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[目的]随着京津冀一体化协同发展的深入推进,近年来京津冀地区现代农业的发展在实践和创新中突飞猛进。通过调研分析京津冀农业科技发展现状及近10年农业领域的科技文献,挖掘该地区的农业核心科研机构,判读农业科技热点和新兴技术等发展态势,旨在为京津冀地区未来农业科技发展布局和政策的制定提供信息支撑。[方法]文章分别选取2008—2018年北京市、天津市和河北省的SCI和CPCI论文,运用DDA和VOSviewer等文献计量可视化软件,结合EI算法、Cosine算法和共词分析算法,对比分析3省市的农业科技发展态势。[结果]研究结果表明,在土地、水资源和农业就业人员等条件相对缺乏的情况下,京津冀地区现代农业的发展得益于科技的投入和科研的进步,其中北京市是京津冀地区中对科技高端人才、资源和经费投入最多的地区,在现代农业科技创新研究和科技发展态势方面,生物技术及相关研究是京津冀地区农业领域近年来的研究热点和发展方向。[结论]中央和地方政府应进一步优化京津冀地区的农业发展政策、重点发展领域、科研经费使用和科研机构配置。  相似文献   

京津冀农业一、二、三产业区域比较优势分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]研究京津冀三地农业发展现状和专业化优势,是构建优势互补、互利共赢的京津冀农业协同发展格局的基础和关键。[方法]文章采用区位商法,基于2011—2018年京津冀三地农业相关数据,计算京津冀农业一、二、三产业的区位商,并对其专业化生产优势和劣势进行比较分析。[结果]研究发现,在农林牧渔业及其内部产业方面,河北具有专业化生产优势,而北京和天津都不具有; 在农副食品加工业方面,天津和河北具有专业化生产优势,北京不具有; 在休闲农业方面,北京和天津具有专业化生产优势,但2015年之后北京的优势已丧失,2016年之后河北开始具有专业化优势; 在农林牧渔服务业方面,河北具有较强的专业化生产优势,北京和天津不具有专业化优势。从三地自身产业比较,北京具有专业化优势的产业是林业; 天津具有专业化优势的产业是渔业、农副产品加工业和休闲农业; 目前河北农业一、二、三产业均具备专业化生产优势,且部分产业优势明显。京津冀作为一个整体,其农业一、二、三产业的区位商均小于1,不具有专业化生产优势,区域内的农产品市场供给对外部的依赖性较强。[结论]最后,基于分析结果,提出京津冀农业协同发展的具体建议。  相似文献   

[目的]在土地流转加快、农业适度规模经营不断推进背景下,研究种植大户农业社会化服务的需求状况及其影响因素对现代农业发展意义重大。[方法]文章以江汉平原水稻种植大户为研究对象,采用排序模型重点考察土地流转、规模经营因素对农资服务、技术服务、信息服务、农业贷款、基础设施、农业保险、加工销售等7种农业社会化服务需求的影响。[结果]江汉平原农业社会化服务需求总量还有进一步提升的空间; 土地流转年限、土地规模对农业社会化服务需求有着积极影响; 土地流转价格、土地细碎化程度对农业社会化服务需求产生消极影响。[结论]建议政府加快农业社会化服务供给侧结构性改革,完善土地流转市场,规范土地流转方式,降低土地细碎化程度,推进适度规模经营。  相似文献   

[目的]加强农业科技园区建设是我国未来农业科技创新工作的重要内容。通过理清创新类生产要素对农业园区经济增长的作用机制,提出园区吸引创新要素、提升创新能力的政策建议,为破解增长瓶颈提供参考。[方法]利用106个国家级农业科技园区2001—2016年要素投入与产出数据,估算创新要素与传统要素的产出贡献度,并分别使用年度均值和随机收取的11家分属于不同区域的园区个体数据,对东部、中部和西部园区的要素贡献度差异进行比较。[结果]三大区域创新要素产出占总产出的比重成倍高于同区域传统要素产出所占比重,对总产出的贡献显著; 西部地区创新要素投入对总产出的贡献率高于东部地区,中部地区创新要素投入对总产出的贡献率接近东部地区。[结论]以创新引领为特征的新经济增长不依赖于传统经济优势,加大创新要素投入是实现赶超、破解农业经济发展瓶颈的重要手段之一; 塑造园区成为农业科技创新平台和科技孵化培育载体,就能够通过创新要素的微观作用机制,以正外部经济效应带动农业及其周边产业快速增长。  相似文献   

