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结构化产品是一种新型的理财产品,主要由固定收益的债券和金融衍生品结合而成。根据保本与否,可以将结构化理财产品分为保本型结构化产品和不保本型结构化理财产品。结构化产品的挂钩标的主要包括:汇率、利率、股票、商品。由于不同投资者对投资风险的接受能力不同,针对风险厌恶者的投资者,笔者设计了一款风险相对小、收益相对稳定的保本型结构化产品,该保本型的结构化产品的挂钩标的是欧元/美元汇率。  相似文献   

排行榜说明本排行榜上榜产品均为当月所发行同类产品中在风险、收益等方面具有明显优势的产品。本栏目不构成任何投资建议,投资者操作产生的任何风险由投资者自负。关于产品分类1.保本保收益类:主要是投资于银行间市场、交易所以及其他金融市场固定品种的货币类产品,一般风险与收益较低。2.保本浮动收益类:产品资金主要投资于风险较小的货币、债券等金融市场,其余资金投向具有较高风险的资产。3.非保本浮动收益类:一般包括结构化产品,即运用金融工程技术,将固定收益产品与金融衍生产品组合形成的金融产品,挂钩标的市场(如期货、股票等)表现,通常设定处罚条件来确定投资者的最终收益;也包括证券投资类产品等,风险相对较高。  相似文献   

结构化产品是将基础金融资产与期权类衍生品相结合的一类金融创新产品,其核心技术为通过期权对产品的收益风险结构进行重组,并对不同结构下的收益进行差异化定价和风险对冲,是目前金融工程运用的主要方向之一。发行结构化产品本质上属于中低风险的资本中介业务,发行者不以判断市场未来走向为盈利手段,而是运用期权对产品风险进行精准化对冲,实现市场中性,获取产品定价与对冲费用之间的差额收益。因此发行结构化产品的核心竞争力在于产品的定价和风险对冲。本研究从产品发行者的视角出发,运用BS模型下的delta动态对冲策略对结构化产品的设计、定价和风险对冲进行全面分析,并结合历史数据对目前市场中两类主流的结构化产品构建模式(价差期权模式和障碍期权模式)的对冲成本、资金占用率、产品预期收益率、最大回撤等指标进行实证测算,从而得出能为产品发行者带来相对稳定盈利空间的结构化产品执行方案,为结构化产品管理人设计和发行相应产品提供理论依据和实证支持。  相似文献   

陈伙铸 《证券导刊》2012,(28):36-36
2012年上半年,A股延续低迷状态,结构化私募产品平均收益率为4.39%,跑赢非结构化私募产品1.96%,略微跑输大盘0.55%,业绩分化严重,首尾相差64.47%。其中,“中泰信托·汇添富专户理财投资1号”以45.28%的收益率夺取半年度冠军,定向增发产品再度大发神威,数君投资旗下5只产品杀入前20名。  相似文献   

在全球经济金融一体化的大环境下,随着我国金融体系的日益健全与完善、市场参与者投资意识和风险规避意识的逐渐加强,结构化金融产品越来越成为一项重要的投资工具。然而,我国结构化金融产品起步较晚,当前,还存在市场发行机构单一,产品种类贫乏,产品定价不合理,与原有储蓄产品形成竞争关系等诸多问题亟待解决。推动我国结构化金融产品市场的发展,应统一监管标准,完善相关法律,要建立多层次的金融衍生产品市场,注重选择合适的产品类型并积极培育专业人才。  相似文献   

朱旭辰 《金融博览》2014,(14):66-67
自第一只分级基金瑞福进取(150001)诞生以来,市场上已有多只分级基金产品供投资者选择.目前来看,市场上所有的分级基金均是收益分配型的结构化产品,即其中一种是低风险份额(即A份额),获得约定收益;一种是高风险份额(B份额),其以约定的利率向A类份额融资,并获得杠杆份额.  相似文献   

股市自2010年以来持续低迷,私募基金发行困难。债券市场在2011年年底凸显难得的投资机会,一些经验丰富的债券投资经理在债券市场下跌之后成立私募公司发行分级债券私募基金产品,有的结构化产品劣后投资者取得了非常高的收益。展望未来,或许债券市场的投资收益会趋于理性化,但是结构化的债券型私募产品很有可能依旧是资产配置中比较好的品种。  相似文献   

企业在生产经营过程中,伴随产生的资金流动、资产购置、收益分配等财务活动潜在风险,譬如筹资风险、投资风险、资金回收风险、收益分配风险等,如果企业在进行财务管理和处理财务关系的过程中,没有正确处理财务风险,将会造成收益偏离等经济损失。本文将结合企业实际运营情况,对企业财务风险进行识别,并制定相应的化解方法。  相似文献   

过去十年中,由于结构化金融模式的广泛应用,发达国家金融市场的层次日趋丰富,各层次金融产品之间的关系也变得错综复杂.本文结合美国次级抵押贷款市场近十年来的演变,对结构化金融模式的特征、理论基础以及潜在风险进行了深入分析.本文认为,如果缺乏有效的监管约束,结构化金融模式的内在缺陷不利于金融系统的长期稳定.  相似文献   

信用债结构化发行扭曲债券市场定价机制、助推信用下沉,加大了金融系统风险。信用债结构化发行的根源有信用分层下弱资质企业合规发行困难、高收益债券市场尚未发展起来、市场激励机制存在漏洞以及监管协调性有待提高等。解决信用债结构化发行问题应该在强化关联方认购披露、鼓励发展高收益债券市场、完善市场考核和自律机制、提高监管协调性等方面发力。  相似文献   

