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陈亮是浙东事功之学的代表人物之一,义利观是他事功思想的核心体现。陈亮的义利观主要包括“理”与“欲”统一的道德观、“义”与“利”统一的价值观、“心”与“迹”统一的道德评价标准。陈亮的事功之学因讲实事、究实理、求实效、谋实功的特色,为浙江共同富裕示范建设提供启示,主要体现在坚持物质富裕与精神富有相统一、坚持求真务实、坚持改革创新。  相似文献   

培育和践行社会主义核心价值观,要对社会主义核心价值观进行溯源以及分析。必须把握社会主义这个前提,以区别于所谓普世价值,再区别核心价值观和非核心价值观,发挥核心价值观的主导作用。在实际的宣传中要坚持马克思主义主流意识形态和多种社会思潮的统一,社会主义核心价值观和多元价值取向的统一,历史和现实的统一,国家、社会和个人的统一,理论和实践的统一。只有把握这五个统一,才能真正地践行社会主义核心价值观。  相似文献   

本文基于工作价值观、职业认同与流动倾向间的关系对农村中小学教师流动问题进行了实证研究,发现不同人口学特征的农村中小学教师具有不同的工作价值观、职业认同和流动倾向;工作价值观是职业认同的前因变量,职业认同是流动倾向的前因变量,职业认同是工作价值观与流动倾向之间的中介变量;工作价值观对职业认同具有正向预测作用,职业认同对流动倾向具有负向预测作用;收入水平对工作价值观与职业认同、职业认同与流动倾向间的关系具有调节作用。因此,要规避农村中小学教师的流动风险,不仅需要政府人事、财政等政策层面的干预,还需要农村教师个体和农村学校自觉做出相应的调整。  相似文献   

蔡剑辉 《林业经济问题》2003,23(4):191-194,199
西方国家的环境价值理论由奉行“市场供求决定价值论”到“可持续发展价值论”,经历了一个从环境与经济相分离到环境与经济相统一的发展历程。这一历程是人们对环境问题本质的认识不断深化的结果,也是多学科知识相互影响、相互渗透的结果。  相似文献   

实施价值管理是现代银行的通行做法,农发行要走上现代银行之路,也不能例外。树立以风险调整后的资本收益和经济增加值为核心的价值管理经营理念,依据价值增长规律,实现社会价值与商业价值相统一,实现发展效益与风险可控相统一,对于市场经济条件下办  相似文献   

价值观是指人们关于价值的信念、倾向、主张和态度的总观点、总看法。在特定的社会组织和群体中,价值观是一个体系。核心价值观,是这个体系中起主导作用的最根本、最重要、最稳定的部分。宝山农场在践行社会主义核心价值观中,注重发挥北大荒精神的融入作用,并且把这些与农场实际紧密地结合起来,把社会主义核心价值观本土化,具体化。  相似文献   

一、管理会计“价值观”的创新 管理会计“价值观”的创新源于企业环境变化和企业生命周期影响。从环境角度看,知识经济社会的到来,以及科技的推动和不断创新企业管理方法的内在要求促使管理会计“价值观”发生深刻的变化。从生命周期角度看,企业要素生命周期、企业发展以及企业竞争的周期等,促使管理会计产生新的价值思想和方法。其“价值观”的创新是由以下概念组合而成。 1顾客价值。顾客价值是顾客所得和顾客所弃之间的差额。着眼于顾客价值意味着管理会计系统要同时提供顾客所得和所弃的有关信息。管理会计的目的就是从为顾客提…  相似文献   

人才资源效益最大化是指对构成人才资源主体的所有人才进行科学组合、合理使用,使其有效技能得到最大发挥,进而获得群体效应的最大化。一、个人价值观因素对企业人才资源效益最大化的影响价值观是人们关于价值的一定信念、倾向、主张和态度的观点。在人才评价体系中,价值观属于  相似文献   

“前准则”将非货币性资产按其持有目的不同,分为“待售资产”与“非待售资产”,并规定:如果企业持有资产的主要目的不是为了在生产或提供劳务过程中使用或耗用,而是为了通过直接出售获利,则该资产是“待售资产”,包括商品、短期股票投资等;如果企业持有资产的主要目的是作为劳动对象或劳动手段正在正常的生产经营过程中发挥作用,而不是通过直接出售获利,则该资产是“非待售资产”,包括库存材料、固定资产、无形资产和长期股权投产等。“待售资产”与“T吝啬~包装箱上交换及“非待售资产”与“非待售资产”相交换属于同类非货币性资产相交换,其盈利过程没有完成,以换出资产帐面价值作为换入资产入帐价值,不确认交易损益;“待售资产、与“非待售资产”相交换属于不同类非货币性资产相交换,其盈利过程已经完成,以公允价值计量,并确认交易损益。  相似文献   