[目的]通过分析湖南省星级休闲农庄的空间分布特征,探究其分布规律,以期为区域规划与休闲农业发展提供借鉴与参考。[方法]以湖南省内971个评定的星级农庄为样本,运用最近邻指数、地理集中指数、洛伦茨曲线、基尼系数及核密度估算等方法进行空间分布类型及均衡程度测度; 运用缓冲区与叠加分析,进行农庄相对于主要客源市场的空间分布测度。[结果](1)湖南省星级休闲农庄空间分布整体呈现出“东密西疏,区域集聚”特征; (2)整体空间分布类型为集聚型,市州区域分布较不均衡,具有围绕市州中心城市集聚分布的特征; (3)形成了长株潭地区和湘南郴州地区2个高密度热点区,与湘南衡阳地区、湘中娄底地区2个次热点区; (4)星级农庄主要分布在距市州中心城市90km范围内。[结论]湖南省休闲农业星级农庄发展已经达到了集聚程度,但发展较不均衡,表明湖南省的休闲农业发展水平东部明显高于西部,根据该研究结果可将湖南省休闲农业划分为长株潭、湘南、湘中南、湘北、湘西5个休闲农业发展区域。  相似文献   

甘肃市州农业现代化发展综合评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]基于相同的评价标准框架,测评不同区域的农业现代化发展水平,对不同地区间量化差距、找准短板和借鉴经验至关重要。[方法]参照“全国农业现代化监测评价指标体系”,构建了包含6个一级指标18个二级测评指标的甘肃市州农业现代化评价指标体系,运用多指标综合测度法,对甘肃省市州农业现代化发展水平进行评价。[结果]甘肃农业现代化进程相对缓慢,总体处于转型跨越阶段和发展阶段; 省内各市州间呈不均衡发展,嘉峪关、白银2市发展情况较好,金昌、张掖、酒泉、武威、兰州5市居中,定西、临夏、甘南、庆阳、陇南、平凉、天水7市州较滞后。[结论]与全国农业现代化发展水平相比较,甘肃市州农业现代化发展差距最大的是农业产业体系,其次是质量效益体系,而且土地适度规模化经营比重低严重制约经营体系现代化。未来甘肃省各市州促进农业现代化进程的重点是培养多元化农村产业融合主体、深化农业产业链条、推进土地流转促进适度规模经营,创新模式促进农业经营方式转变; 需要倾斜资金着力解决广大山旱区农业基础设施薄弱等问题,提高规模化、机械化、信息化水平及产业融合度,发展以科技、装备、信息等现代投入要素为核心的现代农业。  相似文献   

京津冀绿色食品产业的协同发展将有效整合三地的技术、资金、市场和资源优势,不断壮大区域绿色食品产业的生产能力和产业规模,切实推进区域内农业供给侧改革,提升农产品品质,满足民众对优质、安全绿色食品的需求。本文在全面总结京津冀地区绿色食品产业发展取得成就和存在问题的基础上,提出了推进京津冀地区绿色食品产业协同发展的具体对策。  相似文献   

京津冀区域“三生空间”分类评价与格局演变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]国土空间是社会经济发展的载体,是人们生存和发展的依托。识别和定量刻画“三生”功能空间结构及其演变规律是进行国土空间结构优化的基础。[方法]研究引入土地三生功能评分矩阵,通过GIS空间分析和可视化技术,基于土地利用覆被数据,对1900—2015年京津冀区域三生空间格局演变进行了研究。[结果]京津冀区域三生空间分布格局具有较强的规律性。生产空间主要分布在东南平原区,生活空间主要分布在北京、天津、石家庄、唐山、廊坊等都市圈,生态空间主要分布燕山—太行山山区。1990—2015年京津冀区域生产空间保持稳定,生活空间呈扩张态势,生态空间略有减小,北京、天津、石家庄、唐山、廊坊等都市圈三生空间变化最为活跃,具体表现为生产生活空间快速扩张、生态空间大幅度缩减。[结论]利用土地三生功能评分矩阵法,可以快速有效识别区域三生空间,不仅能体现土地的多功能性,更能反映不同地类功能的差异性。京津冀区域应严格控制人口、城市用地规模,划定耕地数量底线,河北应充分发挥京津冀生态环境支撑区作用,构建结构合理的绿色生态屏障,加快推进京津风沙源治理、太行山绿化、退耕还林、水土保持等生态工程建设,全面实施地下水超采综合治理,发展节水型农林业,加强湿地和农田保护。增加生态用地数量,重点建设成片森林和恢复连篇湿地,扩大生态空间,为京津等大城市发展提供生态空间保障。  相似文献   

