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贸易自由化趋势下的我国农产品贸易政策调整   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
农产品贸易保护是世界各国为保护农业而使用的手段,其侧重点是通过国境与国内一系列政策措施对农产品进出口贸易进行保护。它包括边境保护和国内支持两个方面。虽然贸易保护在工业化时代就已经非常普遍,但为了保障工业的发展。对于农业却一直是采取剥夺的歧视态度。直到20世纪,随着部分国家工业化的完成,经济得到显著发展后,政策才逐步转向有利于农业方面,对农业的保护才真正开始,  相似文献   

随着世界经济一体化进程的加快,中国台湾地区的经济体制正在并且已经向市场经济和自由贸易方向发展。本文主要研究20世纪90年代前的台湾地区稻谷政策变化。假设在政策制定过程中,米价由三个利益集团未决定,分别是生产者、消费者和政府。本文根据政治偏好函数,衡量这三个利益集团的影响能力,并用宏观模型来分析宏观经济变量对米价的影响,以及宏观经济变量如何影响米价政策的制定。  相似文献   

在计划经济向市场经济转轨的过程中,农民群体与社会其他群体的贫富差距不仅没有缩小,反而在不断扩大。造成这种现象的原因是多方面的,但其中不可否认的一点是,市场经济和利益分化强化了不同群体的利益分歧,更加刺激了具有相同利益诉求的社会阶层和群体组成利益集团对政策施加影  相似文献   

利益集团视角的中国“三农”问题   总被引:52,自引:0,他引:52  
本文主要运用利益集团相关理论对中国“三农”问题进行分析和探讨。在廓清问题症结所在的基础上,借鉴国外利益集团、尤其是农业利益集团的理论与实践经验,从历史与现实出发,分析当前中国社会难以出现真正意义上的农业利益集团的深层次原因。指出组建农业利益集团在农民维权、矛盾疏导、维护稳定等方面具有重大的政治与经济意义,并相应提出了一些政策建议。  相似文献   

对当前农村政策与改革的评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在目前的制度环境下,农民增收非常困难,而更有实际意义的政策是切实减轻农民负担和增加农民福利。在减轻负担、稳定农村社会的基础上,应推进农村产权制度改革,保障农民权利。同时,应取消各种对农民的歧视和管制政策,让农民拥有更多的就业和投资机会。这样,农村经济才会呈现活力。  相似文献   

农业政策失效博弈分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
钟宜钧 《农村经济》2002,19(8):35-38
农业政策是指政府为干预经济发展中的农业问题而设计、制定的规范和行为准则 ,对农业经济活动起宏观调节作用。它主要是通过有关规划的设置来调控农业经营者的经营行为 ,来自于政策安排的约束和损益 ,如农业经营者农业经济系统中的权利 ,特别是资源配置的自主权利 ,收益分配、稀缺资源和机遇的可获得性和条件、风险分担、保险等 ,都强烈地影响着农业经营者的经济行为的支配和控制 ,因此 ,农业政策始终决定着其他农业生产要素作用的发挥。农业政策失效表现为 :一方面 ,有时潜在的社会利益产生了 ,但政策的适应性变化却相对滞后 ,使得低效率的…  相似文献   

本文强调了农民工市民化意愿在推动城镇化进程中的重要作用,采用HLM模型指出了群体间和群体内的相对经济剥夺感受在塑造农民工市民化意愿中的反馈结构。研究表明,群体间相对经济剥夺感与农民工教育程度和流入地城市特征相关,农民工群体内分层因相对剥夺感受差异而使其市民化意愿强度呈现层次性;农民工市民化意愿随相对剥夺感增强而强烈,但边际意愿倾向递减,市民化净收益预期是影响农民工市民化意愿的根本原因;城市居民群体正面的社会评价有助于强化农民工的市民化意愿,而群体内的相对经济剥夺感则对其市民化意愿具有激发和催化作用;在制定和实施城镇化政策时应当重视社会心理因素的作用。  相似文献   

欧盟在一体化纵深发展的进程中,依据一定的理论和实际制订了相应的对外政治经济政策,以适应不断变化的国际政治经济形势。以集团为主体的对外政治经济关系是建立在此前西欧各国与其他发达国家、发展中国家之间双边关系的基础之上。这种双边关系在60年代及其以后有了很大的变化。尤其是那些同欧共体有着深远历史渊源的发展中国家。在与其他发达国家的形象。从总的目标看,欧盟一系列对外政策的最终目标是服务于共同体整体利益,以及一体化的深化和发展。  相似文献   

