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一个纳税人可以选择多种税收筹划方案,可以是流转税的筹划,主要包括增值税、营业税、消费税等税种的筹划:也可以是所得税的筹划,主要包括企业所得税、外资企业所得税、个人所得税等税种的筹划:还可以是财产行为税的筹划,主要包括房产税、印花税等税种的筹划。一般均集中在流转税和所得税之间,然而所得税的筹划更为直接一些。这是因为企业所得税是以企业销售(营业收入)扣除成本、费用和缴纳的流转税金后的所得,按一定的税率缴纳税款的税种。  相似文献   

以45家汽车制造行业上市公司2010~2011年财务数据为样本,研究发现汽车制造业的流转税税负分别为0.018、0.0075,所得税税负分别为0.1951、0.2079,且所得税税负变化很异常。对税负的影响因素进行实证分析表明:主营业务收入、净资产收益率对流转税税负的影响为正向的,主营业务成本和存货变动率对流转税税负的影响是负向的;资产负债率对所得税税负的影响是负向的,企业的规模、固定资产密度、净资产收益率对所得税税负的影响是正向的。  相似文献   

我国税制将进行四大改革我国近期将从四个方面改革税制。(1)改革所得税制:统一内资企业所得税制和降低税率,实行比例税率。(2)改革流转税制:建立增值税、产品税、营业税,采取双层调节的新法转税制;增值税在工业生产的流通领域普遍调节;产品税实行特殊调节;非...  相似文献   

税种结构,是一个国家依据本国国情和财政需要,选择若干不同性质和功能的税种组成有主次并相互配合、相互制约,结构严密的税种体系。目前我国税种结构应以流转税和所得税为主要税种。所得税种结构优化进在政府获取一定税收收入与达到一定收入再分配目的的同时,使市场效率损失达到最小和社会福利工数达到最少,从而充分实现效率与公平两大目标。个人所得税优化的内容包括:税制模式的选择,纳税人的范围、费用扣除和免税项目及税率等四个方面;企业所得税优化一是要建立法人所得税制,二是要制定统一的二档比例税率,三是要建立税前扣除制度,改变税法从属于财务制度的状况,四是进一步完善所得税的财政体制改革,将企业所得税作为中央与地方的共享税,统一税基,分别确定税率,分别征收管理,相应调整增值税在中央与地方之间的分配比例,保证财政收入的合理性,适当降低税率,巩固税基,增加企业所得税在整个税种结构中的比例。  相似文献   

增值税是最有利于经济发展的商品课税;是标准的商品课税;是第二次世界性税制改革的结果,因兼具流转税和所得税的双重优势而被推广;事实上已成为商品课税制度的改革方向.应当巩固增值税的地位和实行改革:实行大范围全面型加消费型增值税;实行单一的低比例税率;局部范围实行特低税率、免税政策;实行全额退税;实行凭发票注明税款的扣税制度;对小企业实行特殊处理.  相似文献   

境外投资纳税筹划案例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
艺阳 《新理财》2010,(9):79-80
以下将通过示例对间接控股架构下的境外所得税抵免计算进行具体分析。 假定中国企业通过一家全资中间控股公司(例如香港公司,股息收入和汇出均不征收香港税)分别持有高税负国家(地区)(所得税税率30%)和低税负国家(地区)(所得税税率10%)的运营公司。  相似文献   

所得税账户的借方反映企业应纳的所得税,贷方反映期末转入“本年利润”账户的所得税,结转后该账户期末无余额。根据所得税账户的性质、用途、结构及对纳税产生的影响,审计应侧重于借方发生额的审计,并注意以下的问题:   1.应纳税所得额计算是否正确,有无隐匿计税收入或从收入总额中将不得扣除的项目任意扣除的问题。   2.适用的企业所得税税率是否正确,有无错用税率的现象。我们在对某企业审计时,发现“投资收益”明细账记录有“联营分回利润” 36. 5万元。经核实“长期投资”账户及其会计凭证和“分配利润方案”得知,联营企业…  相似文献   

