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一项酶法提取淀粉并同时生产豆类分离蛋白的新技术,日前正式申请国家发明专利。据介绍,这一技术将以生物技术改变粉丝传统生产工艺,标志着招远市粉丝生产技术研究取得突破性进展。  相似文献   

刺五加的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:对刺五加化学成分、药理作用以及分离提取方法进行简要介绍.方法:根据国内外有关文献按化学成分、药理作用、有效成分提取分离进行分类.结果:刺五加含有多种活性成分,具有免疫调节、抗肿瘤、抗衰老、抗辐射、抗应激以及抗疲劳等作用,现代科学技术在中药提取分离中的重要作用.结论:刺五加具有广阔的开发前景及药用价值.  相似文献   

以燕麦麸为原料研究其中蛋白的提取工艺和性质,单因素试验包括料水比、温度、时间和pH等对燕麦麸蛋白质的提取率的影响。实验结果表明:提取燕麦蛋白的最佳条件是温度80℃、料水比1:10、pH11、提取时间2h为宜;以大豆分离蛋白作对照,测定了持水性、持油性、乳化性能、凝胶性、溶解度六个方面的性质,结果显示:燕麦麸蛋白质较大豆分离蛋白有较高的持水性、持油性、溶解度和乳化能力,但凝胶性低于大豆分离蛋白。  相似文献   

试验采用碱溶酸沉的方法提取豌豆分离蛋白,探讨各个因素对提取率的影响。研究了料液比、浸泡时间、浸泡温度、pH对豌豆分离蛋白提取率的影响。利用响应面分析法优化工艺参数,最后确定豌豆分离蛋白的最佳提取条件为:料液比1:23,浸泡时间53min,浸泡温度47℃,pH8.8,其中蛋白质含量高达90.24%。  相似文献   

随着技术的进步和发展,从干红辣椒中提取辣椒素的方法也有了更进一步的发展。对于从干红辣椒中提取辣椒素,需要通过一定的工艺方法和技术,先将干红辣椒中的辣椒素分离开来,最终得到辣椒素。整个提取过程会受到时间、提取溶剂、提取频率及辣椒皮分粒径等因素干扰,进而影响所提取辣椒素的纯度和提取率。通过改进提取工艺,提升了干红辣椒中辣椒素的提取纯度和提取率。  相似文献   

稻米胚的开发利用与米胚油的保健功能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对稻米胚营养成分、分离提取、开发利用和米胚油理化指数、脂肪酸组成、某些特殊成分的营养保健功能等进行了较为系统的阐述。  相似文献   

本文通过对两种粮食脂肪酸提取方法最佳提取时间的研究,为不同种类的粮食测定脂肪酸值确定最佳提取时间,为粮食脂肪酸值测定提供多种前处理方法。选择3份同种类粮食的脂肪酸值梯度样品,在一定的提取条件下研究脂肪酸值随提取时间变化的规律。随着时间的增加,提取的脂肪酸也逐渐增加,当脂肪酸的分离提取达到充分状态时,脂肪酸的增加明显变缓,此时间即为最佳提取时间。研究结果表明,该方法确定粮食脂肪酸最佳提取时间准确性好,不同提取方法之间不存在显著性差异,该方法具有广泛的适用性,为确定粮食脂肪酸最佳提取时间建立了试验方法,为粮食检验和科技工作者研究新型脂肪酸值前处理技术提供了验证方法。  相似文献   

绿茶中黄酮类化合物的分离及鉴定   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文叙述了以福建绿茶为原料.提取、分离黄酮类化合物的方法;经聚酰胺层析和紫外光谱及物理性质鉴定出绿茶中黄酮化合物的几种成分;对其化学性质进行了研究。  相似文献   

为了从油脂精炼副产物的脱溴馏出物中提取天然生育酚,采用脲包-皂化法,先脲包使部分生育酚与脂肪酸及其甘油酯分离,再皂化进一步使其分离。通过确定提取天然生育酚脲包-皂化法的工艺流程,用单因素实验确定了脲包-皂化法反应的中脲包的条件。得出结论:在微超碱量皂化时,脲包反应的最佳条件为体积分数95%乙醇溶剂、48h、反应的冷却温度为10℃、包络物为分析纯尿素与农用尿素都行,但农用尿素更经济。  相似文献   

