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The objective of this study was to identify the key variables affecting export performance at the firm level and draw the policy implications necessary to enhance Oman fish exports. The methodology adopted is inspired from the international marketing literature, which postulates that export performance is determined by both internal factors, under the control of the firm, and external factors. Empirically, the study used an econometric model and a firm survey data to investigate the link between export intensity, defined as the proportion of export sale to total sale and 4 sets of firm-level specific factors: (1) firm size and competencies, (2) management characteristics, (3) management perceptions and attitude, and (4) marketing strategy. Results show that both the age and firm size, measured by the number of years in business and the number of employees, had no significant effect on export performance. Managers' education level, previous work experience, commitment to exporting activities, diversification, and availability of information on foreign markets are all significant variables, positively affecting export performance. These results underscore a role of the private sector in upgrading their human and physical capital and the role of a government as a public good provider in securing information and providing financial incentives to reduce risk associated with diversifying export  相似文献   

广东家具出口的制约因素及其突破   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
广东家具出口占据了我国家具出口的半壁江山,但也存在一些制约广东家具出口的因素:出口市场过于集中,抗风险能力弱;出口产品档次不高,附加值低;面对两大贸易壁垒,形势不容乐观;自主品牌少,缺乏核心竞争力;国内和国际两大市场的竞争压力增大,必须采取相应的对策,突破制约,以开创广东家具出口的新局面。  相似文献   

This study was designed to identify perceived barriers to exports specific to Australian horticulture industry and the relative impact of these barriers on firms' export decisions. Specifically the study attempted to examine the differences, if any, in perceived export barriers by non-exporting and exporting firms. The analysis suggested seven major export barrier factors/variables. These barriers are somewhat different to barriers identified in recent studies suggesting that export barriers may be industry and country specific. The perceived seriousness of some of the barriers was significantly different for non-exporters and exporters. A discriminant analysis suggested, however, that it was not possible to predict whether a firm will be an exporter or not based on their perceptions of export barriers. The implications of the findings for the management of Australian horticulture exports are discussed.  相似文献   

介绍了中国木制工艺品主要产地,分析了中国木制工艺品出口发展的制约因素,阐述了主要木制工艺品进口市场的贸易壁垒,为中国木制工艺品出口企业的发展提出建议:畅通信息渠道,更新营销模式,慎重对待国外相关法规,积极认证,创新产品设计,做好手工艺人的培训与传承,提高自身融资能力。  相似文献   

广东水产品出口面临的技术性贸易壁垒及对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
比较分析广东水产品出口贸易和受阻情况,可发现不断增多的检测项目和日益严格的限量标准、不断升级的包装与标签要求、对出口企业实施注册登记备案制度和实施技术性贸易措施的国家不断增多是影响广东水产品出口的主要技术性贸易壁垒。根据当前广东水产品出口面临的形势和任务,广东水产品出口为更好地应对国外技术性贸易措施,应该建立与完善技术性贸易措施预警体系,完善检测技术体系,保护水生生态环境,主导或参与制定国际贸易规则,进行技术创新,提高产品质量,制定和实施市场多元化战略。  相似文献   

近年来中国林产品贸易迅速发展,木质林产品出口贸易占中国林产品出口贸易较大比重。中国木质林产品出口贸易的发展存在资源的约束、国内生产环境损失严重以及遭受国际贸易壁垒等问题。应该从产品取材、产业发展的效率化和积极参与林产品贸易的国际经济合作等方面实现木质林产品出口贸易发展方式的转变,最终实现木质林产品出口贸易的可持续发展。  相似文献   

基于2009—2016年中国木质家具出口至105个贸易伙伴国(地区)的面板数据,构建异质性随机前沿出口模型,分析后危机时代中国木质家具出口影响因素及贸易潜力。结果表明:自由贸易协定、海运及港口基础设施和互联网普及率是贸易的促进因素;贸易壁垒、汇率波动、金融服务水平、海关手续负担、贸易自由度、货币自由度和互联网安全性是贸易的阻碍因素;港口基础设施和互联网普及率增加了贸易非效率的波动,加大了出口贸易效率的不确定性;贸易壁垒、汇率波动、金融服务水平、海关手续负担、货币自由度和互联网安全性降低了贸易非效率的波动,减少了出口贸易效率的不确定性。根据贸易潜力分析结果,将中国木质家具出口市场分为4种类型并提出相应的出口贸易布局战略措施。  相似文献   

