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对农村生物质能源进行开发利用是我国可再生能源战略的重要组成部分。对农村生物质能源进行了分类研究,探究农村生物质能源的发展意义,对其利用以及其潜力进行了阐述和分析,针对当前农村生物质能源利用过程中存在的问题提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   

林木生物质能源作为可再生能源,具有产量大、可储存、二氧化碳零排放等优点,为我国解决能源紧张和环境治理等问题提供了一条新的途径。介绍了国内外在膏桐研究、膏桐生物柴油的研发和林木生物质能源基地建设的现状;并叙述了林业产业化中基地的作用、建设思路和不同发展模式。我国在发展膏桐生物柴油方面选择的“林能一体化”经营模式,对推动我国生物质柴油尽快进入实质性商业开发和利用等方面具有重要意义。要大规模开展林业生物质能源林基地建设,还需要各级政府与龙头企业联合,积极推行“林能一体化”的经营模式。  相似文献   

生物质能源具有优良的环保特性,是可再生能源,其利用方式较多,选择一种既能发挥湖北地域特色又充分利用湖北资源的生物质能源利用方式,对发展湖北生物质能源产业至关重要。文章根据湖北省林业资源特色和发展木质生物质能源的优势,分析了其木质生物质能源发展中存在的问题和影响发展的主要因素,并从生物质能源产业市场化运作、资源布局、政策扶持、外部效益补偿等方面提出了相应政策建议。  相似文献   

生物质能源作为一种可再生能源,开发利用前景广泛。目前我国生物质能源的发展面临着诸多障碍,需要强有力的政策支持。首先论述了我国生物质能源发展的现状,阐明了其发展的主要制约因素。然后对生物质能源进行外部性分析,得出政策激励和激励体系构建对生物质能源发展的必要性的结论。最后,提出了构建我国生物质能源发展的激励体系的对策和建议。  相似文献   

林业低碳经济探讨   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
森林由于具有强大的碳汇功能而在发展低碳经济中得到重视。文章在分析发展林业低碳经济必要性的基础上,提出了林业低碳经济的概念,阐述了林业低碳经济的理论基础,从建设森林城市、低碳林区、低碳林业产业以及开发利用林业生物质能源、开展森林碳汇交易等5个方面提出了林业低碳经济的发展策略。  相似文献   

开发利用生物质能源是一项利国利垦利民的伟大工程,其经济效益、社会效益和生态效益显著。对于发展循环经济,避免环境污染、彻底改变农场传统形象,提高广大群众生活质量,利用可再生能源替代煤、石油等传统能源,用于农场集中供热和工农业生产,对建设节约型垦区具有重要意义。提到能源,人们通常会想到煤炭、石油、天然气,风能、水能和核能。可是,在人类所面临的能源危机日益严峻之际,一种人们司空见惯却并未过多留意的能源——生物质能源,正悄然兴起。  相似文献   

我国林业生物质能源发展相关政策概述   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
介绍了我国林业生物质能源发展的背景、现状和相关的政策,以及林业生物质能源相关的法律、能源林建设规划、相关的产业规划和财税扶持政策。提出今后我国林业生物质能源发展相关建议。  相似文献   

进入21世纪以后,世界性的能源危机已经对各国经济发展造成威胁。中国作为发展中国家,如果不能解决能源问题,将会阻碍经济的发展。东北地区林业资源丰富,充分利用林业资源发展生物质能具有很大的优势。从分析再生能源利用情况入手,利用翔实的数据分析东北地区的资本资源情况,指出东北地区具有发展林业生物质能的基础优势,对比农业生物质和林业生物质原料的成本,以证明发展林业生物质的产业优势和利润优势所在,指出林业生物质的再造过程,能创造更好的生态环境,因此林业生物质更具有生态优势,充分利用林业生物质和林业生物质能对于东北地区经济的发展有着重大意义。  相似文献   

