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赋权是公共服务市场化改革的必然选择,但是,过度市场化的混乱也带来了对赋权市场的深度反思。赋权的合理性主要考察公共部门的制度适切性、操作规范性、能力有效性三个要素。赋权合理性与公共部门的合法性风险存在逻辑关联。合法性风险模型显示,不当赋权可能诱致公共权力腐化、治理能力弱化、公共责任淡化、服务质量下降、公共安全失序等风险。加强赋权管理,依赖有效的制度工具、战略工具和价值工具是公共部门规避合法性风险的理性选择。  相似文献   

R&D作为整个科技活动的核心,受到越来越多的关注,本文在对我国研发机构与高等学校的R&D水产课题进行比较的基础上,提出在研发机构和高等学校开展水产课题的若干建议,以便对水产科技资源进行有效整合。  相似文献   

Rapid structural change is now a major feature of several Southeast Asian economies. It generally involves greatly expanded exports of certain commodities and manufactures accompanied by a large growth in services, and poses serious difficulties for traditional labour-intensive sectors. One important sector affected in this way is that producing natural rubber in Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand. The difficulties mentioned occur through both “resource pull” effects - which are especially important in raising real wages, and “spending” effects - which tend to lead to an appreciation of the real exchange rate. These effects, and the problems arising from them, are examined and compared for each of the rubber sectors above. While changes of this nature call for diminution in the size of traditional sectors, there is also a need to improve economic efficiency, notably by adopting new technology more appropriate to the emerging resource price configuration, and by moving to an agriculture where off-farm employment and other linkages are increasingly significant. Such adjustment may be both helped and constrained by institutional factors and official policies, which accordingly require careful review. These crucial policy issues, and the degree to which necessary adjustments have been made, are investigated for the rather different contexts in each of the three natural rubber-producing countries. The analysis is thought to have wider relevance for other developing countries with traditional agricultural sectors.  相似文献   

This paper reports the findings of a study whose objectives were to compare and contrast the public and private sectors in Asia in terms of their (1) estimated level of investment in maize breeding research; (2) germplasm outputs; and (3) nature and extent of roles played in the maize seed industry. Since the 1960s, yield gains, rather than area expansion, have fuelled increases in maize production in Asia. Yield gains, in turn, have been due to the shift in maize cultivation from mostly open‐pollinated varieties (OPVs) to mostly hybrids. This transition also shifted the locus of modern maize breeding research from government research organisations to private national and multinational seed companies. In countries where both the public and private sectors participated in maize research, private sector research investment far exceeded that of the public sector. With more aggressive marketing programmes, the private sector captured 89% of the Asian maize seed market in the late 1990s. National public seed research agencies (including universities and cooperatives) developed and produced more maize OPVs than hybrids, mass‐produced and distributed seed cheaply, addressed location‐specific production problems, and provided agricultural extension services. The private seed companies developed, produced, sold and promoted their own proprietary hybrids. The reluctance of the private sector, however, to address the needs of marginal maize farmers should encourage the public sector to continue playing an active role in maize research and development (R&D), seed production and modern maize technology dissemination, especially with adequate support from appropriate government policies.  相似文献   


Sudan's agricultural sector is characterized by division into three structurally and institutionally distinct sub‐sectors. This paper discusses the likely impact of exchange rate reform on the structure of incentives, relative competitiveness and food self‐sufficiency, both intersectorally and intrasectorally. Employing domestic resource cost analysis and a simple framework for calculating expected net revenue for staple foodgrain, results indicate that policy reforms, particularly devaluation, appear to have affected the various sub‐sectors differently, and overall devaluation has met inadequately the challenge of sustaining a viable agriculture. The pursuit of food self‐sufficiency strategy may be explained in terms of expected net revenues and risk aversion; both are largely related to policy reforms and efficiency of the marketing system.  相似文献   

Using Papua New Guinea as a case study, this paper investigates the macroeconomic and sectoral impacts of various developments in its agricultural and resource sector. It was found that commodity booms from 2004 to 2009 and the proposed large liquefied natural gas project increase output growth substantially but with Dutch disease consequences. The output expansion of the agricultural and fishery sectors on the other hand has limited positive impacts and the challenge lies in raising the productivity growth in these sectors and the better use of foreign aid. Lastly, the optimal policy strategy for sustainable development in the agricultural, fishery and resource sectors lies in the packaging of appropriate complementary policies (both institutional and economic) that support one another and the coherent implementation of these policies in a timely manner.  相似文献   

