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刘彦威 《中国农史》2000,19(4):61-67
抗日战争时期,中国共产党领导的各抗日根据地开展了减租减息和农业互助合作运动。减租减息调整了租细关系,削弱了封建剥削程度,因而激发起根据地内广大农民群众的生产热情。农户间通过劳动互助,取长补短,调剂了劳力和农具,提高了劳动效率。在此基础上,各根据地开展了大生产运动,并积极兴修水利改善生产条件。根据地内的农业科研机关也努力开展工作,由此抗日根据地的农业生产得到发展,打破了敌人的疯狂扫荡和封锁,巩固了根据地,为赢得抗日战争的最后胜利奠定了基础。  相似文献   

在抗日根据地的减租减息运动中,农会成为领导农民开展运动的核心,农民在农会的领导下看到组织起来的力量,农会在宣传和教育群众、争取和维护农民利益等方面发挥重要作用。通过农会的组织运作,提高农民的组织程度,彻底改变农民的分散状态,打破农村原来的权力体系框架,把农民纳入权力运作的轨道,达到自下而上地改造农村社会的目的,奠定中共在农村的群众和组织基础。  相似文献   

发展农民资金互助组织探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农民资金互助合作组织是在家庭承包经营基础上,以一定区域内农户为主体,并为社员提供资金融通服务的互助性经济组织。它是解决社会主义新农村建设中农民生产、生活所需资金的一种有效途径。目前,笔者就开展农民资金互助组织进行调研,并作了如下思考:  相似文献   

关于发展农村资金互助合作组织的思考   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
农村金融供需不对称的症结在于小农经济与现代市场之间体制不对称,银行与农户之间信息不对称.破解这一难题应从增量改革入手,培育以农民为主体的资金互助合作组织,弥补农村合作金融制度的缺失.对于农村自发合作金融的探索,政府特别是金融当局应予以积极回应,营造良好环境,提供政策扶持,加强组织引导,促进农村资金互助合作组织健康发展.  相似文献   

<正>江苏省盐城市自2006年开展农民资金互助合作组织试点近8年来,为农民资金互助合作社创造了前所未有的发展机遇。目前,全市试点个数已发展到138家,入社农户15.76万户,吸纳互助金规模25.16亿元,投放资金余额20.99亿元,累计投放互助金近350亿元,其中90%以上投放于现代农业和农民创业,为有效解决农民融资难、融资贵,为现代高效农业发展和促进农民增收发挥了积极的作用。一、农民资金"互助+合作"意义重大1、建设现代高效农业的有益  相似文献   

2006年以来,江苏省盐城市按照中央和省委连续几个1号文件关于稳妥发展农民资金互助合作的精神,在改革农村投融资体制、加大农业投入增强发展活力方面进行了积极的探索实践。目前,盐城市开展农民资金互助合作组织试点126家,遍布90%的乡镇,吸收12.4万农户入社,  相似文献   

江苏省农民合作经济组织加快发展到今年6月底,江苏省农民专业合作经济组织已增加到8310个,带动农户411万户,占全省农户总数的27.5%,年经营额超过千万元的农民专业合作经济组织有600多个,经工商登记注册的农民专业合作社4288家、入社成员5.84万人;农村社区股份合作社2806个,带动农户98.7万户;农村土地股份合作社448个,带动农户12.6万户。三大合作组织共带动农户522.3万户,占全省农户总数的35.2%。除三大合作以外,各地还积极探索了富民合作、劳务合作、资金互助合作等多种形式。农民合作经济组织正在发挥着越来越重在的作用。  相似文献   

正2007年4月,江苏省射阳县在盐城市扩大农民资金互助试点文件指引下,尝试开展农民资金互助合作组织审批登记工作。截至目前,全县共批准设立农民资金互助合作社29家。一、运行现状射阳县农民资金互助合作社经过多年的探索,为地方经济发展和农民增收所发挥的作用是肯定的。射阳  相似文献   

扶贫互助资金"仪陇模式"被认为是一种具有成功意义的典型操作模式。本文以提升财政扶贫资金的瞄准度与使用效率、实现扶贫互助资金的安全性与可持续性作为扶贫互助资金运作的基本目标,以满足农户资金需求与促进农户增收、实现农户广泛参与与自主管理、推动农户互助合作与支持新农村建设作为扶贫互助资金运作的发展目标,考察了异地复制"仪陇模式"的扶贫互助资金运作的效果,并与作为对照的非"仪陇模式"扶贫互助资金的运作情况进行对比。分析结果表明,异地复制的"仪陇模式"试点能够满足扶贫互助资金制度设计的目标要求,尤其是在提升财政扶贫资金对贫困户的瞄准度和资金使用效率方面具有突出表现。这说明,"仪陇模式"异地复制是可能的。  相似文献   

