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利用江苏省2005—2017年的面板数据,研究水污染、环境规制与高质量经济发展之间的关系。首先采用熵权法构建高质量经济发展评价体系;其次采用SYS-GMM法构建基准回归模型;接着以水污染为门槛变量,研究水污染不同程度下,水环境规制对经济发展的效应;最后,从苏南、苏中、苏北3个区域出发研究水环境污染的空间异质性。研究结果表明:水污染对经济发展质量产生负向效应。江苏省的水环境规制总体上看对经济发展质量产生制约作用。随着水污染程度的加重,环境规制对经济发展质量的抑制作用将逐渐减弱。江苏省三大区域的水污染、环境规制对经济发展质量的影响具有空间异质性。  相似文献   

根据密云水库一级保护区内河流、水文、污染物特征,采用输出系数法模型进行研究区非点源污染负荷估算,并以COD、氨氮和总磷为控制因子,建立一维河流水质模型,定量计算研究区水环境容量,在此基础上,对研究区水环境剩余容量及污染排放削减量进行分配。结果表明:研究区非点源污染负荷输出总值分别COD433.84t/a、氨氮47.14t/a和总磷40.75t/a,4种非点源污染类型中畜禽养殖的COD、氨氮和总磷分别占各项总污染负荷的78.6%、60%、87.1%,成为保护区内主要的污染来源,水土流失污染、农村生活污水依次之,民俗旅游的污染负荷贡献率最低;污染源类型中,生活和民俗旅游污水则主要造成COD污染,而水土流失主要引起氨氮和总磷污染。保护区内COD、氨氮和总磷的水环境容量分别为3 170.36t/a、128.20t/a、25.27t/a,相较于污染负荷,水环境容量偏小。其中,总磷的污染风险最大,其环境剩余容量达到负值,应对其进行总量15.48t/a的削减。秉承公平和效益原则,总磷排放量削减分配中,畜禽养殖、生活污水、民俗旅游、水土流失各污染源的削减比例分别为44.26%、10.83%、40.90%、6.15%;氨氮的水环境剩余容量分配中,畜牧养殖的分配量最小、分配比例最低(14.16t、49.85%);畜牧养殖成为研究区内重点削减和控制的污染源。基于非点源污染的水环境容量计算及其分配研究可为保护区水环境控制管理与污染防治提供科学依据与决策支持。对加强密云水库饮水源保护,控制上游污染源,保证水质安全,确保北京市民人体健康和经济发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Land managers in upper catchments are being asked to make expensive changes in land use, such as by planting trees, to attain environmental service targets, including reduced salt loads in rivers, to meet needs of downstream towns, farms and natural habitats. End‐of‐valley targets for salt loads have sometimes been set without a quantitative model of cause and effect regarding impacts on water yields, economic efficiency or distribution of costs and benefits among stakeholders. This paper presents a method for calculating a ‘menu’ of technically feasible options for changes from current to future mean water yields and salt loads from upstream catchments having local groundwater flow systems, and the land‐use changes to attain each of these options at minimum cost. It sets the economic stage for upstream landholders to negotiate with downstream parties future water‐yield and salt‐load targets, on the basis of what it will cost to supply these ecosystem services.  相似文献   

佛山水道汾江河污染情况调查与整治对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对2003~2006年佛山水道汾江河水质污染现状调查以及污染源调查,结果表明,汾江河水质污染以有机污染为主,水质劣于国家地表水环境质量Ⅴ类标准,点污染源和面污染源是造成汾江河水质污染的主要原因;提出了相应的整治对策。  相似文献   

