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张晓冉 《征信》2021,39(12):55-61
将个人征信电子数据用于金融机构间的信息共享时,其效率明显高于纸质文档.然而在大数据背景下,个人电子数据的泄露、滥用已逐渐成为公民信息安全之殇.通过数字签名、生物识别等显性特征,强化征信电子数据的个人权属.研究加密传输、区块链信息共享、安全储存等在电子文档中的应用,加强对个人征信电子数据的技术保护,并通过立法规制电子商务和互联网金融中对个人征信电子数据的收集、分析、泄露等行为.逐步加强对个人征信电子数据的权属、技术、法律的保护力度,才能增加公民对其信用信息安全的信任,进而提高信息化效率.在保障个人信息安全的基础上,逐步优化征信数据要素,有利于促进个人征信数据市场化发展.  相似文献   

蔡丽华 《青海金融》2012,(12):45-47
随着经济的发展和我国个人征信体系的建立,人们对个人信用信息保护的需求日益强烈。本文分析了我国个人征信体系立法的现状,剖析了现阶段我国个人征信立法的不足,进而提出了如何有效地建立和完善我国个人征信体系立法的对策建议。  相似文献   

随着经济的发展和我国个人征信体系的建立,人们对个人信用信息保护的需求日益强烈。然而,我国征信立法中至今仍有许多重大的问题尚未形成统一的认识,尤其是个人征信体系立法问题还存在着很大的争议。本文分析了我国个人征信体系立法的现状,剖析了现阶段我国个人征信立法的不足,进而提出了如何有效地建立和完善我国个人征信体系立法的对策建议。  相似文献   

高明 《征信》2011,(4):39-43
市场经济是信用经济、法制经济,征信立法对个人权益应提供充分、适度的保护.一些国际准则已对信息主体的权益保护达成共识.为促进社会经济的稳健发展,我国的个人征信立法,应充分借鉴国际准则的有益经验,平衡好个人权益保护与信息利用的关系,并结合国情做出具体的制度设计.  相似文献   

随着金融业信息和大数据技术的更广泛应用,个人金融信息所蕴含的经济价值凸显,少数市场主体在经济利益驱使下采取不正当方式获取并使用他人金融信息,侵害金融消费者权益。本文总结了我国当前个人金融信息保护方面的不足,对国外可资借鉴的经验进行总结并提出相关建议。一、我国个人金融信息保护工作的不足1.基础立法缺失目前我国适用个人金融信息保护的民事法律主要是《民法通则》以及《刑法修正案(七)》中  相似文献   

白云 《征信》2011,(5):66-70
随着经济的发展和我国个人征信体系的建立,人们对个人信用信息保护的需求日益强烈.我国征信体系的建立经历了先试点、后在全国铺开的过程.上海是征信试点城市之一,在个人信用信息法律保护方面积累了一些经验.通过实证研究,分析上海个人信用信息法律保护的特点和经验,对我国征信立法和个人信用信息保护立法有重要的启示.  相似文献   

随着我国征信体系建设的逐步深化,个人信用信息主体权益保护问题引起了社会的广泛关注。在分析个人信用信息主体权益保护必要性的基础上,深入探讨了发达国家成熟的法律制度和经验做法,结合我国征信建设实践中信用信息主体权益保护的现状,提出了完善我国个人用信息权益保护的若干立法建议。  相似文献   

随着我国社会经济的发展,个人征信在其中发挥的作用越来越大,个人征信制度的建立和规范化运行势在必行。本文从思考我国信用信息领域金融消费者保护存在的问题入手,从立法和监管两个层面研究信用信息领域金融消费者保护的国际经验,在此基础上提出了构建我国信用信息领域金融消费者保护体系的设想。  相似文献   

高兴波  马骥 《征信》2016,(9):55-57
从当前基层人民银行征信监管执法情况入手,分析个人征信违法信息披露的必要性,借鉴上市公司、银行业金融机构信息披露制度和外汇违法(负面)信息披露制度,认为应完善个人信息立法保护、建立个人征信违法信息披露制度、加强征信知识宣传教育,以实现对个人征信机构的约束和金融消费者权益的保护.  相似文献   

对金融行业的个人数据保护,欧盟面临的主要问题是:在保护消费者基本权利和促进商品、人员和服务的自由流动之间寻求平衡。欧盟对金融行业个人数据保护的立法包括三个层次:通过宪法性渊源,确定了个人数据受保护的基本人权地位;一般性立法和特别法。正在制订中的《征信管理条例》应当在立法理念、个人信息分类、各主体权利义务配置等方面对欧盟的立法进行借鉴。  相似文献   

邓辉 《当代金融研究》2020,2020(2):140-152
在大数据时代,个人信息的重要性愈发凸显。作为个人信息保护的第三大支柱,垂直面的监管制度构建与水平面的权利义务设立同样重要。由于顶层设计的缺失和部门分散立法的局限,我国目前的个人信息保护行政监管存在着目标弱化、主体分散、措施乏力和程序模糊等问题,严重阻碍了个人信息保护水平的提高。面对新兴科技的法律挑战与错综复杂的利益平衡需求,未来的个人信息保护立法应当明确行政监管的主要目标,建立统一和独立的监管机构,提升其专业性和行政级别,细化具体的监管措施,并协调不同保护程序之间的关系。  相似文献   