1沼气——广西农村可再生能源的亮点广西地处中国南疆,阳光充足,雨量充沛,生物质、水能、太阳能、潮汐能等可再生能源非常丰富。同时,广西也是一个能源比较缺乏的省区,缺煤、缺油、缺燃气、电力不足,能源自给率比较低。因此,大力开发利用可再生能源,对于广西具有特别重大的意义。  相似文献   

改革开放以来我国林业建设政策演变探析   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
改革开放以来,中国政府十分重视林业建设,制定了一系列适应中国国情、林情的林业建设政策。根据政策侧重点的不同和政策出台的社会背景,改革开放以来我国的林业建设划分为四个阶段:林业建设恢复发展阶段、林业建设深化发展阶段、林业建设可持续发展阶段、林业建设全面发展阶段。通过对我国林业建设政策演变规律进行探析,展望我国林业建设政策发展趋势,即继续以六大工程建设为主体、继续加强湿地保护与恢复、继续推进林权制度改革、积极发展碳汇林业、积极发展林木生物质能源、积极建设生态文化体系等。  相似文献   

中国林木生物质能源:现状、障碍及前景   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:8  
日益增长的化石燃料消费带来的能源安全与环境问题,促使人们去寻找清洁的可再生能源。林木生物质可再生能源是替代化石燃料的一个很好的选择。中国林木生物质能先后经历了解决农村能源以保护森林资源和替代化石燃料以解决环境问题两个阶段。目前中国林木生物质资源种类多、总量大、发展潜力大。但由于没有针对性的林木生物质能源政策,林木生物质原料利用困难重重,产业发展缓慢。针对中国林业经营特点制定专门的产业扶持政策将是今后政策的发展方向。  相似文献   

在理论层面,国有林区改革引发新能源政策指导思想从以经济效益为主到生态效益与经济效益并重的跨越式发展,加速生物质能源政策的制定与推行;在实践层面,国有林区改革实施的指导意见促进生物质能源政策的具体化与细致化,为生物质能源在财税补贴、能源林种植奖励、生物发电及技术研发等方面的政策制定提供了参考建议,带动了生物质能源相关产业的发展,为改善民生和保护生态提供了强大的助力。  相似文献   

Renewable Portfolio Standards are U.S. state-level policies that encourage renewable energy development to meet a proportion of electricity demand. These policies, along with state and federal incentives and private sector demand, have motivated interest in renewable energy capacity, which is a function of available land. As global climate change has been driven by the combination of fossil fuel combustion and land cover change, renewable energy development is best achieved through sustainable land use practices. One option is to site renewable energy installations on land that has been contaminated or degraded. This analysis looks at the degree to which renewable energy demand created by state renewable portfolio standards in the United States could be met by contaminated or formerly contaminated sites. Results suggest that land resources are more than sufficient to meet current and possibly future RPS-generated demand in three out of four regions.  相似文献   

The establishment of deep-rooted perennial species and their processing for biomass-based products such as renewable energy can have benefits for both local and global scale environmental objectives. In this study, we assess the potential economic viability of biomass production in the South Australian River Murray Corridor and quantify the resultant benefits for local and global scale environmental objectives. We model the spatial distribution of economically viable biomass production in a Geographic Information System and quantify the model sensitivity and uncertainty using Monte Carlo analysis. The total potentially viable area for biomass production under the Most Likely Scenario is 360,728 ha (57.7% of the dryland agricultural area), producing over 3 million tonnes of green biomass per annum, with a total Net Present Value over 100 years of A$ 88 million. The salinity in the River Murray could be reduced by 2.65 EC (μS/cm) over a 100-year timeframe, and over 96,000 ha of land with high wind erosion potential could be stabilised over a much shorter period. With sufficient generating capacity, our Most Likely Scenario suggests that economically viable biomass production could reduce carbon emissions by over 1.7 million tonnes per annum through the production of renewable energy and a reduced reliance on coal-based electricity generation. Our analyses suggest that biomass production is a potentially viable alternative agricultural system that can have substantial local scale environmental benefits with complimentary global scale benefits for climate change mitigation.  相似文献   

