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我国税收遵从影响因素的实证分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
通过对国内外有关税收遵从研究进行总结和评述,明确了税收遵从研究的范围、思路;基于税收遵从影响因素的理论假设,实证分析了税制、税率、信息非对称、税收征管及人们公平感觉等因素对税收遵从的影响。从我国税收遵从的现状出发,结合税收征管实践,得出影响我国税收不遵从的主要因素和税收流失规模,提出提高我国税收遵从度的对策。  相似文献   

税收遵从决策是纳税人行为选择的一个复杂过程,其中起作用的因素很多,除了经济因素,还包括非经济因素。按照经典的逃税模型——A-S模型①所揭示的主要因素是稽查概率和罚款率,除此之外影响纳税人遵从决策的因素还包括:税收遵从成本、税制、纳税人个体特征、对政府的满意程度以及税收文化等。  相似文献   

纳税遵从是一个国家税收征纳关系是否和谐的重要标志,关系着税收法治的进程和税收征管的质量及效率。纳税人遵从税法意识的形成,要受到政治、经济、心理、习惯、环境等诸多因素的影响。本文以纳税人、征税人、用税人等“人”的因素为主线,研究了物质利益诱导、税收行政执法和政府行为对纳税遵从意识的影响,并相应提出了提升纳税遵从意识的对策建议。  相似文献   

税收遵从成本影响因素及在我国的适用性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国内外研究文献将税收遵从成本高的原因归结于税法、税制、税收征管、税务代理、税务腐败、纳税人自身特征和纳税素质等因素。这些因素对税收遵从成本的影响机理各不相同,而且由于国情不同,各因素在各国的影响程度也不相同。本文论述了各因素对税收遵从成本的影响特征,并分析其在我国的适用性,为降低税收遵从成本的对策研究提供参考。  相似文献   

税收遵从影响因素的实验分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
税收不遵从问题是各国政府面临的一大难题,各国政府都力图从那些影响纳税人遵从决策的因素中找到有效的方法来提高税收遵从水平.运用实验的方法对纳税人税收遵从的主要影响因素进行分析表明:较高的税收检查概率、罚款率,纳税人从政府获得较多的公共物品以及较低的"不存在第三方报告的收入"的比重,会导致纳税人税收遵从率较高;纳税人感到自已是不公平的受害者,税收遵从率较低;税率、纳税人收入水平及性别对税收遵从的影响是不确定的.应从树立现代税收意识、加强税收检查、提高税收执法质量等方面提高我国纳税人税收遵从水平.  相似文献   

经济心理学认为人的态度影响其行为,纳税人的风险偏好是对遵从行为影响最为复杂的情形之一。本文以预期效用理论为基础,通过问卷调查方式获取研究数据,采用因子分析法进行信度检验并得出纳税遵从风险偏好的指数值,通过建立OLS回归模型,实证研究结果表明纳税遵从风险偏好与性别、年龄、收入等人口经济特征存在显著相关性。  相似文献   

本文基于心理学和行为经济学理论,考察了个人所得税征管信息凸显性对个人所得税纳税遵从的影响。研究发现,高度凸显的税收惩罚力度信息、社会纳税风尚信息和税收信用惩罚信息显著地提高了个人所得税纳税遵从度。此外,通过个人所得税征管信息凸显性与个人所得税纳税遵从关系的异质性分析发现,不同税收信息容量和信息处理能力的纳税人均显著地提高了纳税遵从度,这说明我国纳税人对个人所得税惩罚力度、社会纳税风尚和纳税信用惩罚信息的认知程度整体偏低。鉴于此,为了建立面向自然人的税收征管体系,税务部门可以改变宣传方式,提高税收征管信息的凸显性和纳税人认知水平。  相似文献   

数字经济催生出各种新兴经济业态和商业模式,使涉税事项具有交易隐秘性、业务模糊性、高度流动性及数据依赖性,进而对税收遵从产生一定影响。本文研究发现,数字经济时代的税收遵从仍在价值追求、制度框架、技术运用和国际协作四个层面面临诸多挑战。同时,随着数字经济的发展,税收遵从成本有效降低,纳税服务质量持续优化,税收管理效率逐步提升,税收遵从形态不断丰富,为我国税收遵从带来了新机遇。本文在梳理挑战与机遇的基础上,从明确税收遵从的价值追求、完善税收遵从的制度框架、优化税收遵从的技术运用和加强税收遵从的协同合作四个方面提出未来数字经济时代税收遵从的优化路径。  相似文献   

税收征管效率衡量的是税收征管投入与产出之间的关系.税收征管的投入是税收成本,衡量指标是税收成本收入率(包括征税成本收入率和纳税成本收入率);税收征管的产出是税收征管的有效性,即通过税收征管过程保证纳税义务人依法纳税目标实现的程度,其最终衡量指标是纳税遵从度或税收征收率,中间衡量指标包括税务登记率、纳税申报率、申报准确率和税款入库率.在纳税遵从度(税收征收率)一定的前提下,税收成本收入率越低,税收征管效率越高;或者在税收成本收入率一定的前提下,纳税遵从度(税收征收率)越高,税收征管效率也就越高.税收征管效率的评价指标是税收征管效率指数,税收征管效率的高低,主要受经济税源因素、税收制度因素和税收征管因素的影响.  相似文献   

