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在金融业务竞争激烈,客户需求个性化、产品和服务差异越来越小的环境下,商业银行只有设法识别和维系那些对银行利润贡献最大的客户,才能以有限的资源保持核心客户,大幅度提高企业的利润,做到资本价值最大化.  相似文献   

本文基于生存分析方法,以某商业银行一年内客户流失数据为研究样本,对筛选出的12个可能对客户流失产生重要影响的预测变量进行分析,结果表明:7个因素对银行客户流失有显著影响,其中每月平均存现、每月平均消费、最高存款余额、账户类型、每月平均交易、对促销反应与客户流失负相关,交易最大间隔与客户流失正相关,意味着客户主动进行的两笔交易时间间隔越长,客户的流失可能越大。银行应密切关注这些预测因素的变化,避免造成损失。银行可以应用Cox模型预测在未来某时点的客户流失情况,提前采取有效的应对措施。  相似文献   

《哈佛商业评论》中有一篇研究报告的数据被经常引用:客户保持率提高5%,会使公司利润增加25%至85%。通过进一步的研究发现,影响客户利润的关键指标除了客户保持率,还包括客户的可盈利性、客户的消费份额。客户的可盈利性表示该客户的消费是否能给企业带来利润,可盈利性越高,利润越高。  相似文献   

1、问:什么是“满金宝”交易? 答:“满金宝”交易是指客户按照与银行约定的币种和名义金额买入或沽空外币,在开盘交易被平盘后双方进行轧差清算。客户需存入一定金额的保证金才能做“满金宝”交易。客户可以利用汇兑差价等获取利润,同时承担相关风险。  相似文献   

王文硕  赵倩 《上海金融》2013,(3):101-105,119
本文突破国内商业银行细分目标市场惯用的客户基本财务变量,借鉴客户生命周期理论,按照客户年龄和行为特征进行多维度市场细分,将国内某商业银行的高端潜力客户先划分为三个年龄组,再根据客户三类交易行为数据:消费交易金额占比、存取款交易金额占比和投资交易金额占比,在各年龄组内再细分为三个异质群体.本文使用ANOVA方法对客户细分变量的特性进行了统计检验,应用描述性统计方法对这些子市场客户群体进行特征描述.本研究提出的多维度市场细分方法,能提升银行精确识别个人高端潜力客户的能力,有助于商业银行提出针对性的营销策略和做好营销资源配置,进一步降低银行营销服务成本,达到银行提升金融服务效率和增加经营利润的商业目标.  相似文献   

集团客户和关联企业实施统一授信是当前授信实践中的前沿课题。实施集团客户授信关键是防止“商业银行对集团客户多头授信、过度授信和不适当分配授信额度,或集团客户经营不善以及集团客户通过关联交易、资产重组等手段在内部关联方之间不按公允价格原则转移资产或利润等情况,导致商业银行不能按时收回由于授信产生的贷款本金及利息,或给商业银行带来其他损失的可能性”。  相似文献   

国际贸易涉及对外出口和对内进口双向交易流程,客户信用管理和收汇管理是国际贸易对外出口过程中非常重要的两项管理内容,关系到国际贸易企业能否强化内部管理,合理规避企业风险,促进企业健康良好的发展。本文探索企业在客户信用管理与收汇管理方面存在的不足,并思考提高企业客户信用管理和收汇管理的可行对策,对国际贸易企业及时规避风险、保证企业利润、维护企业健康发展具有重大意义。  相似文献   

控制集团客户授信风险的关键:识别关联企业和关联交易   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文通过调查商业银行集团客户授信业务,分析了引起集团客户授信风险增大的各种因素,指出商业银行控制集团客户授信风险的关键在于对关联企业和关联交易的识别和判断。本文给出了关联企业的识别原则、识别特征、识别方法,深入探讨了关联交易的类型、甄别关联交易的具体方法,旨在为商业银行有效控制集团客户授信风险提供帮助。  相似文献   

在金融业务竞争激烈、客户需求个性化、产品和服务差异越来越小的环境下,商业银行只有设法识别和维系那些对银行利润贡献最大的客户,才能以有限的资源保持核心客户,大幅度提高企业的利润,做到资本价值最火化。因此,构建基于信息化技术的商业银行中高端客户识别系统是提高银行核心竞争力的关键之一。  相似文献   

卞光浩  唐奎 《金融纵横》2007,(17):61-61
一、关联交易风险的防范对策(一)遵循"一个债务人原则",对集团客户实行统一授信。对关联企业客户的风险控制遵循"一个债务人原则",即将关联企业客户整体作为一个债务人进行管理,对企业集团客户进行统一授信,对不是集团客户但可以明显判断有关联关系的客户在风险控制上也要统一考虑。  相似文献   

Corporate greed has received increasing attention in recent years with various stories hitting the headlines, particularly after the global financial crisis and the ensuing negative attitudes toward banks. Customer satisfaction and corporate social responsibility are known to have a positive effect on corporate reputation among customers, but perceived corporate greed is likely to impede their effect. Corporate greed, customer satisfaction, corporate social responsibility and corporate reputation are considered, and a research model is proposed. Results indicate that the effect of corporate greed is stronger on corporate social responsibility than on customer satisfaction, implying that corporate social responsibility activities may be futile if the company is perceived to be acting greedily by its customers. Thus, perceptions of corporate greed need to be dealt with swiftly, to enable management to enhance the corporate reputation of the firm.  相似文献   