This paper is the first to measure individual investors’ realized risk-adjusted performance in structured financial products, which represent one of the key financial innovations in recent times. Based on a large database of trades and portfolio holdings for 10,652 retail investors in discount and bonus certificates and common stocks, we find that (1) investors typically realize negative alphas in structured financial products, even when transaction costs are ignored. (2) Their underperformance increases with product complexity, which results from the higher implicit price premiums charged by the issuing banks for the more complex products and from the investors’ poor selection of products that have complex payoff specifications. (3) Investors also make poor choices when selecting the underlying assets for their structured product investments. This is merely a reflection of the poor stock selection abilities which also leads to a significant underperformance for their equity portfolios. (4) Certificate and stock investors are prone to the disposition effect. Overall, these findings suggest that retail investors may require some form of protection to avoid incurring these losses.  相似文献   

We analyze the investment behavior of private clients with regard to retail structured products. To ascertain their stated and revealed preferences, we use a questionnaire and a field experiment. The real product issued in the field experiment is comparable to the hypothetical product in the questionnaire in terms of both payoff and communication. We find that a product described in simple words strongly motivates people to invest in structured products for the first time, and also eliminates gender differences. However, the real product attracts far fewer first-time buyers than we expected from the questionnaire results.  相似文献   

I investigate whether firms that issue equity, in public offerings or private placements, have improved on liquidity in the secondary market. Transaction costs, price impacts, and trading activity are examined. Results show that public offering stocks become considerably more liquid in all three dimensions. For private placement stocks, there is some evidence that trading volume increases, but effective spread and temporary price impact decline less than market‐wide changes. Furthermore, I study the behaviors of participants in the newly issued equity market. Analyses indicate that underwriters, analysts, and market makers all contribute to liquidity changes, but in different aspects.  相似文献   

The price discount on privately placed stock is large and can vary substantially among firms. While earlier studies attribute price discounts on privately placed stock to illiquidity and costs of gathering information, we offer a more complete explanation. We find that firms exhibiting higher overvaluation have significantly larger price discounts in private stock sales. We also find that higher levels of asymmetric information about the issuing firm and about the stock market environment at the time of the private placement cause more pronounced discounts in the offer price. Our analysis also shows that post-issue abnormal returns following private placements are higher when discounts are less pronounced.  相似文献   

Firms are increasingly resorting to private placements in recent years, yet there is no published study of emerging markets. There is a unique opportunity to study this behavior during a severe financial crisis, when firms resorted to private placements to recover financially distressed firms. Our analysis using data over fifteen years shows (a) a significant 2–3% positive share price reaction, affirming asymmetric information effect, (b) a significant volume activity, and (c) the price impact is different across a period of a major financial crisis. If the proceeds from placement are earmarked for investment, share price is negatively (positively) correlated during the crisis (non-crisis) periods. Our finding on regulation is inconsistent with prior reports in developed markets: this is explained by the stricter restrictions on trading of private issues in emerging market. These results provide modest new contributions to the literature on private placements.  相似文献   

Using data from private placement contracts, we analyze relationships between investors and issuers, and their impact on corporate governance and performance. Most investors have a relationship with the issuer pre-placement and many new relationships are formed through the placement agreement. New relationships are largely governance-related (board seats and/or 5% or greater blocks), but also include key business partnerships and/or employment arrangements. We have three main findings. First, new relationships drive the positive stock price response at announcement; placements lacking new relationships are non-events. Second, investors with relationship ties to the issuer are more likely to gain directorships as part of the placement. Third, new relationships are associated with stronger post-placement profitability and stock price performance. Overall, our findings are consistent with private placements creating value when they are associated with increased monitoring and strong governance.  相似文献   

We examine the stock price reaction to announcements of privately placed debt. The results suggest no effect for firms with a public debt rating and offsetting effects for firms without a public debt rating. If the private placement appears to reduce monitoring for a firm without a debt rating, it produces a significantly negative price response. However, if it appears to increase financial flexibility and bargaining power, it produces a positive reaction. Overall, the evidence suggests that private placements of debt are more similar to public bond issues than bank loans in terms of the price reaction at the announcement.  相似文献   

We explore the role of placement agents in equity private placements. Reputable agents are more likely to place shares of firms that have performed better and that have had frequent prior relationships with the agent. Controlling for self‐selection and endogeneity, firms using reputable agents offer smaller price discounts. However, issuers having frequent prior relationships with placement agents incur higher gross spreads. Although the results support the certification role of investment banks in private placements, they also shed light on the costs incurred by issuers that frequently rely on the same investment bank.  相似文献   

刘超 《济南金融》2014,(6):67-71
本文详细介绍了中国定向增发市场的发展历史,定义了定向增发市场的四种效应——年关效应、牛市效应、负债效应、政策效应,认为定向增发受市场环境、时间周期、经营状况和政策倾向等因素影响。通过研究这些效应的形成原因,提出了适度放宽发行底价、加强对高折价定向增发项目的监管等建设性意见。  相似文献   

本文考察了大股东控制下的上市公司定向增发折价及其价值影响,以探求定向增发是否是上市公司的控股大股东进行财富转移的一种工具。研究发现:大股东的机会主义行为动机是影响上市公司进行定向增发的重要因素,上市公司定向增发的折价水平和大股东认购比例共同决定了大股东是否从上市公司转移财富及其转移财富的多寡。本文结论对投资者投资决策,政府部门进一步完善定向增发监管政策有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

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