There has been a significant increase in the quantity and quality of international and export marketing research with respect to effective solutions toward export performance. However, an investigation on the impact of marketing strategy and export performance in a single industry is lacking. In addition, the influence of environmental factors to moderate the relationship between export marketing strategy and export performance has received little agreement. This research aims to investigate the relationship between export marketing strategy and export performance in the Malaysian wooden furniture industry as well as the influence of the moderating role of environmental factors on the relationship between export marketing strategy and export performance. Personal, mail, and phone interview methods were used to measure export marketing strategy, newly developed environmental factor variables (which consist of the global economic situation and certification), and export performance. The findings show that there is no direct relationship between export marketing strategy and export performance. Uniquely, the moderating effect of certification appears to moderate a few relationships between product and promotion adaptation, distribution strategy, design strategy, and target market specification on export performance. Managerial implications and suggestions for future research are also discussed.  相似文献   

中国是世界最大的家具出口大国。利用WITS和COMTRADE数据并经整理,对1988~2006年的世界家具总出口额、出口结构、地区结构变动等进行了分析,得出结论:世界家具需求旺盛;木质家具是世界家具贸易的主体,但木质家具占整个家具出口比重有下降趋势,金属家具出口比重近几年有所提高;欧洲家具出口市场决定着世界家具出口格局,世界家具产业有向亚洲转移的趋势。  相似文献   

中国作为世界上最大的水产品生产国,近30年水产品出口一直保持增长,在全球水产品市场中的比重大幅度增加,同时面临着与其他国家同业间的竞争。本文运用拓展的引力模型对1999年~2007年中国水产品出口相关的面板数据进行了实证检验,并对主要出口市场水产品贸易潜力进行了测算与分析。研究表明,引力模型只能对中国水产品出口贸易流量和潜力起到部分的解释作用,虽然中国水产品出口对欧美日等市场呈现出所谓的“过度贸易”,对泰国、印度尼西亚等表现为“贸易不足”,但这一总体趋势不会有太大改变。另外,进出口市场之间的产品竞争程度、进口市场的消费习惯也是进出口贸易可能的影响因素。  相似文献   

We extend previous modelling approaches to identify domestic price effects of export controls. We allow for smooth transition between free‐trade price transmission regimes and those under export restricting regimes, using a smooth transition cointegration (STC) approach, rather than the more common assumption that regime changes are abrupt. Our approach has the advantage that the switch in the price transmission regime may be induced not only by an actual but also by an expected policy change. Results confirm the gradual nature of the transition between the regimes, which reflect trader heterogeneity and wheat storage decisions. We find that the STC approach outperforms alternative model approaches in terms of both regime classification and goodness of fit, when explaining Ukrainian domestic wheat prices under export controls. In particular, application of the Markov‐switching error correction model (MSECM) to the same data generates results which do not reflect any identifiable economic reality (in contrast to Götz et al., 2013 ).  相似文献   

基于1998—2017年中国人造板产品贸易相关数据,运用并修正HallakSchott模型,测算中国出口人造板产品质量。建立回归模型,实证分析中国出口人造板产品质量的影响因素。结果表明:中国出口人造板产品质量稳步上升,但质量水平仍然较低,且增速较慢,存在较大的上升空间;人均工资对中国出口人造板产品质量具有显著的正向影响;出口贸易壁垒和进口贸易壁垒对中国出口人造板产品质量具有显著的负向影响。最后,提出规范人造板产品出口市场,适当提高进入门槛和产品质量标准;合理配置核心竞争要素,推动行业升级的建议。  相似文献   

选取2002—2016年的中国家具产品出口数据,利用关联规则挖掘中的Apriori算法,从不同家具种类层次上对家具产品出口量与出口种类之间的关联进行挖掘。分析结果表明:不同种类之间的家具产品在出口量上存在明显的关联。材质层中,其他材料制家具与竹藤家具、塑料家具与金属家具之间有较强的关联规则;用途层中,办公家具与其他用途家具、家具零件与其他用途家具之间有较强的关联规则。底层结果细化反映了材质层与用途层的挖掘结果,也突出了特殊用途家具之间的强关联规则。因此,应该及时掌握国际市场对中国家具产品出口量的潜在需求,对家具出口产品结构进行调整和优化:推出家具出口销售优惠套餐包、促进中小家具出口企业抱团合作和增强家具产业链信息交互。  相似文献   