一种可使稻草变成多种新产品的新技术———生化法技术 ,最近在上海问世。据介绍 ,利用生化法技术可使稻草代替木材 ,生产出高品位纸浆 ,并可高效、简单地将杂细胞分离、分解 ,除去灰分 ,将稻草中的钾和氮提取出来 ,制成钾、氮有机复合肥料。同时 ,还能将氨基酸含量达到30 %以上的单细胞蛋白分离出来 ,制成优质价廉的饲料添加剂 ,使饲料行业成本大幅度降低。发明生化法技术的上海华伦生化科技公司算了一笔账 :利用生化法技术用稻草生产纸浆5000吨 ,可同时产饲料蛋白500吨 ,钾、氮混合肥料1000吨 ,获税利约1000万元。全国农…  相似文献   

中巴资源卫星数据(CBERS-02)在土地调查中的应用   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
研究目的:以CBERS-02 CCD数据作为土地利用遥感调查信息源开展应用研究。研究方法:对数据质量进行综合分析、方法比较和实证研究。研究结果:(1)通过对CBERS-02 CCD数据经绝对辐射校正和大气订正,图像质量得到较好地改善,各波段能量相对趋于均衡并能客观反映土地覆被真实状况。(2)通过开展标准分幅正射影像图制作及精度评价,显示CCD图像能够满足1∶5万和1∶10万基本比例尺数字影像图制图要求。(3)通过对中巴数据的图像处理、影像分类与信息自动提取方法研究,分类结果均达到了较好的精度要求。研究结论:随着CBERS-02数据质量不断改善,在宏观尺度上,中巴卫星遥感数据在用于土地调查及提高土地管理方面,将会发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

杨凤山  苗政永 《水利经济》2006,24(6):77-78,81
阐述辽宁省取水远程实时监测(控)系统的建设情况,分析该项目的研究和建设给辽宁自备水源取水管理带来的经济效益、社会效益和环境效益。  相似文献   

GIS中基于特征的数据模型   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
当前的GIS,采用基于专题地图分层的空间数据表达思想,地理特征表现为具有拓扑关系和分类属性的几何对象,缺乏表达语义之间的关系和特征之间的固有联系。本文探讨了能更好表达地理特生的数据模型。  相似文献   

组件技术开发GIS   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
组件技术是软件开发的新潮流,GIS作为新兴的学科,早已融入到IT行业主流;传统的GIS开发方式已经跟不上时代的发展,组件技术的兴起给GIS开发注入了新的活力;介绍组件技术与GIS的结合,举例说明如何利用组件开发GIS,阐明组件技术开发GIS的前景。  相似文献   

The sustainability of smallholder agriculture in the drylands of West Africa is a topic of long-lasting concern. This paper is focused on the scientific assessment of nutrient (mis)management affecting the long-term productivity of cropland. “Nutrient mining” is seen as a major mechanism for land degradation in the region. Two models will be the focus: that tied to the rangeland-to-cropland metric and the nutrient balance model. These tools of assessment follow a long history of environmental assessment and modeling that purposefully abstracts from the heterogeneity of the same farming practices that modeling efforts seek to assess. Abstraction is always part of modeling but the form of abstraction described here ignores any detailed understanding of farming practices and in so doing, demands very little information about farming practices. In this way, models serve as both the symptom and cause of continued ignorance of farming practices by most agronomists and soil scientists working in the region. The variables used in these models will be described and how these same variables are strongly influenced by the variation of farmers’ practices will be discussed. In addition, it will be shown that needless model abstraction results in research outcomes that provide very little insights to guide land policy formulation and agricultural extension. In short, these models point to the ultimate resource limits of the regional agricultural system but provide few insights of what could be changed to reduce rates of land degradation. The paper concludes by presenting alternative approaches that through their engagement with the diverse positionalities of farmers, provides insights useful for the development of effective land policies.  相似文献   

