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陈文标 《林业经济》2012,(6):113-115
解决三农问题的关键在于农民增收,农民增收的主要途径是农民创业。根据农民创业和企业家精神理论,指出了农民创业的关键在于创业机会的识别,为此,我们根据农民创业过程中对农民企业家主动性搜索和发现创业机会、结合企业家个人特征识别创业机会、企业家利用创新的企业家精神把握创业机会构建了一个模型,为探索农民创业途径提供了参考。  相似文献   

宅基地三权分置的制度需求、实现形式与法律表达   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究目的:通过分析宅基地三权分置的制度需求和实现形式,揭示宅基地三权分置形成的权利结构以及权利的法律性质与法理逻辑。研究方法:法社会学和法经济学相结合的比较研究方法。研究结果:(1)受城镇化和工业化的影响,农户分化为纯农户、兼业户和非农户。纯农户对宅基地有保障性需求,非农户有财产性需求,兼业户两者兼有。宅基地两权分置满足了纯农户和兼业户的保障性需求,三权分置满足了非农户和兼业户的财产性需求。(2)三权分置的实现形式有延伸经营权、分置成员权和分置人役权等模式。延伸经营权模式和分置人役权模式较好地保护了已取得居住权益,分置成员权模式较好地保护了待取得居住权益。(3)宅基地三权分置的法律表达,需要兼顾效率与公平的制度需求,形成逻辑严谨的权利体系。在“所有权—使用权—经营权”框架的基础上,补充构建宅基地居住权和成员权等权利类型。经营权的性质为次用益物权,承担资源经济利用的社会功能;居住权的性质为人役权,承担保障农户已取得居住权益的社会功能;成员权的性质为集体成员分配请求权,承担保障农户待取得居住权益的社会功能。研究结论:宅基地三权分置响应了纯农户、兼业户和非农户在城镇化和工业化背景下对保障和财产的差异化功能需求。在“所有权—使用权—经营权”权利框架的基础上,补充构建宅基地居住权和成员权等权利类型,可以形成逻辑更为严谨的权利体系。  相似文献   

In this article, I study small‐scale growers of blonde tobacco varieties from the state of Nayarit in Mexico who had contract farming arrangements with the state‐owned company Tabamex (1972–1990). I refer to them as “well‐off small‐scale tobacco growers” given that in the 1960s, 1970s, and the 1980s, they became one of the subaltern social groups that benefited the most from the Mexican Agrarian Reform. I want to set this research apart from the ones carried out on tobacco growers in Nayarit, which have almost exclusively understood this group as agricultural producers and have perceived as secondary, and even as anecdotal, the impact of the high levels of wage labour hired in the region. I argue that in order to have a better understanding of the social relations at play, it is important to take into account that Nayarit tobacco growers have also been employers of farm workers. Hence in my analysis, I have also included the seasonal farm workers hired by these small‐scale tobacco growers because of their importance in the labour force. More specifically, I have looked into the vulnerability and invisibility of these workers both within this branch of agricultural activity and state institutions.  相似文献   

鼓励乡村创业是实施乡村振兴战略的重要举措,乡村创业属于草根创业,需要乡村公共资源的支持,但在乡村公共资源使用中存在的“精英俘获”现象,严重影响着乡村创业者对创业机会的开发及新创企业的成长,从而影响着乡村创业多重效应的发挥。需要从政策设计的公共性,资源管理的系统性和权力分配的透明性入手,消除乡村公共资源“精英俘获”对乡村创业的不良影响。  相似文献   

Few studies of agrarian transition examine what farmers themselves feel about farming. Are they cultivating out of choice or a lack of options? What distinguishes farmers who like farming from those who do not: their personal/household characteristics and endowments? The local ecology and regional economy? Or a mix of these and other factors? Understanding farmer satisfaction is important not only for assessing citizen wellbeing but also for agricultural productivity, since occupational satisfaction can affect a farmer’s incentive to invest and reveal production constraints. Using a unique all-India data-set which asked farmers, ‘Do you like farming?’ this paper provides answers and policy pointers, contributing a little-studied dimension to debates on the smallholder’s future and subjective wellbeing.  相似文献   