农业生产要素是维系农业经济运行和农户生产经营必备的基本因素。关于小农经济生存发展空间的学术争鸣表明,要素流动及要素配置效率对小农经济的发展走向产生重要影响。政府对小农经济改造探索的推行进程,也是农业生产要素流动促使小农经济生存发展空间逐步扩大的过程。新时代经济高质量发展是核心目标,单一以政府为主导的要素流动略显乏力。以小农合作互助作为补充路径推动的要素市场流动,其优势集中体现在农技共享、资金融通和土地流转等方面,它为小农经济生存发展空间在新时代的进一步拓展深化提供了方向,也为小农经济多元化对接市场探索出新路径。  相似文献   

This paper, published in two parts, contains an analysis of the links between the ‘agrarian question’ in the Ecuadorian Andes and the creation of a network of indigenous‐peasant organizations that became the backbone of the national indigenous movement. Based on a monographic study in the province of Cotopaxi, in Ecuador's central sierra, I explore the relations between agrarian and social change. I analyse the agrarian roots of Andean ethnic platforms at the local level, attempting to see how those processes that politicized ethnicity came about between the 1960s and the first decade of the twenty‐first century. Beginning with the redistributive results of the state‐driven agrarian reform (1964–73), the paper demonstrates that the articulation of the contemporary indigenous movement cannot be explained without an understanding of the implications that the reform process entailed and the synergies it unleashed, amongst these being an increase in the internal differentiation of the peasantry until then subject to the power of large estate owners. Throughout this process, the leaders, authentic organic intellectuals, played a fundamental role, picking up the reins of the organizations, weaving their own political discourse and becoming independent of their external allies. In a second stage, the NGOs and cooperation agencies that focused their attention on the indigenous world made organizational strengthening a banner of their work on the ground, consolidating that structural transformation. In this paper, I explore the deep roots of the agrarian system's political economy in order to come to a full understanding of the social differentiation process and the ethnicization of the peasant movement. This contributes towards the comparative reflection of other scenarios in the Andean region and, in general, of those Latin American spaces characterized by the presence of significant contingents of indigenous‐peasant populations.  相似文献   

State formation in post‐colonial societies is often explained with reference to the roles of elites. In Pakistan, landed elites continue to dominate the rural political economy through informal and formal institutions, but the history of its largest peasant movement shows how agrarian class struggle can change the institutional forms and functions of power. The Hashtnagar peasant movement achieved lasting de facto land and tenancy reforms in north‐western Pakistan in the 1970s through forcible land occupations that were regularized by state intervention. I argue that although divisions among elites were important, the state intervened in favour of peasants due to the rising organizational power of tenants and landless labourers under the centralized leadership of the radical Mazdoor Kisan Party. Agrarian class struggle weakened the informal power of landed elites and gave rise to institutions of peasant power. However, other fractions of the ruling class sought to undermine their landed opponents while co‐opting the militancy of the peasant movement by strengthening state institutions to intervene in favour of upwardly mobile tenants. The latter were separated from poorer peasants and the landless, thus demobilizing the movement.  相似文献   

基于农户生产决策视角的耕地保护经济补偿标准测算   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
研究目的:基于农户生产决策理论,剖析耕地保护经济补偿标准形成机理,并以非粮化经济补偿标准为例进行实证测算,为国家实现耕地保护与粮食安全目标提供决策参考。研究方法:边际分析法,计量模型分析法与定性分析法。研究结果:多宜性耕地用途之间的边际利润差异是诱使耕地非粮化与非农化的经济动因,需要对限制完整耕地使用权所导致的农户利益损失进行合理的经济补偿。研究结论:耕地投入粮食生产的边际利润明显低于其他农地利用方式的利润,为了提高农户耕地保护与粮食生产动力,需要设置耕地保护经济补偿资金,并改革现有粮食直补方式与农地分散经营格局。  相似文献   

陈霄 《中国农村观察》2012,(3):26-36,96
本文利用对重庆市"两翼"地区1012户农户的调查数据,通过建立Probit模型分析了农民宅基地退出意愿的影响因素。结果表明:农民的年龄和受教育程度、家庭收入状况、家庭需赡养的老人数量、宅基地退出补偿方式的多样性选择对农民宅基地退出意愿有正向影响;家庭成员务工工作变换频率、家庭需抚养的子女数量、现有住房面积、宅基地面积对农民宅基地退出意愿有负向影响;同时,主要从事农业经济活动、宅基地退出后以低价租住廉租房、公租房以及将宅基地用于出租等非自住用途的农民,更可能不具有宅基地退出意愿;而家庭外出务工人数、在城镇购房情况没有通过显著性检验,对农民宅基地退出意愿没有显著影响。  相似文献   