经济发达地区用地需求与土地供给之间的矛盾日益尖锐,因此必须深入研究在工业化、城镇化过程中如何有效地集约利用数量有限的土地资源。城镇化的实质是劳动力流、资本流、信息流、就业流和资源流等从农业向非农产业、从农村向城镇的转移。南通市的实践表明,产业聚集和村镇居民点聚集不仅有利于推动城镇化进程,而且通过提高土地集约利用水平,可为缓解用地矛盾找到一个突破口。  相似文献   

Ecosystem services (ES) research has rapidly gained momentum in environmental policy and practice. However, qualitative socio-cultural approaches are still limited, and therefore, ES important for people, are currently not commonly captured. We performed 34 face-to-face semi-structured interviews to describe stakeholders' appreciation of ES from dehesa landscapes in northern Extremadura, Spain. A total of 45 ES were mentioned, and compared among different sectors and levels of governance. At the local level, people appreciated especially provisioning and cultural services. In contrast, regional level respondents showed more appreciation for regulating and supporting services, which included biodiversity conservation and climate regulation. Private and public sector respondents appreciated provisioning services more, whereas the civil sector mentioned supporting and regulating services more. For instance, water regulation was only mentioned by civil and public sector respondents, while genetic resource preservation was only expressed by the private sector. All sectors noted cultural services as key ES. We discuss most mentioned ES by respondents, the co-production nature of ES in wood-pastures, as well as cultural services as key ES of dehesas in coupled social-ecological systems. We conclude with policy recommendations drawn from the insights of this study.  相似文献   


This article looks at the impact of violent crime on FDI into Latin America and the Caribbean during the 1996–2010 period. FDI is disaggregated into primary, secondary and tertiary sectors and three variables related to violent crime are used: homicides, crime victimization and organized crime. Controlling for institutions and the traditional determinants of FDI, we find that the impact of crime on FDI depends on the sector and types of crime considered. Higher homicide rates are associated with less FDI in the secondary sector while organized crime reduces tertiary sector FDI. Crime victimization has a robust significant negative impact on the tertiary sector and in some estimations of the secondary sector. Crime has no impact on primary sector FDI. Our study highlights the need to continue efforts to decrease crime as we show in our analysis that crime has a negative effect on FDI in the secondary and tertiary sector.  相似文献   

This paper examines evidence of the effects of economic liberalization and globalization on rural resource degradation in developing countries. The principal resource effects of concern are processes of land use change leading to forestland conversion, degradation and deforestation. The main trends in globalization of interest are trade liberalization and economy-wide reforms in developing countries that have 'opened up' the agroindustrial sectors, thus increasing their export-orientation. Such reforms have clearly spurred agroindustrialization, rural development and economic growth, but there is also concern that there may be direct and indirect impacts on rural resource degradation. The direct impacts may occur as increased agricultural activity leads to conversion of forests and increased land degradation from 'unsustainable' production methods. However, there may also be indirect effects if agroindustrial development displaces landless, near-landless and rural poor generally, who then migrate to marginal agricultural lands and forest frontier regions. This paper explores these direct and indirect effects of globalization and agroindustrialization on rural resource degradation both generally, plus through examining case study evidence. The paper focuses in particular on the examples of structural adjustment, trade liberalization and agricultural development in Ghana, and maize sector liberalization in Mexico under North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).  相似文献   

Using first-hand data from the 2009 Employment and Informal Sector Survey (EESIC) in the two largest cities of the Republic of Congo, Brazzaville and Pointe-Noire, we analyze the impact of education on labour market outcomes, and identify the segments where education pays off the most. Multivariate analyses of the risk of unemployment and sectoral choice indicate that young people face serious difficulties in the labour market: for most of them, their only choice is to remain unemployed or to join the informal sector. To measure the specific impact of schooling on earnings, we address issues related to sample selection and endogeneity of education in the earnings function. The results shed light on heterogeneity in the returns to schooling across the two main cities and institutional sectors. An important finding is that the informal sector does not systematically lag behind the formal sectors in terms of returns to education. We emphasize convex returns to education, meaning that the last years in secondary and tertiary schooling yield the highest returns, while those of primary education are generally lower. This convexity is also apparent in the informal sector, where education (albeit on another scale) again appears as an important determinant of earnings.  相似文献   