[目的]现代农业发展是新时代背景下我国社会经济发展到一定阶段的必然选择,通过对内蒙古自治区现代农业发展水平进行评价分析,能够为其今后社会经济发展和精准扶贫提供更为有效的理论依据。[方法]以内蒙古自治区为例,构建基于熵值-TOPSIS模型的现代农业发展评价体系,通过分析2010—2018年内蒙古自治区现代农业发展总体得分值变化趋势和达标率变化趋势,评价该区域现代农业发展水平,同时结合资源指标、经济指标、科技指标和可持续发展指标等多指标要素综合分析,探究内蒙古自治区现代农业发展水平影响因素。[结果](1)2010—2018年内蒙古自治区现代农业总体发展水平呈现上升趋势,整体发展态势较好。(2)内蒙古自治区现代农业发展资源指标、经济指标、科技指标和可持续发展指标均有较大幅度提升,但仍需进一步加强各指标的投入,尤其是科技指标的投入。[结论]内蒙古自治区现代农业发展要实现进一步发展,需要加大各指标投入,加强现代农业发展支持力度,实现该区域现代农业高效可持续发展。  相似文献   

利用比较优势理论,分析了京津冀现代农业协同发展中各自比较优势及协同发展的可行性。结合三地农业发展总体情况,说明京津冀农业协同发展的现状。从顶层设计、技术、资金、市场、休闲农业、生态农业6方面,对京津冀现代农业协同发展提出了建议。  相似文献   

The primary objective of this paper is to examine changes in the level of output, prices and exports of major export crops resulting from the Structural Adjustment Program (SAP) in Nigeria. THere two main sources of data: the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) through its annual reports, Economic and Financial Review, and the Nigerian Federal Office of Statistics (FOS) through its Trade Summaries. Although the SAP led to appreciable increases in output and producer prices, its effects on exports were insignificant. The implications of these for the implementation of the program are explored.  相似文献   

Owners, local residents, government, and conservation organisations can express divergent preferences in the development and management of local woodlands. The perceptions of these four groups were examined, in the context of three community woodlands in Eastern England, using an ecosystem function framework. In a pilot study, residents were able to allocate a relative importance to woodland ecosystem services which were then related to “regulation”, “habitat”, and “production” or “information” functions. However residents also placed importance on negative services or “dis-services” associated with the woodland ecosystem. Therefore a fifth category of “dis-services” was included in the main survey which included 84 local residents, three woodland owners, three government institutions, and six representatives from conservation groups. Each of the four groups placed greatest importance on services associated with habitat (16–39% of the total importance) and information (30–50%) functions suggesting, in this example, mutual interest in the use of woodlands as a habitat or recreational resource. By contrast a potential area of difference was the particularly high importance placed by one owner on dis-services such as fly tipping. In addition the woodland owners placed higher importance (10–20%), than local residents and conservation groups (7–9%), on the productive services of the wood. This suggests a need for communication when production-related operations affect recreation. The ecosystem function framework appears to be a useful approach for highlighting potential tensions and areas of mutual interest in the management of semi-natural ecosystems.  相似文献   

This paper aims to analyse and draw together results from similar studies in England, Switzerland and France which investigated farmers’ understanding of soil and compared it with that of scientists, researchers and advisors (collectively called scientists in this analysis). A range of methods were used across the three studies and different theoretical approaches, looking at forms of knowledge, local practice of knowledge production and conceptions of reality, were employed to explain the results. Despite the different contexts, methodologies and theoretical approaches in the three studies, the results reveal similar patterns of difference in farmer and scientist understanding of soil. In the English study, farmers demonstrate a ‘know-how’ form or intuitive working knowledge of soil while advisors rely on scientifically established forms of ‘know-why’ and seek to understand and explain soil processes. Similarly in the Swiss study farmers’ and scientists’ differing perceptions are directed and shaped by their respective aims, methods and context of work. In the French study, farmers and researchers are shown to have different conceptions of soil, they attribute different meaning to the same activities, and use different words and language to describe the same features. In all three studies understanding is shown to be cultural and contextual, as such an integrative theoretical framework is proposed.  相似文献   