In the Genil River Basin (southern Spain), agriculture is the greatest pressure on freshwater demand. Furthermore, water degradation caused by soil erosion is becoming a key environmental concern. This study aims to assess the water-related impacts of agriculture combining the use of an ecohydrological model (SWAT) with a spatiotemporal water footprint assessment to evaluate the current status of streamflow (blue water), soil water (green water) and the assimilability of sediments by streamflow (grey water footprint). The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) requires farmers to adopt certain agricultural practices that are beneficial for the environment. Such practices could affect the conditions of available land and water resources. Because of the importance of applying the best land management practices for the maintenance of sustainable water resources, the study also infers probable water availability and water pollution level changes under different post-2013 CAP scenarios. The Genil streamflow is highly regulated, and, as a result, it is hard to discern significant changes (p < 0.05) under the proposed scenarios. However, there is a shift with afforestation measures from unproductive (i.e., direct soil evaporation) to productive water (i.e., evapotranspired water from agricultural and natural areas, excluding non-growing periods) consumption. The probability of annual evapotranspiration from natural areas being greater in afforestation scenarios than in the baseline scenario is 0.70 to 0.88, whereas the likelihood of soil water evaporation being lower is 0.60. Evapotranspiration in natural areas increases by about 521% from September to May under afforestation measures compared with the baseline scenario, whereas soil water evaporation decreases by 30% in winter. The grey water footprint and water pollution level decrease by 19% and 9%, respectively, with the highest streamflow conditions under afforestation as opposed to current conditions. However, water pollution levels of suspended solids greater than 1 indicate that the river flow is not capable of assimilating the existing sediment loads. Since land use changes and agricultural practices have a major impact on water resources, the post-2013 CAP reform can provide environmental benefits for water allocation and mitigation of water pollution. However, further efforts are required to better align the policy goals of the CAP and the Water Framework Directive.  相似文献   

Taiwan has abundant biological resources that provide a quality living environment; however, industrial land use may change that environment through urban sprawl and thus have impacts on rural society. This study examined the experience of a Taiwanese rural region that has been exposed to industrial wastewater discharge specifying the relationship of industrial development to rural society and its role in policy. We addressed the societal adaptation to environmental degradation from risk perception perspectives about land use. Drawing on social vulnerability concept, semi-structured interviews were conducted in five communities that use irrigation water exposed to wastewater discharge. The interviews were designed using the Driver-Pressure-State-Impact-Response (DPSIR) causal framework to examine residents’ risk perceptions highlighting both built-environmental sensitivity (degradation) and residents’ adaptability (capacity). In addition, remote sensing technology was used to identify the urban sprawl that led to industrial land use and exposed the rural region to water pollution risks. As a result, we present a social resilience cycle to introduce adaptive responses underlining social amplification of risk. Both local knowledge of the locals (the Hakka people) and their societal response to environmental change reflect the role of culture in influencing land use policy. It is underlined that individual and community responses shape the social experience of risk and are related to both the ethnicity of the locals and the land use policy of the government. We indicated further that a large-scale survey that would really quantity this exploratory study to support land use decision-making is expected.  相似文献   

基于面板数据的中国区域水环境污染EKC分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为深入探讨环境指标选择对库兹涅茨曲线(EKC)的影响,利用对数多项式函数,通过改变具体水环境污染指标,分别采用工业废水排放量、工业废水排放当量以及提出污染感知度等环境指标与人均GDP进行模型拟合。研究发现,环境指标越能反映真实水环境污染情况,拟合结果越符合EKC规律,中国的水环境污染和人均GDP的关系在统计上符合EKC规律。探讨水资源丰富程度和经济发达程度对EKC的影响。水资源匮乏的省份,水环境质量与经济增长符合EKC规律。经济发达的省份,水环境持续恶化的趋势全部得到扭转,经济落后的省份表现不一,部分省份的水环境污染依然在加剧。  相似文献   