目的 土地细碎化与传统分散式经营一定程度阻碍了农业适度规模经营与农民创业,探索土地流转对农民创业的影响,对加速农业现代化发展、实现农民增收具有重要意义。方法 文章阐释土地流转影响农民创业的机理,并依据陕西、宁夏、山东3省(区)1 947份农户调研数据,运用Probit模型实证检验土地流转对农民创业的影响,同时进一步测度社会资本是否发挥调节作用。结果 (1)转入土地正向促进农民创业基本决策,而转出土地负向抑制农民创业基本决策,显著性水平分别为1%和5%。(2)进一步划分创业类型后显示,转入土地能显著促进农民开展涉农创业,而转出土地能促进农民开展非农创业。(3)社会资本的调节作用显著,具体表现为,整合型社会资本在转入土地影响涉农创业中发挥调节作用,而跨越型社会资本在转出土地影响非农创业中发挥调节作用。结论 因此,建议持续推进土地流转政策的深化改革,确保从土地流转到农民创业的顺利衔接;加强农民创业培训体系建设,考核培训后的效益效果,通过提升培训质量助推农民创业;鼓励农民增强社交意识,灵活运用社会网络获取资源,并通过积极社交打通阶级壁垒、促进信息流动,加速创业的开展。  相似文献   

As farmworkers were reframed as “essential” workers during the COVID-19 pandemic, US growers demanded unfettered access to foreign farm labor. After initially announcing a freeze on all immigration processing, the Trump administration bowed to farmers' demands, granting a single exception for agricultural guestworkers under the H-2A visa program. Through a focus on H-2A farmworkers in Georgia, this paper highlights how the pandemic exacerbated farm labor conditions in the US South. The author interrogates these conditions through the lens of racial capitalism, exposing the legacies of plantation political economies and a longstanding agricultural labor system premised on devaluing racialized labor. These histories are obscured by the myth of agricultural exceptionalism—the idea that agriculture is too different and important to be subject to the same rules and regulations as other industries. Agricultural exceptionalism naturalizes the racial capitalist system and informs state responses that privilege agricultural production through the exploitation of farmworkers, remaking “essential” farmworkers as sacrificial labor.  相似文献   

This study addresses the question of whether farms enrolled in land preservation programs are actively engaged in agricultural or conservation activities. Data are drawn from an original survey administered to preserved farm owners in the states of New Jersey, Maryland, and Delaware in 2011. “Actively engaged” is defined as investment in conservation projects, buildings, equipment, or irrigation since the land was preserved. Affirmative answers to the survey's investment questions range from a low of 19% for irrigation to a high of 69% for equipment. Special attention was paid to differences between lifestyle farmers and small and large commercial farmers, which are classified using the USDA typology developed in 2000. Regression analysis estimates differences in investment behavior across these groups as well as farm tenure categories, controlling for farm size, program/state location, and demographic variables. Only owners who employ tenants or managers exclusively on their land were found to invest significantly less than the largest professional farmers, and they did so across all four types of investment.This study's findings support preservation goals articulated by legislators and program administrators, because (1) agricultural and land stewardship investments appear to be widespread on preserved farms, partly due to administrators’ preference for larger parcels, (2) there is no evidence that “hobby farmers” are disproportionately attracted to farmland preservation programs – in fact the opposite seems to be true – while those that exist in our sample behave similarly to the largest commercial farmers, (3) although tenant farming is associated in the sample with lower rates of investment, it is less common on preserved farms than on all farms in the three study states. The matter of land tenure, highlighted in this as in other studies, has not yet become a primary focus of either farm-behavioral research or state agricultural policy.  相似文献   

A review of the ‘new political economy’ of agricultural policies includes models of social income maximising governments, collective action by ‘pressure groups’, and the interaction between politicians and voters. An alternative explanation for Olson's “social by-product” theory for why farmers received massive subsidies as a large group is also presented. An explanation for various patterns of farm policy interventions is given, including why rich countries subsidise and poor countries tax farmers. Finally, the role of public research expenditures and the interaction with commodity policy is explored.  相似文献   

基于印记理论,选取2020年广东和广西两省荔枝主产区的964户种植户作为调研对象,运用logit模型进行实证分析,探索干部经历对农户选择电商销售渠道的影响。结果显示:干部经历对荔枝种植户采用电商销售具有显著的正向影响,而农户自身具有的销售渠道资源也是荔枝种植户选择电商销售的动力之一,其与干部经历带有的政治资本共同推动种植户选择电商销售。因此,要发挥具有干部经历的农户在农产品电商发展中的带头人作用,培育当地的销售服务团队与提供更多的销售渠道资源,并联合社会多方力量加大对农产品电商销售的培训力度。  相似文献   

