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第二种市场失灵是指市场不仅在提供公共物品上存在着失灵,在提供私人物品时,市场也有一些功能缺陷.第二种政府失灵是指政府不仅在从事竞争性私人物品的生产中存在着失灵,在公共事务方面也有失灵之处.第二种意义上的政府失灵和市场失灵需要自律组织介入.中国股票市场存在第二种政府失灵与第二种市场失灵,因此对于投资者权益保护而言,自律监...  相似文献   

Alland D. Barton 《Abacus》1999,35(2):207-222
One of the problems encountered in implementing accrual accounting in the government sector is that of accounting for natural capital assets provided freely to government and which are used as public goods. Professional accounting standards require that these assets be valued and included in the government's statement of assets and liabilities. The problem is not encountered in business accrual accounting because business neither acquires assets freely nor provides services to the public on a non-commercial basis.
Various issues surrounding accrual accounting for natural capital assets used as public goods are examined in this article. The nature and characteristics of such assets, and the distinctions between private goods and public goods markets, are first explained to set the context for examination of the issues. Then the issues as to whether natural capital assets should be treated as assets for accounting purposes and included in the government's statement of financial position are analysed according to FASB standards; it is concluded that they are not assets. Rather, it is proposed that these assets used for the provision of non-commercial services to the public should be treated in a separate category as public goods assets which are held in trust by the government on behalf of the nation, for the benefit of current and future generations and for the preservation of the natural ecology of the nation. Commercial valuations are not relevant for these assets and they need not be valued in financial terms for their good management.  相似文献   

公共品生产的市场化与制度创新   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
在市场经济条件下 ,资源配置以市场机制为基础 ,政府的基本职责是提供公共品 ,弥补市场配置的缺陷。然而 ,政府提供并不等于政府生产 ,更不等于政府直接的垄断生产。中国公共品生产制度安排的主要缺陷是政府及其公共部门的过度垄断 ,私人资本和国外资本进入公共品生产领域存在种种制度壁垒和不公平竞争条件。中国加入WTO后 ,必须逐步向国外厂商开放政府采购市场 ,同时 ,公共品生产市场的对内开放也实属必然。在国家宏观调控下 ,有序地向国内外开放公共品市场 ,实现政府机制与市场机制混合调节以及公共部门与私人部门、国内资本与国外资本的职能互补和公平竞争 ,必须进行包括政府规制制度、财政税收制度、公共投资和补贴制度、产权制度以及企业组织制度等在内的全面制度创新。  相似文献   

This paper attempts to make an argument for the feasibility and usefulness of a computable general equilibrium approach to studying fiscal federalism and local public finance. It begins by presenting a general model of fiscal federalism that has at its base a local public goods model with (1) multiple types of mobile agents who are endowed with preferences, private good endowments, and land endowments, (2) local governments that produce local public goods funded by a property tax, and (3) a land market that capitalizes local policies to equilibrate supply and demand. To this, a state (or national) government producing a state public good is added, and all levels of government abide by majority rule voting. A computable general equilibrium framework is derived from this theoretical model and calibrated to New Jersey micro tax data. It has been applied elsewhere to study the dominance of property in local tax bases as well as the general equilibrium effects of state or national intergovernmental programs such as redistributive grants in aid, district power equalization, and the deductibility of local taxes. Results in these areas are summarized and potential future applications discussed.  相似文献   

我国“要逐建立适应社会主义市场经济要求的公共财政框架”。公共财政理论认为,政府的主要职能是提供公共商品,满足公共需要。为提供公共商品,政府要以脱收与收费的形式占有和支配使用一部分经济资源。政府以何形式占有经济资源,是由所提供的公共商品的性质决定的,当前,我国的地方政府收费的膨胀和混乱,背离了公共财政的目标,妨碍了地方公共财政制度的建立,建立地方公共财政,要求一个充分体现公平与效率相结合的收入分配制度,而当前收入分配制度的建立,理顺税费关系,规范地方政府的收入行为是其必然要求。  相似文献   