以农民专业合作社为基础的资金互助制度分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
我国民间融资作为农村金融抑制下的诱致性制度变迁的产物,其存在和发展具有一定的合理性和必然性,也是农村经济发展的内生性产物。合作社内部开展资金互助作为民间融资的一种形式是发展合作金融及破解农村金融问题的一种有益探索。从基层发展实践看,合作社内部开展资金互助,有效地改善了农户贷款难问题,实现了农村各种资源有机整合与有效利用。为促进其健康发展,本文认为需从政府支持、组织制度建设等方面对其进行规范。  相似文献   

关于中国南方竹产区微观经济组织变革研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
刘燕  李智勇 《林业经济问题》2006,26(3):229-233,256
本文借助新制度经济学的制度变迁理论,对改革开放以来中国南方竹产区微观经济组织的变迁与发展进行了制度经济学探析,进而揭示了目前中国南方竹产区发展与探索竹产业合作经济组织存在的主要问题,并对其提出了完善竹产业合作经济组织内部运行机制,建立合理的竹业行业管理制度等五项改进的政策建议。研究结果表明:改革开放以来的中国南方竹业化经营各微观经济组织的制度演变是以诱致性制度变迁为主导的,其大体包括农户家庭经济、乡镇企业、农村专业合作经济组织、社区集体经济组织等组织形式。  相似文献   

This paper describes how political and economic transition has affected the system of agricultural production in Khorezm, Uzbekistan in terms of economic practices and relationships. Based on recent fieldwork, the paper argues that the local agricultural economy is a hybrid economy, where production for market, quasi‐market and subsistence merge into and co‐constitute one another. In order to keep the system going, and to make up for the uncertainties in the formal context of production, the relation between new private fermer and the peasant (dehkan) households is of particular importance. This relation resembles neo‐patrimonial patron–client relations, which are both personal and informal while also being based on formal, contractual relations. The relations are asymmetric and based on the limited and unevenly distributed resources. The division of power is unequal but not fixed, due to the ongoing transition of the economic system.  相似文献   

王波  华坚  贺正齐 《水利经济》2015,33(3):10-13
我国西南国际河流水资源开发与经济合作存在各国政治互信基础薄弱、协调机制缺位、合作矛盾突出与合作收益不均等问题。针对这些问题及流域经济合作现状,提出对策和建议:建立国家之间的沟通和互信,加强各个管理层级的协调对话,积极发挥民间组织的桥梁作用;明确合作主体间的权责,完善国际河流的法律规范,形成系统化决策管理机制;将水生态监测纳入流域各个水文站点的日常工作中,积累国际河流水生态资料信息,加强对于国际河流水生态研究力度,保证我国掌握充分的国际社会话语权。  相似文献   

Zhagana Agriculture-Forest-Animal Husbandry Composite System (ZCS) is the first Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems site in the Tibetan Plateau. Similar to many traditional agricultural regions, with the development of tourism and leisure agriculture, the peasant households in ZCS have gradually changed their livelihood strategies and livelihood activities in the past 10 years, resulting in the disappearance of some traditional farming methods and agricultural landscapes with a long history. By taking livelihood assets as the entry point and livelihood strategies as the core, this paper analyzed the basic situation of households’ livelihood and the transition mechanism of different livelihood strategies in order to offer suggestions for the dynamic conservation and sustainable development of Agricultural Heritage Systems (AHS). (1) The livelihood strategies of peasant households in ZCS can be divided into two major categories: specialized strategies and diversified strategies. (2) According to the empirical calculation of the livelihood asset accounting framework of AHS, the average livelihood asset value of peasant households in ZCS is 2.040, showing that the situation of peasant households’ livelihood is inadequate. (3) The transition of peasant households’ livelihood strategies from traditional strategy to specialized or diversified livelihood strategies is mainly influenced by natural assets, human assets, cultural assets, social assets and informational assets. In order to meet the growing material and spiritual needs of peasant households and achieve the sustainable development of ZCS simultaneously, it is suggested that the agriculture-forestry-animal husbandry-tourism composite strategies shall be taken as the development direction of peasant households’ livelihood strategies.  相似文献   

魏本权 《中国农史》2005,24(4):88-96
1930-1940年代国民政府江西省政当局着力推行的农村合作运动已经具有明显的合作化特征。农村合作化运动体现了江西省府推进合作事业的广度与力度,成为江西农村近代化进程的重要推动力;同时也体现出国家对乡村社会的渗透和影响,这是现代民族国家建构的必然趋势和现代国家政府职能的显现。透过这一过程可以观察到国家政权的强制、社会互动的错位、合作互助初哀的背离。正是合作化导致了社会经济领域中国家-基层社会关系的扭曲和错位。  相似文献   

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