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近年来出现的会计舞弊审计失败案例给社会造成了极大的危害,会计舞弊是一直困扰审计职业界的重大社会问题。注册会计师能否有效揭示重大会计舞弊已经直接影响到注册会计师行业的生存价值。本文重点探讨了我国注册会计师不能有效揭示会计舞弊的主观和客观原因,并针对发现的问题,从外部审计的角度提出了减少会计舞弊的对策和建议。  相似文献   

本文首先对财务报表审计会计的舞弊行为进行简单的概括,并结合国内外解决会计舞弊现象的经验,揭示出我国无法有效揭示舞弊行为的原因,并找到了几个完善揭示机制的有效途径,为今后研究会计舞弊揭示机制提供借鉴经验.  相似文献   

我国上市公司接连爆出银广夏、蓝田股份等一系列会计造假案件,而会计造假往往牵涉到CPA的审计失败,CPA没有充分发挥"经济警察"的作用。上市公司频频发生的财务舞弊案件,严重地打击了投资者的积极性,引起了CPA行业的诚信危机,也引发了人们对现行审计制度的广泛思考。  相似文献   

注册会计师审计失败的成困及规避   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
明亮  吴征 《上海会计》2000,(7):53-54
所谓审计失败 ,是指企业会计报表存在重大错报或漏报 ,而注册会计师发表了错误的审计意见。审计失败可能来自企业的错误与舞弊或经营失败 ,也可能来自注册会计师自身的工作过失或欺诈 ,或两者兼而有之。(一)审计失败成因之一 :企业错误、舞弊、违法行为或经营失败首先 ,客户的错误、舞弊、违法行为。要判定注册会计师的法律责任必须区分会计责任和审计责任。根据《独立审计具体准则第8号———错误与舞弊》的规定 ,建立健全内部控制 ,保护资产的安全、完整 ,保护会计资料的真实、合法、完整是被审计单位的会计责任。审计责任是指注册会计…  相似文献   

我国上市公司会计舞弊案例频发,会计信息披露质量令人担忧,给投资者造成了重大损失。本文主要介绍了五种会计常用舞弊方法,结合公司案例进行分析,为市场监管人员和广大投资者提供了有效识别上市公司舞弊的技巧,同时对减少企业会计舞弊行为提出了建议。  相似文献   

王黎 《会计师》2014,(4X):35-36
伴随经济体制改革的不断深入,会计舞弊对社会经济的危害愈来愈明显,如何有效防范会计舞弊已成为会计行业及社会公众共同关注的课题。本文从会计舞弊的概念入手,主要剖析了企业会计舞弊的动因,进而提出会计舞弊治理的对策。  相似文献   

伴随经济体制改革的不断深入,会计舞弊对社会经济的危害愈来愈明显,如何有效防范会计舞弊已成为会计行业及社会公众共同关注的课题。本文从会计舞弊的概念入手,主要剖析了企业会计舞弊的动因,进而提出会计舞弊治理的对策。  相似文献   

企业会计报表对商业银行信贷决策具有重要意义。文章针对银行信贷业务的内部审计,从企业会计报表入手,通过剖析会计报表的舞弊原因,分析各种常见的舞弊手段,进而提出相应的内部审计策略,以发现并揭示信贷风险,实现内部审计为业务经营监督服务的目的。  相似文献   

我国上市公司财务舞弊利用会计政策和会计估计方法、虚构经济业务、关联交易和重大事项或滞后披露等多种途径,应该建立有效的上市公司会计信息披露机制、强化监督管理职能和会计审计等中介机构的作用加以防范。  相似文献   

王锡红 《时代金融》2014,(7X):206-206
我国上市公司财务舞弊利用会计政策和会计估计方法、虚构经济业务、关联交易和重大事项或滞后披露等多种途径,应该建立有效的上市公司会计信息披露机制、强化监督管理职能和会计审计等中介机构的作用加以防范。  相似文献   