陈弦 《海南金融》2008,(9):9-13
在物质生活基本得到满足的情况下.老百姓对医疗、教育、社会保障、公共安全以及环境保护等公共产品和公共服务的需求越来越突出,对地方政府的目标要求也不再是发展经济这一单一目标,而是更加强调其公共服务的能力。地方政府的公共服务能力在很大程度上取决于其收入能力。本文将探讨不动产税改革将如何在增强地方政府公共服务能力中发挥作用,并针对开征不动产税过程可能遇到的难点问题,提出相关对策建议。  相似文献   

有限政府与财政服务均等化   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
市场经济要求公共财政能够提供一视同仁的公共物品,然而,在我国,由于计划经济的惯性等原因,公共供给过程中存在诸多矛盾.本文以政府介入公共品供给模式作为逻辑分析起点,认为要解决这些矛盾,实现财政服务均等化,有限政府理念的确立是关键,同时还有赖于其他相关制度的跟进及完善程度.  相似文献   

This paper examines the Laffer effect in the Ramsey tax-model with linear consumption taxes and a representative consumer. It is assumed that the private goods and the public good are weakly separable. It is demonstrated that if all of the private goods are weak gross complements to each other, then the Laffer effect does not exist, in other words, higher tax rates can always achieve more tax revenue. In contrast, if all of the private goods are strict gross substitutes, then the Laffer effect does exist. Moreover, if all of the private goods are weak gross substitutes, then the government cannot fully acquire the leisure endowment through taxes on consumption goods. We also show that gross substitution works to raise the marginal cost of public funds.  相似文献   

农村公共产品供给与农民收入问题研究   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
阻碍农民增收和农村经济发展的根本原因在于改革开放以来农村公共产品供给不足,表现为农村公共产品供给与需求失衡;同时,政府将有限的财力和公共产品的大部分投向城市,形成了公共产品供给的城市化倾向,这又表现为城乡公共产品供给失衡.农村公共产品的长期短缺严重地影响了农村私人产品的产出效率.因此,作者提出了必须关注农村农民对公共产品的需求;建立起完善的农村公共产品体系等重要观点.  相似文献   

费改税后,农村义务教育的提供成为县乡财政的直接困难。本文讨论了义务教育融资的几种方式,即中央政府和地方政府共享、PPP模式和私人提供公共产品,引出捐赠对于农村义务教育的重要性,并通过捐赠模型分析了捐赠的福利效应,最后提出了政府促进捐赠的政策建议。  相似文献   

网络经济时代的到来,使政府与非营利组织的关系呈现出三种模式:基于私人物品供给视角下的相互独立关系;基于公共物品供给视角下的合作伙伴关系;基于政府资助的公共服务供给视角下的相互监督关系。为实现上述三种关系模式,迫切需要政府与非营利组织进行变革。  相似文献   

We discuss the issue of how schools should be financed, concentrating on the role of private funding and public funding via subnational governments as accountability mechanisms in the provision of educational services. The historical evolution of school regulation in Italy and Spain has created differences in the percentage of pupils who attend private schools, the percentage of private school funding coming from public and private sources and the percentage of public school funding that comes from central or local government sources. We take advantage of these institutional diversities rooted in history to estimate the disciplining role of these different sources of funding in the context of an educational production function using Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) data. Our results provide support to both accountability mechanisms and point to the presence of an important interplay between them.  相似文献   

地方债为公共品融资:条件与效应分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地方债的发行期与偿还期往往不一致,与资本性地方公共品不一致的建设期和受益期相对应,再加上法律明确赋予的举债权,地方债因此而成为世界各国经常采用的资本性地方公共品的融资方式。利用地方债为地方公共品融资,可以实现降低对政府收入依赖程度的预算效应、过度刺激地方政府利用公债投资的负激励效应以及影响居民迁入与移出的迁移效应。  相似文献   

本文从政府角度出发,对公益品和私益品的特性进行了重新思考,从偏好、福利二分、绩效衡量难易、制度环境、意识形态等角度考察政府行为的独特性.并以我国体制转轨的特殊时期为背景,分析了不同于西方代议制的政体下,在公共品导出机制中政府行为的复杂性,指出了制度上的缺陷和由此导致的一系列现实问题.  相似文献   