关于矿产资源价值问题概括起来有两种:传统的“无价值论”和现代的“有价值论”。传统矿产资源价值观造成以下弊端:①矿产资源长期无偿使用;②矿业生产消耗量大,开发利用水平低下;③国有资源性资产流失严重;④国民经济核算体系不完善。完善矿产资源价值管理的对策:①进一步加强矿产资源价值基础理论的研究,构建矿产资源价值理论体系;②完善资源价值的计量计价方法;③进一步完善矿产资源价值核算办法,建立实物量与价值量并重,分类和综合相结合的国民经济核算体系;④加强资源收益的管理,建立动态的收益管理制度。  相似文献   


This is a theoretical exploration of an approach to cultural aspects of external dimensions of self-determination movements (SDMs) and their relationship to economic aspects. An underlying theme is the possible relationships between "identity" and global flows of objects, information and images. This general theme connects exiles and diasporas, new global media, material culture and the politics of identity. In the context of global cultural influences on SDMs, we draw attention to the significance of the relationships between people and objects, images and ideas, in the sense of the pathways via which these are spread and exchanged, and in the sense of the symbolic values and meanings attributed to them. Not only ideas but also material objects, images and experience, and the global and local processes via which they are acquired, imbued with value and exchanged, play a major part in reinforcing and/or altering people's sense of who they are, of the world beyond them, their place in it, and the ideology and practice of a SDM. Global processes by which objects, images and experience move do not necessarily imply a unidirectional flow of objects and images of global mass consumption towards and into the SDM and its people. Local objects and images can also go out, potentially influencing not only diasporic and the outside world's views of and policies towards the SDM, but also its view of the outside world and, in turn, its course of action. In sum, the flow of objects and images--as things with meaning and as commodities--is, like diaspora and new media, an important mechanism by which the global and local interact. The paper outlines one route for analysis and indicates possible themes for further research, drawing on empirical data from the author's study of SDMs in Burma.  相似文献   

公务员群体专职是从事国家公共管理和社会服务的基础人才。这个群体的价值观念和政治文化认同不仅反映其自身的素质能力也决定其依法治国、落实全心全意为人民服务的宗旨的主动性和自觉性。而人价值观念和政治文化认同在选拔初认时就已基本奠定和成型。  相似文献   

Dambos are seasonally waterlogged areas found in the headwater zones of drainage systems or alongside streams. Their importance lies in the fact that they are widespread, and can provide grazing in the dry season as well as being moist enough to grow dry season crops without irrigation. In addition, it may be possible to use them in small-scale irrigation schemes. The author feels that their value in savanna areas is severely underrated.  相似文献   

高邮湖生态服务功能价值评估   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
樊旭  孟灵芳  刘翠  徐慧 《水利经济》2015,33(1):14-17
综合运用生态学及经济学方法,对高邮湖的9项生态服务功能,即物质生产、供水、蓄水、行洪排涝、气候调节、蒸腾吸热、水质净化、科研文化教育和生物多样性维持等功能进行综合价值评估。结果表明,2009年高邮湖湖泊生态系统服务功能总经济价值为47.685 5亿元,其中:直接使用价值为15.221 6亿元,间接使用价值为32.463 9亿元。各生态服务功能价值占总价值的比例排在前三位的依次是行洪排涝(占26.77%)、蒸腾吸热(占24.05%)、物质生产(占14.21%),表明高邮湖湖泊生态系统在行洪排涝、蒸腾吸热、水产养殖等方面发挥着重要作用,它们是高邮湖的核心服务功能。该研究可为高邮湖的生态恢复、水资源保护与管理提供基础。  相似文献   

近年来,围绕外嫁女的村民资格,产生了很多冲突,有的甚至诉诸司法程序。在冲突中,维权的外嫁女,与以村委会为代表的其他村民,分别依据不同的规则系统为自己辩护,即国家正式的法律制度与乡村社会的父系传统。前者源于现代工业文明,后者源于中国传统的农业文明,它们的并存,型塑了中国社会,尤其是乡村社会秩序的基本特征。  相似文献   


