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本文首先分析了县域农业特色产业循环经济对我国县域经济社会发展的重要作用,然后指出县域农业特色产业发展循环经济的本质是农业特色产业创新的过程,进而在此基础之上,提出了四种县域农业特色产业发展循环经济的模式,并指出了在县域农业特色产业发展循环经济过程中应重点注意的几点问题。  相似文献   

借鉴国内外区域农业特色产业发展经验和国家相关政策,结合广东省实际情况,通过对农业特色产业进行识别,提出了影响特色产业发展的6个因子。对如何健康持续发展特色产业,运用"钻石模型"进行了系统科学的影响因子分析,确定各个因子对产业发展的起到的作用,形成广东省区域农业特色产业影响因素"钻石模型",并在此基础上确立区域农业特色产业发展战略和重点发展区域。  相似文献   

本文针对辽宁农业特色产业基地相关问题进行分析研究,提出了加快辽宁农业特色产业基地发展的对策,对促进辽宁省农业向区域化、专业化和产业化方向发展有着深远的意义.  相似文献   

农业特色产业集群是产业集群在农业生产组织中的模式创新.理论界关于农业特色产业集群的研究主要集中于形成机制和各地的发展现状上,缺少对风险的研究.本文详细分析了农业特色产业集群在发展过程中所面临的各种风险,并针对不同的组织类型提出了不同的降低风险、提升产业集群竞争力的措施.  相似文献   

本文通过对宁夏农业优势特色产业发展现状、前景及发展存在的问题进行分析,提出了以发挥财政职能加快推进农业优势特色产业建设发展的对策。  相似文献   

近日举行的“中国三农问题研讨会暨‘冠成’模式三农实践报告会”上,与会农业问题专家提出,发展特色产业要解决六大问题。农业部农业产业化领导小组副主任丁力认为:农业产业化经营、农产品加工销售分大宗农产品和特色产业两大块。发展农业特色产业对西部、老少边穷地  相似文献   

本文通过对宁夏农业优势特色产业发展现状、前景及发展存在的问题进行分析,提出了以发挥财政职能加快推进农业优势特色产业建设发展的对策。  相似文献   

正习近平总书记在视察江苏时指出,发展特色产业、特色经济是加快推进农业农村现代化的重要举措,要因地制宜抓好谋划和落实。这一重要指示,既抓住了当前江苏农业阶段性供过于求和供给不足并存的主要矛盾,也提出了特色产业富民的发展路径。要按照产业兴旺的要求,在聚焦产业富民上抓落实,在农业特色产业上下功夫,加快农业农村经济发展,力争在全国率先实现农业农村现代化。  相似文献   

分析了财政支持甘肃省发展农业优势特色产业过程中存在的问题,并针对支持不足、结构不合理等问题,提出相应的对策建议,以期提高甘肃省农业优势特色产业发展水平。  相似文献   

在贵州民族地区乡村振兴进程当中,新型农业经营主体在促进乡村特色产业发展、激活乡村特色产业发展活力、转变乡村特色产业发展方式等方面发挥着不可替代的作用。以贵州民族地区新型农业经营主体为研究对象,运用案例研究法和文献研究法,从产业融合理论的视角,分析了目前贵州民族地区新型农业经营主体现有发展模式存在的问题,并提出了优化建议。  相似文献   

文章阐述了鄱阳湖湿地概况及历史利用情况,湿地种植季节性农作物的8项有利条件,重要意义及主要政策措施,提出实行"三为主",即能手大面积承包、村委会带头组织、农户自筹资金为主,并提出做到"三结合"、坚持"三原则"、防止"三种倾向"。  相似文献   