[目的]使用1970~2013年时间序列数据,分析了低碳情景下我国煤炭、石油与可再生能源的消费替代。[方法与结果]单位根检验显示各变量是一阶单整Ⅰ(1)。Johansen协整检验说明变量之间存在着协整关系。FMOLS回归表明,GDP、煤炭消费和石油消费会提高CO2排放量,可再生能源消费会降低CO2排放量。长期内,GDP、煤炭、石油、可再生能源消费与CO2排放之间存在着双向的Granger因果关系。短期内,可再生能源消费与GDP、CO2排放之间存在着双向Granger因果关系。煤炭、石油消费是可再生能源消费的单向Granger原因。GDP是煤炭消费、CO2排放的单向Granger原因。石油消费是GDP的单向Granger原因。广义预测误差方差分解显示,实行从煤炭、石油消费到可再生能源的燃料替代将会降低环境污染,提高环境可持续性。[结论]基于上述实证研究,提出建立激励机制,实现可再生能源对煤炭、石油的替代,转变能源消费结构,降低煤炭和石油消费比例,开发利用可再生能源,为可再生能源的发展建立硬性约束,提高环境可持续性等建议。  相似文献   

In this study we assessed the potential of woody biomass (short-rotation Mallee Eucalypts) for renewable energy generation as an economically viable way of motivating widespread natural resource management under climate change in the 11.9 million ha Lower Murray agricultural region in southern Australia. The spatial distribution of productivity of agricultural crops and pasture, and biomass was modelled. Average annual economic returns were calculated under historical mean (baseline) climate and three climate change scenarios. Economically viable areas of biomass production were identified where the profitability of biomass is greater than the profitability of agriculture under each scenario for three factory gate biomass prices. The benefits of biomass production for dryland salinisation, wind erosion, and carbon emissions reduction through biomass-based renewable energy production were also modelled. Depending on climate scenario, at the median price assessed ($40/tonne) biomass production can generate $51.4–$88 M in annual net economic returns, address 41,226–165,577 ha at high risk of dryland salinisation and 228,000–1.4 million ha at high risk of wind erosion, and mitigate 10.4–12 million tonnes of carbon (CO2−e) emissions annually. Economically viable areas for biomass production expanded under climatic warming and drying especially in more marginal agricultural land. Under the baseline, the area at high risk of dryland salinisation was more than double that at high risk of wind erosion. However, under climatic warming and drying the relative importance of these two natural resource management objectives switched with the area at high risk of wind erosion becoming much larger. As biomass production can achieve multiple natural resource management objectives, it may provide a land use policy option that is adaptable to changing priorities and economically resilient given climatic uncertainties. For such a significant and enduring land use change policy it is prudent to assess both the economic and environmental potential under climate change.  相似文献   

The European Union is committed to increasing the renewable energy produced and consumed within its territory, creating an opportunity and demand for renewable energy production on agricultural land. In this paper, Ajzen's theory of planned behaviour (TPB) is utilised to structure qualitative research on the role of renewable energy production in farm business decision-making, through a case study in North East Scotland. Qualitative interviews were undertaken with 23 farmers who had pursued wind energy production, and a further nine key informants. It is found that farmers undertake wind energy production primarily to ‘future proof’ their farms, increasing the long-term economic viability of their farms through business diversification and profitable capital investment. Although environmental considerations were not the primary consideration in turbine development, respondents recognised the energy dependence of farming and the depletion of world energy resources, including these issues in their rationales. The primary obstacles to turbine development focused around economic risks and transaction costs, which some respondents moderated by reducing turbine size or renting land to developers, thus increasing their ‘perceived behavioural control’. Relationships between intention and behaviour are thus found to be multi-directional. The authors argue that on-farm renewable energy production could lead to increased environmental awareness among farmers (and thus more economically and environmentally sustainable agricultural practices), as well as providing a potential economic boost for local economies, but that these opportunities are at risk of being co-opted by large-scale energy companies, which are better able to negotiate the growing complexities and risks of turbine development.  相似文献   

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