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基于现金流的蒙特卡洛模拟方法,提出了一个制造业企业信贷风险压力测试的分析方法和框架。通过财务指标的计算,经营活动净现金流可以通过存货、应收账款、应付账款、产品价格、产品销量、生产成本以及周转率等会计科目进行表示,而企业经营活动净现金流是否为负可以作为判定制造业企业违约的标准。然后,在情景假设和随机变量估计的基础上,可以通过蒙特卡洛模拟计算违约概率。同时,利用企业的经营和财务数据进行了模拟测试。在金融机构的风险管理应用中,可以根据测试企业的具体情况对变量进行合理的设定,进而将研究提出的分析框架应用到不同的企业。  相似文献   

丁钰 《中国外资》2011,(24):131+133-131,133
随着近几年通货膨胀压力的不断增大,央行采取连续的提升利率举措后,引起了人们对房地产市场的极大关注。本文以利率上升与房地产的关系为出发点,从房地产投资、房价、房贷等方面,深入分析了利率上升对房地产直接影响与间接影响。  相似文献   

在地方政府债务高企的背景下,房价调控能否使资本流向非房地产部门?房价调控如果触发地方政府债务违约,宏观政策应如何应对?本文基于中国宏观经济的特征事实,引入地方政府的土地财政行为,将房价变动与地方政府的偿债能力联系起来。研究表明,由于地方政府依赖土地出让和土地抵押贷款筹集收入,房价管控导致的地价下降会带来地方政府收入的下降,直接影响地方政府的偿债能力。如果地方政府债务不出现违约,那么房价管控带来的地价下降会降低地方政府从金融部门获得的抵押融资额,使非基建部门的融资成本下降,非基建部门投资和产出上升。而如果调控房价带来的地价下降导致地方政府出现债务违约,金融部门资产受损,使金融中介减少贷款和提高贷款成本,带来整个社会的信贷紧缩,经济中各个部门的产出大幅下降。进一步的政策分析表明,有必要在避免地方政府债务违约的同时,使用财政资金补充银行资本金等多种方式稳定金融中介的资产负债表,从而将房价调控对经济的负面影响程度降到最低。  相似文献   

次贷危机之后,各国商业银行开始采用压力测试来进行风险管理。本文利用压力测试方法研究湖北地区商业银行对基础设施行业贷款的经济资本管理,测试结果发现如果湖北地区经济增长率和财政收入下降,则会导致贷款违约概率及经济资本上升,银行贷款质量下降。这就启示商业银行应该采取措施来应对潜在的风险。  相似文献   

韩豪 《时代金融》2015,(5):276+283
本文主要分析房价变动和利率变动之间的互动关系。在目前利率形成机制市场化的大趋势下,金融公共政策制定者不得不把房地产这个庞然大物当作一个重要变量去考量,房价涨跌包裹了利率变动,既能以自身涨跌去影响实际利率,也能被实际利率所影响。  相似文献   

本文主要分析房价变动和利率变动之间的互动关系。在目前利率形成机制市场化的大趋势下,金融公共政策制定者不得不把房地产这个庞然大物当作一个重要变量去考量,房价涨跌包裹了利率变动,既能以自身涨跌去影响实际利率,也能被实际利率所影响。  相似文献   

本文利用中、关、日三国的经验说明低利率是房价快速上涨的重要原因。在收入增加和城市化加速的背景下,房价较快上升有合理成分,但是名义利率偏低且调整滞后,通货膨胀率上涨且波动很大,导致真实利率偏低,催生投资性购房需求,是房价上升的重要推力。美国次贷危机和日本房地产泡沫的经验,清晰表明了低利率是推高房价的首要因素,而且房地产泡沫的破灭对宏观经济破坏作用巨大。房地产市场的调控,应该针对投资性购房需求。  相似文献   

