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<正>农村金融是现代农村经济的核心,因此,推进我国农村金融改革创新,不断完善农村金融服务体系,事关社会主义新农村建设大局,同时,在完善农村金融服务体系建设中,培  相似文献   

许航峰 《云南金融》2011,(2Z):76-78
<正>农村金融是现代农村经济的核心,因此,推进我国农村金融改革创新,不断完善农村金融服务体系,事关社会主义新农村建设大局,同时,在完善农村金融服务体系建设中,培  相似文献   

为促进中国农村绿色经济、低碳经济发展,走低碳环保之路,亟需降低农村碳排放强度。文章构建了农村金融发展与农村碳排放强度的基础理论模型,分析得出,农村金融发展对农村碳排放强度呈现出倒U型的影响关系。运用中国26个省份2001~2017年的数据,在农村金融规模和效率的维度上分别通过面板模型验证农村金融发展对农村碳排放强度的影响。实证结果发现,农村金融规模中的信贷规模和储蓄规模对农村碳排放强度的影响存在倒U型关系,农村固定资产投资规模对农村碳排放强度的影响为负向;农村金融总体规模对农村碳排放强度没有显著影响;农村金融效率对农村碳排放强度的影响存在U型关系。应深化农村金融发展,加强农村技术升级和深化研发创新,以促进农村绿色经济可持续发展。  相似文献   

<正>农村金融产品和服务方式的创新,是完善和解决现阶段农村金融服务供需矛盾,全面改进和提升农村金融服务、加强信贷结构调整的重要手段,也是加快"社会主义新农  相似文献   

关于我国农村金融发展问题的分析及日本模式的借鉴   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前我国的农村金融存在着各种问题,主要表现为供需矛盾,政策支持不够,法律法规不全等。文章在分析农村金融需求不足等问题的深层原因的基础之上,借鉴国外尤其是日本农协的成功经验,提出增加金融供给,保持农村金融供求均衡;建立政府对农村金融的支持体系;拓展农业政策性金融;注重风险防控制度建设等建议。  相似文献   

<正>农村金融产品和服务方式的创新,是完善和解决现阶段农村金融服务供需矛盾,全面改进和提升农村金融服务、加强信贷结构调整的重要手段,也是加快"社会主义新农  相似文献   

农村金融发展主要是建立在农村经济发展基础之上的,而农村金融的发展在一定程度上也会影响农村经济的发展.本文主要针对新形势下我国农村金融发展问题展开研究.首先,对农村金融的概念界定及促进农村金融健康发展的重要意义进行阐述.其次,提出我国农村金融发展所存在的主要问题:金融机构抵御风险能力弱;新型金融机构资金来源缺乏;正规金融机构提供产品有限以及非正规金融受到严厉打压等.最后,提出相关对策:多措并举,提高农村金融机构抵御风险的能力;增加商品,进一步满足农民个体融资的需求;扩大融资,拓宽新型金融机构的融资渠道;有效管理,引导农村非正规金融活动健康发展.希望通过本文的研究可以有效促进农村金融的可持续发展.  相似文献   

通过对常州农村金融产品创新情况的研究,总结常州农村金融产品创新的经验做法,分析常州农村金融产品碴0新中存在的问题,提出未来常州农村金融产;矗创新的思路和措施。  相似文献   

张俊平  秦奋 《甘肃金融》2012,(12):64-64
主要问题(一)现有农村金融组织为农村经济发展提供的信贷资金总量不足且结构错位。农村金融供给总量和结构上的不足:一是农村金融存贷缺口大,且呈加大趋势;二是农村信贷约束程度非常高:三是农村信贷资金用途结构错位,农村金融机构只为农户提供的是储蓄、抵押类贷款和少量的小额信用贷款,不能满足农户多样化的资金需求;四是农村信贷资金额度  相似文献   

美国的农村金融体制给我国农村金融改革提供的借鉴   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
一、美国的农村金融体制美国的农村金融制度属于一种复合信用型模式,这种模式具有两个特点:一是在提供农业信贷资金的机构中,既有专业的农村金融机构,也有其他类型的金融机构;二是在金融组织体系上,一般是合作性金融机构、政策性金融机构及商业性金融机构并存。目  相似文献   

There is anecdotal evidence to support the assertion that accounting research, or what is alleged to be research, is of little or no value to the practice of accounting, nor to the development of accounting as an academic discipline. The problem is not that efforts have not been made to conduct research, but rather there is a fundamental flaw in the accounting research process itself.Tricker suggests that the research process can be understood using two models. One is a set of relationships which “feed-forward”. That is, a known theory suggests a hypothesis, which is tested through the accumulation of data. If the hypothesis is proven to be true, it is added to the body of knowledge, enhancing the legitimacy of the underlying theory. The second model is intended to provide “feed-back”. That is, the real world is observed and a model of it is proposed, based on known theory. Data is collected and processed, and the model is refined. When the model is consistent with the real world and known theory, it is added to the body of knowledge. These research models depend on the existence of known theory for their usefulness.The central problem of accounting research is that there is no known theory to use as a reference for creating hypotheses or models to be empirically researched. The absence of theory can be seen in education, practice, and the research literature itself. Practitioners, for example, because of their training and lack of experience with and interest in research tend not to look to research findings to meet their professional needs. Accounting researchers, on the other hand, have created what appears to be a highly advanced research context which, in effect, is an environment dominated by sophisticated methodology, rather than theory. The research basically emulates the hard sciences, which makes its pursuit academically acceptable, but it lacks substance. This explains the failure of accounting research to improve accounting practice.  相似文献   

