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Global Responsibility for Agricultural Policy The Federal Government initiated a comprehensive reorientation of agricultural policy, which was targeted at a consistent implementation of the ecological, social and economic principles of sustainable farming. The main positions of the Federal Government were introduced into the negotiations on EU agricultural reform. They were, in part, also reflected in the proposals made by EU Commissioner Fischler. The objectives consisted of the maximum possible decoupling of direct payments from production, reinforcement of rural area support and the tying of payments to specific standards of consumer, animal and environmental protection that are valid throughout the EU. Sometimes the current debate eclipses important requirements for a European agricultural policy that will be viable in the future as well. It must achieve two objectives: pressing ahead with a globally sustainable farming sector and achieving more equity between North and South. The criteria of future agricultural policy should be more market orientation, attaching great importance to consumer, animal and environmental protection and to the regional aspect. The Agriculture Ministers of the EU Member States embarked on the road to greater market orientation, more emphasis on quality and to relating farming support more to social goals. We should stick to these targets, keeping in mind Europe's responsibility for the developing countries and our global interrelationships. Une responsabilité globale pour la politique agricole Le Gouvernement fédéral vient ?entreprendre une réorientation complète de la politique agricole, destinée à mettre en application de façon cohérente les principes écologiques, économiques et sociaux de ?agriculture durable. Les principales orientations du Gouvernement fédéral ont été introduites dans les négotiations sur la réforme de ?agriculture européenne. Elles se reflètent aussi partiellement dans les propositions faites par le Commissaire européen, M. Fischler. Elles consistent à découpler au maximum les paiements directs de la production, à renforcer le soutien au développement des zones rurales, et à lier les paiements au respect des standards spécifiques qui sont valables dans toute ?Union européenne en matière de protection des consommateurs, des animaux et de ?environnement. II arrive parfois que les débats ?actualitééclipsent la nécessité?une politique agricole valable aussi pour ?avenir. Une telle politique doit avoir deux objectifs:disposer à?avenir ?un secteur agricole globalement durable et mettre plus ?équité dans les rapports Nord/Sud. II faut que les caractéristiques de la politique agricole de ?avenir soient une plus grande orientation par le marché, et une plus grande importance attachée à la protection des consommateurs, à celle des animaux, et au développement régional. Les Ministres de ?Agriculture des états membres de ?Union Européenne se sont engagés sur la voie de ?orientation accrue par le marché, de ?accent mis sur la qualityé, et ?un plus grand souci vis à vis des objectifs sociaux dans la répartition des aides. Nous nous en tiendrons à ces objectifs, gardant en tête les responsabilités de ?Europe vis à vis des pays en voie de développement et de ses relations au niveau mondial. Agrarpolitik in globaler Verantwortung Die Bundesregierung hat eine umfassende Neuausrichtung der Agrarpolitik eingeleitet. Diese zielt darauf ab, die ökologischen, sozialen und wirtschaftlichen Prinzipien einer nachhaltigen Landwirtschaft konsequent umzusetzen. Die Bundesregierung hat ihre wichtigsten Positionen in die Verhandlungen zur EU‐Agrarreform eingebracht, zum Teil fanden sie sich auch in den Vorschlägen von EU‐Kommissar Fischler wieder. Ziele waren eine möglichst weitgehende Entkoppelung der Direktzahlungen von der Produktion, der Ausbau der Förderung ländlicher Räume und die Bindung der Zahlungen an bestimmte EU‐weit gültige Standards des Verbraucher‐, Tier‐ und Umweltschutzes. Die aktuelle Diskussion überlagert zuweilen wichtige Anforderungen an eine europäische Agrarpolitik, die auch zukünftig Bestand haben wird. Sie muss zwei Ziele erreichen: eine weltweit nachhaltige Landwirtschaft voranbringen und ihren Beitrag zu mehr Nord‐Süd‐Gerechtigkeit leLsten. Kriterien einer zukünftigen Agrarpolitik sind mehr Marktorientierung und ein hoherer Stellenwert für Verbraucher‐, Tier‐und Umweltschutz sowie für regionale Aspekte. Die Agrarministerinnen und Agrarminister der EU‐Mitgliedstaaten sind den Weg zu mehr Markt, zu mehr Qualität und zu einer Unterstützung der Landwirtschaft für ihre gesellschaftlichen Aufgaben gegangen. Dieser Weg sollte auch angesichts der Verantwortung Europas für die Entwicklungsländer und unserer Verflechtungen in der Welt weiter gegangen werden.  相似文献   