Most previous studies have focused on customer retention and have ignored the importance of customers’ cross-buying behaviour. Customer retention seems to be the result of a kind of repetitive decision by the customers, but their decision to cross-buy involves a more complicated process. In this study, the authors examine the effects of locational convenience, one-stop shopping convenience, firm reputation, firm expertise, and direct mailings on both customer retention and cross-buying. The mediating roles of satisfaction and trust in the relationships between service attributes, customer retention, and cross-buying are also examined. The results indicate that banks can use different service attributes to influence customer retention and cross-buying. Trust and satisfaction play different mediating roles in the relationships between service attributes, customer retention, and cross-buying.  相似文献   

Customer behavior is managed by customer satisfaction in two dimensions: Insurer can profit by a higher customer loyalty und in addition, by a sensitive price behavior of customers. The findings of moderating effects are mean considered and thus, customer satisfaction is a too strong indicator of economic success in established concepts. To mange an insurance company effective, it is a good advice to implement a model that is specific for each company. This model should respect the heterogeneous factors of influence due to customer satisfaction by multidimensional instruments. Hence, insurer may identify drivers of service and work with analysis of correlations to describe the coherence between customer satisfaction and economic success exactly. The alignment for customer satisfaction is worth for traditional insurance companies, but only, if customer satisfaction is understood as an economic valued management that is culturally based in the firm. Manager should account for this suggestion to follow a sustainable story in a saturated competitive environment.  相似文献   

商业银行客户服务与金融创新   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
商业银行的客户服务目前已经成为社会关注的焦点.改善并不断提高服务质量是商业银行的基本职责和保持长期盈利的需要.客户服务是产品功能通过业务流程来实现的,功能的适用性和流程的便捷性是客户服务质量的两个最基本特征.本文在分析了商业银行在客户服务方面所存在的问题及其原因的基础上,指出在观念、产品、流程和组织等方面进行金融创新,从而提高服务供给能力是改善商业银行客户服务的根本出路.服务改善是一项具备基础性、全局性、长期性和艰巨性的任务,商业银行经营活动中没有任何其他事务比客户服务的改善更为困难、所需时间更为长久,从而也更需要资源的投入.  相似文献   

客户细分模型是指选择一定的细分变量,按照一定的划分标准对客户进行分类的方法.客户细分的目的是为了更好地了解客户并提供个性化服务.本文使用的样本数据为银行卡消费数据,选择消费金额和消费金额差异率为细分维度,建立了银行卡持卡消费客户细分模型.  相似文献   

Cooperation between workers can be of substantial value to a firm, yet its level often varies substantially between firms. We show that these differences can unfold in a competitive labor market if workers have heterogeneous social preferences and preferences are private information. In our model, workers differ in their willingness to cooperate voluntarily. We show that there always exists a separating equilibrium in which workers self‐select into firms that differ in their monetary incentives as well as their level of worker cooperation. Our model highlights the role of sorting and worker heterogeneity in the emergence of heterogeneous corporate cultures. It also provides a new explanation for the coexistence of nonprofit and for‐profit firms.

国有商业银行客户经理绩效管理机制的构建   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
朱子云 《金融论坛》2004,(12):29-33,57
客户经理是商业银行最小而最重要的经营单位和价值创造主体.当前客户经理绩效管理存在着管理空间断层、考核体系不合理、与利益分配联动度不高及内部机构设置耗散客户经理工作效率等问题.据此,本文作者提出了改进客户经理绩效管理机制的基本思路,即以突出贡献,统一考核,定量分配为基本思路,优化客户经理绩效考核机制,并建立相关配套制度.同时,就客户经理绩效目标的确立、大型客户的绩效在有关人员之间的分割、潜在绩效的考核分配、人力费用资源紧缺矛盾制约客户经理报酬兑现等问题提出了解决方略.  相似文献   

客户型文化是市场经济环境下企业重要的文化维度,是企业内部控制环境的组成部分,促使企业和客户之间的隐性契约得到较好地履行,有利于合作创新的开展.文章对客户型文化促进企业创新进行理论分析,并以2010-2017年A股制造业上市公司作为样本,实证检验了企业客户型文化对创新绩效的影响以及其中的中介路径.研究结果表明:(1)企业客户型文化对企业专利申请数有明显的促进作用;(2)降低大客户的波动性、增加客户的异质性和缓解企业的融资约束是客户型文化促进企业创新的中介路径.  相似文献   

企业经营的重点正在"从销售额向利润,再进一步向价值"的方向转变。对于价值(value),人们更加重视企业价值以及股东价值之外的顾客价值。顾客价值的创造经营(Custom er Value Added M anage-m ent:CVAM)催生了管理会计的两大工具,即成本企画与作业成本管理。  相似文献   

Today's business professional should consider three dimensions, or success drivers, when devising marketing programmes: profitability, profit potential and likelihood for retention — the ’marketing cube‘. Simply said, the margins on customers who fall into the ’right customer‘ group, as defined by this framework, are too great to ignore. Profit, widely confused with lifetime value, is a fact based on previous behaviour — and many financial service organisations are now calculating revenue minus costs for each customer to determine profit. Profit potential is an estimate of one individual customer's contribution to a company's bottom line. It emerges from a model. The modelled profit less actual is referred to as ’profit opportunity‘.Retention is the third component of the framework, and here there are ways to predict the loss of revenue from customers and implement preventive measures, before this loss even happens. A matrix of these three dimensions can help any financial service marketer build a next most logical product model and business rules that govern a successful customer relationship management (CRM) programme.  相似文献   

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