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都市圈架构下的小城镇发展策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
小城镇是都市圈的重要构成部分,是大城市产业转移的接收地,产业集群的集聚地,是农村富余劳动力的吸纳地,是都市圈的休闲和居住地,是农业产业化和新农村建设的桥头堡和服务区。当前我国都市圈小城镇建设存在不少问题,本文在都市圈架构下提出了圈内小城镇的发展策略。  相似文献   

张斌 《中国改革》2023,(3):50-52
<正>设立“新市民住房保障基金”,并设计更加系统的、面向新市民的都市圈建设方案当前房地产市场存在两个突出问题:一是都市圈房价过高,不仅给本地居民带来过高的居住成本,还给外来打工群体在大城市安家竖起了太高的围墙;二是房地产行业异常脆弱,即便疫情过后房地产销售有所恢复,在巨大的沉淀资产压力下,难以凭借自身力量将其资产负债表恢复到健康状态,随时会威胁到宏观经济和金融市场稳定。应对这两个挑战,需要大力推动都市圈在住房、教育和其他公共服务方面的建设,大幅降低都市圈居住和生活成本。  相似文献   

分析了加入WTO对山东省农业的影响,包括6个方面机遇和3个方面挑战,总体上是机遇大于挑战。面对加入WTO后的挑战,提出了科技兴农的4项对策:大力建设优质、高效、高产农业工程,全面提升农产品的品质、质量和效益;大力推进科技进步,提高农业整体的国际比较竞争力;加大投入,加强对农业的保护,建立配套性政策体系,扶持和保护农业发展。  相似文献   

杨林 《农业经济》2002,(10):37-39
一、农业发展面临的投融资问题1.农业发展需要大量的资金投入。当前我国农业发展步入增强农业发展后劲、提高农业综合生产能力、促进中国农业迈上新台阶的关键时期。在这种情况下,中国农业发展要实现质的飞跃,必须调整农业结构;依靠科技进步促进农业和农村经济的发展;增加农民收入,启动农村市场;提高我国农业在生产规模、基础设施、外部环境、价格、质量、市场服务和市场体制方面的国际竞争力,应对WTO的挑战。要实现这些目标,除了进行体制、制度方面的改革外,都需要付出相当的改革成本,需要资金和政策的支持。特别是当前的农…  相似文献   

都市圈既是我国经济较发达的地区,也是我国老龄化程度较高的区域,较高的经济发展水平推动区域内乡村休闲旅游的迅速兴起。然而,受公共假期分布、带薪休假制度不完善、气候等因素的影响,乡村休闲旅游设施的季节性闲置问题突出。伴随着区域内老龄化程度的加深,城市养老压力不断加大,季节性移居到乡村休闲养老正成为都市老人养老的新选择。本文以长三角都市圈为研究对象,在实地调研的基础上,分析了当前都市圈乡村休闲旅游与老年季节性移居融合发展过程中存在的问题,并提出了破解政策瓶颈、加强村庄环境治理等对策建议。  相似文献   

以重庆市新一轮国土空间规划下的主城都市区为研究对象,利用扩展强度模型和修正后的经济引力模型,研究重庆都市圈内各城区的空间联系强度,构建空间网络模型,分析重庆都市圈空间联系紧密程度及发展趋势,结果表明,(1)重庆都市圈内各城区整体联系较弱,空间联系较好的城区主要集中在重庆都市圈西部。(2)涪陵区、长寿区是重庆都市圈中除中心城区外双向联系最强区域和城区都市圈东部唯一联系较好区域,加快推进“涪陵-长寿”区域城市一体化发展,对于避免因重庆向西发展融入成渝双城经济圈而导致东部区域发展不协调起着平衡作用。(3)根据重庆都市圈地理情况以及各城区空间联系情况,将重庆都市圈划分为主城发展区、渝东南发展区、渝西南发展区、东部发展区4个区域。通过“以点带轴,连片成区”的方式深化各区域内部合作,在未来发展过程中找准发展定位,产业互补,实现重庆都市圈整体的均衡发展。  相似文献   