个人信用征信体系通过采集、披露和使用个人信息,在有效保障市场交易安全的同时也对个人信息安全造成极大危险。在我国目前信用征信体系已初步建立的情况下,对个人信息保护的立法却仍然空白。我国应借鉴国外先进经验,加快个人信息保护立法,对征信体系下个人信息采集、披露和使用的目的、主体、范围和程序进行规范,建立和完善一系列的配套机制,将个人信息置于法律的切实保护之下。  相似文献   

李建伟 《西安金融》2011,(12):32-33
本文分析了我国金融消费者权益保护中存在的立法不足、权益保护组织机构不明确和缺少专业高效的纠纷处理途径等主要问题。梳理了金融消费者权益保护的国际经验和趋势。根据我国现状,从法律法规建设、组织机构设置、维权机制建设等方面,提出进一步完善我国金融消费者权益保护机制的建议。  相似文献   

The debt agreement option under bankruptcy law was introduced in Australia in 1996. Since its introduction, it has undergone significant review, and two sets of amendments have been crafted to meet issues as they have been raised. Its popularity is reflected in the increasing proportion of debt agreements compared with the other two debt relief options available under bankruptcy legislation, bankruptcy and the personal insolvency agreement. A review of the debt agreement scheme has recently been undertaken, but the government has yet to respond to its recommendations. Meanwhile, the work of comparative bankruptcy scholars has found new impetus from the treatment of consumer debtors during the Global Financial Crisis. At the same time, at the international level, there is growing interest in developing general principles for the treatment of personal insolvency, despite the acknowledged diversity of approach to personal insolvency at the national level. This paper examines the debt agreement framework and how it fits within the comparative bankruptcy literature and the developing international principles for the treatment of personal insolvency. Copyright © 2014 INSOL International and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd  相似文献   

李兆利 《征信》2020,38(4):54-59
大数据时代,传统的以“信息收集”规制为着力点的个人信息保护出现适法性困境,以“知情同意”为框架的机理失灵,个人信息的利用对象从直接个人信息逐渐向间接个人信息过渡,其财产价值凸显,新型个人信息财产权呼之欲出。立法应顺应数字经济的发展,构建合理新型个人信息体系。具体而言:纵向层面,以“宽进+删除权”为具体保护策略;横向层面,在信息主体和信息产业者之间合理配置权利,即信息主体享有个人信息权和个人信息财产权,信息产业者享有信息资产权。  相似文献   

随着我国对外经济交往日趋频繁,对外贸易发展迅速,如何更多地了解国外贸易合作方、防范对外贸易风险已成为一个现实而紧迫的问题。如何在征信立法中制定和完善有关征信数据跨境流动的法律规则,以实现数据保护与国际接轨,现实意义尤为重要。  相似文献   

Given the increasing complexities of the financial markets as well as a shift away from employer/government sponsored pensions to individuals managing their retirement funds, personal finance education is an important tool in order to navigate the evolving and complex financial environment. In this paper, I examine the impact of personal finance education on credit delinquency. Prior studies show that financial literacy affects financial decisions such as savings, retirement planning, wealth accumulation and stock market participation. Using U.S data on personal bankruptcy and consumer credit delinquency rates, I show that personal finance education is important in reducing personal bankruptcy as well as consumer credit delinquency rates. Furthermore, personal finance education does not appear to moderate the impact of gambling legislation on personal bankruptcy or consumer credit default.  相似文献   


The first broad reform of personal data protection legislation in the European Union entered into force in May 2018 (Regulation (EU) 2016/679, the General Data Protection Regulation). Remarkably, with this reform a risk-based approach has been introduced as the core data protection enforcement model, while data protection authorities see their regulatory role significantly weakened. The risk-based approach is to be implemented by the data controllers (i.e. the operators) via data protection impact assessments (evoking the established environmental impact assessment procedure) and notification of breaches, among other procedures. Hence the scope of both the concepts of risk and risk regulation spread beyond conventional domains, namely the environment, public health or safety, i.e. physical risks, to encompass risks to intangible values, i.e. individual rights and freedoms, presumably harder to assess and manage. Strikingly, the reform has been accompanied by a confident discourse by EU institutions, and their avowed belief in the reform’s ability to safeguard the fundamental right to data protection in the face of evolving data processing techniques, specifically, big data, the Internet of Things, and related algorithmic decision-making. However, one may wonder whether there isn’t cause for concern in view of the way the risk-based approach has been designed in the data protection legislation. In this article, the risk-based approach to data protection is analysed in the light of the reform’s underlying rationality. Comparison with the risk regulatory experience in environmental law, particularly the environmental impact assessment procedure, is drawn upon to assist us in pondering the shortcomings, as well as the opportunities of the novel risk-based approach.  相似文献   

This paper examines how employment protection legislation influences corporate R&D investment. With a sample of 113,228 observations across 23 OECD countries from 2001 to 2018, I document that firms in strong employment protection legislation have lower R&D expenditure and investment efficiency. In addition, I find that the effect of employment protection on R&D expenditure is stronger in financially constrained firms but the effect of employment protection on R&D investment efficiency is stronger in financially unconstrained firms.  相似文献   

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