研究目的:探索休耕政策实施偏离风险新命题,客观认识休耕政策实施的偏离风险源与形成路径,以期为保障中国休耕政策推行的稳定性和连续性提供参考。研究方法:生命周期法、归纳总结法和逻辑推理法。研究结果:(1)基于生命周期发现休耕政策实施存在耕地权益、社会保障、实施组织和后续利用等偏离风险;(2)偏离风险源与产权界定模糊、目标定位差异、组织管理不足和激励约束缺失等密切相关;(3)休耕产权公共域、休耕主体行为空间和休耕负外部性形成了偏离风险的内在路径;(4)休耕偏离风险实现负外部性内部化还需借助权益认知体系、政策保障体系、组织管理体系和利用预警体系等外部规制与激励。研究结论:在休耕政策实施后续完善与推广应用时,应当考虑休耕周期内休耕政策实施过程存在的偏离风险,构建合理的风险防范体系。  相似文献   

This study investigates factors affecting consumer purchase choice (cognitive structures) in two foods with different perceived risk levels. Means‐end chain methodology is used to test for differences in the degrees of abstraction and complexity in the purchase decision process for each product. The results reveal significant differences, with more food safety issues coming into play in the case of the product associated with higher perceived risk in the past. This might suggest a non‐temporal effect on consumers’ level of risk perception in food products, with important implications for crisis management. Furthermore, logit models estimated to investigate the health impact of foods show that age and income have played a role in turning this credence attribute into a key element of consumer choice.  相似文献   

A comparative study on the performance of new modes of governance in selected Central and Eastern European countries stated the problem that the emergence of new modes of governance in environmental policy is impaired by weak governance capacities in state and civil society and lack of mutual trust among stakeholders (Börzel, 2009a). The purpose of this article is to draw attention to agreement based land consolidation for implementation of area based environmental policies. The article contends that land consolidation exclusively based on agreements can cope with capacity constraints in state and civil society and at the same time apply the principles of new modes of governance. The research questions are: (i) how are principles of new modes of governance applied in agreement based land consolidation? (ii) what are the incentives and the technique in agreement based land consolidation? and (iii) what are the capacity building requirements for an agreement based land consolidation approach? The Danish land consolidation procedure is used as an example of an agreement based approach. Transaction technique, planning technique, and incentives are exposed with reference to transaction cost theory. The impact on trust is illuminated with reference to theory on social capital. The wetland projects serve as an example of area based environmental projects and is illustrated by a case. Data, however incomplete, indicate that agreement based land consolidation has been and is used as an important implementation tool in land related environmental policies in Denmark. The article concludes that the agreement based approach displays key features of new modes of governance. The principle of voluntary agreements grants the affected non-state actors a strong position to influence the final policy outcome and they contribute with local knowledge and mediation. The approach avoids conventional enforcement. Agreement based land consolidation is possible but relies on demanding preconditions. The investment in incentives and capacity building can be justified by a broad range of benefits.  相似文献   

中国传统的农业技术体系率先成熟于秦汉时期,是以北方旱作农业为基础所形成的,所以具有一定的地域性特征。汉唐间,伴随中央政权对江南地区的次第开发,传统农业技术的诸多元素也源源进入江南地区,催生了稻作农业技术体系的形成,对江南地区经济与社会发展产生了积极影响;回顾这一历史过程我们亦不难发现,源自于北方地区的传统农业技术不是立竿见影地在江南地区产生普遍影响,而是存在一个不断本土化的过程,至唐代,这一过程大体完成,因此也最终引发了江南经济的真正的繁荣。  相似文献   

The Water Framework Directive sets an objective of ‘GoodEcological Status’ for water bodies across the EU. Non-pointpollution from agriculture is a major reason for the failureof rivers in the UK to meet this target. In this paper, we usechoice experiment methodology to test the transferability ofbenefit estimates of water quality improvements for two smallcatchments where agricultural-source non-point pollution andirrigation water abstraction are the main threats to ecologicalstatus. We also investigate the most appropriate techniquesto apply to transfer testing, including allowing for correlationbetween preferences for environmental attributes, and testingfor acceptable differences between transferred and originalvalues.  相似文献   

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