老子认为“损有余而补不足”是一种自然法则;“道法自然”是老子哲学的最终归宿。人类社会要和谐,就必须在社会财富分配上遵循“损有余而补不足”这一自然法则,不要使社会出现“损不足以奉有余”的两极分化状态,以免付出沉重的代价。以老子的哲学观审视现实的社会财富分配,一个良性的社会财富分配机制应当是以市场经济手段为基础,以国家福利手段为保障,以社会慈善手段为补充。在这种机制的作用下,社会财富分配两极分化的张力得到有效的消减,社会各阶层对财富的占有达到相对均衡,从而使社会的和谐状态得以持久的保持。  相似文献   

There is a popularly held view that institutional investors and stockbrokers' analysts take a short-term view when making or advising on investment decisions. Short-termism is held to be a particular problem for economies such as the US and the UK which rely heavily on stock exchanges to price securities and help reallocate resources through take-over. This is deemed to be detrimental to long-term corporate development and overall economic growth. The paper seeks to show the extent to which directors of large UK companies perceive that analysts and institutional investors evaluate their companies on short-term criteria. The role of institutional investors in the context of short-termism is important because they own a large proportion of equity. The paper then seeks to explain why some company directors appear to believe in short-termism while others do not. Hence the paper is not investigating whether ‘the City’ is short-termist but is examining the reasons why directors of large publicly quoted companies believe ‘the City’ is or is not short-termist about their company. The conclusion of this paper is that there is some evidence to support the view that ‘the City’ is perceived as being short-termist towards some companies but that the phenomenon is more narrowly focused and of lesser importance than its supporters claim.  相似文献   

积极财政政策的可持续性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文分别从当前宏观经济形势、我国政府债务风险和公共部门投资的挤出效应三个方面考察了我国积极财政政策的可持续性。认为我国当前的经济形势下 ,积极财政政策的淡出还为时尚早 ;我国单纯的国债风险并不高 ,但是我国政府的综合债务风险却相当大 ,控制我国综合债务风险的关键是控制存量 ;我国公共部门对民间投资的挤出效应不明显 ,当前民间投资不活跃的主要原因是另一种“挤出效应” ,即对民间投资的歧视和限制 ,要改变这种情况的主要方法是改革  相似文献   

Budgetary processes of local governments have been studied a lot, but there seems to be a lack of knowledge on how the accounting systems are actually used and how they fit into these processes . This is the theme of this paper, which is based on studies of local governments in Sweden. The paper is divided into two parts. In the first part there is a discussion of the budgetary process, the accounting system and their interrelationship. Two particular problems are discussed; the first relates to the fact that the accounting system is systematically filtering away what seems to be relevant financial information; and the second is that the accounting system is also very badly adapted to that process of commitments, which is understood to be the budgetary best. In the second part of the paper, it is argued in a normative manner that changes should be made to solve these two problems.  相似文献   

An investor holding a stock needs to decide when to sell it over a given investment horizon. It is tempting to think that she should sell at the maximum price over the entire horizon, which is however impossible to achieve. A close yet realistic goal is to sell the stock at a time when the expected relative error between the selling price and the aforementioned maximum price is minimized. This problem is investigated for a Black–Scholes market. A stock ‘goodness index’ α, defined to be the ratio between the excess return rate and the squared volatility rate, is employed to measure the quality of the stock. It is shown that when the stock is good enough, or to be precise when α ≥ 1/2, the optimal strategy is to hold on to the stock, selling only at the end of the horizon. Moreover, the resulting expected relative error diminishes to zero when α goes to infinity. On the other hand, one should sell the stock immediately if α ≤ 0. These results justify the widely accepted financial wisdom that one should buy and hold a stock – if it is good, that is.  相似文献   

和谐社会建设与美德伦理、人民幸福安康息息相关。美德是民主法治的内在灵魂;美德是实现公平正义的前提;诚信友爱是美德的具体体现;美德作为行动的力量,是人和社会充满活力的源泉;美德是社会安定有序的主要的德性支撑力量;幸福生活是和谐社会构建的价值目标。所以,要实现社会的和谐,就必须加强美德伦理建设,就必须努力提高人民群众的幸福程度。  相似文献   

The timing of prepayment: A theoretical analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article develops the analytical methods necessary to determine the prepayment patterns of a mortgage contract. The most obvious measure of how many years a mortgage is likely to last is the expected time to termination. It is this measure that we most fully explore. However, since the method employed is able to characterize the probability of prepayment in any given time period, the means is provided to determine any measure of the time to termination.  相似文献   

中国产业结构升级与就业问题的灰色关联分析   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
大量的文献和各国经济发展的实践证明,产业结构和就业结构的关系密不可分.针对产业结构是多因素变量的特点,采用灰色关联分析方法可以分析产业结构与就业结构的关联程度,结果表明:产业结构与第三产业的就业状况联系最为紧密,而与全社会的总体就业状况关系甚微.  相似文献   

This article is a review of a 531 page book that in turn is a review and evaluation of the 2319 page Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act passed by Congress on July 16, 2010. The overriding theme of the book is to pose two approaches to attaining financial stability in the future. One approach is to establish a council of wise men and women supported by an army of highly skilled professional financial economists to formulate and implement regulations designed to prevent future financial crises that wreak havoc on the real economy and require financial support from taxpayers. This is the approach of the Dodd–Frank Act. The second approach proposed by the authors of this book is to design a taxing system that taxes systemically important financial institutions on the basis of their contribution to systemic risk. Borrowing ideas from the literature on the taxation of negative externalities their view is that financial institutions that create crises should pay for the clean-up. They also argue that requiring the financial polluters to pay for the creation of systemic risk will reduce the supply of systemic risk. The reader is invited to decide which approach is best.  相似文献   

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