刘艺卓  田志宏 《林业经济问题》2007,27(5):443-445,449
针对1992~2004年中国林产品出口规模的变动特征,采用恒定市场份额模型,对影响中国林产品出口规模变动的因素进行了分析。结果表明:中国林产品的出口明显受其产品竞争力的影响,提高林产品的竞争力对促进林产品出口具有非常积极的作用,世界林产品贸易规模的扩大和商品出口构成的优化对中国林产品的出口产生了正面影响,而市场分布效应则是负的。同时,提出通过提高林产品的竞争力、增加中国人造板的出口以及积极开拓新市场来促进中国林产品的出口等建议。  相似文献   

基于造纸企业1998—2013年的非平衡面板数据构建动态面板模型,采用一般矩估计方法(GMM)克服内生性问题,明确政府补贴与造纸企业出口的因果关系,检验政府补贴对造纸企业出口扩张的影响效应,结果显示:当期的补贴收入对受补贴造纸企业出口未产生显著影响,而滞后一期的补贴收入对造纸企业当期出口具有显著的促进作用,该滞后效应出现在间断性出口企业中,但未在持续出口企业中出现,在一定程度上反映出政府补贴能激励造纸企业进入国际市场,但不是持续出口企业出口规模扩张的关键要素;滞后一期的补贴收入对纸浆及造纸企业的出口具有促进作用,但对纸及纸制品企业的出口无显著影响。  相似文献   

This exploratory study investigates the main drivers that enhance and inhibit the export performance of Chilean wineries. The findings of this study suggest that the main constraints within the Chilean wineries in developing exports is the lack of financial resources, limited quantities of stocks for market expansion, management's lack of knowledge and experience, and the high cost of traveling and participating in trade shows. The main drivers of wine export performance according to the respondents are high quality of the wines, well-established network of international distributors, and marketing skills. The major inhibitors of developing wine exports are exchange rate variability, problems in selecting a reliable international distributor, and limited government support to promote wine exports. This study also shows that export managers of Chilean wineries have high educational levels and have international experience. The findings have important implications for export development efforts of both governments and managers.  相似文献   

If an export subsidy is efficient, that is, has a surplus-transfer role, then there exists an implicit function relating the optimal level of the subsidy to the income target in the agricultural sector. If an export subsidy is inefficient no such function exists. We show that dependence exists in large-export equilibrium, not in small-export equilibrium and show that these results remain robust to concerns about domestic tax distortions. The failure of previous work to produce this result stems from its neglect of the income constraint on producer surplus in the programming problem transferring surplus from consumers and taxpayers to farmers.  相似文献   

近年来,安徽对外贸易发展迅速,贸易量不断增长的同时,面临的国际市场竞争也日益激烈,技术性贸易壁垒的阻碍日趋严重,已成为制约安徽出口扩大的第一大非关税壁垒。因此,研究技术性贸易壁垒对安徽出口贸易的影响,并提出积极的应对措施,有助于安徽省出口贸易的发展和外贸竞争力的提高。文章将对此进行深入分析并提出相关建议,以期对加快安徽省外贸发展有所启示。  相似文献   

发达国家以保护全球环境为名提出了有关碳关税的政策,但是结合碳关税的相关政策内容来看,其动机是为了抑制发展中国家高能耗产品的出口,以便保证自身高能耗产品在国际的地位。我国身为纸制品出口贸易大国,一旦实行碳关税政策,将会对经济发展带来严重影响,基于此本文分析碳关税对中国纸制品出口贸易的长期影响效应具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

中国活性炭出口竞争力评价与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用蛛网模型,选取国际市场占有率、出口增长优势指数、显示性竞争优势指数、净贸易条件、产品附加值指数和质量升级指数六项具体评价指标,对比了美国、德国、希腊和比利时四个活性炭出口大国;利用2004~2013年的相关数据对中国活性炭出口竞争力进行综合评价,从最终的蛛网面积得到中国活性炭出口竞争力状况不佳的结论;最后针对中国活性炭出口竞争力低的状况提出质量标准逐步与发达国家接轨和加强行业合作等进一步提升的策略。  相似文献   

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