文章运用随机前沿生产函数估计了林业生产投入要素劳动力和资本的产出弹性,测量了各省区2002~2009年的林业技术效率,并分析了林业技术效率的影响因素。结果表明:林业产业存在明显的技术效率损失,随机前沿生产函数的误差主要是由技术非效率引起;林业产业劳动力和资本的产出弹性分别为0.58和0.47,林业生产仍处于规模报酬递增阶段。总体上,各省区林业技术效率水平相差不大,且林业的平均技术效率水平呈现缓慢上升的趋势;森林病虫鼠害的发生率显著降低了林业技术效率,而基层林业工作站人员文化水平的提高能有效的改善林业生产的技术效率。  相似文献   

This article examines the presence of spatial spillovers in farms’ dynamic technical inefficiency scores using Data Envelopment Analysis and a second-stage spatial truncated bootstrap regression model. Dynamic inefficiency is measured in terms of variable input contraction and gross investment expansion, while the second-stage model allows an individual’s dynamic inefficiency to be influenced by both own and neighbours’ characteristics. The empirical application focuses on the panel data of specialised Dutch dairy farms observed over the period 2009–2016 and for which exact geographical coordinates of latitude and longitude are available. The results confirm the existence of spatial spillovers in farmers’ dynamic technical inefficiency levels. Although changes in neighbours’ subsidies do not significantly influence an individual’s inefficiency, an increase in neighbours’ age reduces an individual’s performance, while an increase in neighbours’ levels of intensification improves an individual’s dynamic efficiency.  相似文献   

While strengthening women’s land rights is increasingly on national and international agendas, there is little consensus on how to understand women’s tenure security. Analyses of women’s land rights often use very different definitions of land rights, from formal ownership to women’s management of plots allocated to them by their husbands. This paper identifies aspects of women’s tenure that should be included in indicators. It then provides a conceptual framework to identify the various dimensions of women’s land tenure security and the myriad factors that may influence it. To be able to compare women’s tenure security in different places, we need information on the context, the threats and opportunities facing tenure security, and the action arena that includes both the people who play a role in promoting or limiting women’s tenure security and the resources used in doing so.  相似文献   

随着经济发展,人们生活水平不断提高,中国人均食物消费量不断提高,但食物消费不平等问题依然比较突出。本文基于贸易自由化的角度,引入价格和收入两个中介变量,利用中国家庭收入项目调查数据及其他相关数据,通过多元多重中介效应模型,从理论和实证上分析了贸易自由化对中国食物消费不平等的影响。研究发现,贸易自由化不仅可通过提高中国居民收入水平以及降低物价两条路径显著抑制中国食物消费不平等,而且对中国食物消费不平等存在着直接的抑制作用。  相似文献   


This study uses secondary longitudinal data and a first difference pooled Poisson regression model to explain annual counts for farmers’ markets in the United States. Data were collected for all 50 states and the District of Columbia for 10 years, from 2004 to 2013, leading to a longitudinal data set with 510 observations. Results indicate that population growth and funds routed toward Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) farmers’ market nutrition programs increase farmers’ markets’ annual counts. The rate ratio of farmers’ markets’ counts for highly populated states that have both WIC and senior farmers’ market nutrition programs is approximately three times greater than their counterparts. Areas with high agriculture output experience a significant increase in counts. States located in the south and in desert areas have lower counts than other regions. This study suggests important recommendations to policy makers, farmers’ market managers, and researchers.  相似文献   

我国白酒酒糟产量丰富,提高其资源化利用率有利于促进白酒工业的绿色化、循环化、经济化发展。本文对白酒酒糟及其资源化利用现状进行综述,并以“茅台生态循环经济产业示范园”酒糟资源循环化利用为例,阐述了白酒酒糟资源循环化利用对环境保护和白酒工业发展的重要意义。  相似文献   

保护和建设好三江源地区生态环境,构筑全国重要的生态屏障,是惠及千秋万代的大事,是当前及今后青海经济社会发展的首要任务。该文从落实科学发展观,保护"中华水塔"、实施"生态立省"战略、促进三江源地区人民群众脱贫致富、维护三江源地区经济社会稳定发展的高度出发,提出了实施退牧还草工程,切实做好生态移民、调整优化产业结构,积极发展后续产业、加快特色旅游资源开发,推进对外开放、探索建立生态补偿机制等对策建议。  相似文献   

