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开发区作为城市的特殊经济区域,是当前城市经济的增长点,开发区的土地集约利用程度直接关系到开发区的可持续发展,因而评价开发区的土地集约利用状况具有重要意义.以武汉经济技术开发区为例,从土地利用结构、土地利用布局、土地投入强度、土地产出效益和土地利用程度5个方面构建开发区土地集约利用评价指标体系,运用层次分析法和区域对比法评价武汉经济技术开发区土地集约利用状况.  相似文献   

从投入、产出、经济效益、可持续利用四个层次构建了城市土地集约利用评价指标体系,采用层次分析法,对珠三角城市土地集约利用情况进行评价分析.得出结论:珠三角城市土地集约利用程度总体水平不高,区域空间差异较大,珠三角核心区域集约度较高,外围集约度较低,并就提高珠三角城市土地集约利用提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

从辽宁沿海经济带城市土地利用现状入手,选择土地投入水平、土地利用强度、土地利用效益和土地生态利用4个方面的10个评价指标,采用2008年的统计数据,运用层次分析和专家咨询相结合的方法确定了各评价指标的权重,在对评价指标进行无量纲化处理后,利用多因素加权分值法确定城市土地利用集约度。结果表明,研究区土地集约利用程度总体水平不高,区域空间差异较大,因此应进一步加大城市土地利用的挖潜力度,科学规划、合理利用,提高城市土地利用综合效益,提升城市土地集约利用水平。  相似文献   

城市土地集约利用的影响因素及用地模式探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
区域发展、城市经济模式、城市集聚规模以及土地市场等因素对城市土地集约利用会产生很大的影响;在上述因素的影响下,产生了密集型城市用地模式和分散型城市用地模式的土地集约利用;不管哪种用地模式下的土地集约利用,都应该具有区域整体视野,采用适度的规模与合理的城市形态,注重土地的投入强度、使用强度以及利用效率,促使城市精明增长和紧凑发展。  相似文献   

石油城市经济转型过程中,土地利用处于不断变化和调整时期,采取有效措施促进城市土地集约利用至关重要.文章以黑龙江省大庆市为例,构建了大庆市转型期土地集约利用评价指标体系,综合主、客观赋权,采用多因素综合评价法,对大庆市建成区2002-2006年转型期土地集约利用水平进行定量评价.结果表明:土地投入、土地产出、土地利用效率以及土地可持续利用度对该市土地集约利用程度的影响存在一定的差异,大庆城市土地集约利用水平总体呈逐渐上升趋势,同时存在土地产出能力、土地生态以及接续产业发展的用地需求等问题,因此,应积极采取必要的措施实现城市转型期土地利用模式的根本转变.  相似文献   

成都市土地集约利用水平及影响因素   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过构建成都市土地集约利用水平综合评价体系,采用熵值法确定指标权重并运用综合评价法对近10年来成都市土地集约利用水平进行评价;在此基础上分析影响其集约利用水平的主要因素,并采用灰色关联分析法对各主要因素的影响程度进行定量化研究,结果表明:(1)1997-2006年城市土地集约利用水平不断提高.年均增长速度为1.24%,且综合分值逐年攀升;(2)各影响因素对城市土地集约利用水平的影响程度大小依次为:经济发展水平、城市规模、城市化水平、人地关系、产业结构.促进城市土地集约利用应结合地区经济发展现状与趋势,合理增加投入,改善人地关系,扩大城市规模.进一步提高经济发展水平.  相似文献   

重庆市建设用地集约利用评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建设用地集约利用水平主要体现在土地利用强度、土地利用效益、土地投入强度和土地利用可持续性等四个方面.采用综合评价模型对重庆市各区县建设用地集约利用水平进行评价,根据土地利用集约度的差异对其进行聚类分析.最后揭示了经济发展水平和区位条件是影响建设用地集约利用的重要因素.  相似文献   

四川省城市土地集约利用宏观评价研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从土地投入水平、土地利用程度和土地利用效率三个方面,构建了城市土地集约利用宏观评价的指标体系,采用熵值法,分析了四川省17个地级市、14个县级市建设用地集约利用的现状及分异特征,综合评价了四川省城市土地集约利用水平,并提出做好城市长远规划、加大建设资金投入、开展土地整理工作等建议.  相似文献   