The relationship between land use and surface water resources in the UK   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Land use and water resources are inextricably entwined. The need to protect the quantity and quality of water resources can impact potential land uses and land management practices, while water availability is a pre-requisite for land uses requiring irrigation. Land use and land management changes impact on water resources for example through changes in catchment yields, infiltration rates, dissolved organic carbon and nutrient transfers. While there is no absolute shortage of water resources across the UK as a whole, spatial and temporal variations already result in water stress across much of the south and east of England during dry summers. In the future, water stress is expected to become more widespread in response to population growth, increasing environmental protection and climate change. Surface water quality is reported to be improving at present, though there are doubts as to the adequacy of the monitoring coverage. Climate change is likely to adversely affect surface water quality, with less dilution in summer and more extreme rainfalls in winter leading to increased erosion and pollution. To conserve usable water resources, land uses which increase evapotranspiration or rapid runoff should be discouraged, particularly in the south and east, and there need to be continuing efforts to maintain good chemical water quality in rivers and groundwater. Water resource constraints will limit opportunities to use irrigation as a counter to climate change, and will influence where irrigated production can be located.  相似文献   

洞庭湖水环境健康风险评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为研究洞庭湖水环境污染对人体健康产生的危害风险,根据2009-2011年洞庭湖水质监测数据,采用美国环境保护署(USEPA)推荐的水环境健康风险评价模型,对洞庭湖通过饮用水途径引起的水环境健康风险进行了评价。结果表明:由毒性物质所致健康危害的个人年总风险在1.37×10-5~3.06×10-5/a之间,平均为1.84×10-5/a,低于美国环境保护署(USEPA)推荐的最大可接受风险水平1×10-4/a。毒性物质总健康风险主要来自As,水环境健康风险表现为东洞庭湖、南洞庭湖>西洞庭湖的空间分布特征和丰水期>枯水期>平水期的水期变化特征。水环境健康风险污染物As主要来源于湘江,因此,加强湘江流域重金属,特别是As的污染治理是降低洞庭湖水环境健康风险的有效途径。  相似文献   

The Rio Mannu River Basin (Sardinia, Italy) is undergoing a process of agricultural intensification. Like many Mediterranean areas, this basin is characterized by water shortages and diffuse pollution from agricultural sources. Hence the objective of this study was to develop possible land use and land management scenarios that could constitute an alternative to the current watershed management. Several land use and land management scenarios were formulated and analyzed with local stakeholders, and two were selected and simulated as realistic in consideration of the socio-economical aspects of the study area. Scenario 1 involves agricultural practices that include a reduction in fertilizer use to meet the Water Framework Directive requirements for “good” status of water bodies. Scenario 2 introduces rapeseed cultivation, replacing durum wheat in a small area, to investigate the impact of biofuel plant cultivation on water quality. Each option was assessed by considering the effects on water quality, crop yields and economic benefits. The Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model was applied to simulate hydrological processes and evaluate current and future nutrient loads. This model requires adequate streamflow data for calibration and validation. However, as is the case for many Mediterranean basins, insufficient data were available. Therefore, a methodology was developed and tested to calibrate hydrological processes based on the transposition of a parameter set from a gauged catchment located in the same region. This study suggests that a sound use of fertilizers could substantially reduce the amount of nutrients flowing into surface waters, although the effects of such a policy on crop yield and farm income would be negative in some cases. Moreover, the results clearly predict that the replacement of durum wheat with rapeseed (a biofuel crop), could offer a margin of profit, but would have a negative impact on water quality due to increased nutrient losses. Consequently, this option is unsuitable for this area. Furthermore, it can be inferred from these results that the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources may have a negative impact on the objectives of the EU Water Framework Directive. Clearly, this process needs to be regulated, taking into account environmental and socio-economical aspects.  相似文献   

随着我国经济社会的快速发展,水环境污染问题日益严重,随之而来的环境污染损害赔偿纠纷和公益性诉讼不断增多。因此,急需进一步完善与之相适应的损害赔偿方法。基于对水环境污染损害赔偿研究的系统总结,从制度和方法两方面概括水环境污染损害赔偿的研究现状,分析在该研究领域存在的问题。在此基础上,基于水环境污染损害过程,设计一套应对水环境污染损害的赔偿实施方案,包括水环境污染损害风险预防、水环境污染事件发现与定位、水环境主要污染物识别、水环境污染损失分析与计算、水环境污染善后赔偿与处罚。最后,针对不同水环境污染损害类型,提出具有普适性的水环境污染损害赔偿计算方法,以期为我国水环境污染损坏赔偿公益性诉讼和法律评判工作提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