流转税和所得税的产业结构调整效应分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以1994~2009年数据资料为基础构建VAR模型,运用协整检验分析方法、脉冲响应分析方法和方差分解分析方法对流转税和所得税影响产业结构的效应进行了研究。研究发现:从长期来说,流转税对产业结构调整的影响比较显著,而所得税相对弱些;从短期来看,所得税对产业结构调整的影响比较显著,而流转税相对较弱,但二者对产业结构调整的影响都具有滞后效应。因此,分时期区别利用流转税和所得税政策影响产业结构是必要的。  相似文献   

逃税的经济分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李文 《涉外税务》2002,(12):10-15
本文建立了逃税的成本收益模型,通过该模型分析了影响逃税数额的各种因素,包括税率水平、逃税者的风险偏好、逃税可能受到的处罚、逃税的操作成本、舞弊的心理代价等,并结合我国税收管理及相关制度的现实,提出了建立科学严谨的税收制度;适当设置征管机构,健全税务机关内部管理制度;提高技术水平和税务人员的业务水平;改变税务机关工作的评价标准;建立公共品需求对公共品供给的影响机制,捉高公共品供给的透明度;改变税收宣传方式;注重纳税人的权利,改善税务部门和其他政府部门的服务水平等遏制逃税的政策建议。  相似文献   

个人所得税有分类所得税、综合所得税与分类综合所得税三种基本模式。分类与综合相结合的个人所得税是一个零概念。二元所得税与单一税分别是分类所得税与综合所得税的具体形式。个人所得税三种基本模式的收入能力、负担分配、经济效应与执行条件存在差异。中国现阶段的税收公平观念、收入分配状况与税收执行条件要求实行分类综合所得税。其基本框架是:对中低收入者免征个人所得税;对中高收入者,根据应税所得的性质,按照差别比例税率,采用源泉扣缴办法征税;对高收入者,由纳税人自行汇总应税所得,按照累进税率计算应纳税额,主动向税务机关申报纳税。  相似文献   

A two-sector trade model with specific factors and perfect international capital mobility is used to analyze the optimal mix of factor and commodity taxation in a small open economy that faces domestic or international constraints on its tax instruments. In the unconstrained benchmark case, the small country will tax specific factors and domestic consumption but chooses zero tax rates for a selective production tax (i.e., an origin-based commodity tax) and a source-based tax on capital income. When commodity taxation must follow a combination of origin and destination principles, then this mixed commodity tax rate will be positive and its production effects are partly compensated in the optimum by a capital subsidy. These international restrictions interact with domestic constraints when rents accruing to fixed factors cannot be taxed by a separate instrument, and a positive tax rate on capital serves as an indirect way of rent taxation.  相似文献   

The theory of optimal taxation: what is the policy relevance?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The paper discusses the implications of optimal tax theory for the debates on uniform commodity taxation and neutral capital income taxation. While strong administrative and political economy arguments in favor of uniform and neutral taxation remain, recent advances in optimal tax theory suggest that the information needed to implement the differentiated taxation prescribed by optimal tax theory may be easier to obtain than previously believed. The paper also points to the strong similarity between optimal commodity tax rules and the rules for optimal source-based capital income taxation.   相似文献   

税收与国民储蓄间的关系表现在税收对储蓄的动员性上。所得税和财产税抑制储蓄,商品税则有可能相对提高国民储蓄倾向。当前,我国受税制安排的特殊性、收入分配的非公平性及特殊国情的影响,税收制度与国民储蓄间的关系具有某种特性。这种特性表明,在我国税制改革中税制的设计既要保证国民储蓄的合理增长,又要兼顾公平,从而使我国国民经济在适度储蓄规模的基础上得以健康协调发展。  相似文献   

许文 《税务与经济》2006,50(4):73-77
最优税收理论主要研究税制的最优设计问题,而逃税理论主要致力于政府的最优执行问题,最近出现了将这两种理论结合起来的研究趋势。结合逃税的最优税收理论,包括最优所得税和最优商品税等内容,研究结果表明:结合逃税的最优税收理论并不能得出比标准最优税收理论更为明确的政策结论,其还有待于进一步的研究和发展。  相似文献   