In recent years earthquakes and their secondary hazards have claimed the largest number of lives of all large natural disasters. Some of the world’s most earthquake-prone zones are also areas of high population density. The impact is magnified by vulnerability factors including non-enforcement of building codes, knowledge gaps, urban poverty and poor governance capacity to manage and reduce earthquake risks. Poor security of land tenure and property rights increases the vulnerability of people and affects their ability to respond to natural disasters.Earthquake recovery and reconstruction provides very significant challenges for land agencies, with these challenges differing from one country to the next due to differences in the local context. Drawing on contrasting case studies in Haiti, Nepal and New Zealand this paper identifies the common post-earthquake land administration functions and challenges that may apply to many contexts. These lessons provide land agencies and other key stakeholders with a summary of the challenges an earthquake poses for land administration at different post-disaster stages. We also discuss the policy and regulatory, institutional, operational and preparedness lessons for land administration. From these lessons we propose a framework for evaluating the earthquake-responsiveness of a land administration system. This framework can be used by a land agency in an earthquake prone region, or where an earthquake has recently occurred, to assess what challenges to land administration might occur in the event of an earthquake, and the preparedness of their land administration system.  相似文献   

森林生物多样性评价模型的改进   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对2002年的评价模型中的不足,提出了新的改进后的森林生物多样性变化的评价模型,并在我国第六次森林资源清查(1999~2003)资料的基础上,对1973~2003年我国森林生物多样性的变化进行了补充评价。评价结果表明:我国森林生物多样性的压力越来越大,压力指数由1973年的100,上升到2003年的199.10,上升了1.99倍;森林物种多样性总体的下降趋势已有一定幅度的改变,森林物种多样性指数增加了31.12%。森林生态系统多样性和森林生物多样性先逐渐上升,尔后又下降,第六次森林资源清查时又有所恢复,并分别上升了4.67个百分点和17.90个百分点。  相似文献   

天津市地矿局注重加快转变经济发展方式,发挥地质工作优势,推进低碳清洁能源的开发利用创新和技术进步,紧紧依托地质工作的人才、技术和行业优势,加大清洁环保资源的勘查、研究、开发、利用。针对天津市水资源缺乏的情况,积极加强后备和应紧水源勘查。按照“两种资源,两个市场”的思路,通过实施中外合作勘查项目,以境外勘查工作为载体和平台,实施引进来和走出去战略,为天津市经济社会发展提供地质技术支撑。  相似文献   

Although trust research has been extensive and substantial, the constitution and actual merits of trust in land use planning remain nebulous. What do participants of a local land use planning process actually mean when they say they trust the planning committee? How important is participants’ trust in the planning committee in shaping their perceptions of the planning process and their cooperation in it? To explore the everyday meaning of trust in the specific context of local land use planning, semi-structured interviews with the participants of a local planning project in Switzerland were conducted (n = 9). Based on these results, the constitution and the relevance of trust in the responsible planning committee among a wider circle of participants were assessed (n = 66). The results show that participants trust the planning committee if they perceive its members as competent, honest, open, fair, reliable, reciprocating, respectful and committed. Interestingly, a considerable part of trust in the planning committee hinges explicitly on whether the committee incorporates the personal interests of the participant. Trust is indeed vital to participants’ belief that a meaningful discussion and cooperation with the members of the planning committee is possible. However, trust is neither a guarantee for people's approval of planning decisions nor for their cooperation. One implication of the findings is that in order to evaluate trust-building practice comprehensively, it is necessary to first understand the specific everyday meaning of trust for ‘real people’ in real planning processes.  相似文献   

This paper analyses poverty and calorific undernourishment in the Indian state of Gujarat, where high and market‐led industrial growth has resulted in rapid economic improvement. The study is carried out through a combination of secondary and survey‐based data. We conclude that the neoliberal agenda of uncontrolled, outward‐looking growth has not resulted in significant reduction of poverty or malnourishment in rural areas. Furthermore, while land ownership is officially used as a proxy for wealth distribution, class position appears a better predictor of poverty status in the rural areas than landownership per se. At the policy level, there is a need to revive the agrarian economy and create new non‐agricultural assets, and the primary focus in the state must shift to the distribution of created assets rather than a single‐minded focus on growth.  相似文献   

Since the late 1980s, markets involving agricultural land have emerged in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. One major reason is that collective farms, previously a central feature of the country's political economy, ended. And a major reason for that was villagers' everyday politics gnawed the underpinnings of the collectives until they collapsed. Rural households, for the most part, wanted to farm separately. Today they do. Land is not privatized, however. Farming households have land use rights, not ownership. This tempers markets, as do other conditions arising from contending schools of thought in Vietnam about how land should be used, distributed and regulated.  相似文献   

This paper tests the ‘systems of innovation’ hypothesis for a selection of crops in Ghana and Burkina Faso that have shown significant growth in production over an approximately 20-year period. The question is whether such growth can only occur if supported by a system of innovation. Using two indicators (a common understanding on objectives and priorities, and a high level of interactivity), we find little evidence for the existence of anything that might be considered a high functioning system of innovation.  相似文献   

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