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2017年底,我国对《农业转基因生物安全管理条例》及其主要配套办法进行了修订完善,更好的规范指引转基因作物产业化,但仍然存在转基因作物安全评价机制的科学性不明确、产业化审批管理规范太严格、产品进口审批制度规范不足、违法监管执行不力等问题;为此,我国转基因作物产业化过程中应该完善转基因作物安全评价体系、优化产业化审批管理制度、严格进口管理制度、加强监管和执法等具体风险防控措施,从而为我国转基因作物产业化的顺利推进提供安全保障。  相似文献   

本文聚焦农业转基因作物,在分析我国农业转基因作物安全监管所面临形势的基础上,梳理我国农业转基因作物安全管理的现状和成效。同时结合国外资料以及我国转基因粮食作物的典型数据进行比较分析,从安全评价过程、监管执法等环节对我国转基因作物安全问题进行了系统总结,归纳转基因作物产业化的影响因素,提出我国转基因粮食作物研发及产业化的建议。  相似文献   

转基因水稻是一个涉及我国的主粮安全、食用安全和生态安全等敏感问题的争议作物品种。本文基于对我国转基因水稻技术创新的分析,以转BT基因水稻为例,参考了当前转基因水稻生产效应的相应研究,设置两种情景并运用CGE模型测度了转基因水稻产业化的动态影响,提出要从国家战略需求和公众市场需求两个层面判断转基因水稻产业化的发展方向以及相关策略。  相似文献   

我国转基因作物产业化发展路径与策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国未来的转基因作物产业化是一个在舆论上有争议、实际操作中有困难的重大课题,本文从国内粮食供需平衡、技术自主研发水平、生物安全管理制度和种子市场体系结构等方面分析了转基因作物产业化的基础条件,并对现有品种技术、安全监管和市场机制进行了评价,提出我国未来转基因作物产业化的发展路径和策略。  相似文献   

随着经济的发展、社会的进步,粮食供给问题的核心逐步由口粮问题转变为饲料粮问题。尽管存在种种问题,但是转基因技术仍为粮食安全以及饲料粮安全的有效保障提供了潜在的可能性。首先介绍中国转基因作物产业化的背景、转基因作物产业化的现状及趋势,进而分析国内转基因作物产业化与保障饲料粮供给安全的关系,最后对转基因作物产业化提出对策建议。  相似文献   

本文基于《国家知识产权战略纲要》和转基因生物新品种培育科技重大专项全面实施的背景,分析了知识产权战略对促进转基因作物研发的作用机理与重要意义,并对中国转基因作物知识产权战略实施的研发主体、组织机制和研发目标动力进行国际比较研究。研究表明,企业主体参与不足、市场配置资源能力较弱、绩效评价对产业贡献关注不够等制约中国转基因作物知识产权战略实施,应从强化协同创新与应用、创建知识产权共享共用平台、推动核心技术知识产权国际化、培育企业研发主体和加强创新价值引导等方面完善中国转基因作物知识产权战略。  相似文献   

转基因作物商业化的现状、对粮食安全的影响及启示   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
关于转基因作物的争论已从生物安全、生态和健康风险转移到粮食安全和知识产权等领域。本文分析了目前的转基因作物商业化种植的概况和生物技术产业及知识产权格局,分析了目前商业化种植的转基因作物的两种特性对农业生产、单产的影响,探讨了转基因生物技术在解决全球粮食安全中的作用以及对我国粮食安全的影响。认为转基因作物对于全球和我国粮食安全意义不大,粮食安全不应成为我国推进转基因作物商业化的动因;现阶段我国主要粮食作物不应推行现有转基因特性品种商业化;在转基因商业化上应坚持预防原则和自主品种研发为主的道路。  相似文献   

我国转基因作物的发展现状及安全管理   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
转基因作物是当今世界各国现代生物技术产业研究的热点,中国的转基因生物技术发展迅速,由于科学界对转基因作物对人类及生态环境利与弊的争论,政府应制定相应的政策、措施对其进行安全管理。本文论述了转基因作物在国际国内的发展现状,分析了转基因作物对人类及生态环境的利与弊以及关于我国转基因作物安全管理的几点思考。  相似文献   

本文针对国内外转基因作物的种植态势、转基因种业的知识产权状况、研发状况、转基因种业与中国粮食安全等问题进行了详细的介绍和探讨,就如何做大做强中国转基因种业、提升我国转基因育种的国际竞争力提出了对策和建议。  相似文献   

"十二五"期间中国加大RD投入促进对转基因作物技术的研发创新,利用生物技术确保粮食安全已是中国实施创新驱动型战略的重要组成部分。论文分析了国内外玉米转基因技术创新的基本格局,并以玉米转基因抗虫技术的产业化应用为例测算了中国转基因玉米技术产业化潜在的经济效应。研究结果发现,复合性状的转基因玉米技术成为国内外研发和应用趋势;转基因玉米产业化一定程度上可促进中国国内玉米综合生产能力的快速增长,相关农产品价格下降,产业联系的正向效应显著。本文也认为玉米生物技术的研发要从产业需求和国家粮食安全需求两个视角最大化转基因生物技术的科研投资效应,成为我国粮食安全可持续发展的新增长点。本文还讨论了中国转基因玉米技术创新  相似文献   