放眼全球,在逆全球化、气候变化、粮食不安全和营养不良等挑战下,城市和乡村都难以独善其身,而乡村及其人口在各国发展政策中普遍且长期被忽视、发展相对滞后,在冲击中将更加脆弱。乡村振兴将日益成为全球性的重要议题。在不同的发展阶段,一些国家将单一的农业发展政策转变为促进乡村发展的综合性方案,对冲农业份额急剧下降、乡村衰退和城乡不平等,并借此提振经济。本文分析了全球乡村发展的关键挑战,总结和反思了代表性国家的乡村发展举措,提出了现阶段进行乡村振兴、将其转化为经济可持续增长的动力,需要强调全球视角并采取将乡村经济构建为城市经济平等伙伴的"城乡融合经济"(Rurbanomics)发展模式,进而明确了对中国乡村振兴战略的启示。  相似文献   

近年来,中国由于大量进口木材,引致众多非议,许多论调认为中国间接破坏了世界的大量热带雨林。在环境问题全球化的今天,中国研究热带雨林问题形成原因、导致后果以及应对措施等一系列问题有着重要的意义。文章主要从碳循环的角度出发,说明碳排放与大气升温之间的关系、热带雨林在气候升温过程(碳排放)中所起到的作用,指出发达国家在大气升温过程中起着最重要的“作用”。指出建立生态补偿机制与《京都议定书》中碳交易机制是保护热带雨林的有效方式的建议。  相似文献   

Global Commodity Chains and African Export Agriculture   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
The last twenty years or so have seen a new conjuncture in international trade in tropical agricultural products. That conjuncture combines both changes in the organization of the (Northern) manufacturer and consumer segments of the global commodity chains for those products, and in marketing arrangements in their (Southern) countries of origin, associated with structural adjustment and liberalization. This introductory essay provides the context for the case studies that follow, first by introducing some of the key concepts and analytical issues in the global commodity chain (GCC) approach and other recent relevant literature such as the French 'convention' theory. It then sketches an historical framework for examining international trade in tropical agricultural products, with brief illustrations of the specific trajectories of Africa and some African countries within that framework. Finally, it shows how a number of issues are explored in the case studies presented, including how current changes might affect the future prospects of smallholder ('peasant') production of tropical export crops.  相似文献   

在介绍全球公共品的基础上,提出并界定了林业全球公共品的概念。分析了林业全球公共品的特点、林业全球公共品的供给条件,提出了我国对林业全球公共品的供给原则。指出林业全球公共品是在林业生产活动中,为协调、分担国际分工利益而产生的国际组织以及相应的条约、协定、准则。虽然也存在“免费搭车”问题,但出于自身利益的考虑,各个国家有动力加入改善生态环境的集体行动。我国应本着维护主权、有所作为、利益责任均衡的原则,积极参与林业全球公共品的提供。  相似文献   

Agriculture research knowledge and technology that transcends national borders has played a crucial role in enhancing developing country productivity growth over the past 50 years. The demand for international agriculture research (IAR) continues to be strong today even while becoming increasingly differentiated by the stage of development that a particular country or region is in. The supply of IAR to developing country research programs is, however, becoming increasingly constrained by: variable donor support; a push toward downstream product adaptation and dissemination activities relative to innovation and product development; and a lack of clear links between international public good research and national agriculture development priorities. Country‐level donor coordination and alignment mechanisms, specified in the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness, do not explicitly account for the role of IAR in the development process. While the movement toward national ownership of its development agenda and donor alignment around it is unquestionably good, an unintended consequence could be a break in the R&D pipeline that supplies public good research and technologies for enhancing developing country agriculture productivity growth. The article presents options for rebuilding synergies between international public good research and national agriculture development priorities.  相似文献   

国内外竹产业研究的现状与未来   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
竹产业是林业产业的重要组成部分,竹资源的开发和利用以及竹产品的生产和贸易,对林业及地方经济发展的影响逐渐增强,从而受到越来越多的关注和肯定,按照亚太、美洲、非洲三大竹产区的划分,从资源状况与利用途径、产业发展潜力、产业政策等3个方面,对全球竹产业研究进行了综述;讨论了我国竹产业研究的主要领域与重点方面,并对未来需要进一步研究的方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

The dramatic rise and fall of world food prices in 2007–8 was largely a result of speculative activity in global commodity markets, enabled by financial deregulation measures in the United States and elsewhere. Despite the recent fall in agricultural prices in world trade, the food crisis has been exacerbated in many developing countries where food prices remain high and even continue to increase. The financial crisis also directly operates to increase food insecurity by imposing constraints on fiscal policies and food imports in balance‐of‐payments constrained developing countries, causing exchange rate devaluation through capital flight and adversely affecting employment, thereby reducing the ability of vulnerable groups to purchase food.  相似文献   

