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森林碳汇是最经济、最简单、最有效的减排方式,生物多样性对维持生态系统服务有主导功能。为了探究生物多样性对森林碳汇的影响,分析生物多样性对森林生产力的传导机制,重点讨论生物多样性与森林生产力的"单峰"模式关系、森林生产力和森林碳汇的正相关性、以及森林碳汇对生物多样性的正向反馈作用;提出了保护生物多样性、提高森林生产力、增加森林碳汇的途径:加强相关法制建设,完善森林碳汇交易机制;科学管培森林结构,精准提高森林质量;强化基层环保观念,提高森林生态补偿标准。  相似文献   

文章对森林生物多样性的内涵进行了梳理,分析了森林生物多样性与森林生态旅游之间的关系,基于实地调研获取的一手数据,进一步分析了黑龙江省公众对森林生物多样性的认知程度及其成因。研究表明,公众对于森林生物多样性保护的总体认知水平不高,公众年龄、受教育程度和家庭成员工作情况对其认知水平具有显著影响。为提高公众的认知程度,建议发挥好家庭和学校在普及森林生物多样性保护知识的积极作用,拓展信息传播渠道和丰富科普手段,以促进黑龙江省旅游业逐步走向绿色可持续发展模式。  相似文献   

伴随着工农业的快速发展,环境问题日益凸显,森林生态系统服务功能衰退。生物多样性和生产力、生产力和森林生态系统服务功能之间均有一定的正相关性,基于因果路径分析理论,生物多样性通过作用于生产力这一中介变量来提高森林生态系统服务功能。而目前我国生物多样性面临着来自人类和自然的双重威胁,建议从推进生物多样性主流化、完善法律监管力度、促进保护手段创新方面减轻这一威胁。  相似文献   

概况 清凉峰于1998年经国务院批准晋升为国家级自然保护区,是地处浙西北山区,浙皖二省交界的我国生物多样性保护关键区域。总面积1.13万公顷,由龙塘山森林生态系统保护区域、干顷塘野生梅花鹿保护区域、顺溪坞珍稀濒危植物保护区域三大块组成,属森林和野生动物类型。保护区内地质古老、地形与气候的多样性,孕育了清凉峰丰富的自然资源,生物多样性突出,区内有高等植物2000余种,  相似文献   

第6章森林与湿地生物多样性和野生动植物保护中国是世界上野生动植物种类最丰富的国家之一,也可以说是森林动植物最丰富的国家之一,森林不存毛将焉附!破坏了森林生态系统,也就很难谈什么生物多样性的问题了。生物多样性既包括乔灌木,也包括草木植物;既包括飞禽走兽,也包括昆虫和土壤微  相似文献   

土地多重效益与生物多样性保护补偿   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生物多样性及其提供的生态服务功能不仅为人类的生存和发展提供了物质基础,也为人类适应局地和全球的环境变化带来了机会。然而,生物多样性主流化不足被认为是当前《生物多样性公约》目标未能实现的主要原因。2020年,《公约》第15次缔约方大会计划在中国昆明召开,大会将审议通过"2020后全球生物多样性保护框架"。为适应新的全球战略,提出中国生物多样性保护的主流化的建议:(1)我国现有的森林和草原生态保护政策应纳入生物多样性目标;(2)将农田的生物多样性保护功能纳入到我国的生态保护政策;(3)将生物多样性全面纳入到生态保护政策的考核指标;(4)建立生物多样性监测和评估的专业机构和队伍。  相似文献   

深入实施天保工程 为实现林业发展目标做出更大贡献   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对中国天然林保护工程即将启动的二期工程,简要总结了一期工程10年来在促进全国森林资源增长、恢复森林植物群落、保护生物多样性、增加森林碳汇、建设国家绿色生态屏障和森林资源战略储备基地等方面的生态与环境效益。探讨了建立天然林保护与发展长效机制的主要措施。  相似文献   

森林是陆地生态系统的主体,对维持陆地生态平衡、保护生态安全、防止生态危机起着决定性的作用.森林的生态功能主要是吸储CO2等温室气体、防风固沙、保持水土、涵养水源、保护生物多样性、提供森林游憩等.特别是近年来,随着温室效应和气候变暖的加剧,森林碳汇问题越来越受到人们的重视.  相似文献   