根据土地利用现状、城市建设状况、城市功能定位以及城市所处的经济发展阶段,以廊坊市为研究对象从土地利用程度、土地投入水平、土地产出水平和土地利用可持续度等方面,选择有代表性的27个指标,构建土地集约利用评价指标体系,并采取综合评价法,对2000-2009年土地集约利用水平进行定量评价及分析.研究结果表明,在2000-2009年间,廊坊市的土地集约利用评价值在0.33~0.52之间小幅震荡上升;2000-2006年土地利用水平为0.33~0.42,处于不集约状态;2006-2009年土地利用水平上升到0.45~0.52,处于基本集约状态.  相似文献   

利用全局主成分分析法测度了2000—2016年广东省21个地级市土地集约利用水平,并通过探索性空间数据分析,从全局和局部两个维度,分析广东省土地集约利用水平空间演变特征与差异。研究表明:研究期间广东省土地集约利用水平呈稳步上升态势;区域层面,集约水平平均值:珠三角粤东粤北粤西,珠三角地区集约水平一直高于全省平均值,并拉大与其他3个地区的差距;市域层面,珠三角城市集约水平变化不尽相同,粤东粤西部分城市长期处于低集约水平。从全局看,大多数年份具有全局空间集聚现象,集聚性趋于增强;从局部看,局部空间集聚性和异质性并存,HH型城市分布在珠三角地区,由珠江口西岸转移到东岸;LL型城市分布在广东东部和西部,并且有扩散的趋势。HL型城市布局分散,LH型城市围绕珠三角高集约水平城市分布,两种类型的城市都有减少趋势。  相似文献   

The primary objective of this paper is to examine changes in the level of output, prices and exports of major export crops resulting from the Structural Adjustment Program (SAP) in Nigeria. THere two main sources of data: the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) through its annual reports, Economic and Financial Review, and the Nigerian Federal Office of Statistics (FOS) through its Trade Summaries. Although the SAP led to appreciable increases in output and producer prices, its effects on exports were insignificant. The implications of these for the implementation of the program are explored.  相似文献   

This paper aims to analyse and draw together results from similar studies in England, Switzerland and France which investigated farmers’ understanding of soil and compared it with that of scientists, researchers and advisors (collectively called scientists in this analysis). A range of methods were used across the three studies and different theoretical approaches, looking at forms of knowledge, local practice of knowledge production and conceptions of reality, were employed to explain the results. Despite the different contexts, methodologies and theoretical approaches in the three studies, the results reveal similar patterns of difference in farmer and scientist understanding of soil. In the English study, farmers demonstrate a ‘know-how’ form or intuitive working knowledge of soil while advisors rely on scientifically established forms of ‘know-why’ and seek to understand and explain soil processes. Similarly in the Swiss study farmers’ and scientists’ differing perceptions are directed and shaped by their respective aims, methods and context of work. In the French study, farmers and researchers are shown to have different conceptions of soil, they attribute different meaning to the same activities, and use different words and language to describe the same features. In all three studies understanding is shown to be cultural and contextual, as such an integrative theoretical framework is proposed.  相似文献   

森林生物多样性评价模型的改进   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对2002年的评价模型中的不足,提出了新的改进后的森林生物多样性变化的评价模型,并在我国第六次森林资源清查(1999~2003)资料的基础上,对1973~2003年我国森林生物多样性的变化进行了补充评价。评价结果表明:我国森林生物多样性的压力越来越大,压力指数由1973年的100,上升到2003年的199.10,上升了1.99倍;森林物种多样性总体的下降趋势已有一定幅度的改变,森林物种多样性指数增加了31.12%。森林生态系统多样性和森林生物多样性先逐渐上升,尔后又下降,第六次森林资源清查时又有所恢复,并分别上升了4.67个百分点和17.90个百分点。  相似文献   


In this paper, two approaches which are characteristic for Research & Development and Marketing departments are compared. First, R&D versus Marketing orientations are explained, then the major differences between them are presented. The integration of both approaches may improve competitive advantage of the food industry. Factors stimulating such integration are presented on the basis of data from real business circumstances. Innovation is regarded as a major source of competitive advantage of company. Therefore, integration in sensory methodology, that is commonly but differently used by R & D and Marketing departments, may contribute to the improvement of innovation practices and successful business performance. Finally, the role of consumer tests, oriented for marketing and product development, is illustrated.  相似文献   