乌鲁木齐都市圈协调发展研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
都市圈在经济全球化和区域经济一体化的过程中越来越发挥着重要的作用,在一定程度上可以认为:未来世界经济发展的趋势将是以城市带、都市圈、城市群为引擎的空间发展格局。本文在分析乌鲁木齐都市圈的发展现状的基础上,指出了影响乌鲁木齐都市圈内各城市协调发展的因素,并提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   

大城市圈是集聚作用的结果,其形成和发展程度往往取决于核心城市的经济规模与能级。都市圈在国外发展得比较成熟,最为典型的是纽约都市圈和东京都市圈,它们分别围绕着纽约、东京两大核心城市,经过长期的发展,确立了自身的地位与作用。  相似文献   

本文分析了济南都市圈循环经济发展的优势、劣势、机遇和挑战,并提出了济南都市圈循环经济发展的7个战略原则即经济效益、生态效益、社会效益统筹兼顾原则、知识经济与循环经济融合原则、政府推动、市场驱动、社会公众参与相结合原则、渐进式发展与跨越式发展相结合原则、系统性原则、动态性原则和因地制宜原则。  相似文献   

我国农农业政策演变的两条基本线索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
政策是一个利益不断调整的过程。农业政策的利益调整主要体现在国家利益和农民利益的调整过程中;政策调整则是在中央决策层领导下进行的。透过政策调整、利益调整这一表象,看到的是执政者的发展理念和发展观;发展观对发展实践有着根本性、全局性的影响,直接支配着农业政策的选择。本文对我国50多年来农业政策的演变历程进行了分析,得出我国农业政策演变的两条基本线索。  相似文献   

Australian cities are facing a number of challenges, including a significant growth in population, a growing housing affordability crisis, a greater concern for environmental issues (such as climate change), and shortfalls in transport and other urban infrastructure. In response to these challenges the promotion of a higher density built form has come to represent an urban planning orthodoxy promoted via metropolitan strategies across the country. Despite the dominance of the higher density ideal within policy rhetoric, its virtues remain the subject of significant debate. To date this debate has been played out in academic and policy circles, with limited recognition of the knowledge and perceptions of such policies held by the general public. Debate around public perceptions of higher density housing has been constrained within the not-in-my-backyard (NIMBY) discourse which works to position public opposition to higher density housing as either an illegitimate and selfish form of localised protest or a valid example of urban citizenship and democracy. This paper takes a step back from these localised debates around the value of higher density housing to explore public opinions of higher density housing at the metropolitan and suburb scales. Drawing on a survey administered across the Sydney metropolitan area this paper explores the extent to which the public is aware of policies at state and local levels which promote higher density development, the extent to which the public supports some of the underlying principles of higher density housing (such as sustainability, affordability and reduced urban sprawl) and the impact of higher density developments on their suburb. In doing so, the paper develops a typology of support/resistance for higher density housing and associated planning objectives/tools.  相似文献   

基于济南都市圈近年来的统计资料,构建节点规模的系统性指标、经济联系强度模型等,结合主成分分析、回归分析、分形理论,明确济南都市圈城市体系规模等级结构与区域经济联系强度的特征。结果表明:城市的规模等级差异体现出交通指向性;城市规模分布集中,高位次城市规模不是很突出,中小城市比较发育,城市的综合得分分布比较均匀。区域经济联系强度的空间分布呈现出以济南、淄博为核心双星状,经济联系强度的分形特征体现出经济链强度分布差异程度较大的特点。最后,为优化济南都市圈,提出相关建议。  相似文献   

Many cities around the world are experiencing the negative effects associated with not sustaining a sufficient level of tree canopy coverage. Tree canopy provides environmental benefits such as clean water and air, erosion prevention, climate control, and native species habitat and provides economic benefits such as higher housing values and lower energy expenditures. We study local government policies in a large U.S. metropolitan area (the Atlanta Metropolitan Statistical Area) to find which policies perform the best at preserving or increasing urban forests. Empirical analysis reveals that a set of effective tree ordinance clauses, zoning ordinances, and having high quality smart growth projects in the community all help in preserving tree canopy in economically and environmentally meaningful amounts. Other actions, such as simply having a tree ordinance, designating a key management person in charge of tree programs, the presence of a tree board, and multiple communication channels were shown to be ineffective for our data set. Because benefits from tree canopy accrue to the local government's budget, to residents and to business owners, the entire community should gain from the passage of effective policies to preserve their local tree canopy. Estimated economic benefits from preserving tree canopy through an effective set of public policies are in the range of $10–15 million annually in an average county, mostly due to savings on stormwater management.  相似文献   