This article explores the interplay between global and local determinants through the Basque conflict. It demonstrates that self-determination movements among the Palestinians and Irish Republicans are comparatively similar to the Basque cause in material expressions of political identity and by conveying their nationalist sentiments through the agencies of different mediums. In addition, the impact of 11 September on separatist struggles like the Basque one is discussed. Throughout it is argued that material culture as much as media are significant conduits to political relationships between objects and sentiment, as well as images and reality whereby these associations become modes of "political consumption" by political actors. As a result, political images and objects have "value potential" to transform society and are projected as material products in banners, posters, graffiti, jewellery and clothing or through varying mediums of communication such as the Internet, television broadcasts, video testimonies and other forms, in order to reinforce political ideology.  相似文献   

To encourage Irish farmers to transfer land into forestry, a premium scheme supporting farmers who afforest was implemented in 1989 and afforestation targets outlined in 1996. In the period from 1996 to 2006, however, only half of the targeted area was planted in Ireland. As the income of many farmers would improve when joining the scheme, a number of studies have been conducted to find out why the response was not as expected. However, to date the phenomenon has not been explained. Amongst the studies undertaken, a lack of qualitative approaches looking at farmers’ decision-making was identified. In order to understand farmers’ decisions regarding farm afforestation, in-depth interviews with 62 farmers in the North-West and Mid-Western regions of Ireland were conducted in winter and spring 2011. The interviews were based on the theory of farmers’ goals and values developed by Ruth Gasson in 1973 and relate specifically to their instrumental, intrinsic, social and expressive values about farming. The results of this study show that farmers exhibit complex, multiple and sometimes contradictory values in relation to farming. The biggest group in the study were guided by intrinsic values when it comes to farm afforestation. Their decision not to plant is made based on their values and beliefs about farming, e.g. that it is a shame to plant land used for food production, even if this returns a greater profit. A much smaller group were directed by profit maximisation when it comes to afforesting land. These farmers would plant if the financial incentives for forestry were more attractive, e.g. if the premiums available for afforestation were higher or if the outlook for agricultural profits was not as good as anticipated.  相似文献   

Invasive species cause significant losses through their effect on agriculture, human health and the environment. Their importance has increased with time owing to globalisation, as the spread of invasive species is facilitated by the increased movement of people, cargo and genetic material around the world. There is a vast literature on the economics of invasive species and their management. Here, we contribute to this literature by applying a spatio‐temporal model to the allocation of surveillance resources. We focus on three questions regarding resource allocation to control a newly discovered invasion: the budget, which determines the amount of search effort available; the duration of the control program; and the allocation of surveillance and control in time and space. We also explore the complementary role of passive surveillance by members of the public. We derive efficient frontiers for effort allocation that represent the trade‐off between cost and probability of eradication after inefficient strategies have been eliminated. We use the results to illustrate how to evaluate whether introduction of passive surveillance is desirable based on cost and eradication probability. We conclude by discussing the implications of our findings in the design of control programs.  相似文献   

借助"囚徒困境"博弈模型分析植物品种权交易中普遍存在的道德风险问题。结果表明:在没有任何监督、惩罚措施的情况下,最终的博弈均衡只能是交易双方都选择不遵守策略,以实现各自利益的最大化;但通过对博弈模型进行适当的改进,就会发现只要监督和惩罚措施得当,提高其违约成本,交易双方就会为实现各自利益最大化而选择遵守策略,并据此得到实现植物品种权交易良性循环运作的有效条件,提高交易成功率。  相似文献   

Integrating conservation and agricultural production is a major challenge globally. The upper Lachlan catchment of Australia is dominated by livestock grazing, and is threatened because most native woodland vegetation has been cleared. A third of all remaining tree cover occurs as scattered trees in grazing pastures. These scattered trees are dying from old age and are not regenerating due to grazing pressure. Previous work has revealed management strategies that are more likely to maintain tree cover, such as low-input rotational grazing. We asked graziers to photograph significant features on their properties, and used the images as prompts in later interviews. This elicited graziers’ landscape values and other drivers of their management practices related to tree cover. The targets that our 25 case landholders chose to photograph, and the ways they discussed them in later interviews, reflected the focus of past education and incentive programs, suggesting that well-designed policies, educational messages and incentives do seem to reach landholders and result in improved practices. For example, many landholders reported management activities related to the protection of large woodland patches or the maintenance of coarse woody debris. The maintenance of scattered tree cover has not been a focus of policy initiatives in the past. Despite this, the narratives elicited by photos of isolated and scattered trees showed graziers valued them and were aware of and concerned about their decline, yet lacked knowledge about how to protect and regenerate them. Graziers urgently need unambiguous advice and practical assistance to help them adapt their practices to maintain scattered trees in the long term.  相似文献   

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