程欣 《水利经济》2018,36(6):48-52
以城市自来水水质事故致因为研究视角,首先识别供水水质风险因素,并从单、双及多因素角度分析供水水质风险因素间的耦合关系,再借助N-K模型对2008—2017年全国所发生的362起城市重大供水水质风险耦合度进行度量。结果表明:城市自来水供应动态系统中,水质风险率随着参与耦合的风险因素的增多而增加;管理因素风险是水质风险的内因,风险管控是规避水质风险的关键;环境因素风险对水质事故的发生起推动作用。  相似文献   

Delivery coefficients have long been used in economic analysis of policies that seek to address environmental problems like water pollution. However, the derivation and validity of delivery coefficients have not been examined carefully by empirical analyses. We derived estimates of delivery coefficients and then evaluated them as a bridge between complex simulation models and economic policies like water quality trading. We found that the allocations achieved outcomes that differed from intended water quality targets by less than 10% in most cases. For the least-cost allocation with heterogeneous costs, cost savings significantly outweighed deviations from water quality targets.  相似文献   

Land consolidation is an effective technique in land management that contributes to sustainable rural development. Land valuation is one of the most important steps in land consolidation because it plays an important role in the reallocation process. Land valuation is also an important problem in Turkey as in many countries in the world. Because the lands will be reallocated at the end of the consolidation process, it is very important to determine the precise value of each parcel. However, the methods used in land valuation in many countries lag behind current techniques and technologies. For this reason, a new method for land valuation is needed. The purpose of this study was to develop a new model based on multi-criteria calculations that is suitable for today's technologies and addresses the weakness in the current land valuation methods. In a case study of Solak, Antalya, Turkey, we identified fourteen key land value factors. Those factors were assigned weights by the Land Valuation Committee, academic staff, engineers, and local landowners. The weights were then integrated into a framework called the Land Quality Index. The land quality index factors are the criteria for evaluating the geographical, physical, and socio-economic structure of the region. The scores for each factor on each parcel were determined using GIS software. The total score of fourteen factors was then converted to a 100-point scale, that comprised the Land Quality Index. The land value of each parcel was determined by adding the soil index to the Land Quality Index. In our study, we also created three different models to investigate how the parameters were apportioned during the land valuation. We found that, while the current method used by the government agency (General Directorate of State Hydraulic Works) classified the lands into five groups, our methods classified the lands into 17, 20, 24 groups, respectively. In addition, while the deduction rate was 4.97 % in the current method, they were 4.89 %, 4.86 % and 4.85 % in our new models, respectively. The method we proposed in this study determined land values more accurately, precisely, and fairly compared to current method used by General Directorate of State Hydraulic Works. It is suggested that our models could be used instead of the current method in the land consolidation works in Turkey.  相似文献   

Performance-based programs governing land use rely on environmental measurement, prediction, and assessment. Yet complex, nonlinear social and environmental change can lead to uncertainties in quantification and forecasting and create challenges for operationalizing programs. This research examines the roles that environmental monitoring and modeling uncertainty play in experimental land and water governance through an analysis of a regulatory water quality program in Wisconsin, USA. The case demonstrates how uncertainties in measurement and prediction of pollution runoff shape program design and participant perceptions. We draw on interviews, a survey, participant observation, and policy document analysis to illustrate how regulators and participants (including municipalities, sewerage treatment plants, farmers and nonprofit organizations) perceive and react to uncertainty. Because current and future water quality data are based largely on model estimates, but regulatory compliance will likely be based on measured in-stream outcomes, participants must evaluate potential risks of involvement. Stakeholders have relied on partnership building and legal modifications such as extended compliance timelines to reduce the risks associated with uncertainty. Experimentation under uncertainty led to sustained stakeholder dialogue, and an iterative process of deciding how monitoring and modeling should be used to track and prove program progress.  相似文献   

