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养淡水鱼改良盐碱地的效益评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为尽快改良、利用盐碱滩地,江苏省如东县于1986年开始在海涂滩地进行养淡水鱼改土的试验。1971年围滩,1986年检测的待垦盐碱滩地,土壤含盐量高达3.20‰,植被只有稀落的盐蒿、獐毛草等耐盐性强的植物。1986  相似文献   

1.中低产农田改造,沿海滩涂、丘陵山区、湖荡滩地等农业资源综合开发;生态环境保护工程建设与经营2.木本食用油料、调料和工业原料的种植及开发生产;绿色、有机蔬菜(含食用菌、西甜瓜)、水果干鲜果品、茶叶栽培技术及产品系列化开发与生产;糖料、果树等农作物栽培新技术开发及产品生产;花卉生  相似文献   

案例近年来,随着紫荆河主流不断东移,河西岸张庄乡地段出现了大片滩涂地,当地人习惯称之为河西滩地。自1996年至2000年,河西滩地附近的宋家村在这片新出现的滩地上开垦荒地300余亩。2000年春天,X市政府依法对张庄乡宋家村开垦的河西滩地确定了土地使用权,宋家村一直耕种该土地并向张庄乡政府交纳滩涂管理费。2001年初,X市政府发文明确河西滩地由张庄乡政府统一管理和使用。2001年3月,张庄乡政府将河西滩地发包,王村村民王某等五人以9000元的价格取得了河西300亩河滩地的使用权,双方签订了承包合同并进行了公证。同时,宋家村村民多次上访,要…  相似文献   

辽河滩地小麦移动管道式喷灌经济效益显著韩敏华辽宁省现有辽河滩地100余万亩,滩地土质肥沃,水源充沛,适宜种植粮食作物。近年来,由于辽河整治,需要扩大行洪断面,因此要求在辽河滩地上种植小麦等低矮棵早熟作物,这就为辽河滩地确定了以小麦为主的作物布局。春小...  相似文献   

本文所述的黄河滩地,系指西起禹门口,东至三门峡之间的黄河漫滩地。滩地主要分布在河津、万荣、永济、芮城县境内,总土地面积60余万亩。  相似文献   

黄河流域湿地景观格局变化关系着区域生态服务功能稳定和生态经济可持续发展。本研究针对黄河流域下游山东段不同类型的湿地资源,借助Arc GIS和Fragstats等软件,从类型水平、景观水平和干扰度指标入手,分析1980—2015年不同经济类型区内湿地类型及景观格局的变化特征。结果表明,黄河流域山东段湿地总面积先减少,2000年后逐渐增加,总体减少72.85平方千米;水库坑塘面积增长最多,增加143.92平方千米;滩地面积减少最多,减少113.86平方千米;湿地转化为耕地的现象显著;鲁西南农业区和黄河三角洲高效生态经济区内的湿地面积减少幅度大,济南都市圈内湿地面积小幅度增加;研究区景观干扰度整体呈上升趋势,各经济类型区的景观干扰度排序为济南都市圈>鲁西南农业区>黄河三角洲高效生态经济区。为流域湿地资源利用与保护、生态保护与经济产业协同发展提供理论参考。  相似文献   

案情简介:争议地段位于江苏省金湖县东北郊,临近宝应县,当地人俗称“郭家滩”,是一块约1000多亩的滩地,中间以朱漕港为界,分南北两块。解放初期,该滩地是一片湖滩,地势低洼、芦苇杂草丛生,各农户也仅仅是在荒滩上收割过柴草。该滩地原系1951年“土改”时由政府分给当地郭姓一门  相似文献   

洪泽湖湿地国家级自然保护区生态旅游开发研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
分析洪泽湖湿地旅游资源,指出洪泽湖湿地有着入湖河口滩地、滨湖河漫滩、湖面、围垦混合带等各具特色的湿地景观,丰富的植物资源、动物资源以及众多的名胜古迹。提出在生态开发湿地旅游资源时应遵循开发和保护同步进行,协调发展;做好超前规划,体现生态性、最小干预性、文化性、人本性;在经营管理上坚持政府主导、市场运作的原则以及具体举措。  相似文献   

永济县位于山西省西南隅,中条山北麓,运城盆地西沿。其西界黄河沿岸有滩涂39.5万亩,占运城地区河滩总面积的一半以上,占全县总土地面积的1/5多,相当于耕地面积的一半。除了黄河、涑水河水面,实有滩地28万亩,其中嫩滩地约4万亩,可利  相似文献   