In efforts to promote transitions to sustainability in city-regions, government and nongovernment actors throughout the world are devising comprehensive sustainability strategies and implementing a variety of environmental policies. Social actors in many city-regions view forest stewardship as an important element of this integrated approach. Generally, urban sustainability goals are guided by the principles of ecological integrity, environmental quality, social equity, social inclusion, and social justice. In other words, sustainable urban development should foster a good quality of life for all by providing equitable access to adequate economic opportunity, housing, education, public services, ecosystem services, and environmental amenities. Governance structures should pursue these goals democratically with legitimacy, transparency, and accountability. Effective sustainability planning and management depend on the reliability of land-use monitoring and modeling approaches. They also require field-based, qualitative empirical research to understand the complex social dynamics that are invisible from space. The aim of this paper is to encourage international, cross-disciplinary dialogue on the conceptual, theoretical, methodological, and practical groundwork necessary to effectively carry out metropolitan land-change science, particularly for rapidly expanding small- and medium-sized cities in developing countries. I begin by presenting the paper's central conceptual and theoretical framework. Next, I explore existing analytical and methodological approaches to the study of land-use dynamics in metropolitan regions. After a brief discussion of specific opportunities and challenges for collaborative, interdisciplinary research in support of metropolitan land-change science, I conclude by proposing a four-part agenda for coordinated investigation of tropical and subtropical forest recovery in city-regions worldwide.  相似文献   

Integrating adaptation and mitigation response actions to climate change in urban-level policies requires comprehensive information on vulnerability patterns, yet a majority of local governments and decision makers in various cities in developing nations lack spatially explicit information on climate change vulnerability and its key drivers. In addition, there is no standardised method for an all-inclusive vulnerability assessment at the local level. Results from higher broad-scale vulnerability assessments are difficult to implement conceptually and technically at the local scale. We present a climate change vulnerability assessment approach at the city scale that considers three main components: exposure, sensitivity and adaptive capacity. Indicators were assessed within each component and were combined using Spatial Multi-Criteria Evaluation (SMCE). The standardisation of indicators under each component was conducted, along with weighting, at each level of the vulnerability assessment hierarchy. The vulnerability assessment approach was applied to an urban area in India; namely, Bangalore metropolitan area. The application of vulnerability assessment approach was demonstrated and a spatial assessment of climate change vulnerability patterns was presented. The spatial pattern of vulnerability identifies areas urgently requiring attention to adaptation action, while vulnerability assessment enables policy intervention and prioritization at local spatial scales. This study presents a rational to integrate vulnerability assessment approach within the urban planning realm in Bangalore metropolitan area where according to our study approximately 91% of the area is facing high degree of climate vulnerability.  相似文献   

Building resilience is critical for metropolitan land use planning to strengthen the ability to cope with and minimize climatic disaster risks. Challenges still remain for metropolitan agencies in identifying the components or metrics for measuring resilience. Particularly, uncertainties in climate change and diversification in local contexts compel urban planners to mainstream community participation, indigenous knowledge and local attributes into the resilience assessment. This article aims to propose a novel methodology for assessing resilience, which can encourage stakeholder participation and communicate planners in shaping metropolitan land use policies. Using the Taichung metropolis, Taiwan as the study area, this article created a resilience metric called the Climatic Hazard Resilience Indicators for Localities (CHRIL) that is appropriate for use in a policy context. Then, this metric combined a fuzzy multicriteria decision analysis with a participatory geographic information system approach to measure and map resilience to climatic hazards. Through the participation of experts, local officers and community members, a multivariate analysis was applied to explain why low resilience areas occur in specific locations. Moreover, we performed a cluster analysis to group the areas into several types of resilience and revealed the relationship between the resilience factors and overall local development patterns. Results show that conflicts and tradeoffs may exist between some resilience factors, especially socioeconomic vulnerability and adaptive capacity. The findings provide stakeholders and policy-makers with a better governance structure to design and synthesize appropriate patchworks of planning measures for different types of resilience areas to reduce climatic hazard risks.  相似文献   