2008年国际金融危机后,我国M2供给增幅远高于CPI上涨幅度,这一现象被学界称为“货币失踪之谜”。本文构建了一个两部门新凯恩斯货币模型来研究这一问题。当外部需求下降后,央行降低利率以提振经济,房地产部门和非房地产部门同时扩张。由于住房属于耐用消费品,具有一定的金融属性,其需求对利率变化更敏感。利率下降后,住房需求相对普通消费品需求上升更多。因为存在土地市场分割,商住用地供给弹性较小,住房需求上升导致商住用地价格上升较多,地价上涨提升了房地产企业的抵押融资能力,房地产部门进一步扩张。普通消费品需求对利率反应小,需求较弱导致工业用地价格上升幅度较小,非房地产部门抵押融资能力小幅提升。因此,非房地产部门产出和CPI只温和扩张。Ramsey最优货币政策模拟表明,只有实现了房地产部门与非房地产部门均衡发展,才能实现社会福利最大化。  相似文献   

本文围绕产业链企业信用风险度量问题展开研究,以中国重汽产业链中的上市公司为样本,在利用样本公司资本市场公开数据基础上,采用KMV模型预估所选公司违约概率,并进一步借助时间序列分析方法,探讨产业链条上样本公司违约概率的变动关系。结果表明,产业链条上企业的违约概率并不一定随国家宏观经济走弱而上升;相比链条其他企业,核心企业违约概率未必是最低的;核心企业违约概率的变化与链条其他企业违约概率的变化并不存在因果关系,非核心企业间违约概率变化却存在传导可能性。从近三年时间的计算数据来看,产业链上企业的违约概率之间并不存在稳定的均衡关系。  相似文献   

赫璐  郭祎达 《中国外资》2009,(16):46-47
从2004年10月29日到2008年12月23日重年的时间里,央行共12次调整存款基准利率,14次调整贷款基准利率。通过房地产市场的供给、需求;及房价层面的研究,来析利率变动对房地产市场的影响。从中国历次利率调整对房地产市场影响的研究来分析利率变动对房地产市场的影响机理,并希望能得出相应的规律性来调控房地产市场,实现中国房地产市场平稳、快速、健康地发展。  相似文献   

再售期权、货币幻觉与商品住宅价格泡沫   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
再售期权和货币幻觉两个因素分别从投资者对未来现金流分布的信念差异和对贴现率估计偏差的角度解释房地产价格泡沫的形成和膨胀。本文以上海商品住宅市场为例,运用动态剩余价值模型从租金房价比角度测度上海房价泡沫水平,并检验再售期权和货币幻觉对上海房价泡沫的解释作用。经验分析发现,上海商品住宅市场存在再售期权和货币幻觉效应,其中货币幻觉效应对房价泡沫影响具有不对称性但解释作用更强,建议应重点关注高通胀和实际负利率对房价泡沫的影响。  相似文献   

The effect of real rates of interest on housing prices   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
During the late 1970s, U.S. house prices were appreciating rapidly even though mortgage interest rates were climbing. Recently, interest rates have eased but prices have moderated. This study examines the role of appreciation expectations in overcoming the negative effects of nominal mortgage interest rates on house prices. Expectations of future appreciation are important determinants of house sales prices, remaining influential during periods of declining and moderating real prices, not just when prices are rising. The real rate of interest, as viewed by the homebuyer, is the mechanism for affecting change in housing price levels. Because the nominal interest rate is slow to reflect changes in expectations, these real rates vary over time. This ebb and flow of real interest rates appears to explain market price levels. Nominal rates play a role as well, primarily in the formation of appreciation expectations.  相似文献   

This paper develops a model to rationally price fixed-rate mortgages, using the arbitrage principles of option pricing theory. The paper incorporates amortization, prepayment and default in valuing the mortgage. Having completely specified the model, numerical procedures value the different features of the mortgage contract under a variety of economic conditions. The necessity of having both the interest rate and the house price as explanatory variables, due to the interaction of default and prepayment, is demonstrated. The numerical solutions presented center around mortgage pricing at origination. Thus, variations in the equilibrium contract rate are examined for differing economic conditions and changes in the contract. Finally, by presenting a complete model, the paper yields insights for the existence of common institutional practices.  相似文献   

In this paper, we solve a dynamic model of households' mortgage decisions incorporating labor income, house price, inflation, and interest rate risk. Using a zero‐profit condition for mortgage lenders, we solve for equilibrium mortgage rates given borrower characteristics and optimal decisions. The model quantifies the effects of adjustable versus fixed mortgage rates, loan‐to‐value ratios, and mortgage affordability measures on mortgage premia and default. Mortgage selection by heterogeneous borrowers helps explain the higher default rates on adjustable‐rate mortgages during the recent U.S. housing downturn, and the variation in mortgage premia with the level of interest rates.  相似文献   