Changing water demands induced through climate change and a growing biofuel energy sector throughout the western States are expected to increase pressures on the present allocation mechanisms for an increasingly scarce resource, raising uncertainty about the sustainability of irrigated agriculture in the West. In this paper, we first present the policy motivation for examining continued producer adoption of water conserving irrigation production systems as a foundation for providing a sustainable future for western irrigated agriculture. Second, we summarize the historical transitions that help to define the adjustment path to increased sustainability for the sector. While western irrigated agriculture is on a path toward greater sustainability, evidence suggests that the sustainability goal has not been fully attained. Third, we develop a new conceptual framework for groundwater management that endogenizes both per acre applied water and an acreage-based technology adoption relationship within a normative, dynamic-optimization model for groundwater irrigated agriculture. The framework models producer adoption decisions under uncertainty while accounting for the influence of irrigation technology as a quasi-fixed input, i.e., the influence of asset fixity on producer adoption decisions. In this model, total crop production is based on consumptive use of irrigation water while the cost side is based on total applied water. L’évolution de la demande en eau que suscitent le changement climatique et l’essor du secteur des biocarburants dans l’Ouest américain devrait faire monter les pressions sur les mécanismes actuels d’allocation d’une ressource de plus en plus limitée, soulevant ainsi de l’incertitude quant à la viabilité de l’agriculture irriguée dans cette région. Dans le présent article, nous avons tout d’abord présenté la motivation politique pour examiner l’adoption soutenue, de la part des producteurs agricoles, de systèmes de production irriguée axés sur l’économie de l’eau comme élément permettant d’assurer un avenir durable pour l’agriculture irriguée. Nous avons ensuite résumé les transitions historiques qui aident à définir les mesures à prendre pour accroître la viabilité du secteur. Bien que l’agriculture irriguée dans l’Ouest américain soit sur la voie d’une viabilité accrue, les données disponibles autorisent à penser que l’objectif de la viabilité n’a pas été pleinement atteint. Enfin, nous avons élaboré un nouveau cadre conceptuel pour la gestion de l’eau souterraine qui endogénise le lien entre l’eau utilisée à l’acre et l’adoption d’une technologie fondée sur la superficie dans le cadre d’un modèle d’optimisation dynamique normatif pour l’agriculture irriguée à partir des eaux souterraines. Le cadre conceptuel modélise les décisions d’adoption du producteur en présence d’incertitude tout en tenant compte de l’influence des technologies d’irrigation comme intrants quasi fixes, c’est-à-dire, l’influence de la fixité des actifs sur les décisions d’adoption du producteur. Dans ce modèle, la production végétale totale est fondée sur l’évapotranspiration d’eau d’irrigation tandis que l’aspect coût est fondé sur la quantité totale d’eau appliquée.  相似文献   

The youth out-migration of rural areas, the ageing of farmer population and the lack of a successor within the farm family imply some drawbacks for rural development and for a more sustainable agriculture. This study used the reasoned action approach (RAA) to identify the beliefs underlying Brazilian successors’ intention to take over the farm. The RAA hypothesizes that successors’ intention to take over the farm is determined by three constructs: attitude, perceived norms and perceived behavioral control. These three constructs are derived from behavioral, normative and control beliefs. Results showed that the behavioral beliefs ‘Satisfaction for taking care of family farm assets’ and ‘Ease for managing the farm’ influence successors’ evaluation (attitude) of taking over the farm. The normative beliefs ‘Father’ and ‘Mother’ influence successors’ perceptions about the social pressure (perceived norms) to take over the farm. The control beliefs ‘Ease to buy more land’ and ‘Professional recognition’ influence successors’ perceptions about their own capability (perceived behavioral control) to take over the farm. The identification of these beliefs revealed important implications for designing interventions to encourage successors to take over the farm.  相似文献   

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