森林生物多样性评价模型的改进   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对2002年的评价模型中的不足,提出了新的改进后的森林生物多样性变化的评价模型,并在我国第六次森林资源清查(1999~2003)资料的基础上,对1973~2003年我国森林生物多样性的变化进行了补充评价。评价结果表明:我国森林生物多样性的压力越来越大,压力指数由1973年的100,上升到2003年的199.10,上升了1.99倍;森林物种多样性总体的下降趋势已有一定幅度的改变,森林物种多样性指数增加了31.12%。森林生态系统多样性和森林生物多样性先逐渐上升,尔后又下降,第六次森林资源清查时又有所恢复,并分别上升了4.67个百分点和17.90个百分点。  相似文献   

生态公益林是为维护和改善生态环境,保持生态平衡,保护生物多样性等满足人类社会的生态需求和可持续发展为主体功能,主要提供公益性、社会性产品和服务的森林.具体包括涵养水源、保持水土、防风固沙、调节气候、净化空气、保护生物多样性等,并为人类提供良好生态环境以及服务于国防、科研的防护林和特用林.  相似文献   

A series of approaches have been proposed for natural resource management and biodiversity conservation in recent decades. In the important forestry sector, two of the most dominant policy paradigms have been multi-purpose forestry and sustainable forest management. The Convention on Biological Diversity, amongst other transnational commitments, added the ecosystem approach and its related idea of ecosystem services to this succession which is increasingly becoming the basis for natural resource management, including in the United Kingdom (UK). However, this latest addition raises the stimulating question of whether in forestry the ecosystem approach and the associated ecosystem services concept really constitute something fundamentally new, or are merely an extension or re-branding of existing policy approaches. This paper contributes to a lively contemporary debate surrounding the ecosystem approach and ecosystem services, by examining how these two interrelated but distinctly different concepts are currently understood and adopted within UK forestry and in the context of established forestry policy paradigms. For this purpose, I undertook a review of the scholarly literature and legal and policy documents which have been triangulated with a survey of the attitudes, interpretations and opinions of forestry stakeholders through expert interviews. The analysis suggests that in the UK forestry sector, as elsewhere, the frequency of, often broad and ambiguous approaches to natural resource management and biodiversity conservation in general, and forestry policy and management in particular, are causing confusion amongst some stakeholders, who, unsurprisingly frequently conflate concepts seemingly without understanding the details. However, a clear understanding of the differences and similarities of these important concepts, stemming from overlapping but different disciplines, is crucially important for successful policy implementation and sustainable forest management. This article attempts to contribute to such a clarification and to further interdisciplinary understanding.  相似文献   

黑龙江是农业大省,森林的多种服务功能对主产区粮食生产具有重要意义。黑龙江省粮食主产区的森林生态系统服务功能主要包括气候调节、涵养水源、减少土壤肥力流失、净化环境、生物栖息地、有机物质生产等。客观衡量黑龙江省粮食主产区的森林生态系统的服务效能,对于粮食主产区森林资源保护、生态建设及其科学制定粮食生产和生态建设规划具有重要意义。针对黑龙江省粮食主产区森林的生态系统服务功能进行了分析和评价,并提出了合理的森林资源保护对策和建议。结果表明森林资源对黑龙江省粮食主产区生态环境改善和黑龙江省农业(农村)可持续发展具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

云南省林业冰雪凌冻灾害造成全省122个县(市区)不同程度受灾,涉及林业人口792万人,造成林业直接经济损失47.43亿元。其特点是:灾害持续时间长、受灾范围广,强度大、危害程度深,对生物多样性保护影响深远,次生、衍生灾害隐患大。建议国家应在启动灾后生态系统恢复工程,对受灾退耕农户补助期限延长5年,启动天保工程区重点生态公益林生态效益补偿,加大对云南省生物多样性保护的扶持力度等9个方面给予解决。  相似文献   

In this article we explore the hidden gender order of the biodiversity policy and, in particular, the social and societal positions offered to male and female forest owners in voluntary conservation. Two studies were conducted in the region where the National Biodiversity Program for Southern Finland (“METSO”) has been implemented. Study 1 focused on forest owners’ discursive practices that construct different actor positions to female and male forest owners; 27 interviews with forest owners were analyzed. Three discourses – “conservation threatens forestry,” “forestry threatens conservation,” and “good forestry is conservation” – were identified. Forest owners typically described themselves as “loggers” who were explicitly described as masculine. This was paired with the feminine position of “bystander.” The other two positions found, “protectors” and “political agents”, by contrast, were discussed as non-gendered positions. In Study 2 we examined quantitatively how individual forest owners’ nature conservation preferences and willingness to conserve forests is mediated by gender. The responses of 965 owners were analyzed with structural equation modeling. The endorsement of nature conservation preferences was found to increase willingness to conserve forests only among male owners. The results illustrate how individual forest owners adapt their nature conservation preferences to forestry's masculine socio-cultural context.  相似文献   