无罪推定是当今世界公认的一项基本原则,它的本质要求是对被追诉的公民,在依法被确定有罪之前是无罪的,国家只有在公民被法院确定有罪后才能剥夺或者限制公民的权利,其目的是防止国家对公民权利的任意侵害。可是,强制措施偏偏是在公民被依法定罪之前以国家名义剥夺或者限制公民权利,这是否与无罪推定原则相矛盾,如无矛盾,那么强制措施限制或剥夺公民权利的正当性在哪里?  相似文献   

欧盟共同农业政策的最新改革举措   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在共同农业政策实施以来的 40多年时间里 ,欧盟共同农业政策几经修改 ,以适应日益变化的政治和经济环境。在其初期 ,该政策主要关注食物的供给 ,以及帮助农民提高劳动生产率。目前 ,共同农业政策扩展到政策的许多领域 ,反映了在社会中农业所起的重要作用。除了帮助欧盟管理农业市场外 ,共同农业政策也触及了其他政策领域 ,如环境问题、区域性发展和农村发展 ,以及消费者问题。共同农业政策是在欧共体层次上最早决定的政策之一。目前 ,它给农民和工业提供了没有国际贸易壁垒的成熟的农产品销售市场 ,经营者可在这个市场上公平竞争。一、欧盟…  相似文献   

Several consumer studies have shown considerable market potential for sustainable meat products, however, their markets shares are still marginal. In Germany, the sustainable aspects “organic,” “local origin,” and “animal welfare” are of special interest. To obtain a precise overview of potential target groups for these meat categories and their choice of store format, 620 German consumers were surveyed on their attitudes toward sustainable meat production and their shopping behavior. First, target groups based on consumers’ attitudes were identified by cluster analysis, taking into account possible overlaps. Consumers were also clustered by their store format choice and their preferred type of meat packaging. A cross tabulation of the results then provided insights into which store format and type of meat packaging is preferred by the target groups for sustainable meat products. Due to overlaps found in the target groups, the existence of important subgroups was shown. Amongst the target groups, only a slight preference for unpackaged meat products was found. Basically, the offer of sustainable meat products appears of interest for all store formats, with particular emphasis on supermarkets. The results of this study can support producers and retailers developing new and tailored marketing strategies for sustainable meat products.  相似文献   

As a small open economy, Canada has a considerable interest in the achievement of substantive trade liberalization for agriculture in a multilateral context. Despite the advantages of a multi lateral approach to international trade rules, there are clear economic benefits for small countries like Canada from pursuing unilateral trade liberalization. In the context of Canadian agricultural policy this would require a considerable adjustment to the high levels of protection afforded Canada's supply-managed sectors. The benefits of an open economy are often not reflected in public discussions or in the language of trade negotiations. Instead these tend to reflect a focus on rent-seeking by special interest groups. This misrepresents the concessions of reduced trade barriers as costs, rather than recognizing them as benefits. There is a challenge for agricultural and applied economists to spell out the benefits of an open economy more clearly. A related useful focus of research is to explore the conditions and the nature of compensation to producer groups that would encourage rapid unilateral trade liberalization.  相似文献   

叶欣  李雯玥 《水利经济》2022,40(3):71-76
水利水电工程移民工作庞大,因其搬迁过程长期而复杂,整个群体在工作推进中不可避免涉及利益表达问题。水利水电工程移民群体利益表达面临能力缺乏、表达渠道不够通畅、表达载体不够体系、表达形式不够理性、标准不够统一以及管理不够完善等现实困境,该困境对政府、社会、移民工作和移民群体均产生不同程度的社会影响,因此,消解水利水电工程移民群体的利益表达困境迫在眉睫,应尝试从该群体的利益表达能力提升、表达渠道健全、表达载体构建、表达形式优化以及保障机制完善等方面着手突破,寻求有效的弥合路径。  相似文献   

在快速城市化进程中,理性终极式的蓝图规划已经不能适应多元化复杂的利益主体对规划的要求。规划需要寻求一种反映多元利益主体诉求,能够达到社会公平和市场效果双重目标的新规划方式。城市再生是一种在公共参与决策基础上,在有限范围内寻求可以解决现实问题的途径和方案。文章探讨了城市再生理念产生的背景、面临的挑战以及相应的规划策略,以期对中国的城市改造规划有所借鉴。  相似文献   