This paper describes the economic policies that have transformed the pastoral sector in post-socialist Mongolia, and their impact on pastoral land use. These policies reflect the influence of development economists from the Asian Development Bank who have been advising the Mongolian government, and their conviction that exclusive private rights to land are a necessary precondition of an efficient rural market economy. These assumptions stand in marked contrast to indigenous Mongolian conceptions of rights over land, and the policy debate reflects the contested nature of knowledge of the Mongolian environment. However, far from preventing damage to the resource base, evidence suggests that these policies of land allocations may actually be exacerbating problems of pasture degradation. This paper argues that policies of this kind reveal a misunderstanding of the nature of Mongolian pastoralism and the conditions that have made it viable in the past. Although international development agencies lionize a romanticized notion of Mongolian “traditions” as reflecting a “respect for nature”, there is little appreciation of the actual institutions that successfully conducted pastoralism until recently, the concrete embodiment of Mongolian pastoral knowledge. Environmentalist agendas reflect a familiar western interest in promoting western conservationist ideology and establishing and expanding protected areas to harbour wildlife and biodiversity. Mongolian practices tend to be cast as “traditions” to be utilized for the greater goal of conservation as conceived of in western terms, rather than seen as part of wider social and political institutions of land use.  相似文献   

[目的]农业科技资源配置效率的高低在一定程度上决定着农业科技系统的运行效率,而农业科技系统的运行效率状况对提高农业科技资源的高效利用、增强农业科技创新能力、加快促进农业现代化进程有着重要的影响。文章基于2009年第二次全国RD资源清查数据,对政府部门属农业科研机构的配置效率进行测算,并分析其规模报酬以便为相关决策部门提供参考。[方法]通过构建农业科技资源配置效率评价的投入产出指标体系,选取包含科技人员、科技经费及科技成果在内的6个投入产出指标,运用数据包络分析方法 (DEA)中的超效率模型测算全国32个省份政府部门属自然科学和技术领域研究机构(含直辖市)的综合效率、纯技术效率、规模效率。[结果]全国农业科研机构科技资源技术效率平均值为0.581,科技运行效率还有较大的提升空间。按机构学科领域分,水产学学科的效率值最高(TE Score=2.867 9);按机构服务的国民经济行业分,渔业的效率值最高(TE Score=1.901 1)。各省(市、区)农、林、牧、渔业农业科研机构的综合运行效率值大于1的有天津、吉林、贵州、宁夏、北京、辽宁。规模效率的平均值是0.686,规模收益递减的省(市、区)占87%。[结论]DEA非效率地区所占比例较大,技术效率低于全国平均值的地区占56%,地区规模效率的提升可以依靠加大科研投入来实现。农业科技资源配置的结构需要进行调整,在合理调控种植业科研机构的发展规模的同时优化其科技人员结构。通过开展农业科技计划绩效评价、组建农业科技创新联盟来促进农业科技协同创新。同时应根据农业科研机构的不同类型提出相应的管理措施,以便实现分类指导和科学管理。  相似文献   


Estimation of research production functions has produced rich and useful results for developed countries in the past. This paper makes a pioneering attempt to estimate the same in the context of a less-developed country (LDC) (India). The objective is to examine the process of technology generation and learning in Indian industry. The existing literature recognizes two principal characteristics of technological activities in LDCs. First, their R&D effort is geared towards "minor" as opposed to "major" innovations. Second, technological learning constitutes an integral part of their research thrust. This paper attempts to capture these characteristics in a rigorous econometric framework by estimating a comprehensive research production function incorporating the role of learning. We use Indian firm-level in-house R&D data for two sectors: pharmaceuticals and electronics. Our study not only captures the role of learning in determining research effort and research output, but also re-examines some of the existing hypotheses relating to the effects of firm size, technology import and ownership. We find that the two sectors display two distinct learning trajectories, but in both cases learning proves to be crucially important in technology generation.  相似文献   

New discoveries in life sciences and the challenge of climate change are leading to the emergence of the bioeconomy where basic methods of advanced biology are applied to produce a wide array of products while also improving environmental quality. The emergence of the bioeconomy is a continuing evolutionary process of transition from systems of mining nonrenewable resources to farming renewable ones. This transition benefits from the modern tools of molecular biology that have expanded the human capacity to breed new organisms and utilize them to increase productivity in agriculture and fisheries as well as produce a wide array of products that were extracted in the past. This transition is leading to the integration of the agricultural sector with the energy and mineral sectors. The introduction of biotechnology has already improved the productivity of medicine as well as agriculture but, in the case of agriculture, has encountered resistance and regulatory constraints. The evolution of the bioeconomy requires continuous public investment in research and innovation as well as the establishment of a regulatory framework and financial incentives and institutions that would lead to continuous private sector investment in the development and commercialization of new products. One of the biggest challenges is the development of a regulatory framework that would control possible human and environmental externalities from new biotechnology products and, at the same time, not stifle innovation.  相似文献   