This paper examines the COSO Report (1999) in light of concerns raised by Professor Briloff in his critique (Briloff, 2001). I identify a number of limitations of using AAERs in research including the possibility that these releases reflect prevailing SEC agendas and therefore may not be representative of the population of financial statement frauds. I also question the sampling process used in the COSO Report which does not appear to capture many of the “high-profile" frauds of recent years. I evaluate three possible explanations for why Big 5 CPA firms are under-represented in the fraud sample used in that report: differences in audit quality; self-selection by the large audit firms away from risky firms; and the considerable financial resources of Big 5 firms discouraging the SEC from prosecuting them in all but the most blatant audit abuses for inadequacies. Following on from Professor Briloff’s remarks and earlier research, I also explore the broader issue of auditor independence.  相似文献   

为深入贯彻落实会计师事务所执业质量检查制度改革精神和《上市公司年报审计监管工作规程》要求,中注协在系统总结2010年年报审计监管约谈经验的基础上,通过创新约谈工作思路、健全约谈工作机制、加强约谈工作技术支持力量,进一步加大年报审计事前事中监管力度,有效抵制不正当低价竞争,更好地引导和帮助事务所防范审计风险。2012年,中注协先后约谈了9次(其中,当面约谈6次,书面约谈3次)、共20家证券资格事务所,就部分上市公司2011年年报审计风险进行提示,引起社会各界的高度关注和积极反响。为帮助广大读者深入了解中注协年报审计监管约谈机制和全面把握风险提示内涵,现接上期,继续将有关约谈的情况予以刊发。  相似文献   

This paper explores the application of data mining techniques to fraud detection in the audit of financial statements and proposes a taxonomy to support and guide future research. Currently, the application of data mining to auditing is at an early stage of development and researchers take a scatter-shot approach, investigating patterns in financial statement disclosures, text in annual reports and MD&As, and the nature of journal entries without appropriate guidance being drawn from lessons in known fraud patterns. To develop structure to research in data mining, we create a taxonomy that combines research on patterns of observed fraud schemes with an appreciation of areas that benefit from productive application of data mining. We encapsulate traditional views of data mining that operates primarily on quantitative data, such as financial statement and journal entry data. In addition, we draw on other forms of data mining, notably text and email mining.  相似文献   

在证券市场中上市公司审计舞弊屡有发生,早期的“中天勤-银广夏”案件和近期刚被查处的“中磊-万福生科”案件都严重影响了审计公信力.也损害了投资者支资本市场的信心,导致近年来中国股市一直处于熊市状态.本文阐述了上市公司审计舞弊及其危害性,基于注册会计师法律道德及会计师事务所产权维度分析了法律风险偏低、职业道德失范、会计师事务所产权不合理是导上市审计舞弊的主要原因.并提出强化注册会计师的法律责任,加强注册会计师职业道德建设以及完善会计师事务所产权等治理审计舞弊的相关建议.  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of a study in which fifty-seven sitting United States judges participated in a behavioral experiment to assess the perceived credibility of the financial reporting process and the legal risk auditors bear under conditions where they provide an internal control audit report (vs. no report) under two corporate governance environments. We find that participating judges believe internal control audits provide enhanced assurance that intentional misstatements do not exist and also serve to provide elevated protection to the public, but only under conditions of a strong corporate governance environment beyond current regulatory requirements. We also find that, after being informed of an undetected material fraud, judges who currently have high expectations of the auditing profession find auditors more liable when an internal control audit report has been issued (as compared to when no such report has been issued).  相似文献   

实施企业内控注册会计师审计具有十分重要的意义。在实施企业内控审计中,应当正确处理好企业内控责任与注册会计师审计责任的关系、企业内控自我评价与注册会计师内控审计的关系、内控审计和财务报表审计的关系、财务报告内控和非财务报告内控的关系、企业层面控制测试与业务层面控制测试的关系、重大缺陷披露与其他缺陷沟通的关系。同时,应当深入研究非财务报告内控测试的范围界定和方法技术问题、内控测试评价的样本选取问题、首次执行内控审计与连续实施内控审计的策略问题、内控审计报告的披露形式问题、内控审计信息系统的开发建设问题、内控审计结果的利用问题,推动内控审计扎实有序开展。  相似文献   