We study a structural model that allows us to examine how credit spreads are affected by the interaction of macroeconomic conditions and firm characteristics. Unlike most other structural models, our model explicitly incorporates equilibrium macroeconomic dynamics and models a firm's cash flow as primitive processes. Corporate securities are priced as contingent claims written on cash flows. Default occurs when the firm's cash flow cannot cover the interest payments and the recovery rate is dependent on the economic condition at default. Our model produces the following predictions: (i) credit spread is mostly negatively correlated with interest rate; (ii) credit spread yield curves are upward sloping for low-grade bonds; (iii) firm characteristics have significant effects on credit spreads and these effects also vary with economic conditions. These predictions are consistent with the available empirical evidence and generate implications for further empirical investigation.  相似文献   

We define a new approach to manage prepayment, default and interest rate risks simultaneously in some standard asset-backed securities structures. We propose a parsimonious top-down approach, by modeling directly the portfolio loss process and the amortization process. Both are correlated to interest rates. The methodology is specified for sequential- and pro-rata pay bonds (ABS, CMO, CDO of ABS), cash or synthetic. We prove analytical formulas to price all tranches, under and without the simplifying assumption that amortization occurs in the most senior tranche only. The model behavior is illustrated through the empirical analysis of an actual synthetic ABS trade.  相似文献   

谢德仁  刘劲松 《金融研究》2022,510(12):168-186
本文基于我国A股上市公司数据,研究了企业自由现金流量创造力与违约风险之间的关系。研究发现:(1)企业自由现金流量创造力越强,其违约风险越低。经过一系列稳健性检验后,该结论依旧成立。(2)自由现金流量创造力越强的企业往往有更低的债务规模、更高的资产收益率和更低的股票波动,因而其违约风险更低。(3)自由现金流量创造力与违约风险的负相关关系,主要存在于货币政策紧缩时期以及外部信息环境较差的企业。本文发现意味着,监管部门和投资者应重视上市公司自由现金流量创造力不足所带来的潜在债务违约风险,通过不断提高公司自由现金流量创造力,助力我国宏观经济与微观企业高质量发展。  相似文献   

传统的久期模型实现风险免疫的前提条件是利率变动幅度非常小。当利率变化较大幅度时,久期匹配不足以实现良好免疫,此时凸性对价格变动有正的影响。此外,传统的久期和凸性分析都没有考虑违约风险的存在,这将导致免疫失败。现代金融机构的宏观套期保值必须在考虑违约风险的基础上将久期和凸性分析加以结合,以实现良好的免疫。  相似文献   

This study presents a simulation-based model of convertible bond prices under the assumption of stochastic interest rates. The model is developed such that the convertible bond price explicitly depends on the credit rating at the time of issuance. Key ideas explored in this study include terminating the simulated sample path immediately when the issuer defaults on the bond at time t, which is the same as the investor and the issuer optimally exercising their options and discounting the resulting cash flows at a risk-free rate. In turn, the defaulted group of sample paths belongs to the bottom xth percentile of the realized stock prices at each time, which is exogenously given by the cumulative or marginal default probability of a firm that has the same rating as the issuer. Upon calibrating the model, we can see that the moneyness of convertible bonds is strongly responsible for influencing the convertible bond price when the rating changes. Furthermore, the effects of stochastic interest rates are shown to be possibly significant when the interest rate risk’s market price is not zero.  相似文献   

This paper uses a real options approach to analyse the exercise of the default option embedded in mortgages. In particular, it examines a subprime household who borrows at a premium, but hopes to refinance at prime rates if their house appreciates. We show how these optimal default decisions can be used to calculate probabilities of default – an important input for risk management and pricing purposes. Numerical examples are provided, calibrated to US data. In a low interest rate environment, the credit-upgrade potential may discourage subprime borrowers from defaulting. However, default probabilities are highly sensitive to changes in interest rates and house prices. This provides a rational explanation for the prevalence of adjustable rate mortgages among subprime borrowers, and the subsequent large numbers of defaults, when interest rates rose and house prices declined.  相似文献   

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