海涂滩地是国土资源的重要组成部分。随着农村产业结构调整的深入开展,农村经济向专业化、商品化转变的同时,合理地开发利用非耕地资源和大力发展沿海滩涂养殖业,已成为振兴农村经济的一条重要途径。 一 慈溪县位于杭州湾南岸的宁绍平原。北部呈弧形伸入海洋,海岸线长达66.5公里,从而构成了大片的海涂滩地。  相似文献   

基于GIS的皖南地区暴雨洪涝灾害风险区划   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]开展对不同重现期暴雨淹没深度模拟研究,分析皖南地区不同重现期下暴雨洪涝灾害淹没情况和不同承灾体的风险区划情况,为皖南地区防洪减灾工作提供科学依据。[方法]文章采用算术平均值方法计算面雨量及雨型分布,通过广义极值分布函数拟合,得到拟合参数和不同重现期下日致洪面雨量,利用FloodArea模型计算暴雨淹没深度图谱。即利用皖南地区1961~2014年降水数据,结合人口、GDP及土地利用类型研究分析皖南地区暴雨洪涝灾害风险和区划。[结果]皖南地区各子流域暴雨日分布特征及致洪面雨量有很大区别,牧龙河、黄湓河等流域致灾暴雨普遍偏强,漳河、青弋江等流域致灾暴雨普遍偏弱。暴雨洪涝灾害风险区划的一致性表现为各类承灾体风险等级均呈现10年一遇和20年一遇重现期较小,50年一遇重现期中等,100年一遇重现期较大的特点;区域性体现在对3种承灾体空间分布差异明显,其中人口分布集中,GDP分布相对分散,建筑用地情况和人口分布基本吻合,耕地面积比人口和GDP更广泛。[结论]皖南地区暴雨洪涝灾害不同承灾体的风险区划呈现一致性和区域性特征,暴雨洪涝灾害不同重现期与人口密集区、经济发达地区、建筑用地、耕地附近的暴雨洪涝灾害风险等级呈现一致性特征。  相似文献   

研究防洪工程对沿江(河)房地产价值的影响,认为防洪工程建设可以保障周边地区安全,改变土地利用性质,有利于保护和改善水质、水环境,有利于城市的绿化美化和旧城改造,挖掘城市历史文化资源和旅游资源,增强防洪区城镇区位优势。在此基础上建立防洪工程对沿江(河)房地产影响价值的量化模型,最后运用德尔菲法以长江中下游M市为例探求该模型的求解思路。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the estimation of direct damages caused by three flood scenarios with different return periods in the section Făgetul de Sus – Ghimeş – Palanca Pass of Trotuș River, with the aim of highlighting the need of improved land use plans. The damage for three land use classes (residential building, infrastructure and agriculture) were estimated using the damage curves developed by the European Joint Research Centre (JRC) as well as site specific maximum damage values. The data were processed with the help of the ArcMap 10.2 software and FloodRisk tool from QGIS software. Furthermore, the flood risk was assessed using the damage – probability curves, which associates the damage with the corresponding frequency of occurrence. This method was identified and adapted to the characteristics of the study area in order to develop a methodology of flood risk assessment that is answering the question: does the lack of land use plans increase the vulnerability and the flood damage? The results showed that the greatest damages are registered for the residential building land use class for a flood probability of 0.001. In this case the damages reach up to 60% on the scale range of deterioration factor, the total damage value being 2 million euros. For the same hazard probability the total registered damage value for roads is 7500 euro, for railways is around 12,000 euro, while for agriculture is around 84,000 euro. These results highlight the need of protection measures and land use plans development and implementation. Regarding the protection measures we consider that the egalitarianism would be the concept that should be applied in the study area and also an improved cooperation between government, specialized agencies and local authorities at local level would lead to a more efficient flood risk management process. The proposed methodology can be applied for micro-scale analysis, providing quantitative results regarding the flood damage and flood risk assessment. It includes a detailed vulnerability analysis of the elements-at-risk with the aim of developing a more comprehensive approach of flood risk assessment.  相似文献   

重庆市三峡库区未利用的土地资源及其开发模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对重庆三峡库区移民安置区的区域范围及未利用土地资源构成进行了分析;在总结了主要未利用土地类型的土地质量和开发潜力的基础上,阐述了未利用土地资源的开发原则;针对田土坎、河滩地、荒草地等主要未利用土地类型,提出了包括土地整理、复垦、复合生态系统建设等多种开发利用模式。  相似文献   

