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黑龙江兽类物种多样性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
围绕黑龙江省山系、平原选取样本点,结合对兽类分布历史资料、以往调查结果和现代研究成果的整理,得到黑龙江省兽类概况,并得出各样本点的兽类物种清单;分析了黑龙江兽类区系组成,并绘制了黑龙江地区兽类物种丰富度等值散点图,以揭示黑龙江地区兽类物种丰富度的空间格局;计算了不同山系、平原的兽类物种多样性G-F指数并进行比较分析,进一步得出黑龙江地区兽类物种多样性的区域分异。  相似文献   

2012~2013年,采取实地调查、访问调查、查阅资料的方法对历山保护区内的毛皮动物进行了调查。调查结果表明区内现有毛皮动物27种,隶属于6目14科,占历山保护区兽类总种数的61.4%。其中有国家一级重点保护动物2种,二级重点保护动物4种,省级重点保护动物2种。其中獾类、狍子、黄鼬及松鼠科的岩鼠、花鼠、豹鼠适宜本土养殖。  相似文献   

在《中国濒危动物红皮书》兽类卷所列入的濒危动物中,山东省有6种;记录了这几种动物的濒危等级,研究了导致其濒危的主要因素。并给出了保护措施;进一步调查研究提出如下观点:未列入红皮书的一些物种,虽然从全国范围来看,不是濒危物种,但从山东省这个局部来看,已经处于濒危状态,甚至有在当地灭绝的危险;山东省的兽类动物共有55种,遗传多样性相对比较丰富,但应采取措施避免多样性遭到破坏。  相似文献   

在我国,进行森林资源调查时,离不开传统的样方法工作。近几年来,无样地抽样(Plotless Sampling)技术在国外得到普遍的重视和应用。无样地抽样技术比通常使用的样地法有较多的优点,主要是速度快、操作方便、工作量小等。因此,在森述资源调查时,省时、省工、省力。但是,在我国进行森林资源调查中,则使用的不多,尤其是在东北林区,尚未见过报道。我们曾在长白山的红松阔叶混交林进行了无样地和样地法对比研究,现将工作方法和调查结果介绍如下。  相似文献   

通过划分混交林生长型,分析林分调查因子与评估因子之间影响关系,通过评估实例,探讨天然混交林资产评估的具体方法,对天然混交林生长型的划分、抚育采伐收益的确定,森林资产评估值的确定等问题提出讨论。  相似文献   

<正>桐乡市位于浙北杭嘉湖平原腹地,全市总面积727平方公里,森林覆盖率19.17%。根据最新的生物多样性调查结果,全市共计发现陆生脊椎动物165种,隶属于4纲24目58科119属,鸟类最多,为16目40科84属125种。其中国家二级重点保护野生动物10种,浙江省重点保护物种12种,小型兽类5种。桐乡市主要野生动物资源可大致分为三类,一是国家重点保护野生动物,如黄嘴白鹭、鸳鸯、黑鸢、松雀鹰、雀鹰等;二是浙江省重点保护野生动物,如棕背伯劳、四声杜鹃、王锦蛇等;三是浙江省一般保护野生动物,如刺猬、麻雀、苍鹭、  相似文献   

第三届国际兽类学大会(Third International Theriological Congress)于1982年8月15日至20日在芬兰首都赫尔辛基举行,会址设在赫尔辛基大学内。参加会议的共有55个国家的747位代表,提出论文六百余篇。该会是兽类学领域的综合性大型国际会议,对兽类学的发展影响甚大,其第一、二届会议于1974和1978年分别在苏联和捷克举行。我国兽类学代表,应大会组织委员主席、赫尔辛基大学名誊校长帕尔曼(E.Palm-em)和各专题讨论会召集人的邀请第一次参加大会,共提出论文8篇,均在专题会或分组会上宣读或板报展出。  相似文献   