[目的]乡村振兴战略背景下,农民创业成为实现产业兴旺的重要途径和助力脱贫攻坚的重要力量,研究影响政府对农民创业类型支持方式的核心因素有助于给予农民创业者在选择创业类型时提供有价值的参考。[方法]文章利用2017年7月至2018年8月四川省8市34县(区) 2 778份农民创业者调查数据,根据三产类型将创业类型分为3类,构建无序多分类Logistic回归计量经济模型探索影响政府对农民创业类型支持方式的核心因素。[结果]农民创业类型以第一产业为主,第三产业相对较少。其中,以第一产业"种植业""养殖业"为创业类型的农户分别占样本总量的35.85%和34.99%,而以第三产业"互联网电商""创意、文化、教育类"为创业类型的农户分别仅占样本总量的5.18%和4.54%。[结论]政府对于在第一产业领域内的农民创业类型更倾向于培训支持和政策支持,对于第二和第三产业领域内的农民创业类型更倾向于资金支持。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,中国农村内部收入差距呈现扩大态势,收入差距的扩大对农村家庭产生了深远影响。本文利用2012~2016年中国家庭追踪调查(CFPS)数据,研究了农村收入差距对农户创业行为的影响及其作用机制。实证研究发现,农村收入差距的扩大显著降低了农户创业的概率,基尼系数每提高0.1单位,农户创业的概率下降1.45%,这一数值约为农村地区创业比例的21%,具有显著的经济意义。通过面板数据双向固定效应模型、滞后效应和工具变量法克服内生性问题后,结果仍然稳健。研究还发现,农村收入差距的扩大显著降低了农户创业的参与人数、经营规模、经营绩效和新创企业的概率,并显著提高了创业失败的可能性,增加了从事农业生产的人数和家庭成员外出打工的概率。机制分析发现,农村收入差距的扩大提升了农户面临流动性约束的概率并降低了农户的人力资本投资,从而抑制了农户创业。此外,异质性分析还发现,农村收入差距的扩大对低教育水平、中低收入阶层和中西部地区家庭产生了更显著的负向影响。本文的研究为全面认识农村创业的影响因素提供了新视角,对更好地推动"大众创业、万众创新"在农村的贯彻实施具有政策启示。  相似文献   

文章基于中国农地确权制度改革的政策背景,以及备受关注的土地细碎化的资源特征,构建“产权权利界定、产权资源特性与农户生产要素投入”的理论分析框架,借助广东粤北山区阳山县农户的调查数据,采用条件混合处理模型的计量结果表明:农地确权未能有效激励农户的生产要素投入行为,但土地细碎化显著抑制了农户雇佣劳动力和机械服务购买行为,还显著促进了化肥施用。进一步纳入农地确权和土地细碎化的交互项的模型结果表明,农地确权与土地细碎化两者之间不存在互补或替代的交互效应。采用中介机制、子样本分析等模型验证了上述结论的稳健性。由此认为,农地确权政策的影响具有情境依赖性,不可教条式地过度吹捧农地确权政策的生产投入影响效应;对于丘陵山区地带而言,农业政策应从聚焦于地权制度改革调整到缓解农地细碎化问题上。这不仅对激励农业生产要素的投入具有必要性与紧迫性,而且也有利于农地“减肥”,缓解中国日益紧迫的农业资源环境问题。  相似文献   

This paper explores the role of contract farming arrangements in agricultural intensification in sub-Saharan Africa, combining secondary literature and original case material from Mozambique. The paper extends the scope of “contract farming” beyond the formal contracts between large companies and small-scale producers to include less formal credit agreements between farmers and traders. It argues that such informal contract arrangements are evidence of farmers' agency in “real markets.” In the studied cases, farmers use contract farming opportunities to intensify agricultural production by investing in irrigation and inputs. While informal contracts typically concern locally consumed crops, thus with more possibilities for side selling than formal contracts for export crops with company-controlled markets, informal contract compliance reflects closely knit social ties between the contracting parties. In both formal and informal contracts, purchasers tend to seek out producers who are already irrigating, thus obtaining gains from farmers' earlier investments. This also implies contract farming as a mechanism for accelerating social differentiation arising from unequal access to irrigation. The paper argues that the significance of informal contracts in the studied cases raises the possibility that informal contract farming by local traders plays a more important role in agrarian transformation in Africa than formal contract farming by large companies.  相似文献   

Farmers are constantly exhorted to be good marketers. This research explores the connection between production characteristics and producer business orientation in the Spanish citrus industry. The sector lends itself to this study because it is by far the world's largest exporter of fresh oranges and mandarins, and yet has been criticised for fundamental weaknesses not only in the structure of production systems but also in the patterns of marketing activity. Survey data from Valencia are used to test the assumption that specialised producers also possess enirepreneurial attitudes and attributes. Cluster analysis is used to identify strategic groups of producers according to production characteristics and producer business orientation. The complexity of the industry is found to defy simple polar hypotheses about “good” and “weak” structures and strategies.  相似文献   