The auditing industry has mounted a global campaign to reduce its liability. In Canada, it is attempting to change from a doctrine of joint and several liability to proportionate liability, to have the Federal government legislate a statutory cap on liability, or to have the Provincial governments approve the establishment of Limited Liability Partnerships. These initiatives are consistent with the proposals of the CPA firms in the US and the CA firms in the UK. This cross-national trend suggests that a global theory of society is needed to analyze the consequences of audit risk. This paper uses the “risk society” model proposed by Beck to understand why the audit industry focuses on reducing exposure to liability, rather than on improving the quality of audits. Beck's theory of “reflexive modernization” provides an analysis of the so-called “liability crisis” that attempts to overcome the institutional construction offered by the auditing industry. The paper recognizes that it is very difficult for observers outside of the large auditing firms to judge the real risks of audits and to develop alternative public policy options. Ideally, we should be able to evaluate litigation in a modern audit environment. However, the audit firms are not required to disclose sufficient information about their costs to determine the real impact. Meanwhile, professional groups are lobbying hard for changes that will reduce auditors risk without addressing the root causes of audit failures.  相似文献   

The importance of information technology (IT) auditing has grown with increased reliance on IT for business operations and new regulations regarding the assurance of IT for these operations. Prior work on IT and financial auditing has suggested several general frameworks that may affect IT audit quality; however, the prior work has not provided measurable constructs nor has it considered whether these proposed constructs are the same or different. Building on prior work that has proposed frameworks of IT audit quality, we identify and evaluate potential constructs suggested by these frameworks as well as financial auditing literature. We develop a survey tool and ask IT and financial accounting practitioners to assess the impact of these items on IT audit quality. A factor analysis is used to refine the set of IT audit quality factors identified, and we are able to provide insight into the prioritized impact of each factor on IT audit quality. In comparison to prior research, we find that additional factors are significant for IT audit quality and that the relative importance of the factors for IT audit quality differs for IT versus financial auditors.  相似文献   

本文收集了我国自证券市场成立以来至2004年末的104个财务报告欺诈样本,并进行了统计分析。统计结果显示:农、林、牧、渔业和综合类是财务报告欺诈的两个高发行业;多元化经营更可能导致欺诈的发生;两个欺诈高发行业样本公司采用的欺诈方法明显有别于其他行业,更可能进行资产高估欺诈。本文最后根据研究结论向注册会计师提出了财务报告欺诈审计的几点具体建议。  相似文献   

Current auditing standards require auditors to conduct a fraud brainstorming session aimed at considering ways in which the audit client's financial statements might be fraudulently misstated. Lynch et al. (2009) document that computer-mediated fraud brainstorming is significantly more effective than face-to-face brainstorming for generating relevant fraud risks. In this study, we code and analyze process-level data from the Lynch et al. (2009) study to understand the factors contributing to the greater effectiveness of electronic fraud brainstorming. Specifically, we conduct mediation analysis to discern the degree to which equality of participation and two measures of task focus contribute to greater fraud brainstorming effectiveness when using a computer-mediated communication system compared to traditional face-to-face brainstorming. We also examine participants' perceptions of ease of system use, satisfaction with the process, and satisfaction with the outcome. Overall, the results indicate that the primary reason for the greater effectiveness of electronic fraud brainstorming is the greater degree of task focus as revealed through the length of comments made when using computer-mediated fraud brainstorming. In an absolute sense, participants using electronic brainstorming felt that their brainstorming mode was easy to use and they were satisfied with the process and outcome. The primary contribution of this study is in enhancing our understanding of precisely why computer-mediated fraud brainstorming outperforms face-to-face fraud brainstorming.  相似文献   

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