李文 《税务研究》2022,(10):94-99
基于各种特征,个体会被归类于不同的社会群体,并进而产生不同的社会认同。社会认同主要通过两条途径影响个体意愿:一是引发群体间偏见;二是加剧个体对群体利益冲突的感知。在涉税领域可能被激活的主要社会认同包括“纳税人群体”认同、特征不同的纳税人子群体认同、国家认同。其中,国家认同有利于促进纳税人的税收遵从,而其他社会认同则可能对税收遵从具有不利影响。为了提高纳税人的税收遵从意愿,应努力激活有利于税收遵从的社会认同,尽量消减群体间对立,提高税收宣传的有效性。  相似文献   

Voluntary tax compliance is important for governments around the world as they try to manage budget deficits. Traditional methods to improve tax compliance, such as increased audits, can be costly to implement. The purpose of this study is to examine the influence that social factors have on individuals' tax compliance intentions. Results of a survey of 217 U.S. taxpayers found support for the influence of social factors on tax compliance. This research concludes that social norms influence compliance intentions indirectly through internalization as personal norms. Specifically, as the strength of social norms in favor of tax compliance increases, personal norms of tax compliance also increase, and this leads to a subsequent increase in compliance intentions. We also conclude that trust in government has a significant influence on both perceived fairness of the tax system and compliance decisions. This study adds to current tax research in two important ways. First, the results suggest that the influence of social norms on tax compliance is largely through internalization as personal norms. Second, to the best of our knowledge this is also the first tax compliance study in which perception of fairness is modeled as a function of trust rather than vice-versa. This research may help taxing authorities develop less costly and more effective strategies for increasing taxpayer compliance.  相似文献   

Tax compliance has been studied by analyzing the individual decision of a representative person between planning and evading taxes. A neglected aspect of tax compliance is the impact of a social contract on tax morale. Such implicit contract between the individual and the state guaranteeing a high level of economic freedom, effective competition laws, an important equity market and high moral norms, is hypothesized to have a positive impact on tax compliance. In this paper, empirical evidence based on data from 30 countries indicate that tax compliance internationally is positively related to the level of economic freedom, the level of importance of the equity market and the effectiveness of competition laws and high moral norms.  相似文献   

税收作为政府公共收入的主要形式,在大多数国家都实行了纵向的税权划分。通过比较美、德、法、韩、印等不同经济发展水平国家的税收分权体制,可以看出,不同经济发展水平国家都不存在绝对的税收集权或者税收分权,都是以经济效率的提高弥补制度效率的负面影响为前提,以保证社会分配的公平而中性,以建立高质量的政府部门为目标。政府间税收分权体现了中央与地方在税收权力划分上的合作博弈,形成了基于税权划分而导致的对利益导向和控制导向的路径依赖。  相似文献   

我国宏观税收负担走势分析与政策选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从大的方面看,世界各国宏观税负水平的差异主要表现为发达国家和发展中国家的税负差异,造成这些差异的主要原因包括经济发展水平、社会保障制度和税收征管水平、税收制度以及优惠政策等。通过对我国目前宏观税负水平的判断,应该在推进税费改革、实现增值税转型、规范企业所得税优惠等方面有所改进。  相似文献   

统一企业所得税法的重大意义及其影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
丛明 《涉外税务》2007,227(5):9-12
本文主要分析了内外资企业所得税制统一的意义、内容及影响。认为这是我国税制改革的一项重大举措,也是宏观经济政策的一项重大调整,必将对我国国民经济和社会发展产生重要而深远的影响。  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to examine the factors behind the adoption of a tax-compliant accounting system among small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) using the technological–organizational–environmental (TOE) framework, particularly the role of tax compliance costs in fostering the adoption of this system. This study makes a novel contribution by attempting to link the influence of tax compliance costs to the information technology (IT) adoption literature. Questionnaires were distributed to 401 SMEs, and data were analyzed using partial least squares. The results suggest that the TOE framework is useful for examining factors that affect SMEs' IT adoption decisions; the influence of perceived compatibility, complexity, relative advantage, and mimetic and regulatory pressure is important for the adoption of a value-added tax (VAT)-compliant accounting system. Moreover, the impact of compatibility, learning from external sources, and perceived coercive pressure on the adoption of a VAT-compliant accounting system is moderated by tax compliance cost.  相似文献   

本文是对增值税理论研究和实证分析的一个全面综述。当前的增值税转型等税制改革将对我国宏观经济的各个方面产生重要影响,因此为增值税建立一个全面的经济学分析框架就具有非常重要的意义。本文从税收负担、税收收入、储蓄和投资、通货膨胀、社会福利、出口贸易和国际税收竞争等各个方面分析了增值税的经济影响,并且重点回顾了使用可计算一般均衡模型来模拟增值税改革的各类实证研究。  相似文献   

Tax compliance denotes the act of reporting and paying taxes in accordance with the tax laws. Current social science scholarship on tax compliance can almost entirely be divided into behavioural psychology analyses and critical tax studies. This article, which presents two cases of how tax compliance is constructed, challenges the explanatory reaches of today's social science approaches, arguing that an alternative approach to understanding tax compliance is worthwhile exploring. This other choice of approach, inspired by actor–network theory (ANT), adopts a more practice-oriented focus that studies tax compliance where it takes place as well as what it is made of. Consequently, this article argues that tax compliance is a socio-material assemblage and that complying is a distributed action. The article concludes by highlighting how an ANT approach contributes to the further theoretical development of social science studies of taxation.  相似文献   

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