This paper provides empirical and conceptual insights in analysing the factors that determine the prices of farmland within Protected Natural Areas that are close to densely populated urban areas, the changes in land use experiences as well as the additional control policies needed to curb this unsustainable trend.The Urdaibai Biosphere Reserve nearby the metropolitan area of Bilbao (Basque Country, Spain) is the case study considered and its bordering non-protected rural area is used as a reference for comparison. A spatial hedonic farmland price model is estimated and the willingness of land purchasers to pay for different farmland characteristics quantified both inside and outside the Urdaibai Biosphere Reserve. The main results are that: (1) residential development is taking place in all categories of farmland, (2) aside from neighbouring prices, farmland prices depend on different factors depending on whether the marketed plots stand inside or outside the Protected Natural Area, (3) the “reserve effect” on land prices is less powerful than the “proximity to the metropolitan area (and motorway) effect” observed from villages of the non-protected area located in the 3rd crown of Bilbao, (4) the reasons for farmers non-compliance with policy regulations is the necessary knowledge base for the farmland conservation policy design and (5) in the light of the results, three development-control policy instruments such as Payments for Ecosystem Services, Tradable Planning Permits and development-taxes are discussed considering the factors that could improve compliance.  相似文献   

Bogotá and the 17 neighboring municipalities make up one of the biggest metropolitan areas in Latin America. However, despite strong functional interactions within the area, there is no official government body at this level in charge of coordinating authorities and providing solutions to the wide variety of issues arising in the regional urban land system. Aiming at providing an insight on future land-use developments linked to new transport infrastructures and at offering a tool to support territorial decision-making, this paper presents a cellular automata-based (CA) model based in Metronamica® software, that allows testing different scenarios based on potential land-use policies, environmental suitability and transport alternatives.There has not been, so far, an urban planning tool that accounts for the complexities of this region. CA-based land-use simulations constitute a useful approach to understanding the impacts of urban planning policies and regulations. This tool can help to improve inter-territorial and inter-institutional coordination, which through planning and management policies seek a spatially integrated development, with a long-term perspective.The CA-based model proposed was calibrated to reproduce land-use changes between 2007 and 2016 using different methods and indicators. The model was used to simulate and analyze eight scenarios with different policy directions of transport infrastructure in the future of the region. The results of the simulations reflect the dynamics of territorial occupation. The calibration indices in the experiment indicate a high degree of suitability for the CA Bogotá model, proving its effectiveness and potential as a useful tool for decision-making. The results show that occupation scenarios with restricted developable zones within the city, tend to have the greater dispersion rate in the study area, compared to scenarios where land development plans are promoted in Bogotá, which representing a more compact development.  相似文献   

Phoenix Arizona is the quintessential polycentric desert city. Built for the car in an extreme climate, the city both lacks walkability and substantial density within the built form that is often found in cities of similar size. Yet within the boundaries of the metropolitan area, 181 miles of canals traverse the built environment, providing an opportunity for walkable nodal development at strategic locations. This unrealized potential offers the city a unique opportunity for mixed-use development within an already-constructed infrastructure, but challenges remain. This paper explores the feasibility of canal oriented development (COD) in Phoenix by analyzing: (1) opinions of key stakeholders, (2) the possibility of place based mixed-use walkable developments along the canals, and (3) the ability to create pockets of density. Results indicate that COD in Phoenix will be driven by commercial development, which entails that municipal investment will be a greater catalyst for eventual success than the regional utility that maintains the canal.  相似文献   

We analyse house prices from 1992 to 2011 in the metropolitan area of Copenhagen. In line with most other metropolitan areas in Europe, Copenhagen house prices showed solid increases during this period until 2007 when a downturn in prices began. The price gradient from the centre of the metropolis to the outskirts also became steeper over these years. We investigate the influence of land regulation on this development and find indications of an upward pressure on house prices from restrictive land regulation at the municipal as well as the national level.  相似文献   

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