钟太洋  黄贤金 《水利经济》2006,24(6):6-8,25
以固城湖和长荡湖为对象,运用参与式评估方法和问卷调查获得资料,分析固城湖和长荡湖管理组织制度演进,并在此基础上,运用制度经济学、产权经济学理论和对比分析的方法分析了固城湖和长荡湖管理组织制度演进的驱动因素,分析表明:具有不同利用目标的集团压力之间的力量对比变化是湖泊管理组织制度演进的根本动力;政府部门在湖泊管理中的利益取向与主导管理目标(价值)的一致程度决定其是否能取得湖泊管理主导权的关键因素。最后,文章结合研究结论,给出一些加强湖泊保护的建议。  相似文献   

Forests continue to fall for agricultural purposes throughout the humid tropics, with immediate and potentially large consequences for climate change and biodiversity loss-issues of key interest to the international community. Some of the actors directly responsible for forest conversion fell trees to meet food security needs and alleviate poverty-issues of urgent interest to them and also to national policymakers. This multiplicity of groups with differing (often conflicting) interests in the multifarious goods and services produced by tropical forests complicates the search for alternative agricultural activities for forest margins since these alternatives must satisfy such divergent objectives. This paper sets out a conceptual framework for comparing the impacts of different land use systems and agricultural practices at the margins of tropical rainforests in terms of the concerns and objectives of two key interest groups: small-scale farmers seeking livelihoods at the forest margins and the ‘international’ interests in the global public goods and services supplied by tropical rainforests. This framework should be useful to a third key group, the national and regional policymakers who must consider these and other policy objectives and then decide on courses of action. The paper identifies data needs and analytical methods capable of supplying an empirical base for this conceptual framework, based on quantifiable indicators. It then presents preliminary results of the application of this conceptual framework in Indonesia and Brazil in association with a global, collaborative, multidisciplinary research program. Even using preliminary order-of-magnitude estimates (to be replaced by more precise measurements as they become available), this conceptual framework presents results in ways that allow researchers and policymakers to select clear ‘best bets’ for development, when they exist, and to assess tradeoffs and options for complementary policy action and research efforts, when they do not.  相似文献   

Owners, local residents, government, and conservation organisations can express divergent preferences in the development and management of local woodlands. The perceptions of these four groups were examined, in the context of three community woodlands in Eastern England, using an ecosystem function framework. In a pilot study, residents were able to allocate a relative importance to woodland ecosystem services which were then related to “regulation”, “habitat”, and “production” or “information” functions. However residents also placed importance on negative services or “dis-services” associated with the woodland ecosystem. Therefore a fifth category of “dis-services” was included in the main survey which included 84 local residents, three woodland owners, three government institutions, and six representatives from conservation groups. Each of the four groups placed greatest importance on services associated with habitat (16–39% of the total importance) and information (30–50%) functions suggesting, in this example, mutual interest in the use of woodlands as a habitat or recreational resource. By contrast a potential area of difference was the particularly high importance placed by one owner on dis-services such as fly tipping. In addition the woodland owners placed higher importance (10–20%), than local residents and conservation groups (7–9%), on the productive services of the wood. This suggests a need for communication when production-related operations affect recreation. The ecosystem function framework appears to be a useful approach for highlighting potential tensions and areas of mutual interest in the management of semi-natural ecosystems.  相似文献   

Pressures to limit levels of agricultural production create opportunities for the provision of new environmental benefits from rural land. However, the public good characteristics of these benefits mean that they are unlikely to be provided by conventional profit-maximising firms. This paper examines the role of land ownership by public interest demand groups in the form of Conservation Amenity and Recreation Trusts. This form of ownership can establish incentives for the consideration of the external benefits of land use in land management decisions.  相似文献   


The discrepancy between appraised valuations and market prices is a cause for concern to valuers, investors, bankers, trustees, accountants, auditors, portfolio managers and regulators. Members of each group need to clarify how the potential costs of a discrepancy will effect them. Error metrics, relevant to the risk profile of interested parties, are illustrated as a means of quantifying the exposure to which each is subjected. Dialogue and discussion between interest groups is thought to be the best way of overcoming the apparent anomally.  相似文献   

Lithuania's food demand during economic transition   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The linear approximate version of the almost ideal demand system (LA‐AIDS) model is estimated using data from the Lithuanian household budget survey (HBS) covering the period from July 1992 to December 1994. Price and real expenditure elasticities for 12 food groups were estimated based on the estimated coefficients of the model. Very little or nothing is known about the demand parameters of Lithuania and other former socialist countries, so the results are of intrinsic interest. Estimated expenditure elasticities were positive and statistically significant for all food groups, while all own‐price elasticities were negative and statistically significant, except for that of eggs which was insignificant. Results suggest that Lithuanian household consumption did respond to price and real income changes during their transition to a market‐oriented economy.  相似文献   

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