit from free trade, even though domestic rice prices are higher. Finally, under free trade, relatively large gains accrue to rural households, where poverty is most pervasive in Vietnam.  相似文献   

Research has shown that the reform of the CAP which broke the link between subsidies and production (the decoupling reform) has had little effect on farmers’ demand for land under the SPS (Single Payment Scheme) system. For this reason, in the conditions of the SPS, there is petrifaction of the structure of agricultural land, and an upward trend in prices on the market for agricultural land should not be expected to continue in the long term. Under the conditions of the SAPS (Single Area Payment Scheme), which applies in the EU-12 new Member States, the position in the market for agricultural land is different. However, most research carried out in Europe relates to the SPS system, where marginal changes in the value of land are identified as a result of the incidence of agricultural policy, as well as quantitative and qualitative attributes of particular properties. Under SAPS, these issues have not been sufficiently investigated. The authors have attempted to fill that gap, constructing a two-dimensional and multilevel econometric model for land prices in a leading agricultural region of Poland based on a sample of 653 transactions in the years 2010–2013. The aim is to determine how policy, as well as various quantitative and qualitative features, including location factors, affect the prices of land under SAPS. The results indicate, among other things, the key importance of the functional type of rural areas – properties in agrotouristic areas gained 43% higher prices on average than those in agricultural areas. Another finding of interest is that LFA and agro-environmental payments decapitalise the value of land.  相似文献   

基于Panel Data模型的土地供应量对房价的影响研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
研究目的:定量反映土地供应量对房价的影响及其作用机制。研究方法:计量经济学方法。研究结果:一年前的土地供应量对房屋供应量的影响是正的,对房价的影响是负的,两者在统计上都是显著的,但土地供应量增加对降低房价的影响力非常小。两年前的土地供应量虽然影响房屋供应量,但却不影响房价。研究结论:影响中国当前房价的因素非常复杂,增减土地供应量对调控房价有一定作用,但必须同时有其他工具的辅助,否则其效果很可能不够显著。  相似文献   

This article proposes an innovative methodology to compute economic rents of land designed to current or potential offices uses. It consists in the establishment of a cause-and-effect relation between offices’ price levels and correspondent levels of land rent, considering the main factors that influence property prices, the ones that guide public and private activities’ location decisions and the inter-dependencies between land and real estate property markets. The rationale subjacent to this research is that land economic rent is determined by the difference between offices market price and a set of costs correspondent to land acquisition, planning and building processes, and a profit margin. An assessment of surplus values is provided in order to compute it as the difference between total land market value (land economic rent plus economic return on land use) and correspondent tributary patrimonial-value according to legal valuation proceedings (settled on property law). In order to reach these goals, variables that exert influence on urban planning and municipal management were identified, an urban management information system was designed and implemented, and an integrated and interactive model to support decisions in urban planning – concerning real estate offices and land prices and characteristics – was developed. These tools were applied as a case study to Oporto city (Portugal). They embody updating functionalities, setting up as an on-going support to policies of municipal land use management (particularly applied to offices uses). A proposal is made to integrate similar models in territorial plans as valuation tools to support better approaches to assess the impact of planning decisions on real estate and land values, thus informing a more equitable, efficient and local-based tax basis. Implications of this analysis for urban planning and fiscal settings are proposed.  相似文献   

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