以一个仁慈的、完全信息型政府供给公共物品的效率标准模型为基准,就不同预算约束下公共物品政府供给的效率及原因进行分析.比较不同预算约束、经济人假设情况下政府供给的效率.在经济人政府假设下,不论软预算约束还是硬预算约束,政府提供公共物品都存在效率问题:会出现过多和过少的供给,从而产生公共物品的供给浪费或不足,政府难以提供最适的公共物品水平.  相似文献   

The nature of federal research funding has changed in the United States over the last 30 years. In part, federal research funding has changed in the distribution of funding across disciplines and across universities. Federal funding to universities with historically low levels of funding has also experienced greater growth than those universities with historically high levels of funding. In addition, universities have become more involved in the political process with respect to the allocation of funding for higher education. As the nature of government funding changes, this paper questions its effect on private donations to research and non-research universities. The general presumption of much of the existing theoretical work is that government and private funding for charitable goods are substitutes. Limited evidence exists to suggest, in some circumstances, there may be a positive correlation between these two sources of funding. Potentially, because the government undertakes the expense to gather information about the research universities, and engages in such activities as peer-review of research proposals, the government through its grant awards may provide a signal of quality of research or other information to donors that is less noisy than that available to private donors. Similarly, there may be other types of spillover effects from research funding to private donations. In this case, a change in government grants has both a positive and negative effect on private donations, suggesting a positive correlation between private and public donations if the effect from the dissemination of information is greater than the substitution effect of government grants. I examine data for private and public universities in the United States to measure the relationship between private and public donations under a fixed-effects OLS regression. I explore issues of bias from endogeneity or omitted variables and report the results from a two stage least squares regression in which I use a set of measures that affect federal research funding but not private donations. Regardless of the specification, the results suggest private and public donations are positively correlated for research universities and negatively correlated for non-research institutions. On average, increasing federal research funding by one dollar increases private donations by 65 cents at research universities, decreases private donations by 9 cents at universities whose highest degree granted is a masters, and decreases private donations by 45 cents at liberal arts colleges.  相似文献   

巨灾保险具有准公共物品属性,既可以由政府提供,也可以由市场提供,单纯依靠政府和私人市场提供都存在较大弊端,政府和私人部门合作,采用混合供给模式可以形成互补优势,提高效率,这已成为国际巨灾保险市场发展的一大趋势。本文以混合供给模式下的巨灾保险市场为对象,分析巨灾保险市场中的委托代理关系,并对如何构建有效的激励与约束机制进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

This paper deals with a specific vertical assignment of public functions in a federation: Two levels of government share both the same tax source and expenditure on a productivity increasing public service. We consider surplus maximizing Leviathan governments which provide public services in order to increase their potential tax base. The Nash equilibrium is characterized by overtaxation and relative to surplus maximization—depending on whether or not the public goods are sufficiently complementary with the entire tax base—either underprovision or overprovision of the public service. The implications of these results, in terms of welfare and potential use for earmarking taxes are also considered.  相似文献   

Many public goods provide utility by insuring against hazardous events. Those public goods can have self‐insurance and self‐protection character. For both situations we analyze the efficient public provision level and the provision level resulting from Nash behavior in a private provision game. We consider the interaction of public goods as insurance devices with market insurance. The availability of market insurance reduces the provision level of the public good for both public and private provision, regardless of whether we consider self‐insurance or self‐protection. Moreover, we show that Nash behavior has always a larger impact than the availability of market insurance.  相似文献   

公共领域治理中出现的多中心治理体制否认了政府作为单中心治理者的合理性,印讧了公共产品供给主体多元化理论的正当性.在农村公共产品供给上实现多主体、多渠道和多方式共存的供给模式是解决我国农村公共产品供给短缺的有效途径.通过对BOT模式的特征和民营BOT模式在我国农村公共产品供给中的优势分析表明:完善我国农村公共产品供给状况的关键在于加强相关制度设计,充分发挥民营BOT在我国农村公共产品供给中的强大作用.  相似文献   

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