高水敏感性行业不仅导致水污染严重,而且对水资源的依赖超过其他行业。以2015—2020年高水敏感性行业的A股上市公司为样本,实证分析冗余资源与环保投资的内在关系,结果表明:冗余资源与企业环保投资之间存在显著的倒“U”型关系,适度冗余资源提升企业环保投资水平,过多冗余资源则降低企业环保投资水平。此外,管理层过度自信会弱化冗余资源与企业环保投资之间的倒“U”型关系。  相似文献   

我国土壤动物环境指示功能研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
土壤动物与环境有着密切的关系,它可以作为标志环境质量的指示因子,反映环境质量状况,土壤动物的种类、数量、生物量、组成结构等均可作为指示因子反映环境特征.国内许多研究者对土壤动物与环境的关系进行探讨,主要是围绕土壤环境质量、植被状况、污染物等方面.研究表明:通常情况下,土壤动物的种类、数量与土壤营养物质含量呈正相关,在一...  相似文献   

基于2008—2017年长江经济带9省2市的面板数据,运用脱钩-PVAR两阶段模型对新型城镇化、产业结构升级与水污染关系的演变趋势和影响机制进行分析。研究发现:水污染与新型城镇化、产业结构升级的关系皆呈现扩张负脱钩—强脱钩的演变趋势,说明长江经济带城镇化与工业化经历了先污染后治理的阶段,但最终实现了经济发展与水污染状况改善的双重目标。脉冲响应与方差分解的结果表明,现阶段新型城镇化的水污染治理效应并不明显,水污染与产业结构升级之间存在着明显的负向关系,且前者对后者的解释作用较强。分别对长江经济带的上、中、下游进行方差分解,发现各变量间的相互影响程度存在明显的区域差异,制定水污染防治政策时不可一概而论。  相似文献   

Groundwater has three major roles in our environment: providing the baseflow that keeps most rivers flowing all year long, maintaining good river water quality by diluting sewage and other effluents, and as an excellent source of water supply, providing over 75 per cent of the potable supply in some regions. Groundwater is intimately connected with the landscape and land use that it underlies, and most of the landscape and is vulnerable to the anthropogenic activities on the land surface above. Land use affects groundwater resources through changes in recharge and by changing demands for water. Inappropriate land use, particularly poor land management, causes chronic groundwater quality problems. Acute groundwater quality problems are common and arise from unsuitable land use and control, notably through point sources of hazardous chemicals. Current land use instruments have only been designed to address quality issues in groundwater and do not consider recharge. These instruments have been largely ineffective in protecting groundwater from diffuse pollution for several reasons including fragmentation, their general absence of teeth, and their lack of integration into the land use planning system. This paper argues for a more radical approach which would zone land according to its overall vulnerability and resilience to anthropogenic and climatic influence in order to sustainably support the ecosystem services it can deliver. Land use would be matched with the vulnerability of the soil, with geology and water, and with the whole ecosystem. The Water Framework Directive offers a mechanism to do this, but there is no evidence of enough political will to tackle the long-term conflicts between land use and groundwater.  相似文献   

The Special Issue (SI) “Environmental Risk Mitigation for Sustainable Land Use Development” presents seventeen interrelated papers addressing the key concept of environmental risk mitigation and sustainable land use development. The issue argues that risk mitigation depends directly on the risk assessment analysis and the quality of applied measures. Therefore, the more precise are risk assessment conclusions, the better the risk mitigation measures would be. This collection of papers follows the vision of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015–2030 (Sendai Framework) which states that the integration of sustainable development objectives into disaster risk mitigation and adaptation at all levels and at all stages of policy action are of paramount importance for the sustainability of our communities. The final purpose of the issue is to address the mutual roles of land use policy on environmental risk mitigation and adaptation, especially disaster risks.  相似文献   

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