目的 农作物秸秆还田是实现农业废弃物资源化利用的重要举措,厘清我国秸秆还田领域的研究脉络与变迁,把握研究现状与热点,探析研究前沿与趋势,为秸秆还田的实践提供重要理论指导。方法 文章基于CiteSpace可视化软件,定量分析中国知网(CNKI)数据库1998—2020年1 677篇“秸秆还田”研究文献。结果 农作物秸秆还田领域研究经历缓慢发展、井喷增长、波动攀升3个阶段,聚焦还田秸秆腐解与培肥地力、秸秆还田农作物营养与种植技术等五大热点;高产作者以宁堂原等为代表,呈单线或团队合作;发文机构以科研院所和农业类高等院校为主,科研院所研究成果卓越,农业类高等院校更具研究潜力,机构多方合作不紧密;突现词预示土壤结构修复与土质改良等秸秆还田潜力以及土壤监测与治理为研究趋势。结论 未来,秸秆还田研究覆盖面要突破传统局限,拓展多种作物的还田理论与实证研究;秸秆还田应因地制宜,以地域单元的还田系统为研究重点;加强研究内容可行性和持续性,农作物秸秆还田不仅要“好用”,更需“有用”。  相似文献   

The principle of “Free, Prior and Informed Consent” (FPIC) is promoted through international agreements and safeguards in order to strengthen social equity in resource management by requiring consent from indigenous and/or local communities prior to actions that affect their land and resource rights. Based on early experiences with implementing FPIC standards in mining and forestry, we examine how FPIC has impacted social equity and why. In both sectors FPIC was first operationalized through non-governmental standards that revealed ambiguities surrounding its definition and implementation. In mining, FPIC was first codified in the standards of financial investors, while in forestry FPIC emerged within competing market-based certification schemes, resulting in contrasting definitions. In both sectors, contextual factors such as government laws and policies, the socio-political environment and the overall distribution of rights and resources strongly shape the impacts of FPIC on equity particularly for actors without strong legal rights. These findings are significant for emerging arenas such as REDD+, where there is much debate around the role of governments, financial institutions and market-based actors in applying FPIC for social equity outcomes.  相似文献   

华坚  宋海萍  王丹 《水利经济》2019,37(1):7-12
以江浙沪地区为研究对象,根据2002年、2007年和2012年江浙沪地区投入产出表,采用社会网络分析法,从水资源投入产出视角构建江浙沪地区产业关联网络,计算特征途径长度、聚类系数、网络中心性、凝聚子群等相关网络特征指标,对江浙沪地区总体及其中各省市的产业关联进行比较分析。结果显示,江浙沪地区产业关联网络具有小世界性,网络密度较高,产业关联程度较为密切;以化学工业为代表的工业部门中心性非常突出,是地区的中心产业,服务业部门地位有所上升,但产业部门发展非均衡性也更加突出;目前形成8个凝聚子群,凝聚子群内的产业部门之间关联度相对较高,发展呈集群化趋势。提出优先对中心产业节约集约用水、提高水资源循环利用率、制定差异化水资源政策、推进产业融合等建议,旨在为江浙沪地区产业在水资源约束条件下实现均衡可持续发展提供参考。  相似文献   

Using 14 waves of panel data, this paper investigates why employeesentering the primary sector exit subsequently. Transition probabilitiesare explained by a rich set of individual, regional and sectoralcharacteristics and a discrete-time competing risks model withunrestricted base-line hazards is used to distinguish betweenexits into a job in other sectors and other exits. The resultsconfirm Jovanovic's suggestion of ‘survival of the fittestmatches’ as workers and firms learn more about the qualityof the match between them. It is found that agricultural education,higher income and sector wage differences are the main determinantsof the hazard of moving to another sector, whereas marriageand higher education lower the hazard of leaving for non-employment.  相似文献   

铜矿资源后备基地建设就是要有计划地加强重点成矿区带的地质勘查工作,促进查明资源储量级别升级,尽快使资源接替区转化为资源后备基地;加大对已开发利用储量的开发力度,减少对资源进口的依赖;依靠科技进步,促进矿产资源利用从粗放型向集约型转变,提高矿产资源利用效率;加大环境保护力度,努力实现资源开发与环境保护协调发展;扩大矿业的开放程度,以优惠的政策吸引更多的资金、技术和人才。  相似文献   

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