长期以来,木材生产过量采伐,把“大木头”放在第一位,忽视了伐区剩余物的开发利用,有很多宝贵的伐区剩余物资源,白白浪费掉.本文试就伐区剩余物的管理和开发利用进行探讨.1.伐区剩余物资源浪费严重森林经过采伐作业后,把树干运走,剩余的枝桠材、梢头水(材长2m以下)、小径木(径级8cm以下)、树根等,都称为伐区剩余物.通过对亚布力林业局宝兴、双河、跃进、青云等18个林场、经营所剩余物的调查结果,每年约有75%左右小径木、梢头木收拣利用;枝桠仅有20%收拣运出,大部分遗弃伐区腐烂掉.树根基本上没有利用.经过现地对针阔叶混交林每公顷出材量平均45m~3的伐区调查统计,剩余物情况如下表:  相似文献   

兽类学,今天已发展成为一门研究哺乳动物的综合性学科,它研究有关兽类的各个方面。黑龙江省地处祖国东北边疆,由于地域辽阔、森林茂密,更加开发历史较晚,因此保存有较为丰富的兽类资源。对这里栖息的兽类,早在二百多年以前,我们的祖先就已有基本的认识,对某些重要的经济兽类如紫貂、驼鹿等,还有许多分布、生态习性、猎捕方法、经济利用方面的记载,唯这些资料比较零散。  相似文献   

黑龙江省森林工业总局所属40个林业局、分布在小兴安岭、张广才岭、老爷岭和完达山林区、北部与孙吴、逊克、嘉荫县相连.东部以乌苏里江与俄罗斯为界、西部与松嫩平原市县接壤.南部与吉林省相邻。据1991年统计、全省森工林区总面积为100398hm'.其中有林地面积为67747073hm2。全区共有兽类6目19科76种.占全省兽类的89.4%;鸟类18目50科311种、占全省鸟类的gi.4%。随着森林大面积采伐、野生动物栖息地不断缩小、致使本区野生动物种群数量大幅度减少笔者从1988年10月至1991年门月、参加了全省森工国有林区40个林业局的野生动物调查工作…  相似文献   

中国寒温带针叶林生物多样性的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
寒温带针叶林(北方针叶林或泰加林),主要分布于高纬度地区的一种主要森林类型,是地球上第二大陆地生物群区(仅次于热带森林),不仅是全球重要的木材资源分布区,而且是全球气候变化最显著的地区之一。过整理总结大量文献的基础上,提出在全球变化较为剧烈的环境背景下,认识寒温带针叶林植被的生态学效应,掌握寒温带针叶林各个时期物种变化的演替规律,进而为科学地管理我国寒温带针叶林提供合理的建议,以保证寒温带针叶林生态系统具有较高的生物多样性和生产力,具有重要的理论和实际意义。  相似文献   

退耕还林效果调查——以贵州省黔西南州为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对贵州省黔西南州8县市退耕还林后续政策调研,比较了退耕前后农户人均年纯收入、劳动力转移等情况,指出总体上退耕还林后增加了劳动力转移,人均年纯收入略有增加,但第一轮补助到期后,少数县因恶劣地理环境其95%的退耕户影响了生计。认为中央对退耕地补助政策延长了一个周期,但退耕还林荒山造林的抚育管护问题仍未解决,建议安排荒山造林抚育管护费5到8年。  相似文献   

Ecological integrity is important to fully describe the development of an economy. We calculated an aggregate index that quantifies the closeness of a forested region to a natural state. This naturalness index was based on the diversity of native tree species and sizes for ecological subregions in a seral condition. The index used the spatial–temporal array of sample plots from the Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) database of the USDA Forest Service. In the 70 survey units of the southern US between 1961 and 2005 the naturalness of forests generally improved with per capita personal income and population. The increase with income was consistent with the hypothesis of an environmental Kuznets curve for forested landscapes.  相似文献   