This paper provides a new framework for evaluating the welfare effects of commodity tax reforms. It is shown that tax reforms are welfare improving if and only if they satisfy the following intuitive property: on average, consumer prices fall for commodities with high marginal excess burdens. The rule is then applied to analyze a shift from differentiated commodity taxation to direct flat-rate taxation of labour income. The welfare impact of such reforms can be decomposed into two effects: (i) the increase in welfare associated with substitution among taxed commodities, and (ii) the loss in welfare associated with substitution between commodities and leisure. On balance, a shift towards direct taxation is desirable when inter-commodity substitution effects are large relative to commodity–leisure substitution effects. The analysis allows us to reconcile the apparently conflicting results of the tax reform and optimal taxation literatures.  相似文献   

The existing literature on optimal taxation typically assumes there exists a capacity to implement complex tax schemes, which is not necessarily the case for many developing countries. We examine the determinants of optimal redistributive policies in the context of a developing country that can only implement linear tax policies due to administrative reasons. Further, the reduction of poverty is typically the expressed goal of such countries, and this feature is also taken into account in our model. We derive the optimality conditions for linear income taxation, commodity taxation, and public provision of private and public goods for the poverty minimization case and compare the results to those derived under a general welfarist objective function. We also study the implications of informality on optimal redistributive policies for such countries. The exercise reveals non-trivial differences in optimal tax rules under the different assumptions.  相似文献   

我国利息税税负累进程度分析——以北京地区为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
税负累进程度是指税收负担随收入数额的增加而提高的程度,它是衡量税收公平的指标.对我国现行利息税税负累进性的分析表明,当前5%的税率下,利息税的税负累进性微弱,20%的税率更能增强利息税的税负累进性.要强化利息税的公平功能,可能的政策途径有:提高利息税税率;设定起征点,采用累进税率;并入个人所得税实行合并征收;加强对利息税收入的二次分配.  相似文献   

In this paper, I consider environmental policy as part of a mixed tax problem with a general income tax and linear commodity taxes. I assume that the wage rate is determined by bargaining between unions and firms. The results show that the change in the number of employed persons, following a change in the use of a tax instrument, affects the optimal tax structure via two channels; (i) it makes the tax revenues available for public expenditures more or less costly to collect, and (ii) it affects the aggregate demand for the good that causes the environmental damage. This means that the use of taxation to counteract the labor market imperfection is not easily separated from the environmental aspects of tax policy.JEL Code: D62, H21, J60  相似文献   

The paper discusses the recent drive toward a system of dual income taxation (DIT) in the Nordic countries. The pure version of this system combines progressive taxation of labor and transfer incomes with a proportional tax on income from capital at a level equal to the corporate income tax rate. The paper considers the motives for the introduction of this new income tax system, ranging from abstract theoretical arguments to very pragmatic considerations. While the Nordic DIT system violates the principles of the conventional personal income tax, it is argued that it may in fact be more in line with the philosophy of a true Haig-Simons comprehensive income tax. It is also suggested that the DIT system may cause fewer distortions to resource allocation than the conventional income tax. On the debit side, the paper points out several practical problems of taxing income from small enterprises under the differentiated income tax.  相似文献   

The Economic Recovery Tax Act (ERTA) of 1981 substantially altered the taxation of commodity tax straddles. Prior to 1981, commodity tax straddles were actively promoted and used to defer income, to convert ordinary income into capital gains, or to convert short-term into long-term capital gains. ERTA imposed a mark-tomarket rule of account settlement for the taxation of futures transactions. This study examines the impact of ERTA on the futures industry by utilizing futures exchange seat prices for all domestic futures exchanges. Futures exchange seats represent specialized capital assets whose value reflects the discounted present value of expected future economic rents derived from trading activity. The results indicate that ERTA produced a large decrease in the market valuation of futures exchange capital which was not recaptured in the ten months following the announcement.The financial support of the Columbia Futures Center was essential to the research reported here. The authors thank two anonymous reviewers for helpful suggestions, and Matthew Deno, Darrell Petter, and Shan Guo for valuable research assistance.  相似文献   

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