目的 推广绿色农业技术、强化农业绿色发展的科技支撑是实现农业经济高质量发展的根本要求。方法 文章选择了4项设施蔬菜种植户常用的绿色农业技术(抗病虫抗逆性强的新品种、生物防治、生物农药、水肥一体化),通过计算互联网使用综合得分,运用有序Probit模型实证分析了互联网使用对农户绿色农业技术采纳强度的影响。进一步,结合工具变量法和条件混合过程估计法(CMP)来克服互联网使用的内生性问题,同时检验了社会网络在互联网影响绿色农业技术采纳过程中的调节效应。结果 互联网使用能够显著提高农户的绿色农业技术采纳强度,互联网使用程度高的农户更倾向于采纳多项绿色农业技术;社会网络在互联网使用影响绿色农业技术采纳行为的过程中具有负向调节作用,在影响农户采纳绿色农业技术的过程中互联网使用能够对社会网络产生替代作用。结论 政府应加快推进农村地区互联网基础设施建设,增加农户使用互联网的可行性和便易性;积极开发公益性的绿色技术知识普及、培训、推广和教学软件,帮助农户认识、接受并采纳绿色农业技术;引导农户使用互联网促进产品销售,实现绿色农产品的优质优价。  相似文献   

Although the adaptation strategies of smallholder farmers to climate change and its attendant hazards have attracted widespread attention, the quantitative detection and evaluation of their adaptive behaviors remains a difficult task that deserves further study. This article describes an empirical case study performed in southern China to examine the adaptation strategies of paddy farmers to agricultural drought. We collected first-hand data through household questionnaires, in-depth interviews with local managers, and farm-level land-use surveys. The effectiveness of the adaptation approaches of the farmers was assessed in terms of the ecological, economic, and social benefits. Our findings indicate that over the past three decades, when confronted with recurrent seasonal drought in a warming climate, farmers have gradually abandoned the double-cropping rice production and transformed their cropping patterns into a new diversified mode of “Rice-Cole, rice, cotton, seedling nursery, and coarse cereals”. Current farming practice reduces the vulnerability of local agriculture to drought, and allows farmers to diversify and improve their incomes, which contributes to enhanced resilience and adaptability to drought. However, the autonomous adaptation of farmers may primarily serve their interests of minimizing drought risk and maximizing economic profits but could also undermine the social benefits, such as regional grain security. A robust adaptation strategy should balance the ecological and economic benefits with social interests to maintain agricultural sustainability.  相似文献   

The problem of poverty in Africa was often discussed in terms of the agro-ecological specifics and the internal social relations of societies, production systems and economies. It appeared necessary, therefore, for states and international organizations to intervene. Because poverty was identified with production constraints, such interventions took the form of technological transfer in agriculture. Later, as agro-ecological constraints became more widely perceived, and supposedly “fragile” ecosystems were believed to be under threat from population growth and other factors, emphasis shifted to “environmental sustainability”. As with the new technologies, so with sustainable natural resource management, it was often assumed that the new knowledge must come from outside, or from “science”, and must be promoted against the natural “conservatism” of smallholders by whatever means necessary—from coercion at one extreme to “participation” at the other. Recently there has been much movement away from such stereotypical positions towards more subtle and varied statements of the problem. However, I believe there is still a lacuna with respect to the autonomy of the smallholder in the “fight against poverty”. Intervention is still the name of the game, and receives far more attention than the resources or achievements of poor people themselves. Analyses of long-term trends in the management of resources at the village, regional and national levels in dryland Africa suggest that African farmers have made considerable achievements in the face of a trying environment. An understanding of this long-term trend may provide a better framework for the diagnosis of current problems and the formulation of future policy on poverty and livelihoods in the drylands.  相似文献   

The sustainability of farming systems is currently under debate. There is concern that technological and other changes have long-run consequences, which may compromise future levels of desired outputs from agricultural and other resources. The paper traces developments in the theory of sustainability and discusses their application at the farm level. Findings include firstly, that sustainability should be regarded as an emergent property of an agricultural system. Its operational definition at the farm level thus may not apply at other levels in the hierarchy. Secondly, whilst individual farmers may attach value to “sustainability” goods, they are unlikely to adopt socially optimal levels without regulation or incentive. Finally, since sustainability issues at the farm level are usually long-run, dynamic and have social dimensions, a central task for farm management researchers lies in investigations which allow tradeoffs between different sustainability criteria to be determined and then optimised according to society's norms.  相似文献   

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