Linkages between consumer beliefs and attitudes regarding the risks and benefits of genetically modified foods and consumer purchase intentions for these foods are examined. Factors that hinder consumer purchases of genetically modified foods are also tested. Results show that purchase intentions for consumers willing to buy genetically modified crops and meats are primarily affected by their belief that these foods are safe. On the other hand, intentions of consumers who decide not to buy genetically modified foods are affected by ethical concerns and the belief that the production of genetically modified foods is harmful to wildlife and the environment.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the impact of adopting or rejecting genetically modified (GM) crops in the European Union, taking into account the EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). In this paper the productivity impact of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) differs across crops, taking factor biased technology change into account. The transfer of knowledge across countries is modelled as a process of endogenous knowledge spill-overs. Analysis with a multi-region applied general equilibrium model shows that the CAP protects farm income and production despite non-adoption of the more productive GM crops in the EU. The EU will forgo substantial benefits in terms of economic welfare if it bans GM imports.  相似文献   

We analyze the potential effects of a generalized implementation of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety's proposed stringent information requirements on countries, members of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC). This rule would request all traded shipments containing living modified organisms intended for food, feed, or processing to carry a label with the list of precise genetically modified (GM) events in the shipments. We find that the benefits of such requirements are largely debatable and that this regulation would add significant implementation costs for importers of GM crops, for Protocol members adopting new GM crops, and for countries ratifying the Protocol.  相似文献   

This comment highlight issues when comparing genetically modified (GM) crops to non-GM ones across countries. Ignoring structural differences between agricultural sectors and assuming common yield trajectories before the time of introduction of GM crops results on misestimating the effect of GM varieties. Further data collection and analyses should guide policy-makers to encourage diverse approaches to agriculture, rather than excluding specific technologies (like GM crops) from the onset.  相似文献   

The introduction of biotechnology is part of a global process of structural change in agriculture characterized by an increased integration of world agriculture with high corporate control. However, as the legal competence to allow the planting and trade of genetically modified (GM) crops commonly lies at the level of the nation state, this remains strategic in the politics of GM crops, both for actors promoting the technology and for social movements struggling against it. This paper illustrates this argument with an analysis of the struggles over GM crops in Brazil. It shows how the implementation of a food regime based on biotechnology, corporate control and neoliberal globalism depended on the state and was a contested process.  相似文献   

Policy makers, journalists and other commentators have hailed genetically modified (GM) crops as a ‘pro‐poor’ success in the developing world. Their confidence appears to be justified by the encouraging conclusions reached by academic studies on the performance and impacts of GM crops, which seem to provide convincing evidence of substantial benefits for smallholders in developing countries. However, a detailed, critical examination of studies on transgenic, insect‐resistant cotton in China, India and South Africa demonstrates that the technology's impacts have been evaluated and represented in selective and misleading ways. The performance and impacts of GM crops have in fact been highly variable, socio‐economically differentiated and contingent on a range of agronomic, socio‐economic and institutional factors. The shortcomings of the GM crop‐impacts literature have done a disservice to public and policy debates about GM crops in international development and impeded the development of sound, evidence‐based policy.  相似文献   

With increased private investment in crop breeding research in the developed world, intellectual property rights have gained importance in seed sector. Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS)‐plus provisions included in recent free trade agreements between the developed and developing countries show a tendency of the developed world to impose their high standards for protection of plant intellectual property on the developing world. While stronger intellectual property rights can increase international exchange in seed, market power effect can lead to a reduction in exports of seed to foreign markets. This article estimates the impact of intellectual property rights on U.S. seed exports. The estimation is performed at a crop level using Heckman selection model. The results reveal that the impact of intellectual property rights varies across different types of crops—open‐pollinated, genetically modified, and hybrid crops. While TRIPS provisions are important to facilitate transfer of genetically modified crops, they play a minor role for open‐pollinated and hybrid crops. The results also show that plant breeders’ rights envisioned by the UPOV system can be important to promote seed exchange when proper mechanisms are put in place to enforce these rights.  相似文献   

New plant biotechnologies called new breeding techniques (NBT), which will follow the present genetically modified (GM) technology, have appeared and are attracting attention worldwide. The first purpose of this study was to show consumer attitudes toward traditional plant breeding, GM, and NBT crops. The second purpose was to verify the validity of a psychological model determining the acceptance of NBT crops. A survey was conducted in Japan with 657 randomly selected adult participants. The results showed that perceived risk, perceived benefit, trust, sense of bioethics, anxiety, and anger play an important role in the personal and public acceptance of NBT and indicated that trust and anxiety are especially important factors in both situations.  相似文献   

转基因食品的安全管理问题研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
进入21世纪以来,全球生物技术产业的年增长率高达30%左右,已成为增长最快的经济领域之一。过去10年,全球转基因农作物的种植面积增加了40倍,显示了巨大潜力和不可阻挡的发展趋势。但是,转基因技术的应用也引起了激烈的争论,本文介绍了两个有关案例,揭示了这种争论的焦点和原因。本文还比较分析了转基因食品安全管理的两大模式,即美国的宽松管理模式和欧盟的严格管理模式。转基因食品安全管理涉及到诸多利益相关者,本文探讨利益各方的诉求和表达机制。中国在转基因食品安全管理机构的组建以及相关法规的制订和颁布等方面已经取得了不小的成就,但是,还不能适应转基因技术的迅速发艮和产业化要求,存在不少需要改进的地方。  相似文献   

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