The cost of flooding on farm land depends on land use, on the frequency, seasonality, duration and depth of flooding, and on water quality. This paper describes a method to calculate the average annual cost of flooding and the extra benefits or costs associated with given changes in flooding regime, illustrated by means of a simplified case study which examines the agricultural benefits of reduced summer flooding on grass in an area of environmental importance. Using hydrological and agro-economic data, the method derives the cost of individual flood events occurring in any one month for a given land use, weights these according to observed seasonality of flood flows, and derives average annual costs per hectare and for the floodplain as a whole for given levels of flood risk. The method is useful for appraising river flood alleviation schemes whereby the effects of changes in flood risk, flood seasonality or land use can be assessed.  相似文献   

This contribution examines Switzerland’s shift towards integrated flood risk management from a policy coordination perspective. The study applies a heuristic framework of policy coordination to explore how adaption needs promoted cross-sectoral policy coordination between hydraulic engineering and land use planning and enhanced coherence in flood policies targeting extreme flood events. To account for the temporal dimension in policy coordination, the article traces Swiss flood policies back to the early 1800s and distinguishes four phases of policy coordination. Across the four periods, the analysis focuses on (a) the drivers of policy coordination, (b) the manifestation of policy coordination in terms of policy frames, goals, instruments and subsystem involvement, and (c) the performance of policy coordination. Complemented by an in-depth case study of cross-sectoral flood policies in the Swiss canton Nidwalden findings show that the coordination between flood and land use policies has primarily been driven by three factors: (i) extreme floods as focusing events, (ii) an increasing problem pressure, and (iii) strategic reorientations in flood and land use policies. Today, flood risk management in Switzerland displays a high degree of sectoral interplay between hydraulic engineering and spatial planning. By fostering flood-adapted land uses Switzerland’s coordinated flood policies reduce the vulnerability to uncertain future changes in flood risk and strengthen the country’s capacities to mitigate damage in extreme floods events.  相似文献   

Recently, dramatic flood disasters have occurred incrementally in several regions of the world. Land-use change as one of the main affecting factors becomes a key component in flood risk management. This study strives to deal with quantifying how changes in land use to affect the dynamic evolution of flood vulnerability. The floodplains of Wuhan, which are located in the Yangtze River Basin, have been selected as an example. In this paper, we use GIS to gather different historical geometric data as sources of land-use information. By proposing the Simpsons-dominance index and location index to analyze the characteristics of land-use changes, and building a quantitative model to measure flood vulnerability, a series of flood vulnerability maps demonstrate differential flood vulnerability of floodplains of Wuhan in three inundation scenarios and four historical periods. Finally, the non-parametric correlation is used to reveal the interactive effect of land use and flood vulnerability. Based on this study, comprehensive flood disaster management strategies for land-use planning are proposed for government decision-makers to reduce the flood vulnerability of Wuhan in future.  相似文献   

洪河自然保护区芦苇沼泽植物的多样性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
洪河自然保护区芦苇沼泽集中分布在河漫滩、湖滩和低洼地上.地表常年积水.水体流动.土壤为腐泥沼泽土。常见植物47种.隶属于22科34属。组成植物门类齐全.复杂多样。该群系可分成芦苇沼泽和芦苇─小叶章沼泽两个类型。  相似文献   

王宇飞  孙燕  张宏 《水利经济》2016,34(5):69-74
通过分析社会经济统计数据属性与用地类型之间的相互关联和约束关系,提出社会经济统计数据空间精细化表达方法,能够更为准确和精细地实现社会经济统计数据的空间展布,从而为洪涝灾害损失评估提供可靠的数据基础和决策依据。典型案例区模拟洪水实证研究的结果与实际洪水年份的损失统计信息及其他研究的估算结果均十分接近,表明基于用地类型与社会经济统计数据属性关系的空间展布方法是可行、适用的。  相似文献   

Reservoirs for the transient storage of water in order to lower river flood peaks would usually be built on farmland and used in case of a serious flood event. Farmers’ willingness to have their lands included in a reservoir critically depends on the compensation they will obtain. Our paper proposes a new compensation scheme that consists of an unconditional annual payment and a reparation payment conditional on flooding. We determine the properties of an optimal contract offered by the river authorities to farmers that specifies the compensation scheme and the rules for the use of the reservoir. The two-tier payment scheme induces crop choices of farmers that lower the damage profile of land use and it covers the long-term costs of land use change to ensure voluntary participation. We illustrate the working of the payment scheme using data from a case study from the river Tisza in Hungary.  相似文献   

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