European governments are rapidly turning to biomass to comply with the EU's legislated renewable energy targets for 2020 and 2030. To do so, EU member states will likely have to increase imports of biomass from timber rich regions, which will undoubtedly disrupt international wood product markets. In this study, a static global forest trade model of coniferous wood products is used to examine the effects of expanded demand for wood pellets in Europe to generate reliable electricity. Positive mathematical programming (PMP) is used to calibrate the model to 2012 bilateral trade flows. To assess the impact of increased wood-pellet demand on global forest products, we consider a scenario where EU demand for wood pellets doubles. Model results suggest increases in the world prices of industrial roundwood (1%), particleboard ($34/m3), fibreboard ($30/m3), pulp ($65/t) and pellets (71% to 128%), while the prices of sawnwood and plywood & veneer are projected to fall by $12/m3 and $4/m3, respectively. The gains and losses are unevenly distributed between timber rich and timber poor regions; Russia, Canada and the U.S. experience large net welfare gains of $706 million, $544 million and $416 million, respectively, while Asia loses $1.8 billion. In the forest products sector, the gains outweigh losses with economic benefits increasing by some $4.9 billion, but this is a cost to the consumers of electricity and/or taxpayers in the regions implementing these renewable energy policies. The price of wood pellets is projected to rise between $107 and $154 per tonne. The findings highlight the need to account for the interconnections among softwood forest products globally.  相似文献   

受全球金融危机影响,2012年全球经济持续弱增长,世界四大经济体两极分化和量化宽松政策增加了全球经济复苏的不确定性和不稳定性.虽然全球矿业股指短期企稳态势隐现,但受经济复苏持续低迷影响,全球重要能源矿产资源或将延续需求疲软,再加上大宗矿产产能释放、库存高位等压力,全球重要矿产品价格未来看跌者居多(如铁、铝、铅、锌等),全球矿业或将进一步调整.本轮矿业超级周期尚未结束,2015年后可能催生出新的矿业小周期,而2015年之前,去库存化、去产能化或将主导全球矿业走势.  相似文献   

文章基于全球钨消费增长缓慢,美国、日本和欧盟钨消费趋于平稳,中国钨需求增速放缓的背景,通过分析全球钨消费历史和消费结构,运用情景分析方法,参考"S"形消费规律,对中国及全球钨需求进行定量预测。预测到2025年全球钨需求为11万吨,2021—2030年中国钨需求为94万吨。依据我国钨基础储量数据,判断当前我国和全球钨资源供应宽松。建议保持适度钨资源供给,提升行业盈利水平。  相似文献   

全球化时代,大国博弈更加复杂与激烈,全球性安全问题层出不穷。全球化时代安全治理的兴起表明了安全治理体制的局限和不足。安全问题呈现出的新特征与新趋势,反映出人类面临着异常复杂的治理局面。文章认为,西方主流安全治理理念无法对全球安全治理现实提供理论支撑,实现有效的全球安全治理需要制度安排和观念转变以及理论创新。  相似文献   


This is a theoretical exploration of an approach to cultural aspects of external dimensions of self-determination movements (SDMs) and their relationship to economic aspects. An underlying theme is the possible relationships between "identity" and global flows of objects, information and images. This general theme connects exiles and diasporas, new global media, material culture and the politics of identity. In the context of global cultural influences on SDMs, we draw attention to the significance of the relationships between people and objects, images and ideas, in the sense of the pathways via which these are spread and exchanged, and in the sense of the symbolic values and meanings attributed to them. Not only ideas but also material objects, images and experience, and the global and local processes via which they are acquired, imbued with value and exchanged, play a major part in reinforcing and/or altering people's sense of who they are, of the world beyond them, their place in it, and the ideology and practice of a SDM. Global processes by which objects, images and experience move do not necessarily imply a unidirectional flow of objects and images of global mass consumption towards and into the SDM and its people. Local objects and images can also go out, potentially influencing not only diasporic and the outside world's views of and policies towards the SDM, but also its view of the outside world and, in turn, its course of action. In sum, the flow of objects and images--as things with meaning and as commodities--is, like diaspora and new media, an important mechanism by which the global and local interact. The paper outlines one route for analysis and indicates possible themes for further research, drawing on empirical data from the author's study of SDMs in Burma.  相似文献   

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