Although trust research has been extensive and substantial, the constitution and actual merits of trust in land use planning remain nebulous. What do participants of a local land use planning process actually mean when they say they trust the planning committee? How important is participants’ trust in the planning committee in shaping their perceptions of the planning process and their cooperation in it? To explore the everyday meaning of trust in the specific context of local land use planning, semi-structured interviews with the participants of a local planning project in Switzerland were conducted (n = 9). Based on these results, the constitution and the relevance of trust in the responsible planning committee among a wider circle of participants were assessed (n = 66). The results show that participants trust the planning committee if they perceive its members as competent, honest, open, fair, reliable, reciprocating, respectful and committed. Interestingly, a considerable part of trust in the planning committee hinges explicitly on whether the committee incorporates the personal interests of the participant. Trust is indeed vital to participants’ belief that a meaningful discussion and cooperation with the members of the planning committee is possible. However, trust is neither a guarantee for people's approval of planning decisions nor for their cooperation. One implication of the findings is that in order to evaluate trust-building practice comprehensively, it is necessary to first understand the specific everyday meaning of trust for ‘real people’ in real planning processes.  相似文献   

天津市地矿局注重加快转变经济发展方式,发挥地质工作优势,推进低碳清洁能源的开发利用创新和技术进步,紧紧依托地质工作的人才、技术和行业优势,加大清洁环保资源的勘查、研究、开发、利用。针对天津市水资源缺乏的情况,积极加强后备和应紧水源勘查。按照“两种资源,两个市场”的思路,通过实施中外合作勘查项目,以境外勘查工作为载体和平台,实施引进来和走出去战略,为天津市经济社会发展提供地质技术支撑。  相似文献   

Since the late 1980s, markets involving agricultural land have emerged in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. One major reason is that collective farms, previously a central feature of the country's political economy, ended. And a major reason for that was villagers' everyday politics gnawed the underpinnings of the collectives until they collapsed. Rural households, for the most part, wanted to farm separately. Today they do. Land is not privatized, however. Farming households have land use rights, not ownership. This tempers markets, as do other conditions arising from contending schools of thought in Vietnam about how land should be used, distributed and regulated.  相似文献   

This project was initiated to promote conservation agriculture (CA) in Tanzania so as to improve the food security and rural livelihood of small- and medium-scale farmers through the scaling-up of CA as a sustainable land management (SLM) tool as well as increasing the numbers of SLM-CA farmer field schools (FFS) in communities. The project had two phases from 2004 to 2010. It was funded by a Government of Germany trust fund and implemented by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Ministry of Agriculture in Tanzania. The project pilot districts include Arumeru (Arusha and Meru Councils), Karatu, Babati, Hanang and Moshi districts. CA has been shown to offer positive elements that could contribute to fighting hunger and poverty.  相似文献   

The paper proposes a materialist–utopian perspective for explaining the persistence of community in the Andes by drawing upon Lacanian theory and the thought of the Peruvian Marxist José Carlos Mariátegui. What characterizes the Andean comunidad are not notions of belonging and identity, but the existence of a fundamental antagonism (what I call the ‘Real of community’). The argument unfolds ethnographically. Usibamba, a peasant comunidad in the central Peruvian Andes, is known as a highly egalitarian and disciplined comunidad. However, a disjunction exists between deep‐seated aspirations of justice and egalitarianism and the particularistic interests of families and individuals. This disjunction manifests itself in a contradictory, schizophrenic regime of discipline and negotiation that produces ‘split subjects’. Desiring development and the staging of theatrical performances of egalitarianism enables Usibambinos to deal with this disjunction and to present an image of unity and determination. I conclude that the comunidad persists through ‘impossible political acts’ brought about by a residual but growing category of landless comuneros who constitute ‘the part of no part’, the uncounted or unnamed.  相似文献   

边缘旅游地开发研究——以赤峰市为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
边缘旅游地正逐渐成为旅游发展研究的热点之一;在阐述边缘旅地形成机理的基础上,分析了赤峰市旅游业边缘化的原因及表现;对边缘旅游地赤峰市的旅游业开发进行可行性分析,提出摆脱旅游业边缘化的对策和措施,强调必须紧紧依托周边京津冀辽等核心旅游地,注重区域间的优势互补,借助周围核心旅游地的优势扩大赤峰市的旅游市场,在边缘地树立大旅游观念,同时依据赤峰市自身的资源优势不断开发特色旅游产品、打造品牌,积极培养优秀的旅游人才。  相似文献   

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