Protecting and enhancing biodiversity is one of the most important ecological goals of community forestry. Meeting this goal depends on a complex interaction of ecological as well as social and economic factors. With this paper we ask, whether the power of actors has a strong influence on the ecological outcomes of community forestry and if so, how such alliances for biodiversity look like. For empirical evidence we use our database compiled of research on 84 international community forestry cases of both developed and developing countries, taken from 2009 to 2016. The results show that the powerful actors are driving biodiversity in community forestry. With a small number of powerful actors interested in enhancing biodiversity we were able to identify only little substantial support for this goal. The widespread public announcements of biodiversity goals are mostly symbolic. Dominant information and financial incentives are the most common instruments for protecting the ecological equilibrium. This indicates a “soft” policy for biodiversity in contrast to the hard coercive instruments which protect the forest area as such. We conclude that the analysis of power can be a valuable factor in explaining the outcomes of community forestry in practice.  相似文献   

贵州发展现代林业的SWOT研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
指出贵州发展现代林业的优势是:优越的气侯条;生物多样性;民族传统习俗与文化。同时指出了劣势:原始森林大量破坏;珍贵树种濒临灭绝;林业产业没有形成特色优势;机制不活、市场化能度低。但贵州发展现代林业也存在包括建设生态文明等7个方面的机遇和面对石漠化等3方面的严峻挑战。  相似文献   

以最新发布的《中国森林生态系统服务功能评估规范》为依据,根据2009年峡江县二类森林资源调查资料,对峡江县森林生态系统的涵养水源(调节水量、净化水质)、保育土壤(固土、保肥)等生态服务功能价值进行初步核算,核算结果,峡江县森林生态系统涵养水源价值为30.55亿元/a,保育土壤价值为872.64万元/a。  相似文献   

Systematic conservation planning (SCP) seeks to propose new reserves through a scientifically rigorous process using databases and research selection algorithims. However, SCP exercises have been criticized for “knowing but not doing”, i.e. not implementing the proposed reserve. But there is an additional problem that can be called “knowing but not knowing”, knowing things from databases, but not knowing crucial contextual information about community-based social processes that have supported the high forest cover and biodiversity detected. Examined here is how a common property region of the Sierra Norte of Oaxaca, Mexico has maintained high forest cover in the absence of public protected areas, while multiple SCP exercises have advocated for the creation of public protected areas in communal tropical montane cloud forests and pine forests as strategies for biodiversity conservation and resilience to climate change. Methods included archival research, review of community documents, focus group interviews, semi-structured interviews, participant observation, land use transects, and GIS analysis and remote sensing. Conservation in the region originally occurred because of low population densities, steep slopes and a lack of agricultural subsidies, supported by locally adapted agricultural practices. In the 1990s, a transition from passive to active conservation took place with land use zoning plans, community conservation rules, community forestry enterprises and payments for environmental service programs that consolidated a trend towards high, unthreatened forest cover. Today, the study communities have an average of 88.3% forest cover, with 61% of that in informal conservation based on community land use zoning and rules and another 14% governed by forest management plans approved by the Mexican government. We argue that truly systematic conservation plans would seek to understand how communities in the region are already managing forests for conservation. It is pointless and uninformed to advocate for top-down conservation interventions of forests that are already robustly conserved and resilient to climate change due to community action.  相似文献   

社区保护地是社区参与自然保护地管理的有效形式之一,通过传统知识来达到自然保护和自然资源可持续利用的目的,不仅可以促进生物多样性的保护,还能促进社区经济的发展;综合已有的传统知识研究成果,结合《生物多样性公约》等国际协议,分析在中国通过认可"社区保护地"来达到社区参与自然保护地管理的可能性。  相似文献   

谢红 《林业经济问题》2007,27(6):516-520
运用影子价格法、市场价值法、机会成本法、替代花费法等方法,从涵养水源、保持土壤、固碳释氧、净化空气、林产品价值、保护生物多样性等6个方面对福建永安林业(集团)股份有限公司(简称"永安林业")永安经营区森林生态系统服务功能的经济价值进行评价。结果表明:"永安林业"永安经营区森林生态系统每年服务的总价值为20.953143亿元。其中涵养水源价值4.232074亿元,保持土壤价值5422.63万元,固碳释氧价值6.696 615亿元,净化空气价值4.707 154亿元,林产品价值4.654 192亿元,保护生物多样性价值1208.45万元。  相似文献   

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