随着经济和社会的快速发展,人们越来越关注自然资源的价值和生态环境的效益。评估森林生态资产已经成为学术界研究的焦点问题。通过比较其他研究者的成果,总结出生态资产评估现存的三个视角,并分析了各自的优缺点。按照寒温带针叶林、温带落叶阔叶林、针阔混交林等不同林分,对伊春林区森林的涵养水源价值、固定C02和释放02价值、保育土壤价值、营养物质循环和养分储藏、净化大气环境、生物多样性保护、森林景观资源等7种生态资产形式在三种视角下做出评估,并比较三种视角下的差异,在此基础上提出了生态资产运营途径,旨在为伊春林区森林可持续发展政策的制定提供参考依据,对该区域森林资源保护和利用具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

A survey conducted in Mississippi, Texas, Indiana, and Nebraska elicited producers' preferences for various farm policy changes. This permitted examination of the diversity of preferences that single-state studies have not allowed. Five policy choices, including deficiency payments, loan programs, crop insurance, export programs, and disaster payments were examined. Logit model results predicting producer preferences for each of the five dichotomous policy choices are reported. Explanatory variables based on expected utility theory such as risk aversion, price and yield variability, and price–yield correlation are significant in various models.  相似文献   

我国经济林发展现状、存在问题及对策分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经济林作为我国五大林中的一林,是集合生态和社会效益,经济效益为一身的最佳林种。通过对相关文献的分析和研究,对目前我国经济林发展的现状存在的问题进行分析,提出了建立健全经济林发展政策,以引入投资方加入,促进经济林产业开发等对策。  相似文献   

Tobit estimation of the market value of timber sales in national forests of North Carolina demonstrates the important effect of stand diversity on the formulation of bid prices for mixed-species timber tracts. The hedonic model generates a shadow price for diversity according to changes in bid prices, an effective shift in the demand curve for auctioned tracts due to stand diversity attributes. This approach contrasts with traditional shadow price analyses that focus on the supply effects of environmental constraints. Results are corrected for the effects of bidder participation, market conditions, production costs, and other stand attributes. Econometric results demonstrate that stand heterogeneity is a highly significant factor influencing the market value of timber sales from national forests of the Appalachian region. Greater heterogeneity results in lower bid prices for timber sales, indicating a positive shadow price for maintenance of stand diversity.  相似文献   

This article describes a nonmarket valuation study about benefits of managing the invasive disease white pine blister rust in high-elevation forests in the Western United States. Results demonstrate that, on average, households in the Western United States are willing to pay $154 to improve the resiliency of these forests. Factor analysis shows that long-run protection of the forests dominates recreation in motivating support. Cluster analysis suggests three groups of survey respondents: those indifferent to the program and not willing to pay, those wanting to protect the future of the high-elevation forests, and those wanting to protect both the forests and related recreational opportunities.  相似文献   

In some cases, law acts and regulations problems and shortcomings have been considered as a factor in the forests and rangelands grabbing in Iran. Therefore, it was necessary to analyze this problem in a scientific framework. These questions were raised which of the forest and rangeland related acts and regulations are in shortcoming and problem? And which acts and regulations of other sectors conflict with the protection of these resources? To answer these questions, a research study was conducted using the Delphi method, which is based on a survey of experts. According to the results of the research, the 19 acts and regulations on the illegal acquisition and grabbing of forests and rangelands have problems and shortcomings. "The Organization, Duties, and Selection of Islamic Councils of the Country and the Selection of Mayors" act of 1996 was recognized as the most problematic law act in the field of forest and rangeland conservation. Some reasons for the problems of acts and regulations were mentioned as the ignorance of natural resource offices in some of the lands allocations, disrupting the national status of the forest and rangeland, the non-deterioration of the penalties of some of the acts due to the low level of penalties, the unfair allocation of forest and rangeland for other landuses, the permission to the illegal constructions in the forests and rangelands, allowing national lands free allocation for government debt relief, and the establishing conditions that facilitate the allocation of forest and rangeland for other uses. As a result, if related laws were not properly approved, they would also cause degradation of forests and rangelands. A periodic review of the efficiency of forest and rangeland laws is recommended to preserve these resources at the national level.  相似文献   

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